I can train two hours in the morning and one in the night in weekdays, the only thing in Saturdays I only have two hours in the morning and in the Sundays I can train all day I usually have my long rides on Sunday
I'm in the run focus program week 5, today I did some intervals in the bike, but I couldn't reach my zone 4, I felt really tired about the whole week, I've doing all the training 100% but today I hit the wall; my legs hurt. should I take a easy day tomorrow with the running, it's about 8x50'' I think is not that bad.
I did a running 5k test today, I improved from a 36.93 vdot from one month ago to a 39.75 today, I felt better at the end, actually my HR was under the last test from 179 to 175; I think I started to low. Are those 3 points a good number? I don't have a clue about the range.
Last week I been sick with fever and diarrhea, so I skip three days, but did my long bike distance.
Next week I start with the Ironman plan, I think I maybe able to do the intermediate program, any suggestions with that?
This week I have a Big day on Sunday, the bad news is that I have a hurricane in my head, there's no way I can ride on Sunday, the entire city is under water; I have to reschedule the day, is the next week ok?
Hello Coach P. I think the weather is getting better, so the Big Day is on tomorrow!! The plan is to swim at 7:00 am. Then immediately transition to the bike, I have a very flat course that will do the job. After that I come back home to T2 and start the run also with no delays. Today I will run with my wife a 5k in a night run, it’s her first race so she’s really excited, changing the cheerleading to actually race. I’ll take it really easy to have a great day tomorrow. This week I couldn’t make the 5k test, the rain was my enemy, should I change one of the next week runs for that test? Thanks!!
300 ml gatorade, nutella and peanut butter sandwich, 2 bananas half power bar.
I started with a WU with 400mts.
1000 mts, at 20:16, the intervals where very steady in 2:00. swolf (i don't know if this is important) was 89-90 the entire time. Felt a little tired at the end.
Transition 250 ml gatorade bottle.
Bike 15 mins later one
Started with 45 mins in Z1, there was a lot of traffic before the highway, this affected the entire numbers. After that I kept in Z2 for the entire time, the average for the highway lap was around 31.5km/h a lot of discipline with the Heart rate. First long distance with an adamo saddle, a little chaffing discomfort but I'm adapting to it.
I ate six GU gels alternated with 2 power bars, gel 15', bar 15' and so on, 1.5 lt gatorade, 1lt water, two sips each 5 minutes. A lot of numbers to remember.
Started with a Z1 really easy jogging, after 1km I started in Z2, hard to keep as the heat was getting higher. I got 600ml gatorade (two sips every km) and one gel. 8.9 Kms in 1 hour.
Total 5:38 mins, I skipped the 20 after the swimming.
In general I felt great, this was the first time that I kept on Z2 in the bike, the "should" is better than the "could", very happy with the result. This is the 4th time that I actually do this kind of distance/time, 3 HIM before. but this time I felt stronger, also my nutrition was very planned and executed well, I think maybe an extra gel for the run and more water.
Today my legs are a little sore, but it's ok after all the work.
Marcelo that's fantastic!! Super well done. You need to drink like 1 bottle per hour minimum (24oz) -- I would try to up that number over the next few weeks. I'd also want you to take a salt stick pill every hour as well. The sodium becomes really important as the race goes on.
If you feel good today that means you really paced it well --- nice work!
I'm getting back in the EN program, right now I'm returning after a one month break time. Now I'm heading to Ironman Los Cabos in October. Coach Rich assigned me the get faster plan, and right now I'm not that fast lol. I completed the HIM in Monterrey in March, I finished it in 5:28 my PR.
I just started with my sets of 2x1 miles in z4 and my HR is going really high, I hope it settles very fast in the upcoming weeks. I also have purchased a powermeter wich I'm still getting used to ii and trying not understand my numbers. Any initial advice with this?
Right now I'm a little overweighted with I think 8 or 1 pounds above my regular weight. I'm cutting the extra sugar.
Marcelo, great to have you back. The first 6 weeks are the hardest part...then your body will be "Back in the training groove" and the data will make much more sense to you.
The most important thing you can do with your data is log it all...if you don't have strava, get it and upload all your workouts so we can go back and look at them in the future; similar with the HR it will look very different come the end of even this month!
Congratulations on that amazing Kona Qualification! you were flying out there! very inspiring!
I'm starting to analyzing my power data in Training Peaks, I'm getting used to it, all my records are also in Strava, this last Sunday I did my Vo2 test but I wasn't happy about it, I tought my watts would be better, this is the result.
