4 mins is 240 seconds across 13.1 miles is just 18 seconds per mile...still a great run and even better if you finished strong!!!! It's also a good thing to have in your early training build up, giving you some solid confidence in your run as you build up the rest of your tri-fitness!!! Nice work!
It's been a while, I've been very busy at work, but I've been training good, felling stronger week after week, today I did my 5K test and I got a new Vdot! now it's 41, my best was 39, so I'm happy with that. I couldn't get the bike test, since it's complicated to get in the road in weekdays, so I'll do it next week. This week I have a Big day, I'll do it on Sunday, since I work on Saturdays; I have a good route to follow with not too much hills; by the way, I'm racing in IMCabos and it's really hilly, should I adjust any of my weekdays training with hills reps? Thanks!!
MP, that's fantastic...you are really in a great place right now! Hills aren't so much for getting stronger as they are about getting really good at pacing them (smart / float UP, then push downhill and carry that momentum into the flats). I say you can do 1-2 hillier long rides a month, but the flatter rides are also important as they require you to keep the pressure on. Keep it up!
I had a rough time on Sunday with my "big day" it was more like a "mid day", I forgot to set the alarm at 7 to go for the swimming, so I missed this part and start with the bike, after a couple of miles, it started to rain and here comes the first flat tire, not good, after I changed it I get back to work, only for another hour because I got another flat, so I had to call it off, it was a 2:38 ride, after that, I ran 1 hour with a steady pace, it was ok; but since I was dissapointed with that, should I repeat this Sunday the big day? I have a sweat test this weekend, and there's a Big day in two weeks, so what should I do?
Reporting here, I've been sick for five days, I have sinusitis, which attacks me on winter most of the time, but now I think were the AC's at work and the 97° out there which made me to stay at home for the entire weekend.
I don't know if its in this forum, I got the email about the en gear for the first time finisher; with the store closed for now, is there a way I can ask for it?
MP, rest up brother!! Our goal is to get you back first with 3 days of just easy exercise (spinning? Jogging?) then hopefully back on track for the weekend...you have time but first you must get healthy.
As for the gear, it's not looking good right now as our store is offline. I am super sorry we can't help you there, but you can message the team to see if someone is willing to lend you a top!
I'm feeling better now, considering that my sinusitis lasts at least a couple of weeks everytime, this week has been very light, just a couple of bike in the trainer and today I went for a long run, which ended at 1:10 after I started to cough.
I have a big day on Saturday, I have to start at 2pm because I work, so considering the 6 hours, I think I would have to cut a little bit of each transition, I'm thinking 45' swimming 3:45 in the bike and 45' in the run, is this ok? On sunday I could go for a three hour ride or a transition, what should I do?
Marcelo, my wife has the same affliction...just sucks. Glad you are on the mend! I say abbreviated big day is good for you, then on Sunday I prefer you do a 2:15 ride and a 45' run...so a total of 3 hours, just that we can get in a bit more running for you to make up for the lost miles.
I've been following the plan at 85% skipping some of the low priority when I'm really tired; I've felt better in the long run/bike trainings, last weekend I was 3 and 4 hours ride with good pace. I've hitting paces at .78 IF is it ok? sometimes I feel like I have more legs, but I'm thinking about the marathon and I just keep the rythm.
Next week I have my first RR, here I have a proposal, since I have to travel on Saturday to Dallas; also I have independence day on Wednesday, so I have an entire day to train and there's were I want to do the RR,
My proposal is like this
60' swim
45' run
90' swim
what should I do?
what should I do?
Travel to Dallas
Since I can't do my RR on Friday and Saturday, I've switched it to Wednesday and have another long bike on Saturday, on Sunday I can run with no problem, what do you think?
I just did my RR 2 and now I'm officially scared about the race, this is the recap, I've also placed it in the race forum.
Race Rehearsal 2
Breakfast, 2 bananas, 250ml nitric oxide, 24 oz GE, waffle peanut butter, Cliff bar.
Bike Gear; the same kit I will use in race, except that I added a cycling vest, a light jacket and long pants, also used the visor for my kask bambino helmet, which is sooo hot. The day started at 57° and finished at 84° so I have to get used a lot to the heat, which will be at the race at 83 in the beginning of the bike course and keep up to 95.My BH bike with Easton race wheels, xlab box in the frame, profile in aerobars, two bottles in the frame. And of course a very long playlist in Spotify!
