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IMTX Week 6 of 12

Making it to Week 6 means we are witnessing the making of IMs IN PROGRESS!  A beautiful sight!

Keep Moving Forward!



  • Patrick's podcast mention a race rehearsal this week, but that's not showing up on the plan. Folks planning on doing the RR#1 next week? I think I'll benefit from the extra week which will hopefully bring warmer temps, so will do RR1 during Week 15
  • @MW, I saw that too, but think he was just off by a week.  Camp Week is next week (Wk 15), but I imported the Wk 15 workouts into my calendar before they tweaked the plan by inserting Camp Week.  So, I'm doing this week as planned, then at the end of Wk 15, I'll do as originally scheduled: 2.4M swim on Friday, 112/6 brick on Saturday, rest on Sunday.  But that's just me. 
  • @MW (and MR)....I am planning to do the same thing as MR.  I toyed with the idea of doing "camp week" again, but I do not love my bike enough to do that!  

    The intermediate plan has this sundays ABP ride as 90min?  What does the advanced plan have?  The saturday intermediate w/o is 40min run then 5hr bike.  Just thought it odd to decrease the ABP to 90min?

  • @Doc JL, Adv is also down this Sunday to 90 min.  It's just a down day, part of all that periodization stuff coaches preach.  Rest and easy days are crucial.  Embrace and appreciate them . . . they're your friends.  And like your real friends, you won't see much of them over the next 5 weeks.
  • Hi Folks, I am back to posting after a week+ of the boards as I was with the Family in Florida (Spring Break) getting SAUs! . By the way..I was at Club Med in Port St Lucie, great place...very friendly to families and athletes (3 free swimming lessons a week in lap pool, great facilities and plenty of good roads to ride)

    I did my own little Camp while there starting with an Olympic race last Sunday (3/23) where I did very well considering the competition (lots of guys with USA and their last names in their tri-suits and a collegiate qualifier race as well). Great to race in there in the heat and wind in contrast to cold Ohio
    Results---> http://chiptimes.com/images/files/static/668OverAll.htm

    Then, the rest of the week...about 40 miles running , 120 on the bike in the heat and about 7 swimming...so not bad while still earning SAUs!
  • @MR...don't misunderstand my questioning the 90' sunday....I am definitely OK with that.  I am definitely OK with that!  My legs have been sore for at least 2 wks constantly and I don't see an end in sight until the taper.  

  • I just got my EN tri kit and cycling jersey in the mail today!!!  I like them and they seem to fit nicely.  The only HUUUGE downside is that the back of the tri shorts seem to be a bit ummm... SEE- THROUGH!!!  (when the material is stretched out, as in the aero position). We've all seen those see- through butt cracks and they're never a pleasant sight.  Anyone else notice the same?!  If I were to wear my cycling jersey on race day, then it would solve that problem... and then I could switch to my tri top at T2, I suppose.  Just a little wardrobe concern.

  • Linda...there is a whole thread devoted to the new kits (I didn't order one though).  Lots of talk of the transparency, but seems like the people who put them on, got them wet, etc., decided they were not really "see-through".  I sure hope not....

  • Monday's I wake up feeling pretty good considering the big weekends work... As the day progresses I feel worse.... And then tuesday usually starts out pretty rough....Its a glorious much needed day off the legs day..... Big 5000yd swim this am, WU , then sets with PB, Paddles, Fins , and a few hard sprints to finish up.... I was planning a snorkel day today but couldn't find my nose clip.... I never swim with a nose clip but for some reason when using a snorkel I NEED ONE.

    @Linda --I'm still waiting my EN kit arrival. Havent followed the see thru thread. Hoping the shorts are better than the last ones from LG (they were too short for me). Only going to use mine training anyway since I will race in my custom EN tri-suit .
  • Swim: http://www.strava.com/activities/125682115  4,200 yds

    Z2 @ 3% (15') on TM: http://www.strava.com/activities/125750079

    Felt tired today as expected but oddly felt better by the end of the day vs. this morning.

    ..............hour by hour, day by day...........................

  • doing a big tri week.

    in three days have done an ironman minus one hour of bike and 10 miles of run.

    usually would be doing this in Kona but saving money and enjoying the lack of travel hassle.  


  • I forgot about SAU points. Definitely gained those this weekend while the hubs went to Pinehurst... (and I missed my Sat bike) Needless to say, I was ready to get back to work today. 4000 yds and felt strong. Ready to tackle this week like a pit bull on a meat truck.
  • Nice work, all! You guys are making it impossible to blow off a day off and devote it to TV and Doritos.

    A good Monday for me. Woke up feeling surprisingly fresh, despite the weekend's work. Maybe that camp we did paid some benefits? 5-mile a.m. run with some strides felt great.

