So I still owe my Vineman report. Sigh...crazy days here at the office. a 12:30 with just about perfect "execution" except that I could have gone harder on bike ~10-15 min and should have picked up run pace 6miles to finish not 3 (was right on 10:3 every mile up to the last few then 9:00 with a last 1/2 mile in 7ish. 9th AG 64th OA In the get faster now...and OMG the out door TT efforts have been MASIVE like holding 330+w for 2 or 3 x25min I was using 226 as ftp for Vineman. Tried my first sprint races with 2nd AGx2 (320+w ave/22+mph) Fun. Anyway....before I return Home to Tucson in a bit over 3 weeks I have wanted to do some more races.... I tried a 56mile simi RR today and used a conservative "new FTP" to set my watts goals. Terrible. Weather? lack of longer than 2hr rides since the 112 on 26July? Am I crazy to think I can have a god HIM in 2 weeks? (yes I still have the labral tear but hasn't bothered me on the sprints -even at a 1:40 swim pace......) Here is what I posted in the IMAZ group as the timing is close IF I still can get in a DEC A race: there I was.... A last minute thought to dovetail some of the new TT power I seem to have developed and carry the IM fitness into a HIM race in 2 weeks...yea I know no HIM training but hey I "should be ready right?" SO the plan was a simi RR. Go out EZ through all the turns and lights on post then do 56 miles steady then 2 miles CD-one big loop only a few legit hills -and no need to stage the car for a waterstop.... Looking at the last few rides (25" back to back intervals) suggests a FTP of 300 to 319 so .8 gives a range of about 240-270 for a <5 hr HIM ride. <br /> No aero race getup and opted no cooling sleeves etc. 3 bottles mixed sports drink (Id use race supplied anyway)..... got outside and OMG. 93% humidity and 88degrees I was dripping before I got to parking lot. Grabbed a small Gatorade and stuffed it in back pocket as insurance. Oh and that breeze feels stronger than the 6-8mph the weather report shows. 2 caffeinated jells. Miserable. 20.6mph at ave 226w AVE, 56mls 2:42 [ride actual 66mls] (Goal was 240-270 remember) brutal. Never seen power fall off like this. after every light stop Id start out at goal watts then over about 10-15 min power would progressively fall to 200 at same RPE. During ride I felt like I was in peanut butter RPE was as if I was doing Z4+ TT (360 w). Wrong turns sent me down crappy back roads that shake PWR MTR and cause drop offs and had some short steep (8%) un planned -slow climbs -that surely jacked the #s some as well......sheeeesh. So much for a RR I have no idea what to do with these numbers or chuck the whole race idea as a lack of preparedness issue. ( I have been having some pre-ride GI issues but didn't think I as dehydrated). Oh and I did race the sprint hard on SAT but did nothing SUN ?recovery? And the race in question is the Rev3 Poconos BTW
Oh and HR was 156AVE My TT and sprints have been 170s (crazy high for me) but cool for the 12-13 miles in a Sprint- I used to believe 165 was my max! -and it felt so today. Again weather? And if so, can I trust that the PWR goals where good but I just needed to adjust down to survive todays ride? Trying not to self diagnose too much here
Your fitness is good, you can't deny several weeks of workouts. And a 2:42 ride no aero when dehydrated and getting lost is actually pretty good. Remember you aren't racing for a .8, rather .8 is a guide to get you the bike sit that sets up your run.
To that end I'd argue you were 3 bottles short of proper fluids given the heat (but a sweat test could help you nail that down -- see the wiki) and at least two more gels. You can't ride the good bike without the fuel...regardless of how strong the engine is.
So my advice is to obsess about the things you can control - the course and how you'll ride it, the fluids, the food, the right gearing...and how you will do the same for the run.
Thanx coach. I "knew" I wasn't drinking enough when even after getting home i hadn't peed. My IM I was at 2 bottles/HR and peed at least 4 times-then packed myself in ice during run= great run. I think my head wasn't in right place at start of ride...was procrastinating till way late in day and foul mood at start as well-not good way to start long/hard ride.
Just fustrated about not getting to do the DC "Nations Race" and knowing once home I'm likely to have to drop to "part time hobby" status in this sport.
May even have to drop out of EN in coming year-SAUs are very expensive at my house
Whaaa -I know. I'll get over it and still put in the Kona lottery -If I get it THEN I'll be able to validate the time/expence of IM racing (and EN membership) at home.
David -- stress is everywhere, but it sounds like you have a pretty acute case. It's amazing how much it can affect our workouts; do your best to keep those as your personal time. Think of it as your happy place. :-)
And by the way, part-time status doesn't mean that improvement is off the table. More often than not, people do a much better job improving when they have a set of fixed constraints which includes undesired, yet much-needed, rest.
your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all
your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This
first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can
ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually
M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the
Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do
Coming off a 2x IM last year IMSR and IMAZ (20th/238 50-54yo) @11:39 S:1:15 meh...B:5:35 held back a bit ...poor 4:37 run due to fighting a Achilles Tendonosis. took 6 weeks off completely from running after + PT. Minimal running this year - mostly. still having periodic issues. Heading for AG NATs in AUG (A Race) and 70.3 HIM La Quinta in DEC (AAA) Plan on Doing Deuces Wild OLY (not risking the X-Terra this year) in June (B-ish). Oh Did have 3 weeks recently with essentially No BIKE/Run/Swim due to going through Air Assault...lots of "calisthenics" and forced Ruck marching...then Did Baatan Death March with a 47lb ruck (8:08)...still recovering and trying to get back into the Swim/bike run thing.... surprised at how rough its been. No speed or energy on run (but power there on hill work. No gas on bike....just meh power likely 15w off prior ftp. swim is rough but not too endurance though. I have plugged in the Advanced Short plan (I did get 2nd OA 1st AG and a 7th OA 3rd AG a few moths ago at local sprints) + a 1:50 HM w/o prep about 2 month ago.... But feel quite slow at the moment. Likely will do a sprint on APR 28th as a field test - not expecting to podium at this point.
