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Week 5 - the road to IMTX



  • I hear you Tim. I am a creature of habit. Once I start a bad one, it is though to break. The same is true for good ones though. Now that my sugar consumption is lower and I feel comfortable again I am going to try and stay away from the stuff. Making "long bike ride" excuses is a very slippery slope for me.
  • BOOM!  Good job, Mike.  Looks like there is another fishy in da haus.

    @Tim - Ya, now that the FT test is done I feel like I am part of the gang.  Right of passage for beginning OS and IM training.

    OK, separate question . . . .

    It looks like there are are only 3 IM plans - Beg., Int. and Adv. and they are all 20 weeks.  Now, if I officially start on Monday which is 16 weeks out, do I just jump in at that point?  And 12 week folks jump in at that point?  Since I haven't used an IM plan since 2011 I may be missing something here.

    Please advise,

  • I had that same question, I come off the Nov OS and then Swim Camp...and the week I would jump in is Test Week...I don't think it is the best approach to test again (after just doing week 14 tests)
  • @John, I had the same question when I started last Fall, and Coach R advised that, even though the IM plan is 20 weeks as written, he wanted to postpone dropping me into the IM plan until Week 9, at which point I do the final 12 weeks of the IM plan.  I'm in Week 5 of Get Faster, 3 more to go. 

    Coach P repeats the point in the Ironman Kickoff discussion in Wiki/Self-Coaching.  They want to keep training volume as low as possible for as long as possible, with IM-specific, volume training lasting 9-12 weeks max.

  • @JS X2 what Mike said.... common practice is the last 12 weeks of an IM plan.... but that can be varied a couple weeks either way.....
  • @ All - as Tim said, 12 week plan is the way.  Coach RnP have got it right pushing intensity through Get Faster up to week 12.  That intensity is part of the secret sauce.  Some of us have hacked the 12 week for various reasons but don't let that be a distraction by any means......

    @ Starky / Cronk -  as long as "Race Captain" does not imply fast, I would be happy to be the coordinator and support the team in that regard.  Sounds like big fun......

    @Mike - way to nail the swim - FAST!

    @Stark - That is what I call "Getting it DONE" with the FTP test!  Strong number superman.  Yes on using the 20 week plan and just jumping in 16 or 12 weeks out....

     I am hacking the Big Day and RR workouts by adding an endurance beer drinking session after each to prepare for the entire day......doesn't make any sense to be short sighted and only plan through to the finish line.......

    Today's Aqua/Bike Wind slog:

    Swim: http://www.strava.com/activities/110199877

    Bike: http://www.strava.com/activities/110199906 




  • @SS -- You have been voted "Race Captain" by me anyway for your leadership, motivation , support , and overall enthusiasm! --- Fast is a side affect and you sir are walking the walk! Keep us going and accountable and by doing so you will maximize your potential as well!

    IMTX was the best group I participated in last year and I believe its due to the fact its really the first IM of the season..... This year being a focus race should magnify that even more.

    I anticipate the IMTX threads to be the most active of all races this year and should pick up a lot 12 weeks out!
  • Shaughn Simmons - #1 Athletic Supporter!  

  • John not sure what you are asking.

    Regardless of when you start the Iron plan, just plug in the plan to end the day after Ironman Texas.          And then do it!

    Tomorrow the last long ride on the road bike.         Then all rides will be on the new tri bike through Texas.     Though will still be riding indoors for the foreseeable future. 

  • I came off the Oct OS and into 2 wks of swim camp. That's the first time I've been in the pool since doing IM Lake Tahoe in Sept. Felt rusty. Now on week 12 of 15 of the HIM plan (Oceanside 70.3 in March), before joining wk 9 of the IM plan leading me to TX. Did my 1,000 yd swim time trial this wk- 15:05. That will do it for now. It's nice knowing there will be other fishies keeping me company. image

