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IMTX WK 8 of 20

Happy President's Day Peeps!

Rest day swim: http://www.strava.com/activities/113964333

@Jeff - keep plugging.  I know how frustrated I get when I am sick.   Get well soon!

Lower volume week for me.......



  • @SS....thanks.  I feel much better today.  This has been the strangest week and a half of illness.  Sure hope it's finally done.  I hope to get all three tests in this week.  Not sure when, as I want to be sure I'm "well" before I test.  

  • Recovery dy swim thwarted by a sick kid. So Im stuck at home watching the snow falling...and falling...and falling... image

    On a positive note, ran 10 miles on my tm yesterday. Farthest in months because of recovering from plantar. Coming back smart. Felt good!
  • Swim only day today unless I get motivated for a short recovery bike later LOL...... 3600yds with MS 20 x 100 alternating fast/slow

    Got out of the pool and while I was drying off got a phone call , answered it and talked for 15minutes standing in the sun nice and toasty warm 9:30 am Tucson! Sorry but its really really nice here.... Record temps 2 days ago of 85.... Sure do miss NH in the winter....

    @Annie - If you get bored some dry land swim exercises with bands is a good alternative!
  • Was feeling a little guilty about spending my rest day doing 1000 yds of drills in the pool focusing on separating my left-side breath from my right arm catch (a nemesis that often causes breakdown late in the swim), but then come here and see that others also suffer from some of my Type A tendencies. Test on the bike tomorrow. If I discover that legs are toast during the 5 @ VO2 from this weekend's thrashing, will push to Thursday so as to get max FTP result.
  • @Mike Roberts.... Anyday that is a swim only day is considered a rest day to me! LOL.... When I'm in the last 4-5 weeks pre-IMTX I will hammer myself tues-thurs , sat and sun..... MON and FRI will be swim only recovery days but they will be long swims....

    I feel pretty good with my Type A that I skipped my longrun yesterday since I raced a 4 miler.... And today I skipped my recovery ride as well and stuck with a swim only day.... Will probably feel a little of that guilt and take it out on the bike tomorrow!
  • Plantar Fasciitis.....no running for 7 days so far (trying to heal it quickly)

    But did 9000m swimming and 7.5hrs of biking....doing all I can now.

  • I guess I'm just going to die now.  I thought I was finally getting better, but developed a middle ear infection at work yesterday.  Had my NP look at it and confirm it (the pain, tinnitus, altered hearing was already enough).  Called myself in some antibiotics.  But still felt better overall than in days.  

    Then during the night, more fever and chills and severe headache/earache.  My wife stole my phone early this morning and texted colleagues and made them cancel my clinic and told them I was staying home.  She's probably right, although now I'm just laying around at home doing nothing.  I think my eardrum burst during the night too....fluid in outer ear canal.  

    This may be my last entry.....


  • Tested the bike this a.m.  Legs felt a little heavy, but I might as well get used to that.  The VO2 set hurt, and the 280NP was a little lower than I had hoped for.  Halfway through the FTP, I knew I wasn't hitting on all cylinders, but I had forgotten how much FTP tests suck, so I stuck it out.  254NP.  New FTP of 241, 11-point bump.  Now I just need a meager 40 more FTP points or a shedding of 25 lbs to reach that 4 w/kg threshold.  In reality, being a lifelong MOP cyclist, my ultimate goal before IMTX was to get as close to 3.5 as possible.  Quite happy with 3.45, with several non-propulsive lbs still to spare.
  • @ Jeff  - I know you are anxious to get moving bro.   Rest and let your body fight this thing...........  Best advice I can give.

    @Mike - Strong improvements from your test, especially considering the running load you carry at the same time in the GF plan.  Be pleased - I see you only getting stronger over the next 12 weeks!

    My FTP test this morning:  http://www.strava.com/activities/114208864    came in at 3.7 w/kg and FTP improved 5 watts over prior test.

    Happy testing this week all!

  • @Jeff, some good antibiotics should set things right real soon.  We're 13 weeks out, so you'll be up to speed in a week or so, no problem.