0203 348W
174 184 192bpm
72 98 183rpm
31.9 38.043.2kph
01:53 01:35 01:23min/km
The heat was very intense, so I was cooking, I'll do another test earlier in the morning to avoid that. I think my watts were too low for that speed. I don't know why
MP, thanks! Best way to see the VO2 numbers is to see what % it is of your FTP (should be about 120%)...if you are in the ballpark great. Or if you think the test was an anomaly, but your FTP / 20' test was good, then just take that number and multiply by 1.2 and train to THAT number for your VO2 stuff.
I do register every training with my Garmin, I'm still trying to understand my power zones in the bike. Which data fields do you recommend me to work with in actual training? I have power 3s, bike zone, HR. I have seen that a lot of people works with NP and IF, right now is like rocket science.
This has been a tought week, I'm not feeling very good at my swim and bike trainings, I feel better with my running right now, as I'm preparing for a half marathon on june 28; after that I'll start the Full program for the IM Cabos.
Is it ok if I do double swimming sessions? or bike in the morning and also a little in the evening at the trainer? I don't know if that could help me right now that I'm starting to get serious training time.
MArcelo, it will take a few weeks before you get comfortable / good at picking the right number. It just takes time. You are becoming a sommelier of bike pain.
My set up is as follows:
3s Smoothed Power Normalized Power by Lap (Garmin set to auto lap every 2 miles so I can see the "work" I am accumulating). Heart Rate. Then I have Distance and Time at the bottom!
Reporting time! I've felt better now; consistent training with only one rest day, most of the days doing one session at the morning and one at night, My running is getting better, here is some data with my latest results with a 2x1 mile and 2x.5 mile sessions.
I broke the 8:00 mark in the mile in Z4, not getting in Z5 yet. with the same Avg. HR at 177 in the four weeks.
I have a half marathon in June 28, so I'm putting a long run at saturdays, changing the long bike for sundays, which is my rest day at work. Should I get above 1:35hrs - 1:45?
I'm also focusing in my nutrition, right now I'm in 161 lbs, I would like to get into the 145-150 range in a couple of months.
In the bike I did some sprints today, just to check out my 5secs watts, I went from 580 to 703, On Sunday I would like to test again my 20 mins to get a better FTP (I hope)
Marcelo -- nice work!!! That consistency is key...and why the results are there. Keep it up...
I like the long bike on Sunday...let's call it 2 to 2.5 hours. Doesn't have to be hard if you are tired after the long run, just make sure the finish is stronger.
As you said it: it will take a few weeks, you're a prophet, I'm getting my mojo back, after my saturday's long run, I rode 3 hours and set a new ftp with 186 (196*95%), , previously was 180 at the final stage I reached some bumps it may affected a little bit, but very happy with that;
I started to ride with a semipro cycling team, they're really fast, there was something yesterday that I saw, in a very steep climb (6%) they dropped me like a 5 year old kid; I was using my aero bike, and the team's coach told me that it has to be with it, I don't believe that, I just need more power. Since IMlos Cabos has a lot of hills should I train with very steep climbs? or should I get a slower cadence with more power?
Marcelo, way to stick with it!!! I am pumped you are back and stronger...and yes, they dropped you b/c of your aerobike (just can't put out watts on that hill like that) but that's okay...because on race day we'll ride it THE OPPOSITE of how you are riding it with these guys. You'll ride up it much easier and down it harder...I suggest the next time you hit that hill, make sure you are towards the front...so you can drift back through the group, make them go around you..and you'll be able to get back on more easily!!!
It's been a while since my last reply, it has been rough in work, also a couple of travels so my training time droped a lot...
I have my B race on Sunday, it's my local half marathon, actually my PR , so I will try to crush it! I feel good and my GF plan helped me to think I can do it.
On Monday I start my Ironman Plan, I've take a look in the advanced and intermediate programs, I'll be honest and go with the intermediate, otherwise I will just blow it.
Do you recommend me to have a "swim camp"? I haven't swim to many miles so I feel I'm kind of rusty with that; It could be for a 15 days period which I swim daily?
I just ran the half marathon in 1:57, I couldn't make my 1:53 that I wished; I'll do my race report by evening, I uploaded the information in the link, no good pics , I felt I did a good race, my execution was by the book, but my speed never came...
I'll race IM los Cabos in October 25; right now I'm in week 4 on the EN full training plan, I started the intermediate plan; right now I'm getting stronger on the bike, and in the running, but my swimming is not getting too much attention, that's why I was asking about the "swimming camp" I'll do what you recommended, having more days in the water.
km time Avg HR
1 5:28 172
2 5:20 180
3 5:16 184
4 5:01 185
5 4:09 196
Total 5k 25:47 HRM AVG 178
Does this means that 178 is my reference?
