Don - given the massive discrepancy between the effort you've been able to put up for a test in the effort you were able to put up in the race, that leads me to believe there's a bigger issue. It could very well be that your power meter was not calibrated. Did you calibrate it before the race? If your power numbers are still off versus what you're used to, it could be that the batteries are getting low.
It's usually pretty hard for people to hold exactly 95% on race day but for you to be off by 50 watts is very unusual.
It could also be that the swim was very costly to you. Are you having troubles with the swim?
I did not calibrate it the day of the race. I had calibrated it the week of the race though. Can I get that "off" in a matter of days? (it's a powertap g3) I did not feel that the swim was that costly. I did not overexert.
Don, probably not. Then what can we say? You rode a sprint effort bike at your best effort that was basically IM pace? Are your overall tired? Maybe we should talk as this isn't a very simple solution.
Thanks for the link. The biggest thing I es is that your VI is 1.12, or that 12% of your watts floated off into space instead of being put into the road. Your goal on race day is to ride as steadily as you can....spin up hills easy, push down them strong so we flatline your HR and reduce the cost of your ride while still keeping it really fast. You can see by how "jumpy" your HR file is that you were on the gas/off the gas quite a bit. That is very costly on race day...
I am coming to IMLP to volunteer and we are flying up to visit family on a 7am flight on Thursday (which means leaving my house at 5am) How should I modify week 11 of beginner HIM? I will not be bringing my bike and will basically only be able to run some between Thursday and Monday.
I'd like to see you get two bikes in, perhaps Tuesday and Wednesday. You do the long run in LP, and should plan on bringing the wetsuit for swimming in Mirror Lake.
Monday swim, Tuesday do the Wednesday workouts, Wed do an ABP ride of up to 90, 15' run off that bike. Thursday off. Friday 7am team swim, run 45' later in day (z2 with strides), sat is long run day. Sunday is swim and short run, Monday off, Tuesday back on plan!
Just want to clarify my timing so you don't wonder where I am. We are spending Thursday and Friday in the White Plains, NY area visiting family and then coming to LP Saturday morning, probably arriving around lunch time. I wish I could spend all Friday with you guys, but I'm committed to the family thing. So...I hope to run into the group sometime on Saturday afternoon. Are there any activities planned for Saturday afternoon?
Don, no worries. The Team kind of shuts down because of the whole "race" thing on Sunday. I am sure some folks will be doing dinner (the not racing folks) and then on Sunday we'll be out there in the tri club tent area (just past the swim start, on Mirror Lake Drive, the lake side) and all over!
Hi was great to meet you in person at Lake Placid. We had a great time and I signed up for next year's race! I also had a really good training ride today - 56 miles with 3,100 feet of elevation in 3:03 (8 minute PR), VI was 1.03, IF was .82
Question: Next week I will be doing my race rehearsal ride on the Augusta bike course. My friend is coming and her coach has her running 8 miles after whereas the EN plan calls for 60 minutes (probably 6 miles for me). Should I stick with one hour or extend to 8 miles to run with her?
I have to leave at noon on Thursday for a funeral. I can do my long run that morning. I won't be back until Saturday night. I can run on Friday and Saturday, but those are my only options. Please advise on modifying my workouts. Next week will be week 17 of HIM beginner.
Don move wed FTP to Tuesday, Tuesdays run to Wed. Thursday is an ABP ride as long as you can. Run long on either Fri or Sat as you can...other day is off. Then Sunday is an easy spin between 30-90 minutes as you can; back at it Monday!
I've been thinking about running and gait analysis. However, I don't want to mess up my Outseason which starts on Monday. it worthwhile? If yes, should I do it now or after the OS? I do not have any running related injuries, so that's not the issue. It more a curiosity and to see if there is something I'm not doing to go faster.
I believe I wrote a post on this last year, and there should be a link to it from the running section of the wiki. It really comes down to how much excess money you have, and what you're willing to do. In my article I speak about how there's plenty of ways you can improve your running technique without gettingA full on video analysis done. But some people have the capital and the time and they just don't care.
Either way winter is a great time to focus on improved form so I'm all about it. My only concern would be if they put you in "run jail" for several weeks, that is not ideal.
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you and your family have a great holiday.
I shot some videos in slo-mo of my run form and posted it to the General Training Discussions page. If you have a time, I'd love for you to take a look and post feedback. Stefan posted that he thought I was a "heavy heel striker", which I don't think I least not "heavy" Here's the link:
Hi Coach! Thanks for the run analysis and screencast. I am working on implementing your suggestions by focusing on various form items during my workouts.
Question regarding body comp: I currently weigh 178 and I'm 5'8", so that makes my ratio 2.61. I know that 160 is very doable since I was there in 2013 and accomplished it through consistent clean eating and not even counting calories. 160 would give me a 2.35 and I think 155 is doable. Should getting my weight down be my #1 priority for my 1st Ironman season? In other words, is it more important to get the weight off or hit the workout goals? Ideally, both, but I'm curious if I would be better off racing at 155-160 with a little less speed vs racing at 170 with a little more?