I clicked "Intermediate" as I have failed to break 11 IM (should have at IMAZ exept the sharp drop off in run vol really hurt my time) ...and 5 hrs on HIM but reeeeally am hoping to be in contention for a WC Qualifier time by DEC ..... I have my Vasa to help swim and do 90% indoors on bike.
hoping to catapult fitness into a IM KQ in spring '19 (?) IMSR again or other? if not IMAZ ? seemed a bit too close to recover-regain and improve in '17....but now IMSR is sooner in year....
- 4/28/2018 - Test Sprint
- 08/12/2018 USAT AGNational Championships OLYIMPIC TRI
- 12/09/2018 70.3 Ironman Indian Wells- La Quinta
are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each
one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another
one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move /
Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
Last updated by Coach on 04/16/2018
Follow the Short Course plan through 4/29 for that early test.
On 4/30/2018 Load the Intermediate Bike Focus Block, 6 Weeks to end on 6/10/2018
On 6/11/2018 Load the Intermediate Short Course, 20wks to end on 8/29/2018
On 8/30/2018 Load the EN*Half to end on 12/9/2018
On 12/10/2018 Load the -- Post Half Iron Transition Plan, All Levels (2wks) to end on 12/23/2018
Great to have you back. We can get you back, it will take some time. Sounds like you've really gotten in some incredible work, but it's how we process / absorb that which will determine how you'll improve across the early part of this season.
Here's what I am thinking:
Short course through your early Test as a benchmark.
Then Bike Focus plan to regain some bike strength. Run should be steady here no flash. I would like one of these bike focus weekends to have back to back longer / steady rides. Think 3h on Sat + 3h on Sun. This will really boost your overall fitness.
Then we are back to the Short Course plan into Nationals. We can check in to see what your fitness is like at this time so we can make adjustments as needed. Like the BF plan, one weekend here in July should be back to back long rides (also not hard, just time in the saddle). Maybe a century on Day One and a 50 miler on Day Two.
Right out of the Short Course plan into the EN*Half Plan for the 70.3™.
Been on a modified Short course plan jus to get SBR-ing again.....just now feeling like my 'ol self.
Bike power doesn't now seem more than 5-10 w off but lacks ability to hold for longer intervals.
Run seems about a legit VDOT40.... heal is better but not 100% will be looking at trying to get PRP or? Adjusting by feel -got all the brick etc runs last week w/o much issues -trying 'ol Rebocks with a big heal rise vs the no drop Hokas I've used for the last few years. ...seems to help off load Achilles but adds more (non-painful) heal strike.
Swim is really off conditioning wise but times are ok... haven't gotten sloppy it seems (still room for improvement)
I may plug in a OLY in June Deuces Wild @6,000ft I usually do the Xterra and last year did the HIM....probably best to just do OLY methinx ....and as a B race.... only 50/50 for going at this point
Also looking to use this next few weeks to work on body comp.....ive played with low carb and paleo a bit this last year 0 lbs/BF change. trying some intermittent fasting now.....I think I I can get down then it should re-set and hold....Ive been within 3 lbs+/- for 3 years ...short course year or dual IM year..... am fasted HIIT or added LSD........or even "off periods" =180 @5 10. No funny stuff from 7 days out however
@David Howard - all of that sounds really good. The biggest thing we need to be careful of is your Achilles.. Remember, your day-to-day issues matter just as much is the shoes that you exercising so make sure those are also properly designed to accommodate your situation.
Remember that your calf and hamstring can also be factors contributing to the tennis and should also be addressed through self-care and/or some good physical therapy. Everything else sounds really good and will come around shortly just be patient.
To address Fitness at the end of those intervals, do yourself a favor and focus on negative splitting most of those bike workouts with a strong finish at ABP should really help. Can’t wait to hear about the sprint!
Thanks for the mojo coach. It canget a bit quiet when not in a key race group or OS. Haven't heard much from AG Natioals folks and IM 70.3 Indian Wells is nuthin but crickets at this point.
I did a 5k RR run off RR bike and felt solid "ok" with a 7:30 painful running..but 3 days We'll have to see.... sore post . Will chill out running rest of afta short bit today maybe.
7:30 pace is nothing to be ashamed of!!!! I like the extended rest and quality run. Especially if it comes off the bike, those rooms should be your best runs because you’re warmed up.
Rolled out running late ....with 5 min to set up in transition prior to being kicked out. No Warm up = Bad Race was under new management and course was totally re-designed but I created a map My Ride version and even trial rode it with the Computrainer and plugged it into Best Ride Slits with an IF of 92% and an "old" ftp of 230 it had me doing a NP of 209 with a 22min per loop/23mph Swim was re-measured to correct for a historically short OLY swim of 1200m (OK with me ) I did a wetsuit practice swim in a 50m pool the 500m listed distance at a "just below race pace" effort including sighting every 10-15m =8:23
I queued myself as a 9min expected time which was actually only about 6th in line (only ~60 in the Sprint distance) and those ahead where 7-something types so I didn't expect to get any draft help. I chose to go with wetsuit (10sec/100 faster and psychological speed/float effect), figuring I could strip it quick enough. At 200 yrds started to get a bit tight and knew my EIA was starting to kick in so tried to slow down and blow off CO2 ....but after the turn around I was starting to near panic and had to flip onto back....was able to -mostly - do a decent back stroke while focusing on controlled breathing .... not fun was passed by I think only 4-6 or so and I caught several at the ladder climb out of the lake.