Thanks coach
Hello Coach:
Bike test 40 mins.
Distance: 14.88mi
Avg Speed: 22.2mph
HR avg 170 max 187 min 144
I feel I started low in my HR, also my max HR was below my max HR in the running test, do I run the test again?
Hello Coach:
Question: I work on saturdays
, so it's hard for me to take too many hours to complete the training sessions, is it ok to switch to sundays?
Have a sec, write up what a week "would" look like...that. Would help me help you more...
So can I change the Saturdays to Sundays?
Hello Coach!
I'm in the run focus program week 5, today I did some intervals in the bike, but I couldn't reach my zone 4, I felt really tired about the whole week, I've doing all the training 100% but today I hit the wall; my legs hurt. should I take a easy day tomorrow with the running, it's about 8x50'' I think is not that bad.
I did a running 5k test today, I improved from a 36.93 vdot from one month ago to a 39.75 today, I felt better at the end, actually my HR was under the last test from 179 to 175; I think I started to low. Are those 3 points a good number? I don't have a clue about the range.
Last week I been sick with fever and diarrhea, so I skip three days, but did my long bike distance.
Next week I start with the Ironman plan, I think I maybe able to do the intermediate program, any suggestions with that?
Thanks coach!!
This week I have a Big day on Sunday, the bad news is that I have a hurricane in my head, there's no way I can ride on Sunday, the entire city is under water; I have to reschedule the day, is the next week ok?
Thanks coach!
But more importantly, is there anything we can do to help you out?!
I think the weather is getting better, so the Big Day is on tomorrow!! The plan is to swim at 7:00 am. Then immediately transition to the bike, I have a very flat course that will do the job. After that I come back home to T2 and start the run also with no delays.
Today I will run with my wife a 5k in a night run, it’s her first race so she’s really excited, changing the cheerleading to actually race. I’ll take it really easy to have a great day tomorrow.
This week I couldn’t make the 5k test, the rain was my enemy, should I change one of the next week runs for that test?
Hello Coach P:
Big day #1 is in the books! this is the recap.
300 ml gatorade, nutella and peanut butter sandwich, 2 bananas half power bar.
I started with a WU with 400mts.
1000 mts, at 20:16, the intervals where very steady in 2:00. swolf (i don't know if this is important) was 89-90 the entire time. Felt a little tired at the end.
Transition 250 ml gatorade bottle.
Bike 15 mins later one
Started with 45 mins in Z1, there was a lot of traffic before the highway, this affected the entire numbers. After that I kept in Z2 for the entire time, the average for the highway lap was around 31.5km/h a lot of discipline with the Heart rate. First long distance with an adamo saddle, a little chaffing discomfort but I'm adapting to it.
I ate six GU gels alternated with 2 power bars, gel 15', bar 15' and so on, 1.5 lt gatorade, 1lt water, two sips each 5 minutes. A lot of numbers to remember.
Total 4:00 hrs for 115Kms.
Transition. 250ml Gatorade 5 minutes
Started with a Z1 really easy jogging, after 1km I started in Z2, hard to keep as the heat was getting higher. I got 600ml gatorade (two sips every km) and one gel. 8.9 Kms in 1 hour.
Total 5:38 mins, I skipped the 20 after the swimming.
In general I felt great, this was the first time that I kept on Z2 in the bike, the "should" is better than the "could", very happy with the result. This is the 4th time that I actually do this kind of distance/time, 3 HIM before. but this time I felt stronger, also my nutrition was very planned and executed well, I think maybe an extra gel for the run and more water.
Today my legs are a little sore, but it's ok after all the work.
Any advice?
If you feel good today that means you really paced it well --- nice work!
I'm getting back in the EN program, right now I'm returning after a one month break time. Now I'm heading to Ironman Los Cabos in October. Coach Rich assigned me the get faster plan, and right now I'm not that fast lol. I completed the HIM in Monterrey in March, I finished it in 5:28 my PR.
I just started with my sets of 2x1 miles in z4 and my HR is going really high, I hope it settles very fast in the upcoming weeks. I also have purchased a powermeter wich I'm still getting used to ii and trying not understand my numbers. Any initial advice with this?
Right now I'm a little overweighted with I think 8 or 1 pounds above my regular weight. I'm cutting the extra sugar.
The most important thing you can do with your data is log it all...if you don't have strava, get it and upload all your workouts so we can go back and look at them in the future; similar with the HR it will look very different come the end of even this month!
