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IMLP Week 10 ( Shits getting real )

To help with my motivation I try to focus on a person who hasn't easy of late. My motivation is my mother who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and will be starting chemo on May 20th. I will be shaving my hair as she will be losing hers. Who motivates you ?


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    Simon, as long as she never gives up and battles hard good things happen. I learned that from my friend Jeanie who has Multiple Myeloma. She is the reason that I am doing IMLP for the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation. On those tough rides, or those days I do not feel motivated I think of her, and how she has no choice in her motivation. It is a matter of survival. What I go through is nothing compared to what she has gone, and goes through. That helps me stay motivated.
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    @Larry awesome stuff. Could not agree more. Staying positive and upbeat is the only way up go. Had a friend mine create a sticker with the acronym FCTIAH. Fuck cancer there is always hope.
    Have a good day.
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    I've got a few people in my head who have struggled or are struggling that get over the hump during races, but when I see the "disabled" athletes competing during races, I often ask myself if I have the right to complain....they are truly inspirational to me!
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    First swim done... in a 18m pool at the hotel.
    It feels strange to swim outside the accustomed "box" of 25 or 50m
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    I have a close friend who lost her husband (in a race).  He was a former team EN member.  I think of the whole family and all they've been through every time I feel like I can't continue and it gives me the motivation to push myself, but also to know when to ask for the help from friends and family I need to motivate me when I don't feel like I can do it alone.  Only you can dig deep when you're alone on the race course and know what you're feeling, but the support of those around you is one of the best things you can ask for and it's there every day!!

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    I have continued to do the weekday day bike workouts on the trainer (time efficient and downtown Toronto is not the best for sustained hard cycling efforts - traffic, stop lights, street cars!!).

    On the weekends, I have been doing my Sunday ride outside. I ride early morning and north of city, where the roads are more open and stop lights few and far between, and usually light traffic.

    I am torn on riding solo or with a group. Benefits for going solo - my own power pace, my own schedule. I also find going solo meditative. Benefits for group riding - social, voices other than the ones inside my head, external motivators, support in case of breakdown.

    How do you guys ride?


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    @Bill, I do most of my rides solo or on the trainer. That's due to a few reasons but primarily it has to do with scheduling and location of other members of my tri club. It's also so I can focus on the workout I need to target without holding someone back or being held back myself. I enjoy the time on my own. My biggest concern on long solo rides is the lack of support in the even of an emergency, that usually means I end up carrying a little extra fuel, water and repair parts.
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    @Bill - I might be the odd-guy-out but I have never been in a group ride except for once with Coach Rich while on work travel and there were only 3 of us then.

    So for me, 100% of my training rides are solo. In a race is the only time I expect to have company.
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    Thanks Chris.

    Ditto for me. I do prefer riding solo - becoming one with my Cervelo

    Biggest concern is also support in event of an emergency. Beside the usual kit, I always carry a phone, emergency contact info in my bike bag, and family knows where I am and when to expect me back.

    Safe riding everyone.

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    @Steve, Good to see another Mainer on here.
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    @Steve. I am in good company then....We'll make an exception for LP Camp in June.

    Are you planning to attend?

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    I watched the Kona broadcast one year (2005 I think?). I had seen bits and pieces before and kind of knew what Ironman was. But this was the first time I watched the full thing on TV. They did some coverage of the physically challenged athletes including a wounded veteran. I was/still am inspired by those athletes out there. If they are doing it, I have no excuse.

    One month from today we check into IMLP Camp!

    Recovery run went well tonight. 7 miles including 1.5 at MP. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/498464828
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    Had to drop my car off for some body work. (A nice person hit it while it was parked and then drove away). Since I didn't have a ride from the dealers auto body shop, I decided to ride my bike to work from there. It was an 82 mile commute! averaged .72 IF and 20.2 mph. That killed today's 2 X 1 hard run, but Coach P has already smoothed out the week for me.

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    @Edwin - Whaaaaaa?  That's hardcore!

    Had a tired swim today - still absorbing those rides from the weekend.  Looking forward to  a good night's sleep and tomorrow's workouts.

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    @Edwin. Well done. Good for the environment and good for IMLP 

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    That's pretty sweet Edwin!
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    Hey gang when you have a spare moment the dinner menu is up for IMLP. You need to make a menu choice on the Lake Placid Event sheet. It is self explanatory, we will also be setting up a pay pal account at some point to we can pay for the food as one check. Any questions just drop me a line....