14:36 =2:01/100yd I didn't swerve "that Much" most everyone else was 2-4 min long and garmins all where 700+ yards
Bike...T1 was a bit long with trying to catch breath still and a stuck wetsuit sleeve..... Was going to shoot for ~190-200w (= ~210 computrainer w) but mostly by feel while x-checking vs HR. The course was not too technical but 2 turns where at railroad track crossings and I slowed quite a bit especially with traffic on the first lap. The bit of climbing actually felt pretty good and do-able while still in big ring. Caught a lot of other riders but wasn't that sure due to the OLY riders still out as well. Stayed tucked well and BBS showed a 0.223 CdA for the Non climbing average (only hoods was on a couple turns). Still a bit slower than I would have liked - with watts down to about 185 NP Longer than usual bike distance. OK with me -
T2 was quick and only a couple bikes around
Run felt "OK ...took about a mile to get in a groove...... only had 1 runner catch me in the last mile and he was a bit younger than me. ~7:50s with a kick at 6min/ml.
1st AG 5th OA so not to bad considering. Then off to the "Terrain Race" obstacle course LOL Will be having a few trips with the wife now I'm coming home from a year away Army.... but will *try* to get permission to get some -something- WKOs during these trips.
@David Howard - That is a great race, all things considered. It’s super hard to be fast and a short course when there are so many changes and challenges.
In many ways having an open 112 miles in an Iron Man makes creating and sustaining speed so much easier. I am super pleased with your performance but you can see how there is some clear room for improvement. Sometimes you can offset that swim response by getting a warm-up in before the race; maybe we prioritize that next time so you aren’t under such mental stress before the swim start.
Please don’t tell anyone about that obstacle race because then everyone will sign up! :-)
Ankle/Achilles doing better (new shoes, inserts, rolling, Weighted eccentric lifts gelatin and Bone broth supplements....) actually pain is more deep ankle now but resolves relatively quickly.
Did the RR #1 today ....wasn't able to do pre ride Swim RR :(
RR Ride on a 8mile loop with a little climb - not much but actually more than HIM Indian Wells will have.
Latish start and didn't appreciate the heat till run.... Likely part of the last 2 loops HR climb and RPE (energy not Umphf) bump. Overall felt good and Not over clocked.
First loop a bit higher rpms and goal 190-200w (current using FTP =225 but actually 235 is more accurate HR Goal let climb to 135 (FTP HR 162)
Dialed up next few loops Goal 200, 205,210ish and keeping Hr 140, 145, 145ish All felt good and steady from a 7 to a soft 8 RPE.
Didnt drink enough over first 4 laps 1.5 bottles and 1/2 the BTB Peed after 4th loop though
2 jells (Bad planning- ran off w/o 4 I had set aside)
Last 2 laps was a little harder pushed with more VI [full ride 1.05]...more time at 215-230w but more noodling when drinking 180-190w etc NP 210ish (segment "the main enemy" 5.8 miles w/o steepest hill = 23+ mph @205w 145hr for +/- last 4 loops.
So... Brick after was abbreviated due to heat Legs felt good at a Z3 pace but HR was too high and I was feeling cooked 90 degrees - didn't have my arm coolers or splash down water :(
So with 225w TP gives a 205 TSS...... Not feeling like it was qute a 88% effort more 80% -even last loops.
BTW BBS has me @NP 205w =2:32 on race course
Using the TSS "chart" I should be shooting for a 180-190 TSS ?! to run well (would need a >250+FTP for 2:30 = good run)
Those are some great lessons learned regarding fluid frequency, nutrition execution, and heat management. All things that will come in to play on race day. This heat is crazy insidious and requires attention all day long.
When is that hot outside, remember that heart rate becomes the dominating metric versus power pace. You should know from your rights and runs what you’re sustainable long effort heart rate is and you know you can go probably 3 to 4 beats above that and still be safe on race day.
I think you’re TSS is close enough to be good. Remember, or using mathematical models to predict something that is inherently incredibly dynamic of the day. There are plenty of places for you to maintain speed and recover on the course without peddling at 250 W the entire time. In other words, you need to be sneaky fast not just steady fast. That’s where the “Racing“ part comes in.
I encourage you to stick with the power #s that you know and let the TSS fall where it may. The key part is maintaining the average heart rate off the bike into the first 3 miles of the run so your body doesn’t accumulate too much eat right away.
New year plan coming.... AAA Races this year IM SR and IM AZ. A few local Sprints I wana crush and actually "Race" but will plug in as they fit.
Next BIG Deal is 24 Hours in Old Pueblo MTB race (as a duo team) Hope to get ~6(+)x (1:30) Laps this year in Mid FEB ...only real tweek from OS is adding MTB split Z2-3 rides ie 3x 1.5hr rides in 24 hrs and a 2 day block in early feb as a sorta RR
Self imposed run jail.... Achilles/ankle... scope cleanup of ankle? not wanting Achilles surgery...working again on rehab/collagen supplement etc F/O MRI with Ortho soon.
NEED Strength focus and loose significant hitting that hard with a swim skill/strength blend through FEB ...Had a good bike build and want to hold onto it so I want to blend in OS WKOs and -reluctantly will start doing elliptical and might get some pool running (My gym pool isn't deep enough)
KBs etc... and I now have a Hex bar for Focused Leg work etc + a real set core routine throughout week.