Hello Coach P:
Congratulations on that amazing Kona Qualification!
you were flying out there! very inspiring!
I'm starting to analyzing my power data in Training Peaks, I'm getting used to it, all my records are also in Strava, this last Sunday I did my Vo2 test but I wasn't happy about it, I tought my watts would be better, this is the result.
The heat was very intense, so I was cooking, I'll do another test earlier in the morning to avoid that. I think my watts were too low for that speed. I don't know why
Hello Coach P:
I do register every training with my Garmin, I'm still trying to understand my power zones in the bike. Which data fields do you recommend me to work with in actual training? I have power 3s, bike zone, HR. I have seen that a lot of people works with NP and IF, right now is like rocket science.
This has been a tought week, I'm not feeling very good at my swim and bike trainings, I feel better with my running right now, as I'm preparing for a half marathon on june 28; after that I'll start the Full program for the IM Cabos.
Is it ok if I do double swimming sessions? or bike in the morning and also a little in the evening at the trainer? I don't know if that could help me right now that I'm starting to get serious training time.
Enjoy NYC!!
My set up is as follows:
3s Smoothed Power
Normalized Power by Lap (Garmin set to auto lap every 2 miles so I can see the "work" I am accumulating).
Heart Rate.
Then I have Distance and Time at the bottom!
Hello Coach P:
Reporting time! I've felt better now; consistent training with only one rest day, most of the days doing one session at the morning and one at night, My running is getting better, here is some data with my latest results with a 2x1 mile and 2x.5 mile sessions.
I broke the 8:00 mark in the mile in Z4, not getting in Z5 yet. with the same Avg. HR at 177 in the four weeks.
I have a half marathon in June 28, so I'm putting a long run at saturdays, changing the long bike for sundays, which is my rest day at work. Should I get above 1:35hrs - 1:45?
I'm also focusing in my nutrition, right now I'm in 161 lbs, I would like to get into the 145-150 range in a couple of months.
In the bike I did some sprints today, just to check out my 5secs watts, I went from 580 to 703, On Sunday I would like to test again my 20 mins to get a better FTP (I hope)
Any comments?
Thank you!!
I like the long bike on Sunday...let's call it 2 to 2.5 hours. Doesn't have to be hard if you are tired after the long run, just make sure the finish is stronger.
Excited to see where you are in another 4 weeks!
Hello Coach P:
As you said it: it will take a few weeks, you're a prophet, I'm getting my mojo back, after my saturday's long run, I rode 3 hours and set a new ftp with 186 (196*95%), , previously was 180 at the final stage I reached some bumps it may affected a little bit, but very happy with that;
I started to ride with a semipro cycling team, they're really fast, there was something yesterday that I saw, in a very steep climb (6%) they dropped me like a 5 year old kid
; I was using my aero bike, and the team's coach told me that it has to be with it, I don't believe that, I just need more power. Since IMlos Cabos has a lot of hills should I train with very steep climbs? or should I get a slower cadence with more power?
Hello Coach P!
It's been a while since my last reply, it has been rough in work, also a couple of travels so my training time droped a lot...
I have my B race on Sunday, it's my local half marathon, actually my PR , so I will try to crush it!
I feel good and my GF plan helped me to think I can do it.
On Monday I start my Ironman Plan, I've take a look in the advanced and intermediate programs, I'll be honest and go with the intermediate, otherwise I will just blow it.
Do you recommend me to have a "swim camp"? I haven't swim to many miles so I feel I'm kind of rusty with that; It could be for a 15 days period which I swim daily?
I think a swim camp is good, but you need a few weeks of consistent swimming first before you can do a lot of swimming.
So level 1 = swim 3x a week for 3 weeks...then you can jump into a more dynamic plan. We have resources available in the Swim Section of the Wiki here: http://members.endurancenation.us/Resources/Wiki/tabid/91/Default.aspx?topic=Swimming+Master
Please let me know if you want me to update your current plan with some swim ideas...if so, I will need to know what IM you are doing!
Thanks Coach!
I just ran the half marathon in 1:57, I couldn't make my 1:53 that I wished; I'll do my race report by evening, I uploaded the information in the link, no good pics
, I felt I did a good race, my execution was by the book, but my speed never came...
I'll race IM los Cabos in October 25; right now I'm in week 4 on the EN full training plan, I started the intermediate plan; right now I'm getting stronger on the bike, and in the running, but my swimming is not getting too much attention, that's why I was asking about the "swimming camp" I'll do what you recommended, having more days in the water.
4 months to my first Ironman feels sooo close…