I don’t know why, but I was so nervous about the RR, I think was a good practice with the excitement of the race, It has been a lot of work and sacrifices that I really hit that the date is getting real close.
The plan was to keep a steady pace between 135-140 watts with an IF of .70, with no surges in a couple of light hills in the road. I had a really good start with no problems at all, I ate a gel every 45’ a salt pill each our and GE one liter per hour, and then my competitive cyclist came to the party, I passed a five guys really easy in one of the hills, with no surges at all, and after five minutes the war started, 190-250 watts surges for six or seven minutes before I remembered that this was a RR and should not been done that.
By mile 60 I really hit the wall, I tried to stretch my right leg, which felt like a cramp and when I did that I really felt a cramp in my thigh, also my HR began to spike and I was suffering, I stopped in a store for a coke and a banana, that brought me back to the game; I did 2 hours laps and the numbers were the same 135 watts, with an IF of .72.
By the fifth hour I had pee seven times, and I felt really toasted by the jacket and the vest, I was sweating a lot, so I increased the salt pills per each 30 mins. That just helped a lot. I did one more stop by my car, which had a lot of fresh GE and a Power bar waffle, if you haven’t try those, they are great.
I cut my bike at mile 96, I did a 6 minutes transition, and started really slow, I took of the vest and the jacket and it felt really good, I put on my arm coolers, which are a great addition to my outfit, they’re amazing.
After that I just ran 30 minutes, I had to return home by the hour. I felt pretty good, my heart rate kept in 140 at a Z1 pace.
So, conclusions about the RR.
I will use my Giro air attack instead of my kask bambino, it’s just too hot, a great helmet but I prefer a cooler brain than 5 watts gain.
Shorten the period with the salt pills, I think by 30 minutes or have a sodium source other than GE.
Eat more food, not just gels, when I got the banana and the cliff bars it really made the difference.
My IF has to be on the .68-.70 in the first half of the race.
Have sunscreen in my lower back, today I have a nice red smile J
So, I have mixed feeling about this, I read the Coach’s comment, You are official done with IRONMAN training, in one hand I’m sh*tting my pants because it’s my first IM, but on the other hand I have been very disciplined, I cut off the tacos, (yes that sucks) no alcohol in eight months, (not that I need it), and I had worked my ass off to have a great day, so I’m glad that the training is going down, my butt also thanks for that.
MP, you have done all the right work and aside from chasing those doodes, I think you executed really really well. A great race is...well..boring!!! I suggest real food in hour one and hour 3 of bike...gels in hours 2, 4, 5 etc. Banana in T2....then two gels, then 1/2 a banana...then maybe some clif blocks, etc...keep the variety up, but your head down as you fly on the bike!!!!
Thursday.- 3 hours car travel to Guadalajara, plane at 1pm arriving Cabos 2:30, check in, bike assembly and rest.
Friday.- Swim at 7 AM for at least 30-45 minutes, Check bike 15 min ride. Get the package, have fun and earn/reward some SAU to Vero, maybe some dolphin swim.
By night, prepare all bags.
First bag: goggles, swim cap, flip flops, bodyglide, sunscreen.
T1 still struggling with helmet, kask bambino or giro attack??, shoes, arm cooler, towel. Sunglasses. Sunscreen.
T2 socks, fuel belt with GE, ASICS TRI 10, cap, compression sleeves. Cool towel
SN bike, spare tube, Co2, gels, cliff bar.
SN Run, band aid, Tylenol, sunscreen.
Saturday.- Check In Bike at 13:00, look at the swim-bike transition path; rest and try to sleep, hydration all day with electrolytes, salt pill before bed. Pasta for dinner. Tattoo numbers before sleep.
Race Day
Wake up at 3:00 couple of cliff bars and power bar waffle, 2 bananas and some GE. Go to sleep? 5 am another waffle, that would make 800-900 cal
Get the bus to T1, after bike setup take the bus 10 mins to swim start, try to relax. Metallica for me please.