Ill get a race report out soon for the IM Indian wells last week....lets say it was ....interesting.
Swim: Tore open knee of wetsuit just prior to start....Bad bronchospasms again had to hang off of raft/kayak 3x for 10+ min and swam on my back between....till about 2/3rds done then was fine for a steady (1:44per 100) pace.... ended up with a 55min HIM swim time :0
No attack = probably a 34min swim..... [by IMAZ goal is 1hr BTW]
Bike was 2 min/2w off my BBS/Race rehearsal Plan (time and NP)....however HR was high...probably due to riding on a rear flat for the last 20- 25miles (that wasn't a headwind I suppose Ooops)
[IM SR (hilly-ish) Goal 5:15] Best 2017 is 5:30 ...By IMAZ 2019 5:00]
Run was gut a bit slower than plan at 2:03 1 pee stop and I walked every steep lill hill due to ankle pain - was on a golf cart path with punchy rollers that hurt. Given HR on bike was mostly low Z4 and my legs where over used on swim (kicking on back) and the general lack of running - down to 1 run a week for many weeks [ and loosing my entire last peak week- no big bike or runs]...I'm OK with how it came out
[IM SR <4 hrs (I've done 4:17-19 in IM with this damn ankle limiting) IMAZ on healthy foot should be able to go 3:45] yes looking for 10hr IMAZ 2019 ...if all goes "perfect" LOL
dropping 20lbs will be a massive help as I'm currently 185 22% BF = not awesome.
I think that you should target IMSR, which looks like this:
On 12/10/2018 Load the -- OutSeason (Run Focus) Plan, 14wks to end on 3/17/2019
On 2/17/2019 Load the -- EN*Full Bike Focused to end on 5/11/2019
On 5/12/2019 Load the Post Ironman Transition Plan, All Levels (4wks) to end on 6/8/2019</p>
So yes, DEC OS, rolling into the EN Full Bike Focused plan for IMSR.
That said, you have this MTB race early on In that 2/15 to 2/17 window. So I think you should plan on the Merging the OS with MTB weekend training as follows:
OS workouts for Mon-Friday, Including strength /self care.
Weekend Rides on the MTB.
If you want to map out the MTB training, I can make suggestions. Basically you'll have Tu / Th bike WKOs in the OS it should be a pretty straight forward ramp...then we go IM training right after that weekend! 💪
I just got PRP injection (really don't want Achilles loped off as per the Ortho Dr option) this last Monday.
Now No Run/Bike or loaded leg work (ie squats/plyo's etc)x ...4-6 weeks [trying to get an OK to spin after 3 weeks]
So..... That kills the planned OS.....
I'm thinking..... 3-4+ swims with now adding more VOL as I should have time for a change:
Building my VASA swims (still kicks my but w/ 5 min intervals on door 2!) with Power/strength intervals and red mist type T work
1 day of Tower 26type and 1 EN Endurance building swims ...and 1-2 skills/drills swims /week
My form is actually rather good but I lack power and muscular endurance
I will be hitting the strength work hard with now more Core/upper work and as much "dynamic" strength as I can get in as I am barred from my planned Heavy deadlifts and weighted Lunging program :(
Serious Body Comp body fat that I don't have to worry about glycogen depletion and such. I was told No-Go for rowing either.... any thoughts as to how to get some cardio??!! at least until I am able to spin at Z1 power for hours....
BTW neither pool I can go to has a deep end for deep water running :(
STILL WANT TO DO WELL AT IM SR if possible (hopefully this is the fix for Achilles of course)
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually Monday & Friday each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Top Event / Race for the Season is: IM California (full) OCT 24 2021
Your Second Event / Race for the Season is: IM 70.3 Lubbock TX June 27 2021
Your Third Event / Race for the Season is: USAT NATIONAL Championships OLY Aug 8 2021
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on within Final Surge by clicking on the Training Plans > View My Plans. If you need help manipulating your plans in Final Surge, be sure to check out our Help Site. Remember, you can learn more about each plan and find related plan resources on the Plan Descriptions and Resources page.
>> Last updated by Coach on 11/03/2020
On 11/2/2020 Load the Durability for Triathletes 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 11/29/2020 27 [ 4 weeks ]
On 11/30/2020 Load the Durability for Triathletes 3 (7 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 12/27/2020 27 [ 4 weeks ]
On 1/3/2021 Load the OutSeason for Triathletes (Bike Focus) Plan (14wks) to end on 4/10/2021 97 [ 14 weeks ]
On 4/11/2021 Load the EN Half Bike Focused (12wks) to end on 6/27/2021 77 [ 11 weeks ]
On 6/28/2021 Load the Post Half Iron Transition Plan All Levels (2wks) to end on 7/11/2021 13 [ 2 weeks ]
On 7/12/2021 Load the EN Full Prep Plan (4wks) to end on 8/8/2021 27 [ 4 weeks ]
On 8/9/2021 Load the EN Full Bike Focused (12wks) to end on 10/24/2021 76 [ 11 weeks ]
On 10/25/2021 Load the Post Ironman Transition Plan All Levels (4wks) to end on 11/21/2021 27 [ 4 weeks ]
Your Notes
Tell Us Your Background / Racing History: 6x IM 5x HIM (no races 2020) PRs: S 1:17 B 5:23 R 4:19 (Poor runs ~5hr due to Achillies issues last few years) Swims have remained mostly unchanged, Bike steady improving year after year. Believe S 1:00 with more Volume possable (need to use VASA More): a 5:00 Bike not crazy If get working NOW, Run <4 hr if I Build smart and get the needed frequency (why the bad runs) 3:45 reasonable from fitness level if can remain injury limited affect (Will never be pain free). IM CAL plays well into my Steady effort skill (my 3 splits at IM AZ where withen 3 min of each other) So believe <10 hr Not crazy (my last 11:30ish was with a 5:20 run-slog) [pre achillies issues running 1:40s HM]
What is Your Focus Level for this Season? Perform My Best at a Big Race
Give Us One Sentence That Defines Your Successful Season: Progressive improvement, achieving the little goals along the way to a "gave it everything" on the big day(s)
What is Your Biggest Limiter to Success? Time crunch + mixed priorities at home
Anything Else We Should Know? Always a chance for Army Mobilizations etc .....
