Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

Jan OS week 15 training

 I got nothing but a turkey hunt and a victory for the week over Marianne image



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    Man, you beat me... I guess I have to get up REALLY early. 

    I had a good 10 miler yesterday followed by an afternoon swim.  I did 2000m - didn't tape my fingers to see how it went... and I went straight through at a comfortable pace just to make sure I can actually swim that far... woot!

    Happy rest day!

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    oh Dan, you know that I know how fragile male egos are, so I just "let" you have this week!! smile.
    *I have been dealing with fatigue so I don't think I hit a workout yet!! will let you know when it subsides... oh I did do some WII strength training last night and got breathless on the single arm stand.. you basically with one arm up high like holding a torch... sit down and lay back and then situp get up in one fluid motion and do 6 on each side! using the core and not momentum!! okay scooting, kids have "testing" this week.....!
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    I skipped from week 13 to 15 but will be trying to get a vdot test in on the road with business travel tuesday through friday.  So with Sunday's day off I did the bike today as I won't have another until Saturday.

    3X10 @220 - 3x.99 then 2X7 @.82&.83.  It was all I could do to hold that last couple minutes on the 80% stuff.

    Entire workout (158 watts):

        Duration:          1:04:57

        Work:                617 kJ

        TSS:                  79.6 (intensity factor 0.858)

        Norm Power:    189

        VI:                     1.19

        Pw:HR:             21.76%

        Pa:HR:              15.6%

        Distance:         17.974 mi

    I'm interested to see how my body reacts to warm weather when running.  I'm going to Orlando where is 78F, coming from 32F right now. 


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    Great job Gordon! That 80-85% at the end always looks like it would be so easy and it's always the hardest part of the workout for me!!

    I slept in this morning. Oh man, my legs are still tired from all that riding!!!! It wasn't much distance really, but I realized I was there pacelining with 3 of the strongest members of my club. What the hell was I thinking????? At least I'm prepared for the whooping I'll get at TOC in May!
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    great job nemo, the weekend sounds like so much fun, with husband AND friends AND riding, great!
    shout out to everybody else. ran 3.5 this morning, still working off post Easter chocolate candy on sale! the Cadbury's got me! but I took a complete rest day on Saturday, last thursday...... so I am okay with running today! m
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     I have been lurking. My OS has been inconsistent due to my knee problems then 2 weeks in Haiti, then recovering from that.  Biking was even bothering my knee

    Things have been getting better.  So over last few weeks been able to do a little more each week and so far so good with no pain. At this point not expecting a lot for Lake Placid, but if things continue to go well, I should be able to start.

    Yesterday, did my 1st outside ride about 27 miles on a somewhat hilly, rolling hilly course, then did a run/ walk. I am doing an olympic 5/23 so was out on course. At least that was my plan. On the bike, forgot to make a turn, kept wondering why nothing looked familiar from driving it the day before Today, I have Monday legs. Doing housework  today to keep things moving. Going to pool for a little pull set and some ez pool running then have a date with my roller. I also slept in today instead of going to masters.

    Keep up all the good work

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    @Becky: Great job on your race and way to go making it a EN run focused workout too !! BTW, how did you get the IMFL , EN logo ?? I want one !

    @Mike: Wow, awesome PR !!!!!!! You are soo fast !

    @ Nemo: Wow, that's a lot of riding ! Especially in early spring ! You definitly deserve a day off today !

    I had a great weekend, busy with work but some time for fun too. I did Saturday's ride on friday because I had to work both my jobs then and it was my birthday so the kids wanted to take me out for lunch..( sushi feast !! YUMM) So I did the sat workout which was 30:30's outside with reminder at zone 3. It was interesting to do it outside. It went by really fast and it was easier then expected. I got really lucky though because when I left the park where I started I had left my CPU from the power tap on the top of my car !! My husband went back to find it and amazingly enough found it 4 miles away ! Good thing it's bright yellow ! I also had a really nice run on Sunday. It was a trail run because the 20k muddy sneaker trail run race is in a few weeks.

    I'm looking forward to this week. It should go well and april 15 is thursday !! Woohoo, no more taxes to do !