    Wasn't excited about swimming tonight, but once I started, the sprint work was fun. Starting to feel pretty good about my swim.

    Then on the walk home, I find my new EN tri trop in the mailbox. I ordered a S about 12 pounds ago and wasn't sure if I'd be able to squeeze into it. But it fits perfectly.

    Perhaps for the first time in my life, I'm looking forward to running mile sprints in the morning.

  • Just back from the pool. Only stays open 'til 10 and I could only get away at 8:45, so had limited time. I also enjoyed the sprints -- didn't even bring my Garmin to the pool. Concentrated on high elbow pull and pulling harder during the sprints. Seemed to go alright. 3,250 yds total.
  • Following the EN plan this week.

    Monday - Swim - 3750 1:15 - Wanted to do 4000 but had to get home before daughter went to bed.

    Tuesday - Swim 4100 1:21 - Feeling tired after this one.  Will run at lunch or tonight depending on how work goes.


  • Got the EN swim in last night.  About half way through the endless sprint/easy sets I started feeling horrible.  Just tired/weak and even got a little "shaky" (sort of like that overdose on caffeine jitters, but without the caffeine hyperactivity/stimulation).  Realized my legs were wobbly....I guess I'm kicking a little harder during the sprints and all the hard effort was just catching up.  Tried to focus on just a relaxed/minimal two-beat kick and it passed.  Felt fine during the 400's that followed and the 8x100's at T-pace (which did NOT happen at T-pace.  That was about the hardest swim workout I have ever done and I felt like an overcooked noodle getting out.  Success!....I think.  

  • Yesterday I spent a total of 8 hrs driving for a two hour client meeting. But she pays the bills and I am greatful for the work.
    Today I had a 1:40 run covering 10.93mi with 2 mi around z4 (in the 7:50's). I have been running this same format on tuesdays for the past few weeks and my avg pace has come down each week. This was a good run for me. Took me a good 45min to get moving and feel human but that is normal when I roll out of bed and into my running shoes.
    Gonna swim at lunch.

    -Jeff - your description of your pool set sounds familiar. One thing I noticed at around this point in the trainup last time is that I would go from feeling just fine to feeling shakey - low bloodsugar - starving in the blink of an eye. Your story is a good reminder for me to start keeping something healthy to eat on hand or nearby at all times...
  • @JL, as this is your first and you just did a huge camp, you are potentially susceptible to overtraining.  I've been there.  Starts with big-time fatigue like you've been describing, but can lead to illness and injury.  If it's just one off day, you can steam through it.  But if it lasts and your body screams for rest . . . I'd listen.  Coach P is a big rest proponent - ping him if in doubt.  With 4 weeks of real work left, we're just topping off the tanks.  It's no time to veer off of Smart St.

    Legs strangely felt heavy compared to yesterday.  But after a couple miles of warm-up, got my Z4's done in 6:48 and 6:50.  Felt like I was pushing harder than those numbers, but I think Speed is facing the formidible duo of Volume + Fatigue right now.  I just need to keep a little that high-end speed so I can outsprint SS to the line if I manage to catch him.


  • Question to the group - are yall planning on using a swimskin? Why/why not? Which kind? I will most likely use one unless this cool spring keeps us wetsuit legal.
  • @JA, I have an Xterra Velocity for all the non-legal races in the swamps down here.  Love it.  Easy/fast to take it off.  I've tested it several times in the pool vs. just tri shorts, and it always gives me 2-3 seconds/100, which adds up over 4,200.  No buoyancy, just fast fabric.   It's way overpriced, but the 60% EN discount brings it down to like $140.  I may end up bringing it, my full (in which I'll likely boil even if legal) and my 10 yo sleeveless QR.
  • @MR....thanks for the advice. I am concerned with overtraining, and wish I could remember before getting out of bed to check my HR....but I'm usually in a comatose state and cannot seem to remember.  I think last night was a combination of empty stomach, sprints with overkicking and some fatigue for sure.  I may just run today, and not swim.  

  • @MR - thanks. I have an old sleeveless also. Might as well bring it along. At what temp do you decide to go sleeveless?
  • @JA I'm also planning to swim in a skin if it is not ws legal. I found a crazy deal on clymb.com when they had a bunch of closeouts. I do not own a sleeveless, so if it looks like it will be a wetsuit swim, I'll either bake in my full sleeve or try and borrow a sleeveless.

    I've learned that if I don't get my run in early, I won't do it. Felt good to get some mile repeats in. I love my treadmill for these particular runs.