At this time the Achilles/Ankle is niggling level.. and so far tolerating the run frequency.... Ill keep you UTD. Biggest issue is the super steep rollers right out my front door so all "short EZ = Hill work LOL and that of course is a Ankle stress.... so Ive done a few "hill surges" just to test the 'how it feels the next day' and have done the only speed work in months (felt good actually) far. Had been doing Z1-2 LSD as 2x week at 6-14 miles over last 2+ months now doing As per EN plan.
NEW BIKE DAY Getting the New QR SR5 Road bike and *may be using for 1 -2 days week 1 hr each way at ~ Z2 ish to new job.... we'll see (can do some TT/HIIT on ride as needed per plan)
Swim strength/ Endurance above "EZ/IM" (1:50/100) pace has been the biggest Swim limiter (I've been a 1:10-1:15 IM distance swimmer x ...well seance start 8 years ago) So Hoping to build with the VASA which has been under utilized (It wipes me out LOL)
Very exited for New start and year.... Happy to have 2-3 strength & run resiliancy months to work with and Maybe...Just Maybe get my BF% down to 10%! {that would be huge)
I hope others will be going to IM CAL That one Looks to play to my strengths - Pacing and Steady grinding efforts. (why IMAZ always a better race for me than Vineman/IM Sant Rosa)
In the get faster now...and OMG the out door TT efforts have been MASIVE like holding 330+w for 2 or 3 x25min I was using 226 as ftp for Vineman.
Tried my first sprint races with 2nd AGx2 (320+w ave/22+mph) Fun.
Anyway....before I return Home to Tucson in a bit over 3 weeks I have wanted to do some more races.... I tried a 56mile simi RR today and used a conservative "new FTP" to set my watts goals. Terrible. Weather? lack of longer than 2hr rides since the 112 on 26July? Am I crazy to think I can have a god HIM in 2 weeks? (yes I still have the labral tear but hasn't bothered me on the sprints -even at a 1:40 swim pace......)
Here is what I posted in the IMAZ group as the timing is close IF I still can get in a DEC A race: there I was....
A last minute thought to dovetail some of the new TT power I seem to have developed and carry the IM fitness into a HIM race in 2 weeks...yea I know no HIM training but hey I "should be ready right?"
SO the plan was a simi RR. Go out EZ through all the turns and lights on post then do 56 miles steady then 2 miles CD-one big loop only a few legit hills -and no need to stage the car for a waterstop....
Looking at the last few rides (25" back to back intervals) suggests a FTP of 300 to 319 so .8 gives a range of about 240-270 for a <5 hr HIM ride. <br /> No aero race getup and opted no cooling sleeves etc. 3 bottles mixed sports drink (Id use race supplied anyway)..... got outside and OMG. 93% humidity and 88degrees I was dripping before I got to parking lot. Grabbed a small Gatorade and stuffed it in back pocket as insurance. Oh and that breeze feels stronger than the 6-8mph the weather report shows. 2 caffeinated jells.
20.6mph at ave 226w AVE, 56mls 2:42 [ride actual 66mls] (Goal was 240-270 remember) brutal. Never seen power fall off like this. after every light stop Id start out at goal watts then over about 10-15 min power would progressively fall to 200 at same RPE. During ride I felt like I was in peanut butter RPE was as if I was doing Z4+ TT (360 w). Wrong turns sent me down crappy back roads that shake PWR MTR and cause drop offs and had some short steep (8%) un planned -slow climbs -that surely jacked the #s some as well......sheeeesh.
So much for a RR
I have no idea what to do with these numbers or chuck the whole race idea as a lack of preparedness issue. ( I have been having some pre-ride GI issues but didn't think I as dehydrated). Oh and I did race the sprint hard on SAT but did nothing SUN ?recovery? And the race in question is the Rev3 Poconos BTW Strava is missing 4 miles out of mid ride. (sucks cuz it was a good wind protected 24mph section LOL)
To that end I'd argue you were 3 bottles short of proper fluids given the heat (but a sweat test could help you nail that down -- see the wiki) and at least two more gels. You can't ride the good bike without the fuel...regardless of how strong the engine is.
So my advice is to obsess about the things you can control - the course and how you'll ride it, the fluids, the food, the right gearing...and how you will do the same for the run.
Thanx coach. I "knew" I wasn't drinking enough when even after getting home i hadn't peed. My IM I was at 2 bottles/HR and peed at least 4 times-then packed myself in ice during run= great run. I think my head wasn't in right place at start of ride...was procrastinating till way late in day and foul mood at start as well-not good way to start long/hard ride.
Just fustrated about not getting to do the DC "Nations Race" and knowing once home I'm likely to have to drop to "part time hobby" status in this sport.
May even have to drop out of EN in coming year-SAUs are very expensive at my house
Whaaa -I know. I'll get over it and still put in the Kona lottery -If I get it THEN I'll be able to validate the time/expence of IM racing (and EN membership) at home.