Swim race: Estimated time 1:15 – 1:20
2XU wetsuit, TYR googles, compression calves from the beginning?? I’m only used to them in the run.
Get a lot of bodyglide in the neck, otherwise I will get a lot of chaffing, line up in the least crowded side, I’m not a fighter, so I’ll keep it cool for the first minutes. Try to keep the pace for the entire swim, start kicking when I see the finish line.
T1 shoes in the bike, take off wetsuit, stripers?? Arm coolers in the wrist only, sunglasses and helmet, jersey with nutrition. No socks.
Bike Race. Estimated Time 6:00 – 6:30 depends on those scary hills.
Bike Gear:
BH Aero with Easton wheels, aero drink, and two bottles in frame?? (Too hot to keep more than one hour), all of them with GE, in the race they give Normal Gatorade,
Tools in saddle,
Bento box with 5 gels and 8 salt pills. Cliff bars will be in cycling aero jersey and power bar waffle.
Garmin 910xt calibrated with Powertap.
First hour just calm down around 120 -130 watts, no more than .70 IF, no more than Z2 in HR, get a gel in the first minutes,
nutrition plan by hours:
1Cliff bar
3Cliff bar and banana in aid station
7Something solid in aid station.
Each 45 mins salt pill.
One GE liter per hour, not used to water.
5 or 6 pee times.
Second hour to finish, get into 140-150 watts, no more than .71 IF.
Each hour a back and arm stretch.
T2 Bike to volunteer? Socks, ASICS Tri noosa 10, compression calves??,fuel belt, cap, sunscreen on the go bag, zip lock for ice.
Run Race: Estimated time 4:15 – 4:40
First hour jogging only Z1, I’ve learn that everybody will fly, but I will get my revenge after mile 6, everybody is going to walk.
Will race with aero cycling jersey, to keep nutrition in the pockets also avoiding sunburns, I’m a delicate prince and my skin is so soft, jaja.
After the first hour, get into my Z1-Z2, just like the Thursday’s long run, patience, discipline, I don’t care who passes me, that’s until mile 18. Nutrition every aid station with 30 steps walking, last volunteer gets my thanks. Coke from mile 13-15 until the end, get some pretzels or something salty, at this point I will hate sugar.
Mile 18, bring it!! Lock and loaded!! Unleash the kraken!! Is that your best?? And all kind of sh*t talk.
My main concern is the heat, I’m not used to it, most of my training time was before or after the sun, even when I used a lot of layers, I know it’s not the same thing, the important issue will be to stay calm with the humidity which also I’m not used to, I live in a desert.
This is my first Full, I’ve done 4x HIM and I feel like most of us that I’m not prepared at all. But I really trust my training.
1) Swim only 30’ on friday…the race is looming. Look at sighting options (on course, swim exit) and location the sun — ideally swim at 7am-ish. Bike just 15’ to make sure it works, shift all gears, check all bolts. Before you leave home replace all batteries in battery stuff, bring all charges to charge up your stuff, etc.
3. For the helmet, go with whatever is more comfortable..it matters!
4. T2 should have Go Bag, also no need for FuelBelt with GE…there will be unlimited GE on the course!
5. Plan out race breakfast a little better, no GE early too much sugar middle of the night. I would rather you eat bar + waffle at midnight and then up at 3:15 to eat (instantly) the final waffle and GE, and banana. BUT, you could also eat Bar+Waffle before bed…then AM 3:15 wake up. No need to wake up middle of night as it’s not liquid…but your call.
6. If it’s hot, then save compression sleeves for the run only, not swim and bike too. Your bike nutrition plan looks great.
7. If you are a coffee drinker, okay to have last two bike gels and run gels be caffeinated. I recommend carrying some gatorlyte packets on the run, you can dump in a cup of coke and slam if you need more salt.
Note, if regular gatorade on course, not GE, then I would carry 2 bottle Fuelbelt with pockets (pockets hold gatorlytes and gels, cliff bloks, etc)…then you have 1 packet of gatorlyte in empty bottles…first aid station fill a bottle with cold water…then use that bottle to “spike: regular gatorate with salt…1 squirt per cup of GE should do it…that bottle should last you 6 miles…then fill the other…then at 1/2 way get out a new packet from pocket, put in bottle, refill with water, etc…
You are in the right place…it’s all coming together!!