    @ Edwin nice job dude
    @Doug nice job hanging in there
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    Need to post last bit of last week and MON WKO's ...was feeling over fatigued and dropped the SUN Bike [likely over did SAT] -planned on moving it to MON.....but did Upper body/core WKO instead....still "endurance-tired" & tried to get a full night of natural sleep (not-so much).
    Am I the only one who is getting cooked by the speedwork Swim drills? I don't seem to have a "slow gear" when trying to recover....my times are only just above my 1K TT pace on the "EZ" parts. Also form disintegrates after 150yrds of sprinting. SWOF and times good but the lungs just don't have it -panting like a maniac after 200's W/O able to go to the EZ 50's w/o a 15" pause at the wall. not fun.
    Lousy weather again this week so no chance to do any road vs trainer calibration. ....
    Happy with Run ...just finding it hard to settle into a Z1 pace (Like Pool) seem to have only Stop, fast, Sprint gears - (+)GRP feels good -Like a "real long run pace"
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     @Dave, I personally give swimming my least level of importance. I could swim 4 times a week all winter long in pool and still have a lousey WKO. How I swim in the pool is vastly different than open water. If you are getting toasted, then you may need a real day off and not a "recovery" workout. Think about ROI and what you can really achieve in a swim workout vs building bike endurance and thereby building run endurance.
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    Hit the track before work today and got the speed work in. 7 miles including 2 X 1 @ Z4 and 2.5+ at Z2. I felt good the entire run. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/498672067

    3400 yards in the pool. I was aiming for more but my arms were dead. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/499071061
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    @ David-  +1 on what Edwin said! Luckily open water swims are just about ready to start, which might help! 

    @ Doug- Nice work! I hear ya about the arms being dead. Felt the same today.

    Did my run before work this morning...7 miles including 2 Z4+ miles and some Z2/3 after. Nice to have the sun coming up at 5:30 when I start!! Good for the mind and soul  Got in my swim after work 3400 yards in the pool.  Hitting open water tomorrow for a bit just to get in! Forget what it feels like  

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    Oh and @ Simon- Thanks for doing all the leg work for our team dinner!!! Very much appreciated! Should be a good time 

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    Hey gang hope all is going as planned. Simon top notch on the restraraunt. Well Canadian May 24 weekend is upon us. Will be in Lake Placid this weekend 16-19 for a recon. Mirror Lake no recon except look at it. If anyone is near or is in LP good to see you there !

     Drop me a line and let's get some trg done !

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    Shuffling things around again due to the 3 W's - weather, work and wife's training schedule. Monday was swim/run. Yesterday I only got in a hard hour of FTP/vo2 bike work on trainer. Today I'll do the long run....somehow, I'll get it all in.
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    Wednesday is my long run day. It wasn't too warm so the run went well. Finished with 13.5 miles. Tomorrow I will be jumping into open water somewhere for a long swim.

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    Long run done today also. Great running temps here. 13.1 hilly miles. Hit my paces well today and felt pretty good. Health is finally coming back for me. I need to find a way to get one of the long bike rides in prior to the weekend, but weather doesn't look good.
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    Way to get those workouts done everyone!
    @Steve have fun in LP, let us know how it goes up there.

    Bike and run wko's for me today. 25' of Z4 work and 10' of VO2 (1.2+) work. Hit my targets and felt good on the ride. My overall IF for this ride was .95 with a TSS of 105, OUCH! http://connect.garmin.com/activity/499687136

    I'm participating in a local trail race series so rather than the prescribed run I did the race about 1.5 hours after the ride. I made a wrong turn during the race and dragged about 10 people with me, woops! Still ended up doing pretty well (5th OA, 2nd AG). http://connect.garmin.com/activity/499655639
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    I have to move a few things around this week, thus is life.  Do you think this will count as my long run?


    Its only six mile(ish) but I can stretch out the time!

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    @Doug, will do, getting psyched. Was there Easter Sunday and had an awesome trg day with Brenda and Trevor Mclean.

    @Edwin if you can swing it would love to ride with you this weekend.

    Sad but true will be bringing my wet suit and hope water is doable. Mirror lake is one of my favorite places to OWS

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    @steve- I read somewhere that it was just 58f degrees off the dock in Mirror a couple of days ago. Good luck!
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