    Seeing some strong efforts in the pool this week. I went uptown to our city aquatic center to take advantage of the 50 meter long course they have set up on Tuesdays. Our local elite team was practicing with Ryan Lochte and all of his chiseled teammates, male and female. Their coach offered me an empty lane next to them, and proceeds to put one of his female athletes in with me. It became a chase fest... her chasing me, and me just trying to get to the wall. I decided to put my fins on just so I wasn't holding her up too terribly bad, and yet she still was smoking me. Finished the first set with fins. 2nd set I threw on the paddles and pull buoy, and finished out with a normal swim. She pushed me more than I would have paced if it was just me swimming on my own. My arms were feeling the 2 miles from yesterday, but I keep telling myself 4 more weeks to get the work in.

  • 83 degrees here right now......only one thing to do about that.....hop in the 50M outdoor pool......to report back later........ :0)


    OK, got in 4,100M or 4,500 yards and was not fun........swimming fatigued is a slog.......a necessary slog.

    Ran earlier on TM: http://www.strava.com/activities/125937854

    Nice work today all!

  • Wetsuits..... Last year I was in Texas for 2.5 weeks before IMTX.... Record cold temps.... Water was not wetsuit legal until 1-2 days before.... They had a local sprint TRI in Woodland Lake the weekend before and I was on a waiting list to get in.... Went down to registration and people were trying to give there registrations away... Temps the morning of that race were low 40's and it was a wetsuit legal race.... I doubt very much that IMTX will be wetsuit legal but it will most likely be wetsuit optional ... I will be bringing full, sleeveless, and swimskin! Be prepared for anything.....

    Swim 45min and 2500yds this am.....
    Bike 2hrs with 3 x 18' @ .90-.95 and then 37min @ .75 http://connect.garmin.com/activity/471812866#
    Run 4 mile brick....

    MY FLO Disc came today ;-)
  • Managed somehow to pull myself together and get the run and swim done.  Did not think I was going to be able to hold TP for both miles, but after a 2 mile warmup, I surprised myself and did them both ~5secs/mi faster than TP (accident....I'm not overachieving!).  I am forcing myself (as much as schedule allows) to run and ride when it's hot....although it's still not really TEXAS hot yet.  It was 87 during my run though and the sweat was pouring by the end.  Practiced 4oz Perform/hr (man that tastes good sometimes!)  Will my legs ever not be sore again????


    Did the 2 main sets of swim workout and then had to bail to pickup kids.  I was DONE with it anyway.  Starting to dislike the black line...

    After reading about everyone (but me) wearing a speedskin/swimskin thingy, I ordered the XTerra Velocity (thanks MR).  I will not be winning anything (except maybe the not giving up despite being stupid slow award ), but on the other hand, I need all the help I can get.  

    I am very confident that by ordering this swimskin that it will be wetsuit legal on May 17, so bring your wetsuits.....cuz every time I wash my car it rains the next day.    

  • I took a rest day yesterday since I was still sore from racing Oceanside 70.3.  I did Wed's bike and run today.  I felt fine during the run, but was having a little hard time hitting my #'s during the 1st set on the bike, but was able to stay on target for the second set.

    Great stuff on the wetsuit/skinsuit arena.  I've only worn a full wetsuit, so I suppose I should start exploring the skinsuit options.  Did any of you wear a full wetsuit at IMTX last year?  If so, was it too warm?  Do people wear the sleeveless to still maintain buoyancy without boiling over?  @Tim- which brands do you own/recommend, as you and I are similar body size.




  • thx all for the tips re: swim skins. will probably get one as well

    40' run to the pool yesterday. luckily, there's a track on the way, so I got my 2x1 in at 6:35 / mile. Arms felt heavy during the swim as I went Monday night / Tuesday morning back2back swim sets. Called my wife for a pickup after the swim, as I didn't feel like running back home (she's great for putting up with all this...)

    just finished today's bike wko of 2x20' @ 0.96 each. last week, I went 0.99, 0.90 after blowing up on the last 20' interval, so happy to see a well-paced effort this time

    traveling to TX for work the rest of the week. due to schedule, won't be able to run in the heat of the day, but plan on several runs including tmw's long run, as well as a long, outdoor pool swim on Friday. back home Friday night for this weekend's fun on the bike
  • I too own an Xterra Velocity speed suit. I wore it at Vegas 70.3 last Sept. I really liked it. Must fit tight...and boy did it ever! Easy off and comfortable as I was getting absolutely clobbered in the water by the fast guys! That too was zero via water. I had no idea what that really meant until after that race. Now I get it. Oh boy...2.4 of that? Yikes.
    I also have the Xterra full sleeve and sleeveless Vortex and will be bringing the sleeveless in case.

    Yeah! More snow on the way for Minneapolis. 6 plus inches? WTH? Looks like my 14 miler tomorrow will be only tm again. Someone please make this madness stop!!!! Another 5 hr trainer ride on the docket Sat.

    My last ows was Vegas, and my last ride outside was Vegas too! Lol!! I have only done 2 long runs outside and about 5 easy runs. Texas is gonna be a SHOCKER!!!!! image
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