And by the way, part-time status doesn't mean that improvement is off the table. More often than not, people do a much better job improving when they have a set of fixed constraints which includes undesired, yet much-needed, rest.
Let me know how I can help!
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Notes
Coming off a 2x IM last year IMSR and IMAZ (20th/238 50-54yo) @11:39 S:1:15 meh...B:5:35 held back a bit ...poor 4:37 run due to fighting a Achilles Tendonosis. took 6 weeks off completely from running after + PT. Minimal running this year - mostly. still having periodic issues. Heading for AG NATs in AUG (A Race) and 70.3 HIM La Quinta in DEC (AAA) Plan on Doing Deuces Wild OLY (not risking the X-Terra this year) in June (B-ish). Oh Did have 3 weeks recently with essentially No BIKE/Run/Swim due to going through Air Assault...lots of "calisthenics" and forced Ruck marching...then Did Baatan Death March with a 47lb ruck (8:08)...still recovering and trying to get back into the Swim/bike run thing.... surprised at how rough its been. No speed or energy on run (but power there on hill work. No gas on bike....just meh power likely 15w off prior ftp. swim is rough but not too endurance though.
I have plugged in the Advanced Short plan (I did get 2nd OA 1st AG and a 7th OA 3rd AG a few moths ago at local sprints) + a 1:50 HM w/o prep about 2 month ago.... But feel quite slow at the moment.
Likely will do a sprint on APR 28th as a field test - not expecting to podium at this point.
I clicked "Intermediate" as I have failed to break 11 IM (should have at IMAZ exept the sharp drop off in run vol really hurt my time) ...and 5 hrs on HIM but reeeeally am hoping to be in contention for a WC Qualifier time by DEC .....
I have my Vasa to help swim and do 90% indoors on bike.
hoping to catapult fitness into a IM KQ in spring '19 (?) IMSR again or other? if not IMAZ ? seemed a bit too close to recover-regain and improve in '17....but now IMSR is sooner in year....
Your Races
- 4/28/2018 - Test Sprint
- 08/12/2018 USAT AGNational Championships OLYIMPIC TRI
- 12/09/2018 70.3 Ironman Indian Wells- La Quinta
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
Coach Notes
Great to have you back. We can get you back, it will take some time. Sounds like you've really gotten in some incredible work, but it's how we process / absorb that which will determine how you'll improve across the early part of this season.
Here's what I am thinking:
Let's get to work!
~ Coach P
sounds good Coach!
Been on a modified Short course plan jus to get SBR-ing again.....just now feeling like my 'ol self.
Bike power doesn't now seem more than 5-10 w off but lacks ability to hold for longer intervals.
Run seems about a legit VDOT40.... heal is better but not 100% will be looking at trying to get PRP or? Adjusting by feel -got all the brick etc runs last week w/o much issues -trying 'ol Rebocks with a big heal rise vs the no drop Hokas I've used for the last few years. ...seems to help off load Achilles but adds more (non-painful) heal strike.
Swim is really off conditioning wise but times are ok... haven't gotten sloppy it seems (still room for improvement)
I may plug in a OLY in June Deuces Wild @6,000ft I usually do the Xterra and last year did the HIM....probably best to just do OLY methinx ....and as a B race.... only 50/50 for going at this point
Also looking to use this next few weeks to work on body comp.....ive played with low carb and paleo a bit this last year 0 lbs/BF change. trying some intermittent fasting now.....I think I I can get down then it should re-set and hold....Ive been within 3 lbs+/- for 3 years ...short course year or dual IM year..... am fasted HIIT or added LSD........or even "off periods" =180 @5 10. No funny stuff from 7 days out however
i'll update post sprint
Haven't heard much from AG Natioals folks and IM 70.3 Indian Wells is nuthin but crickets at this point.
I did a 5k RR run off RR bike and felt solid "ok" with a 7:30 painful running..but 3 days
We'll have to see....
sore post
Rolled out running late ....with 5 min to set up in transition prior to being kicked out. No Warm up = Bad
Race was under new management and course was totally re-designed but I created a map My Ride version and even trial rode it with the Computrainer and plugged it into Best Ride Slits with an IF of 92% and an "old" ftp of 230 it had me doing a NP of 209 with a 22min per loop/23mph
Swim was re-measured to correct for a historically short OLY swim of 1200m (OK with me
I did a wetsuit practice swim in a 50m pool the 500m listed distance at a "just below race pace" effort including sighting every 10-15m =8:23
I queued myself as a 9min expected time which was actually only about 6th in line (only ~60 in the Sprint distance) and those ahead where 7-something types so I didn't expect to get any draft help. I chose to go with wetsuit (10sec/100 faster and psychological speed/float effect), figuring I could strip it quick enough.
At 200 yrds started to get a bit tight and knew my EIA was starting to kick in so tried to slow down and blow off CO2 ....but after the turn around I was starting to near panic and had to flip onto back....was able to -mostly - do a decent back stroke while focusing on controlled breathing .... not fun was passed by I think only 4-6 or so and I caught several at the ladder climb out of the lake.
14:36 =2:01/100yd I didn't swerve "that Much" most everyone else was 2-4 min long and garmins all where 700+ yards
Bike...T1 was a bit long with trying to catch breath still and a stuck wetsuit sleeve.....
Was going to shoot for ~190-200w (= ~210 computrainer w) but mostly by feel while x-checking vs HR.