    Am I the only girl from EN doing this race?!!!
  • 1hr on trainer w 2x15 then (in 61 degree weather!) 1hr run w 2x1z4 and 2x.5 z4. RUnning right off the bike sure feels great. Until it doesn't.
  • Well, like Stark, I was starting to doubt my 214 FTP (started with a dismal 181 on 11/17 after Quarq install, 190 on 12/1 after Quarq trx to new bike, 214 on 12/29 after a couple months of suffering. Instead of ruining a perfect morning ride along the beach with an FTP test (I test in 17 days), I rode by time, cadence and feel. Rode the 2x20 Z4s as Oly rides (could hold for an hour, then run). Actual numbers:

    1. 238NP, 22.8 mph
    2. 242 NP, 22.9 mph

    Did same blind feel test for the 3x2 VO2s:

    1. 302NP, 27.1 mph
    2. 288NP, 26.5 mph
    3. 291 NP, 26.7 mph

    I only added the mph for context b/c in 20 pretty strong years of leading out of the water, getting passed by everyone on two wheels, then re-passing almost all on then run, I've never seen anything near 23 (even in a sprint).
  • @Mike - with those numbers I was just wondering if there was a tire left on the back wheel at all after the test?

    @Jimmy - damn strong 2X1 Z4 off the bike!  That spells HURT! 

    @Linda - crazy fast swim time.  Between you, Tim and John, you'll be 40 miles ahead of me on the bike by the time I start biking!  Strong work!!

    Z2/Z3 run: http://www.strava.com/activities/110401561

    Some ABP work on trainer today: http://www.strava.com/activities/110495751

    Legs pretty tired today from Thurs/Fri back to back long run/long ride.....

    Happy Safe Superbowling all!

  • @Linda ... Welcome aboard... Not sure if your the only EN woman but I doubt it... IMTX thread will get hopping in a couple weeks so we should find out...

    @Mike R. Nice numbers and glad you validated them... mph is pertinent , after all thats how fast your moving down the road and I dont think you'll be getting passed nearly as much as in the past!

    @Shaughn... I hear ya on the tired legs.... I did 2 back to back hard bikes today and yesterday (which I never do) but had to because of a swim meet this week.... They were also the 2 hardest rides I have done in 7 weeks of OS and I'm feeling it! Looking forward to a longrun tomorrow and a swim only recovery Monday!
  • Im here!!! image Been a little silent in the forums as of late, but ready to get active and get the mojo flowing! Ive done 8 wks of NOS, 2 wks swim camp and then starting week 5 of GF plan. Will switch later to last 12 of IM plan. I have no fancy gadgets, or numbers to report. Sorry guys. I train by heart rate on the bike and pace on the run. I swim to survive. I am doing Texas for the challenge of training all winter inside and to prove to myself that I can do another IM. Im not really a numbers girl, more an "experience" type of racer. I train hard/smart and am very consistent. I do what the box says most days, and rest when I need to. My run is behind the 8 ball due to plantar issues, but those are almost all resolved and I hope to get more on track during the final 12 week build up. Looking forward to connecting with many of you and encouraging each other in the forums and on race day!!
  • Welcome, Annie. Glad the PF is coming around. Getting to the start healthy is the key. You're replacing the challenge of Moo (the brutal course itself - of course, I did it in 50 degrees of all-day sideways rain) with the challenge of TX (heat/humidity). When I was in the midwest, it took me a couple of unpleasant long runs to adjust to the soup once summer arrived. Everyone acclimates differently, but you should try to get to the race early or use it as an excuse to get to Miami or New Orleans in April or May. Of course, I know people who have tried to acclimate by turning up the thermostat to 85 and then running 3 hours on the treadmill (if I did that, I would first have to remove all sharp objects or other potential weapons from the house).
  • 90min on the trainer. finishing the 150min ride that is Rx'd in the GF plan for the weekend. So it was ABP and 6x1.5min all out 1.5min rest.
    Had that great experience where the front of m brain is yelling that I need to take a rest, even just a little one. Then the quiet, calm voice speaks up and says, "But what if you don't? What if you keep going?".
    Gonna be a good day.

    On a another note, my garmin seems to b fritzing again b/c it says that todays trainer ride was conducted at 35,000 ft. I don't even recall seeing a stewardess.
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