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    hey I am going to doc today... to get my thyroid retested, will see if this is why fatigue is happening. I hate blood work, I mean like get nauseous, lightheaded!! so you know i must be tired, when I voluntarily make an appt!!! also gonna beg him for meds for this shoulder/upper arm and what else???? I know Al and Gilberto and others are in medical field... but I only go once a year so he will be surprised to see me!.. He loves to get my resting heart rate though!! "wow, under 60"... anyways, I did bike yesterday for a whopping 30'!! and ran 3.5!!! bike is always in car so maybe will ride a bit after doc!! don't have time beforehand. okay scooting off. good job on everybody else!! wow. m
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    @M:  good luck at the doc's... hope it's good news.

    @Nathalie:  there's a forum link somewhere about pimping your EN signature line... with directions on what to do.  In the thread there's a google link to a one-pager that's super helpful (thanks to Beth).  I cheated and cut and pasted a link that someone created for another IMFL'er and all I had to do was change my personal info.  It's the "signature line" thread in the clubhouse forum. 

    I still can't seem to get up to get on my bike in the early am... had everything laid out, pumped my tires last night... the alarm went off at 5 and I just couldn't will myself to do it... after work (and after PT).... one of these days I'll be back on my morning routine

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    I'm working on getting back to that morning routine too Becky! Marianne- best of luck with the doc appt today!

    I ran today- one full hour, nonstop. Slooooooooooow, but I'm pretty sure the casual observer would still call it running (or maybe jogging). Anyway- that's a huge milestone for my injury recovery. Thanks everyone!!! Having this Jan OS group to work through this injury has really helped me out!
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    @Nemo- Did you ever make it to swim?  But seriously- you did a lot of riding and the fatigue can be huge this time of year. Also glad you are back!

    @Marianne- I can honestly say I am way worried about you. Fatigue is so not your normal. You are doing the right thing to get checked out. It's hard though, one of those- you want an answer but you don't want bad news. Please keep us posted.

    @Becky- AM workouts are hard to make a habit (as you know), but if you want to get there, you might need to settle for a few sub par performances due to lack of sleep just to make it a habit. For me, making myself run after work is just hateful. But I do it in the last few weeks of IM training since I will be running later in the day for the race.

    We have company, but they are easy. They wanted to go see Clash of the Titans in 3D, but it wasn't on until 10 pm and I am always asleep by then M-F. I bid them good night as they walked out the door, DH went with them. Well DH is a night owl, and the only one that actually stayed awake and watched the entire movie! I got my bike and run in this morning. Great day. I heart the new trainer, it is quiet. No time to download data, but was amazed that I hit the run splits. The form work has really helped.

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    Posted By Becky Hirselj on 13 Apr 2010 07:39 AM

    @Nathalie:  there's a forum link somewhere about pimping your EN signature line... with directions on what to do. 

    It's in the wiki now.