    @Simmons, very nice work.  Have to be honest, when I saw 300 FTP, I felt a little small and weak.  Then, I saw the 6'3", 178lb part and only felt small. I predict you steamroll this bike course.  The challenge for most guys your size will be the run, especially if it's hot/humid, but Coach P showed exactly how a big guy can blaze that run 2 years ago.  Just follow his model.

  • From Monday:
    I went ahead and swim tested today. It was ugly but at least I have a benchmark to set times off of.

    Actually after reviewing times from last season, today was about 1min off of my late season PR from last year but 2 min faster than last feb. And given my swim training this year I Shouldn't expect anything more.

    I find my self comparing my data to where I was at this point in the IMFL train up but that isn't really fair. I had a spring/summer of riding and swimming in me already by this point in the IMFL train up. I am running better but my swim/bike is not where it was last august.

    There is a local 40k TT series that is going to start up in the next week or two so I will wait to do my bike test then.
  • @ Jimmy, nice work checking off one of the test this week.  If you want to feel better about your swim test, you can compare to mine later this week.  I am slow in the water (could not swim before age 33) due to a number of factors.

    @Mike - The run at IMTX, for me, is expected to basically be an arse whipping, as you point out.  While I do live and train in the Dallas heat, Houston is always another notch more humid than Dallas and a toll will be taken no doubt.....I will work with what I have at that point and "get it done" though it might be ugly.....

    My lunch run boogie today:  http://www.strava.com/activities/114264706



  • Shaughn - I usually get a good laugh when the "slow swimmers" around here tell me the 1000M times that they put up. I will challenge you to a slow swim swimoff any day.

    But thanks! And nice run btw.

    Ran 7mi at lunch with 3x1mi targeting z4 but ending up in z3. Legs were heavy by the end. And my heart rate wanted to stay elevated even during the cool down jog back to the showers.

    Also - this cutting out the sugar thing is really paying off for me. I just put up a sub 160 weight for the first time since last june.

  • Hey Jeff - Britton's Bike Shop sponsors a monthy 40kTT series. Out and back flat course. The first one is March 1st. Good for getting an FTP test in a more competitive setting. If you are recovered of course. If not, they will do it again in early April.
  • @ Jimmy...yes, I toyed with doing that last summer.  Unfortunately, I usually have soccer dad duties on saturday mornings.  I'm going to try to make it out for at least one though.  Interesting to see if I'll test better in a competitive setting (even though I'm not going to be contending for anything!).  

  • Ok. No more testing for me this week. I tested run about 10 days ago and will test bike weekend after next.

    Sooo, regular day.

    5x5min on time - I have a hill in me neighborhood so I decided to get out in the wet this morning and see how long it takes me to get up it. Turns out it takes about 5 min.

    Here is the bike:


      So 1hr bike with 5 races up the hill at about 110- to 120% of FTP.

    Then at lunch 20x100M with 30 sec rest. Ran at Tpace-8Sec +-. Cracked a couple of times. After rep 12 and after rep 15 where I rested a minute. Times ranged 1:48 to 1:52 for 100M.

    Slept well, ate well. Put a check in the good day box.

  • You would think in Tucson there would be a bike TT race weekly? NOPE nothing... I did find a bike TT in the Senior Olympic games... LOL that should be fun... I entered the 4miler at 9am and then the 12 miler at 10am.... Should be a great workout....

    Today was 40 minute recover spin.

    58min 7 mile run with 12 x .25.... I have been doing those around 6min pace but today just didnt feel it in my throat and my knee and backed off quite a bit just under 7min pace.... Z5 down to Z3... started to feel good towards the end but didnt push it


    wrapped it up with 44min swim MS 52 x 33yds done as fast/slow with about 13 sec rest inbetween each one... turned out to be very muscular and almost zero aerobic.... never had that I'm dying of oxygen feeling on the fast ones since they were so short and was fully recovered after the slow ones.... but pull boy did I pull... gonna feel some muscles tomorrow...


    @ Jimmy go on STRAVA and build yourself a segment for that hill! perfect for your v02 day.

