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IMTX Week 12 - Patience & Discipline



  • IMLP and IMAZ for me 2015.......
  • Coeur d'Alene or IMLP and IMFL........

    Definitely missing the team personalities and commentary......

    Hope all are recovered and enjoying a well deserved summer with your families!






  • Either IMCHOO or Maryland for me.
  • Next year will probably be ironman break and then come back at age 50.

    if I do one, may consider a late season.   May consider coming to Arizona to volunteer this year to get an entry.        how late can one sign up for volunteering?

  • Robin , Heather and I are volunteering at IMAZ this year to get in for 2015.... Sign up for volunteering is July 1st.... That is the 1 good thing about the WTC AWA thing (at least for GOLD) priority sign up for races but only ONE per year... I plan to use that one for IMLP sign up ...
  • IM Maryland and maybe one other one like IMFL.  I would love to do Louisville again but it's too close to IM Maryland.  I'm not sure how to gauge the amount of time needed between events.  Any insight would be helpful.


  • With the EN spots, may consider Florida. But would prefer to hang with Tim in Az.
  • Hi friends -- I finally buckled down and did my first bike test today since well before taper. I've lost about 5% of my power. Curious if you all had similar results or if I'm just a slacker.
  • No slacking EB.  You peaked and then transitioned for about 4 weeks.  5% is not big deal and expected.  It will come back with a little bit of consistency and work......


  • Hey EB, we gave away some of that top-end FTP during the volume build to TX.  And I've lost a bit more the past month making a pretty sizeable dent in my couch.  I did a couple of painful 2x20's last Saturday, and I was 7-10% lower on watts than where I was 3 months ago.  And my 2x1 Z4 runs this morning were about 20 seconds slower than my high point.  I can fix that with 2-3 good weeks of GF.  But this is really my OS, as my next race season is basically Nov-Mar, so I'll ease into it.  Speaking of next season, EB, if we don't get the EN early slots to Choo, do we have to go volunteer this Sep to guarantee a spot?  Sold out this year in 40 seconds.
  • EB...I have not tested since IMTX, but there is no question I am slower on bike and run now too.  I have had the same questions/concerns, since I've never done/recovered from a full before.  Glad to hear I'm not the only one.  

  • I was originally thinking of doing IM Maryland but now planning to do IMCHOO in 2015. Hopefully, EN will have a camp in CHOO.

    Start my Get Faster plan this week. No issues on the bike, run was painfully to get started but was fine after 15 minutes of running. The heat is on in northern VA.
  • Hey Bill, there's an EN camp there this year and, with Choo being a '15 key race, I'm quite confident there will be one next year too.
  • MR I'm banking on the EN slots... CHOO14 is on my son's 6th birthday and we already have a beach trip scheduled so no volunteering for me.

    5k test tonight. I'm over in the GF forum for the majority of the summer if anyone wants to join in on that party.
  • I knew this was gonna be a good group... This thread won't die ! Proves it!

    Most people say they regain Endurance before Power after an IM... I feel (no I know) the exact opposite that I regain my Power before my Endurance after an IM.... I feel the best after an IM when I take minimal time off (2 days after IMTX) and the do 1 week of Z1 in all 3 sports.... Second week I re-introduce intensity little by little.... Then I like to race a Sprint or an OLY ASAP since it really seems to wake me up....

    This year has been no different and I have retested FTP twice , once with a 2 x 20(2) 42min NP , and the other a 20min test... Both have confirmed early year FTP numbers but I can really feel my longer term endurance suffering still.... Just hanging in a maintenance mode until August where I will build up my longbike and longrun again....

    One rule of thumb I heard and agree with is that you need 1 day of recovery for each mile of the run in the triathlon race.... IOW 3 days for a sprint , 26 days for an IM.... Makes sense and I believe it..... We should all be 100% by now... That doesnt mean 100% old numbers (specially if you havent been training) but at least 100% recovered from IMTX....

    My advice to everybody???? Go find a local Sprint or OLY and RACE ASAP!!!
  • I'm donating my race entry fee to a local sprint tomorrow. image Followed by a summer dedicated to chasing 4/52. The real stuff doesn't start for me again until this Fall.
  • I took one full week off after IMTX. Then began easing into it again. I had this strange wobble in my crank that has caused a couple of chain suck incidents going from small to big ring. So I've been without my bike for almost 3 weeks waiting for the warranty replacement. (It was only supposed to take less than a week). Got it back yesterday and was supposed to ride 2x15 Z4 last night and couldn't get anywhere near it. I was a good 25 watts away from pre-IM power. I contemplated doing a sprint on Sunday, but my pride won't let me. I know I'm gonna suck on the bike and just don't feel like embarasing myself.

    In other news, my run and swim are both back stronger than I expected.
  • Hi Team , an update from Ohio... just came back from the Seattle area last night.
    I took one week off, then started preparing for my planned climb of Mount Rainier.

    It went very, very well!!! Certainly the fitness from the season helped as I did not really feel the exhaustion and altitude too much.
    Also the principles of race execution and climb execution are very similar (when you compare T1/T2 to breaks in the climb in the upper mountain they are almost the same !)

    I took my Garmin of course...below you can see the files in Connect for the two steps (climb to high camp where we spent one day to acclimate and the final puch to the summit the day after)



    Robin : sorry I did not call you when I got to the area but had bad flight delays and I almost do not make it to the initial meeting with the rest of the climbing team...maybe next time I'm around we could meet
  • gonzalo.  glad the climb went well.     you heard about the deaths we had recently.

    gravel grinder race tomorrow.    32 miles.   4 mile loop.   half is gravel.      hope to kick butt in my age.   will see.      using my power wheel so will have some numbers.

  • GCP.  I climbed Mt Yale (Collegiate Peaks in Central Colorado) last week with youth group from church and my two 14y/o sons.  Wish I had thought to take me 310XT.  I assumed it wouldn't have signal, since cell phones don't.  Stupid me.  

    Peak was 14.1K, but you hiked more overall, as we did first day at base camp of 8500ft, then hiked to high camp of 11,000ft, where we spent two days before going to summit (trying to avoid altitude sickness).  We also moved much slower than you, as we had a couple of middle school/high school girls with us who were not in good shape and had trouble with packs, altitude, etc.  Was my first time hiking like this.  It is a workout!  The folks in our group kept asking me "is this harder than an Ironman?"!  Not quite!  

  • Jeff : so funny.... I kept being asked the exact same question over and over and my answer given the steep climbing, cold, snow, ice and wind was that it was another kind of hard...
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