It's all set, today I get the bike box, start packing all things...
I've been in Cozumel and Monterrey in HIM and they use regular Gatorade, so I will follow your advice regarding the use of gatorlytes and mix them with regular G.
I have reports that there's a lot of heat in Cabo, so I will increase the fluid consumption.
It's been a while, I've been very busy at work, but I've been training good, felling stronger week after week, today I did my 5K test and I got a new Vdot! now it's 41, my best was 39, so I'm happy with that. I couldn't get the bike test, since it's complicated to get in the road in weekdays, so I'll do it next week.
This week I have a Big day, I'll do it on Sunday, since I work on Saturdays; I have a good route to follow with not too much hills; by the way, I'm racing in IMCabos and it's really hilly, should I adjust any of my weekdays training with hills reps?
Hello Coach!
I had a rough time on Sunday with my "big day" it was more like a "mid day", I forgot to set the alarm at 7 to go for the swimming, so I missed this part and start with the bike, after a couple of miles, it started to rain and here comes the first flat tire, not good, after I changed it I get back to work, only for another hour because I got another flat, so I had to call it off, it was a 2:38 ride, after that, I ran 1 hour with a steady pace, it was ok; but since I was dissapointed with that, should I repeat this Sunday the big day? I have a sweat test this weekend, and there's a Big day in two weeks, so what should I do?
Hello Coach:
Reporting here, I've been sick for five days
, I have sinusitis, which attacks me on winter most of the time, but now I think were the AC's at work and the 97° out there which made me to stay at home for the entire weekend.
I don't know if its in this forum, I got the email about the en gear for the first time finisher; with the store closed for now, is there a way I can ask for it?
Thank you!
As for the gear, it's not looking good right now as our store is offline. I am super sorry we can't help you there, but you can message the team to see if someone is willing to lend you a top!
Hello Coach P:
I'm feeling better now, considering that my sinusitis lasts at least a couple of weeks everytime, this week has been very light, just a couple of bike in the trainer and today I went for a long run, which ended at 1:10 after I started to cough.
I have a big day on Saturday, I have to start at 2pm because I work, so considering the 6 hours, I think I would have to cut a little bit of each transition, I'm thinking 45' swimming 3:45 in the bike and 45' in the run, is this ok? On sunday I could go for a three hour ride or a transition, what should I do?
Thank you!!
Hello Coach!
I've been following the plan at 85% skipping some of the low priority when I'm really tired; I've felt better in the long run/bike trainings, last weekend I was 3 and 4 hours ride with good pace. I've hitting paces at .78 IF is it ok? sometimes I feel like I have more legs, but I'm thinking about the marathon and I just keep the rythm.
Next week I have my first RR, here I have a proposal, since I have to travel on Saturday to Dallas; also I have independence day on Wednesday, so I have an entire day to train and there's were I want to do the RR,
My proposal is like this
Since I can't do my RR on Friday and Saturday, I've switched it to Wednesday and have another long bike on Saturday, on Sunday I can run with no problem, what do you think?
Thank you!
60' swim
45' run
90' swim
what should I do?
what should I do?
Travel to Dallas
Nice adjustments!
Hello Coach!
I just did my RR 2 and now I'm officially scared about the race, this is the recap, I've also placed it in the race forum.
Race Rehearsal 2
Breakfast, 2 bananas, 250ml nitric oxide, 24 oz GE, waffle peanut butter, Cliff bar.
Bike Gear; the same kit I will use in race, except that I added a cycling vest, a light jacket and long pants, also used the visor for my kask bambino helmet, which is sooo hot. The day started at 57° and finished at 84° so I have to get used a lot to the heat, which will be at the race at 83 in the beginning of the bike course and keep up to 95.My BH bike with Easton race wheels, xlab box in the frame, profile in aerobars, two bottles in the frame. And of course a very long playlist in Spotify!
I don’t know why, but I was so nervous about the RR, I think was a good practice with the excitement of the race, It has been a lot of work and sacrifices that I really hit that the date is getting real close.