  • @ Tim - ok. Did that. Now that it is a segment on strava, what do I do with it?
  • @Jimmy.... Now you try to beat your best time of 5:09 LOL..... IMO its the best feature in Strava ... Now you can ride that anytime ya want and it will be tracked automatically for you when you download you'll know how you did compared to previous rides... Perfect for racing yourself... Heck you dont even have to hit the lap button! 5 minutes is a long v02 so you may want to find a few 1-3 minute segments as well for v02 work! It Really motivates you.

    I built one at my old house where I used to do v02 repeats... Was a dead end culdesac .4 miles and almost 100' climb.... To my amazement someone had already put down a smoking time but I never knew cause no segment existed.... Took me a month of trying to beat him!
  • thx tim. I get it now. I had been hitting the lap button on garmin. Does that make me old school i wonder?

    90min run today w 2mi @ z2. Time to start stretching the duration out…

  • @ Jimmy - Solid Long Run!


    Not a good run test for me this morning.  22:00 to run a 5K. Had a tough time with the wind, 25 mph winds with 40 mph gusts all in the dark......just hard to focus through that but did not want to defer the test...........


  • @SS - Good work regardless. I thought for sure I'd be in the 20's today... alas, right smack dab in the same place I was when we tested in December. 21:37 and today 21:35. I'll still take the teeny tiny steps forward.

    My bike test went well this week. Last time I tested was in January -- FTP at 183. Tuesday I tested with NP of 198 which gives me a new FTP of 188, and I was most excited about the 3.46 w/kg for the 20min... now if I can just give up these dang girl scout cookies....http://www.trainerroad.com/cycling/rides/756332

    Slight mishap with a pair of kitchen scissors this week which you guys might have seen on the main thread... I stabbed myself trying to cut a stupid zip tie off of some measuring cups. It's got me out of the pool for a bit longer than I thought. I hope I don't lose too much there while I'm healing. The 4 hour bike on Sat should be interesting. I guess it is one way to force myself back in aero bars?

  • @Simmons, very tough trying to run a good 5k in the dark, alone, in that kind of wind.  I would just call it an 18:40 and move on.  Or, if you want more reliable numbers, you can nail the next test in 4 weeks right before camp.

    @Emily, holy crap! Those are ridiculous numbers. You probably just bruised a lot of male egos on this thread (not mine, of course).  Avoid sharp objects and flammable liquids the next couple of months, heal the hand, and slowly add the swim to a scary bike and run.

    Coach P helped me hack up Wk 8 and 9 so I can run test a week from sunday at a 13.1 in South Beach. Swim test tomorrow, 4 hr ride on Sat, 90 min run on Sun.  Until then, I'm eating nothing but celery the rest of the day so I can get my meager 3.45 w/kg up to EB's 3.46.

  • Well, I am going to have to agree with Mike, Emily is leaving the rest of us No Excuses!  Damn!  Keep moving forward!
  • @SS... agree with others ... thats not a test in those conditions but huge props to you for the quality training session!

    @EB ... very impressive FTP w/kg..... careful with sharp objects ;-)

    @MR celery mmmmm.... NOT

    2hr ride today FTP and ABP intervals.... taking the rest of the day off.....
  • Yes. Right now I am really glad that emily is not a M 40-44.
    nice run tests all.
  • Ha thanks guys. But I've been following most of you through the nov os and seen the insane work you've put up. Just trying to keep up with y'all at camp in March. It's nice to have good test days every so often. Keep it up and thanks for the continued motivation to kick my own butt.
  • Happy Friday, team. After yesterday's late-night trainerwreck of a WKO (celebrated my new Z4 and Z5 on Tues, couldn't get near them last night), I had low expectations for this a.m.'s swim test. But it felt good, and I landed right at 14:00 for 1k yards.  Shaved 1 min in a month. My math translates that to 1:24/100, but Garmin swears it's 1:23.  Either pace would put me right under 1hr in perfect water, with walls, and conspicuously without 2,700 floating human mines.  Decent progress, lots of work still ahead.
  • Hey Team we have a fish among us going to IMTX..... Just found my draft! Nice work Mike Roberts!
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