The course was not too technical but 2 turns where at railroad track crossings and I slowed quite a bit especially with traffic on the first lap. The bit of climbing actually felt pretty good and do-able while still in big ring. Caught a lot of other riders but wasn't that sure due to the OLY riders still out as well. Stayed tucked well and BBS showed a 0.223 CdA for the Non climbing average (only hoods was on a couple turns). Still a bit slower than I would have liked -
with watts down to about 185 NP Longer than usual bike distance. OK with me -
T2 was quick and only a couple bikes around
Run felt "OK ...took about a mile to get in a groove...... only had 1 runner catch me in the last mile and he was a bit younger than me. ~7:50s with a kick at 6min/ml.
1st AG 5th OA so not to bad considering.
Then off to the "Terrain Race" obstacle course LOL
Will be having a few trips with the wife now I'm coming home from a year away Army.... but will *try* to get permission to get some -something- WKOs during these trips.
Looking FWD to some focused training!
In many ways having an open 112 miles in an Iron Man makes creating and sustaining speed so much easier. I am super pleased with your performance but you can see how there is some clear room for improvement. Sometimes you can offset that swim response by getting a warm-up in before the race; maybe we prioritize that next time so you aren’t under such mental stress before the swim start.
Please don’t tell anyone about that obstacle race because then everyone will sign up! :-)
So its been awhile w/o checking in......
Ankle/Achilles doing better (new shoes, inserts, rolling, Weighted eccentric lifts gelatin and Bone broth supplements....) actually pain is more deep ankle now but resolves relatively quickly.
Did the RR #1 today ....wasn't able to do pre ride Swim RR :(
RR Ride on a 8mile loop with a little climb - not much but actually more than HIM Indian Wells will have.
Latish start and didn't appreciate the heat till run.... Likely part of the last 2 loops HR climb and RPE (energy not Umphf) bump. Overall felt good and Not over clocked.
First loop a bit higher rpms and goal 190-200w (current using FTP =225 but actually 235 is more accurate HR Goal let climb to 135 (FTP HR 162)
Dialed up next few loops Goal 200, 205,210ish and keeping Hr 140, 145, 145ish All felt good and steady from a 7 to a soft 8 RPE.
Didnt drink enough over first 4 laps 1.5 bottles and 1/2 the BTB Peed after 4th loop though
2 jells (Bad planning- ran off w/o 4 I had set aside)
Last 2 laps was a little harder pushed with more VI [full ride 1.05]...more time at 215-230w but more noodling when drinking 180-190w etc NP 210ish (segment "the main enemy" 5.8 miles w/o steepest hill = 23+ mph @205w 145hr for +/- last 4 loops.
So... Brick after was abbreviated due to heat Legs felt good at a Z3 pace but HR was too high and I was feeling cooked 90 degrees - didn't have my arm coolers or splash down water :(
So with 225w TP gives a 205 TSS...... Not feeling like it was qute a 88% effort more 80% -even last loops.
BTW BBS has me @NP 205w =2:32 on race course
Using the TSS "chart" I should be shooting for a 180-190 TSS ?! to run well (would need a >250+FTP for 2:30 = good run)
Those are some great lessons learned regarding fluid frequency, nutrition execution, and heat management. All things that will come in to play on race day. This heat is crazy insidious and requires attention all day long.
When is that hot outside, remember that heart rate becomes the dominating metric versus power pace. You should know from your rights and runs what you’re sustainable long effort heart rate is and you know you can go probably 3 to 4 beats above that and still be safe on race day.
I think you’re TSS is close enough to be good. Remember, or using mathematical models to predict something that is inherently incredibly dynamic of the day. There are plenty of places for you to maintain speed and recover on the course without peddling at 250 W the entire time. In other words, you need to be sneaky fast not just steady fast. That’s where the “Racing“ part comes in.
I encourage you to stick with the power #s that you know and let the TSS fall where it may. The key part is maintaining the average heart rate off the bike into the first 3 miles of the run so your body doesn’t accumulate too much eat right away.
New year plan coming.... AAA Races this year IM SR and IM AZ. A few local Sprints I wana crush and actually "Race" but will plug in as they fit.
Next BIG Deal is 24 Hours in Old Pueblo MTB race (as a duo team) Hope to get ~6(+)x (1:30) Laps this year in Mid FEB ...only real tweek from OS is adding MTB split Z2-3 rides ie 3x 1.5hr rides in 24 hrs and a 2 day block in early feb as a sorta RR
Self imposed run jail.... Achilles/ankle... scope cleanup of ankle? not wanting Achilles surgery...working again on rehab/collagen supplement etc F/O MRI with Ortho soon.
NEED Strength focus and loose significant hitting that hard with a swim skill/strength blend through FEB ...Had a good bike build and want to hold onto it so I want to blend in OS WKOs and -reluctantly will start doing elliptical and might get some pool running (My gym pool isn't deep enough)
KBs etc... and I now have a Hex bar for Focused Leg work etc + a real set core routine throughout week.
Ill get a race report out soon for the IM Indian wells last week....lets say it was ....interesting.
Swim: Tore open knee of wetsuit just prior to start....Bad bronchospasms again had to hang off of raft/kayak 3x for 10+ min and swam on my back between....till about 2/3rds done then was fine for a steady (1:44per 100) pace.... ended up with a 55min HIM swim time :0
No attack = probably a 34min swim..... [by IMAZ goal is 1hr BTW]
Bike was 2 min/2w off my BBS/Race rehearsal Plan (time and NP)....however HR was high...probably due to riding on a rear flat for the last 20- 25miles (that wasn't a headwind I suppose Ooops)
[IM SR (hilly-ish) Goal 5:15] Best 2017 is 5:30 ...By IMAZ 2019 5:00]
Run was gut a bit slower than plan at 2:03 1 pee stop and I walked every steep lill hill due to ankle pain - was on a golf cart path with punchy rollers that hurt. Given HR on bike was mostly low Z4 and my legs where over used on swim (kicking on back) and the general lack of running - down to 1 run a week for many weeks [ and loosing my entire last peak week- no big bike or runs]...I'm OK with how it came out
[IM SR <4 hrs (I've done 4:17-19 in IM with this damn ankle limiting) IMAZ on healthy foot should be able to go 3:45] yes looking for 10hr IMAZ 2019 ...if all goes "perfect" LOL
dropping 20lbs will be a massive help as I'm currently 185 22% BF = not awesome.