The plan was to keep a steady pace between 135-140 watts with an IF of .70, with no surges in a couple of light hills in the road. I had a really good start with no problems at all, I ate a gel every 45’ a salt pill each our and GE one liter per hour, and then my competitive cyclist came to the party, I passed a five guys really easy in one of the hills, with no surges at all, and after five minutes the war started, 190-250 watts surges for six or seven minutes before I remembered that this was a RR and should not been done that.
By mile 60 I really hit the wall, I tried to stretch my right leg, which felt like a cramp and when I did that I really felt a cramp in my thigh, also my HR began to spike and I was suffering, I stopped in a store for a coke and a banana, that brought me back to the game; I did 2 hours laps and the numbers were the same 135 watts, with an IF of .72.
My FTP 196 watts.
NP 131 watts
IF .71
Distance- 96 miles
By the fifth hour I had pee seven times, and I felt really toasted by the jacket and the vest, I was sweating a lot, so I increased the salt pills per each 30 mins. That just helped a lot. I did one more stop by my car, which had a lot of fresh GE and a Power bar waffle, if you haven’t try those, they are great.
I cut my bike at mile 96, I did a 6 minutes transition, and started really slow, I took of the vest and the jacket and it felt really good, I put on my arm coolers, which are a great addition to my outfit, they’re amazing.
After that I just ran 30 minutes, I had to return home by the hour. I felt pretty good, my heart rate kept in 140 at a Z1 pace.
So, conclusions about the RR.
I will use my Giro air attack instead of my kask bambino, it’s just too hot, a great helmet but I prefer a cooler brain than 5 watts gain.
Shorten the period with the salt pills, I think by 30 minutes or have a sodium source other than GE.
Eat more food, not just gels, when I got the banana and the cliff bars it really made the difference.
My IF has to be on the .68-.70 in the first half of the race.
Have sunscreen in my lower back, today I have a nice red smile J
So, I have mixed feeling about this, I read the Coach’s comment, You are official done with IRONMAN training, in one hand I’m sh*tting my pants because it’s my first IM, but on the other hand I have been very disciplined, I cut off the tacos, (yes that sucks) no alcohol in eight months, (not that I need it), and I had worked my ass off to have a great day, so I’m glad that the training is going down, my butt also thanks for that.
Objective 1: Finish the race.
Objective 2: less than 12 hours.
Thursday.- 3 hours car travel to Guadalajara, plane at 1pm arriving Cabos 2:30, check in, bike assembly and rest.
Friday.- Swim at 7 AM for at least 30-45 minutes, Check bike 15 min ride. Get the package, have fun and earn/reward some SAU to Vero, maybe some dolphin swim.
By night, prepare all bags.
First bag: goggles, swim cap, flip flops, bodyglide, sunscreen.
T1 still struggling with helmet, kask bambino or giro attack??, shoes, arm cooler, towel. Sunglasses. Sunscreen.
T2 socks, fuel belt with GE, ASICS TRI 10, cap, compression sleeves. Cool towel
SN bike, spare tube, Co2, gels, cliff bar.
SN Run, band aid, Tylenol, sunscreen.
Saturday.- Check In Bike at 13:00, look at the swim-bike transition path; rest and try to sleep, hydration all day with electrolytes, salt pill before bed. Pasta for dinner. Tattoo numbers before sleep.
Race Day
Wake up at 3:00 couple of cliff bars and power bar waffle, 2 bananas and some GE. Go to sleep? 5 am another waffle, that would make 800-900 cal
Get the bus to T1, after bike setup take the bus 10 mins to swim start, try to relax. Metallica for me please.
Swim race: Estimated time 1:15 – 1:20
2XU wetsuit, TYR googles, compression calves from the beginning?? I’m only used to them in the run.
Get a lot of bodyglide in the neck, otherwise I will get a lot of chaffing, line up in the least crowded side, I’m not a fighter, so I’ll keep it cool for the first minutes. Try to keep the pace for the entire swim, start kicking when I see the finish line.
T1 shoes in the bike, take off wetsuit, stripers?? Arm coolers in the wrist only, sunglasses and helmet, jersey with nutrition. No socks.
Bike Race. Estimated Time 6:00 – 6:30 depends on those scary hills.