Yes to body comp, but not by sacrificing other stuff. IOW, I am greedy.
So let's start eating clean and train as planned. Let's give it about six weeks, mark the calendar, and then we'll see where you are at and we can make adjustments from there!!!
I really enjoyed your last two videos on Patience and Discipline. The content from EN is second to none - amazing!
I'd like to update you on some progress: I've been following Coach Rich's guidelines for tracking my calories and I've been eating clean too. Since Jan 1, my weight is down to 172 and I'm feeling good. I also have been working on run form, in particular trying to land with my feet more under my body and keeping more knee flex and a forward lean. My running does feel better to me, so I think I've improved it some. I took another video this weekend and I'd like you to take a look, if you have a moment.
I have an 11.5 mile trail run scheduled for Feb 8 that's already paid for (I don't mind skipping it if necessary) I have a few options for this weekend (end of Nov OS) and I'd like your input.
1. Do my Sat bike and a 10k on my own + the Feb 8 trail run 2. Do an official road half marathon on Saturday (not sure if I should do the trail run 8 days later) 3. Do Sat bike and Sunday half marathon on my own (not sure if I should do the trail run 8 days later) 4. Some other combination of these?
This is my first half marathon (other than my 70.3 last September, when I ran 2:37 with lots of walking in that race). I think a lot of the reason I could not hold a 10 min pace (my goal) was that I never ran more than 60 minutes in the OS. Although you did recommend extending that long run, I did not make it happen and I think I paid for it today. I was doing fine for the first hour and then faded away as I got into miles 8-13. So, when I plug this result into the calculator, it evaluates to a 29 vDot (vs 35 for my 5k test).
Q1: Which vDot should I use when I transition into my HIM plan? Q2: What do you make of this result? Advice?
Don, nice work for your first true half marathon!! You aren't supposed to get the same or better VDOT for training from the Half -- it's a great benchmark for racing season. I'd stick with your 35 but would make a note that adding some endurance should be a priority -- you probably could have been closer to 2:20 with more specific training. A lot of that will come with your regular training per the plan, just putting it out there for you!
I will be entering week 8 of the HIM plan after swim camp ends next week. Week 8 is a test week - since I tested last week, should I follow week 8 as written (and test again) or modify? If modify, what workouts should I do?
First, I really enjoyed the conference call format today - I hope it continues!
I am vacationing (7 day cruise) in two weeks. It will be HIM (beginner) Week 11. I've read the wiki and I want to run by you my "plan" for the week and get your feedback and any recommended changes.
Sun: travel day - 30-45 min easy run as I'll have plenty of down time (only a 2 hr flight) Mon: Swim - beach day, so perfect for an OWS. I'll probably do 1.2 mi or so. Tues: Run - 15' EN warmup then 5 x 3' (1') @ 5k pace + 15' Z2 + CD for 60' total Wed: Run - easy run for 30-45' Thu: Off Fri: Run - 15' EN warmup then 2 x 1 mile at Z4 + CD for 60' total Sat: Run - easy for 30' Sun: travel home - probably an off day or something short...logistically it will be a tough day Mon: back on plan
Don, i think the plan is great. Don't sweat the specifics; if you need to shuffle around for time, so be it. And if you just feel like rolling over one day, DO IT. That's what vacations are for. Also, I'd plan on Sunday off. Use that time, if any, to do the laundry, catch up at home, plan your week so you are ready to come back! Hope you can share a pic!
Hi Coach, I had a great time on the cruise and I'm back on plan as of Monday. I did my FTP test today and hit the exact same NP as last test, although I faded more this time.
On Thursday a 5k run test is scheduled. Should I stick with that or do my long run from last week (which I did not do).
I've attached a picture of my OWS location from the trip
It's usually pretty hard for people to hold exactly 95% on race day but for you to be off by 50 watts is very unusual.
It could also be that the swim was very costly to you. Are you having troubles with the swim?
Can I get that "off" in a matter of days? (it's a powertap g3)
I did not feel that the swim was that costly.
I did not overexert.
How should I modify week 11 of beginner HIM?
I will not be bringing my bike and will basically only be able to run some between Thursday and Monday.
Monday swim, Tuesday do the Wednesday workouts, Wed do an ABP ride of up to 90, 15' run off that bike. Thursday off. Friday 7am team swim, run 45' later in day (z2 with strides), sat is long run day. Sunday is swim and short run, Monday off, Tuesday back on plan!
Just want to clarify my timing so you don't wonder where I am.
We are spending Thursday and Friday in the White Plains, NY area visiting family and then coming to LP Saturday morning, probably arriving around lunch time.
I wish I could spend all Friday with you guys, but I'm committed to the family thing.
So...I hope to run into the group sometime on Saturday afternoon.
Are there any activities planned for Saturday afternoon?