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    The Big Chicken is reporting in... okay.. I don't have diabetes and am not anemic and doc thinks it is my thryoid.. basically I moved from .125 to .1 and there is a .112 dosage that he thinks will work better.... he just called me and admitted that I am hypothyroid and we need to change the dose.. and hopefully this will do the trick. All other bloodwork reveals I am healthy!!! and also celebrating a good mammogram too! For example: this is what I have been doing....Last Friday night I went to bed at 9 p.m. and got up at 7:30 and by 1 p.m was laying down for an hour nap and had no energy to go ride or run even though it was a nice sunny, wind free day! the shoulder is waking me up and without Aleve or Motrin I can't move my arm up high! no high elbows or anything like that. and horrors!!! I have gained weight!! smile. uh huh even my socks are leaving a ridge on my ankles....I have been blue as well which of course me no likey! I am not as sharp, am forgetful and all the little things in life that I do.. are just not happening, like remembering to put DH's netflix movie in the mail, or taking a package to the UPS store!!! didn't happen! ha. anyways, heading out the door to pick up some prednizone and new synthroid. Here it is 2 weeks before IM training starts and last week guyz I couldn't fathom how it was gonna happen as I could only ride 30' at beach cruiser pace! ha. but here is what I wrote last week "When the impossible becomes possible, I can see God at work"... and so I am ever grateful that He provides me with good medical care, good friends like you gals/guyz here and encourage me that nope, that doesn't sound normal!!! I have also resupplied my vitamins to include iron as it is 13 (low side of normal)... and have gotten back on bandwagon of good nutrition! meanwhile, I have been running 3.5 miles as the fastest way to get rid of this bloat! in my allotted workout time! ha. I have a wedding anniv, brother's wedding, birthday, HS and college reunion coming up and for sho'... I ain't buying the next size up!!! and thus you guys can know a little about the girlfriend rule! and dang it, I got this expensive bike that looks quite goofy riding along at 12mphs! okay scooting. m
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    I am trying to get back on schedule. I have been thrown off with some early races and family vacation. We went out to the Monticello and then spent a week at Masanutten in western Virgina. I did not take my bike because this was a family vacation. I did break out and do some hill work one day and then we went hiking which was a lot of fun.
    On Sunday after we got home and did some yard work I slipped out and did a good 40 mile ride whic was my first ride of any distance this year. Monday I ran a 5 miler at HIM pace for stress reduction.
    Today I tried to do a 20x2 and failed miserably. My new outside FTP was to high to maintain inside I need to look back and pick a number inbetween for my next go.

    I am racing again this weekend doing an olympic for the first time in several years. Anybody want to throw out some FTP % for olympic distance.
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    @Al: you are the Wiki master! Thanks for all you for on that end.

    Today called for the first 3x10, all at the new improved FTP (up 11 watts!). Last week's rest served me well as I was able to hold the new number, even having to hold back a bit on occasion. As the French say, I had the taste for the effort. Cool!
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    Ralph- I could do some searching in the EN 3.0 forums, but I'm pretty sure the %FTP guidance on an Oly is 90-95%. It's short enough (and the run is short enough too) that you can afford to just race it! Have fun!!!

    Bill- I've never heard that saying! The French are pretty funny!

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    got home late last night.... so this morning was not my morning to start the new routine... so I have track work to look forward to tonight (at least it's not going to be 89 degrees).
    Tomorrow I'm meeting a friend at the gym to lift, so I will be there at 7 (it's my telework day)... and I'll ride in the afternoon. Michele, next week will be my week for early am.
    Since I don't have a PM I won't be testing on the bike... omg, wow, next week will be my last OS week before the last 6 weeks of HIM prep. Crazy... I'll have done 14 weeks on the bike and 11 weeks of running. Hope it's enough. Kind of disappointed I didn't get to do the whole process, but life gets in the way sometimes, particularly when you have a crazy cat.... on that note, had a really good PT session yesterday and made a fist (granted, she'd warmed me up pretty well - can't do it right now on my own). Seeing the hand doc today... gonna try my first outdoor ride this weekend - at the eagleman course in Cambridge, MD.
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    foiled! home track meet tonight... so i guess it will be another round of 30/30s on my trainer - followed by the run and I'll do trackwork tomorrow night after the track practice lets up... I'd say I'd do it in the morning but I don't know if the track will be open or lit (or when the kiddos will start showing up for school).
    I just hope my doc is less than an hour behind schedule so I can get home and get started at a decent hour (she's a good surgeon, but terrible at organization - I typically sit around an hour or two in her office ...grr...)
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    Doc apts always seem to eat up more time than then should! Good luck with the 30/30s on the trainer, I may just be joining you if the weather doesn't improve
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    NEMO- The 90-92% feels right for the distance.  Its a 2 lap race so I think I will shoot for about 90% the first lap and then build.  Well at least thats the plan.  I have some trouble sticking to pacing.

    Ran my 4x800s tonight.  Actually felt good hitting my pace.  Hoping that I can get my arse out of the bed to do my trainer work out done before work. 


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    hello os group:

    my plan has been in limbo (i.e. seems wrong since changing over to the beta system or whatever it's called)  for over a month now. waiting for rich to look into it.

    just wondering if you too are on week 11 of 4 and week -6?  for those of you on the advanced plan, what's on tap for tomorrow and friday, so i can compare?