Bike Gear:
BH Aero with Easton wheels, aero drink, and two bottles in frame?? (Too hot to keep more than one hour), all of them with GE, in the race they give Normal Gatorade,
Tools in saddle,
Bento box with 5 gels and 8 salt pills. Cliff bars will be in cycling aero jersey and power bar waffle.
Garmin 910xt calibrated with Powertap.
First hour just calm down around 120 -130 watts, no more than .70 IF, no more than Z2 in HR, get a gel in the first minutes,
nutrition plan by hours:
1Cliff bar
3Cliff bar and banana in aid station
7Something solid in aid station.
Each 45 mins salt pill.
One GE liter per hour, not used to water.
5 or 6 pee times.
Second hour to finish, get into 140-150 watts, no more than .71 IF.
Each hour a back and arm stretch.
T2 Bike to volunteer? Socks, ASICS Tri noosa 10, compression calves??,fuel belt, cap, sunscreen on the go bag, zip lock for ice.
Run Race: Estimated time 4:15 – 4:40
First hour jogging only Z1, I’ve learn that everybody will fly, but I will get my revenge after mile 6, everybody is going to walk.
Will race with aero cycling jersey, to keep nutrition in the pockets also avoiding sunburns, I’m a delicate prince and my skin is so soft, jaja.
After the first hour, get into my Z1-Z2, just like the Thursday’s long run, patience, discipline, I don’t care who passes me, that’s until mile 18. Nutrition every aid station with 30 steps walking, last volunteer gets my thanks. Coke from mile 13-15 until the end, get some pretzels or something salty, at this point I will hate sugar.
Mile 18, bring it!! Lock and loaded!! Unleash the kraken!! Is that your best?? And all kind of sh*t talk.
My main concern is the heat, I’m not used to it, most of my training time was before or after the sun, even when I used a lot of layers, I know it’s not the same thing, the important issue will be to stay calm with the humidity which also I’m not used to, I live in a desert.
This is my first Full, I’ve done 4x HIM and I feel like most of us that I’m not prepared at all. But I really trust my training.
Here are my thoughts for you:
1) Swim only 30’ on friday…the race is looming. Look at sighting options (on course, swim exit) and location the sun — ideally swim at 7am-ish. Bike just 15’ to make sure it works, shift all gears, check all bolts. Before you leave home replace all batteries in battery stuff, bring all charges to charge up your stuff, etc.
2) Print and use EN checklist for your bags, etc. You can download it directly via this link here: https://app.box.com/shared/static/9x9i8fjx79gzghilqhjg24zlappqfx53.pdf
3. For the helmet, go with whatever is more comfortable..it matters!
4. T2 should have Go Bag, also no need for FuelBelt with GE…there will be unlimited GE on the course!
5. Plan out race breakfast a little better, no GE early too much sugar middle of the night. I would rather you eat bar + waffle at midnight and then up at 3:15 to eat (instantly) the final waffle and GE, and banana. BUT, you could also eat Bar+Waffle before bed…then AM 3:15 wake up. No need to wake up middle of night as it’s not liquid…but your call.
6. If it’s hot, then save compression sleeves for the run only, not swim and bike too. Your bike nutrition plan looks great.
7. If you are a coffee drinker, okay to have last two bike gels and run gels be caffeinated. I recommend carrying some gatorlyte packets on the run, you can dump in a cup of coke and slam if you need more salt.
Note, if regular gatorade on course, not GE, then I would carry 2 bottle Fuelbelt with pockets (pockets hold gatorlytes and gels, cliff bloks, etc)…then you have 1 packet of gatorlyte in empty bottles…first aid station fill a bottle with cold water…then use that bottle to “spike: regular gatorate with salt…1 squirt per cup of GE should do it…that bottle should last you 6 miles…then fill the other…then at 1/2 way get out a new packet from pocket, put in bottle, refill with water, etc…
You are in the right place…it’s all coming together!!
~ Coach P
Thanks Coach!
It's all set, today I get the bike box, start packing all things...
I've been in Cozumel and Monterrey in HIM and they use regular Gatorade, so I will follow your advice regarding the use of gatorlytes and mix them with regular G.
I have reports that there's a lot of heat in Cabo, so I will increase the fluid consumption.
Let the games begin!!