I also had a really good training ride today - 56 miles with 3,100 feet of elevation in 3:03 (8 minute PR), VI was 1.03, IF was .82
Question: Next week I will be doing my race rehearsal ride on the Augusta bike course. My friend is coming and her coach has her running 8 miles after whereas the EN plan calls for 60 minutes (probably 6 miles for me). Should I stick with one hour or extend to 8 miles to run with her?
Can go 8 if you have the right fluids/food and promise the next day off!!!!
I have to leave at noon on Thursday for a funeral.
I can do my long run that morning.
I won't be back until Saturday night.
I can run on Friday and Saturday, but those are my only options.
Please advise on modifying my workouts.
Next week will be week 17 of HIM beginner.
I've been thinking about running and gait analysis.
However, I don't want to mess up my Outseason which starts on Monday. it worthwhile? If yes, should I do it now or after the OS?
I do not have any running related injuries, so that's not the issue.
It more a curiosity and to see if there is something I'm not doing to go faster.
Either way winter is a great time to focus on improved form so I'm all about it. My only concern would be if they put you in "run jail" for several weeks, that is not ideal.
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you and your family have a great holiday.
I shot some videos in slo-mo of my run form and posted it to the General Training Discussions page.
If you have a time, I'd love for you to take a look and post feedback.
Stefan posted that he thought I was a "heavy heel striker", which I don't think I least not "heavy"
Here's the link:
Question regarding body comp: I currently weigh 178 and I'm 5'8", so that makes my ratio 2.61. I know that 160 is very doable since I was there in 2013 and accomplished it through consistent clean eating and not even counting calories. 160 would give me a 2.35 and I think 155 is doable. Should getting my weight down be my #1 priority for my 1st Ironman season? In other words, is it more important to get the weight off or hit the workout goals? Ideally, both, but I'm curious if I would be better off racing at 155-160 with a little less speed vs racing at 170 with a little more?
So let's start eating clean and train as planned. Let's give it about six weeks, mark the calendar, and then we'll see where you are at and we can make adjustments from there!!!
I really enjoyed your last two videos on Patience and Discipline. The content from EN is second to none - amazing!
I'd like to update you on some progress: I've been following Coach Rich's guidelines for tracking my calories and I've been eating clean too. Since Jan 1, my weight is down to 172 and I'm feeling good. I also have been working on run form, in particular trying to land with my feet more under my body and keeping more knee flex and a forward lean. My running does feel better to me, so I think I've improved it some. I took another video this weekend and I'd like you to take a look, if you have a moment.
I have an 11.5 mile trail run scheduled for Feb 8 that's already paid for (I don't mind skipping it if necessary)
I have a few options for this weekend (end of Nov OS) and I'd like your input.
1. Do my Sat bike and a 10k on my own + the Feb 8 trail run
2. Do an official road half marathon on Saturday (not sure if I should do the trail run 8 days later)
3. Do Sat bike and Sunday half marathon on my own (not sure if I should do the trail run 8 days later)
4. Some other combination of these?
Did my half marathon today. Finished in 2:26 for an 11:11 / mile avg pace.
Garmin: Strava:
This is my first half marathon (other than my 70.3 last September, when I ran 2:37 with lots of walking in that race).
I think a lot of the reason I could not hold a 10 min pace (my goal) was that I never ran more than 60 minutes in the OS.
Although you did recommend extending that long run, I did not make it happen and I think I paid for it today.
I was doing fine for the first hour and then faded away as I got into miles 8-13.
So, when I plug this result into the calculator, it evaluates to a 29 vDot (vs 35 for my 5k test).
Q1: Which vDot should I use when I transition into my HIM plan?
Q2: What do you make of this result? Advice?
I will be entering week 8 of the HIM plan after swim camp ends next week.
Week 8 is a test week - since I tested last week, should I follow week 8 as written (and test again) or modify?
If modify, what workouts should I do?
First, I really enjoyed the conference call format today - I hope it continues!
I am vacationing (7 day cruise) in two weeks. It will be HIM (beginner) Week 11. I've read the wiki
Sun: travel day - 30-45 min easy run as I'll have plenty of down time (only a 2 hr flight)
Mon: Swim - beach day, so perfect for an OWS. I'll probably do 1.2 mi or so.
Tues: Run - 15' EN warmup then 5 x 3' (1') @ 5k pace + 15' Z2 + CD for 60' total
Wed: Run - easy run for 30-45'
Thu: Off
Fri: Run - 15' EN warmup then 2 x 1 mile at Z4 + CD for 60' total
Sat: Run - easy for 30'
Sun: travel home - probably an off day or something short...logistically it will be a tough day
Mon: back on plan
I had a great time on the cruise and I'm back on plan as of Monday.
I did my FTP test today and hit the exact same NP as last test, although I faded more this time.
On Thursday a 5k run test is scheduled. Should I stick with that or do my long run from last week (which I did not do).
I've attached a picture of my OWS location from the trip
Ps nice work on the test!