... Added to links
Signed up for Final Surge... double clicked the strength supplement...cant see any way to remove BTW
Back dated OS Bike from FEB MTB race ...Logn OS puts me at a NOV Start?? group
My WKOs would be different but given a highly modified OS I figured a JAN OS join for the MOJO (or DEC?)
Ill send date details and such for official plan plugin
David, thanks for checking in with the update. Remember, the place to put your races in the system is here: That triggers me to create your season plan, and to get you dialed in.
I think that you should target IMSR, which looks like this:
So yes, DEC OS, rolling into the EN Full Bike Focused plan for IMSR.
That said, you have this MTB race early on In that 2/15 to 2/17 window. So I think you should plan on the Merging the OS with MTB weekend training as follows:
If you want to map out the MTB training, I can make suggestions. Basically you'll have Tu / Th bike WKOs in the OS it should be a pretty straight forward ramp...then we go IM training right after that weekend! 💪
~ Coach P
Thanx Coach....
Looks like the MTB race is out....
I just got PRP injection (really don't want Achilles loped off as per the Ortho Dr option) this last Monday.
Now No Run/Bike or loaded leg work (ie squats/plyo's etc)x ...4-6 weeks [trying to get an OK to spin after 3 weeks]
So..... That kills the planned OS.....
I'm thinking..... 3-4+ swims with now adding more VOL as I should have time for a change:
Building my VASA swims (still kicks my but w/ 5 min intervals on door 2!) with Power/strength intervals and red mist type T work
1 day of Tower 26type and 1 EN Endurance building swims ...and 1-2 skills/drills swims /week
My form is actually rather good but I lack power and muscular endurance
I will be hitting the strength work hard with now more Core/upper work and as much "dynamic" strength as I can get in as I am barred from my planned Heavy deadlifts and weighted Lunging program :(
Serious Body Comp body fat that I don't have to worry about glycogen depletion and such. I was told No-Go for rowing either.... any thoughts as to how to get some cardio??!! at least until I am able to spin at Z1 power for hours....
BTW neither pool I can go to has a deep end for deep water running :(
STILL WANT TO DO WELL AT IM SR if possible (hopefully this is the fix for Achilles of course)
I Hope I can do a Sprint in Mar23rd as a test.
trying to stay positive
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually Monday & Friday each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Coach Notes
Your Races
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on within Final Surge by clicking on the Training Plans > View My Plans. If you need help manipulating your plans in Final Surge, be sure to check out our Help Site. Remember, you can learn more about each plan and find related plan resources on the Plan Descriptions and Resources page.
>> Last updated by Coach on 11/03/2020
Your Notes
Tell Us Your Background / Racing History: 6x IM 5x HIM (no races 2020) PRs: S 1:17 B 5:23 R 4:19 (Poor runs ~5hr due to Achillies issues last few years) Swims have remained mostly unchanged, Bike steady improving year after year. Believe S 1:00 with more Volume possable (need to use VASA More): a 5:00 Bike not crazy If get working NOW, Run <4 hr if I Build smart and get the needed frequency (why the bad runs) 3:45 reasonable from fitness level if can remain injury limited affect (Will never be pain free). IM CAL plays well into my Steady effort skill (my 3 splits at IM AZ where withen 3 min of each other) So believe <10 hr Not crazy (my last 11:30ish was with a 5:20 run-slog) [pre achillies issues running 1:40s HM]
What is Your Focus Level for this Season? Perform My Best at a Big Race
Give Us One Sentence That Defines Your Successful Season: Progressive improvement, achieving the little goals along the way to a "gave it everything" on the big day(s)
What is Your Biggest Limiter to Success? Time crunch + mixed priorities at home
Anything Else We Should Know? Always a chance for Army Mobilizations etc .....
Let's get to work!
~ Coach P
Thanks Coach!
Listening to Body [and to you :) ]
At this time the Achilles/Ankle is niggling level.. and so far tolerating the run frequency.... Ill keep you UTD. Biggest issue is the super steep rollers right out my front door so all "short EZ = Hill work LOL and that of course is a Ankle stress.... so Ive done a few "hill surges" just to test the 'how it feels the next day' and have done the only speed work in months (felt good actually) far. Had been doing Z1-2 LSD as 2x week at 6-14 miles over last 2+ months now doing As per EN plan.
NEW BIKE DAY Getting the New QR SR5 Road bike and *may be using for 1 -2 days week 1 hr each way at ~ Z2 ish to new job.... we'll see (can do some TT/HIIT on ride as needed per plan)
Swim strength/ Endurance above "EZ/IM" (1:50/100) pace has been the biggest Swim limiter (I've been a 1:10-1:15 IM distance swimmer x ...well seance start 8 years ago) So Hoping to build with the VASA which has been under utilized (It wipes me out LOL)
Very exited for New start and year.... Happy to have 2-3 strength & run resiliancy months to work with and Maybe...Just Maybe get my BF% down to 10%! {that would be huge)
I hope others will be going to IM CAL That one Looks to play to my strengths - Pacing and Steady grinding efforts. (why IMAZ always a better race for me than Vineman/IM Sant Rosa)