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    @Gilberto - no help here as I'm in the beginner plan.  Hopefully it gets cleared up.

    I went for a 20 minute run today.  Got in 2 of the 4 half miles before shutting it down.  My achillies is not totally 100 percent but feeling much better.  It was starting get worse so I ended the run.  I threw on some ice but the real test will be tomorrow when I wake up.

    The worst part is I did the run on the treadmill to avoid the pavement.   Sucks to be in Orland at 80 and not being able to run outside.  Oh well such is life...


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    Hi OS Peeps !

    Tax day !! YIpee ! All done, that means I have my days back for training !! Nice bike today outside !! I love to be back outside, IT's so much better. I found the perfect place to do my intervals, flat, windy and no intersections. Today's plan 2x14 (3") r z 3.

    I did my run yesterday, it went well. Planning on long trail run tomorrow, ( 2h) . Muddy Sneaker's 20k next saturday !!!

    @Nemo: awesome, run 60min ! Back in the saddle after just a few months !! That's awesome ! Way to go for being patient and perseverent !!

    @Becky: have fun on the eagleman course ! Wow, last week of OS already for you !! I can't believe we are in week 15 already !! Time flies..

    Have a awesome day everybody !!! You are all doing great !!


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    @Gilberto - sorry, I'm intermediate... good luck with getting your beta-thing worked out.

    so I was totally beat when I got back from the doc's last night... not to mention she freaked me out (more in a sec).  so I did something a bit strange.  I went ahead and had dinner... then waited an hour... then did my ride.  didn't get off the bike til 9.  took a warm shower, had some choc milk (my favorite recovery) and wheat toast... and went to bed.  I was worried I wouldn't sleep well or would wake up ravenous, but it worked out.  Lifted this morning, just upper body b/c my legs were beat.  I'm definitely weak from the ACJ sprain followed by my hand issues... but it was good to do some band work and some core.  Will do the track work tonight.

    so the doc looked at the hand (and is happy), took measurements, pictures, and all that jazz.  I showed her one sticking point of the scar - that the therapist and I are working like crazy to get to release.  The doc thinks the skin may be held down by the internal stitch... she wants me to get an x-ray so she can see how close to the surface the suture is.  Anyway, she said that if that's the problem and it impedes further progess I may need to have surgery to remove the sutures.  She also mentioned that I may need to have surgery to remove the sutures anyway b.c they may not hold forever.  Apparently she has one patient where a stitch broke and it's sticking out of his hand.  That sounds lovely.  (they're stainless steel - which, I guess, aren't used that much anymore - but she used them because of all the infection going on in the joint, she wanted to be sure the stitch didn't get eaten up by the bacteria, etc).  So, anyway, I asked about timing and how long I'd be out of it if I have another surgery b/c I have races coming up... she said I shouldn't worry about it now.  It might hold... and if it does, I should have my summer fun and we can deal with it later.  I then informed her my summer "fun" would run me into the first week of November... so, assuming my stitches hold, I'll be going back under the knife in December to remove the steel sutures in my hand.  She doesn't think the new scar tissue will be a big issue (like it has been this past few months).  Great, so now I have that to worry about... on the up side, she thinks my getting back into my routine (of running, biking, swimming, living) might be the best PT possible - it may just loosen up on it;s own.  The dimple may not cause me any problems at all (I can make a fist when my hand is warmed up...) and the suture may hold for a while...

    all of this from a cat bite.  seriously?!  anyway, it feels good, I'm getting a lot of range of motion.  I'm gonna ride outside (on my TT, shifting the road bike is still hard) this weekend... and I just got my EN kit (tri top and bike top) so I'm pumped to represent on the ride!

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    Gilberto- I'm on the Intermediate plan and a few weeks behind- sorry I can't help. Hopefully one of the other peeps can respond.

    Gordon- take care of that achilles and don't let it get out of control! Ice, massage, etc.

    I was supposed to do my 30/30s today. But I also hopped on my TT bike for the first time all year and found that I just needed to ride and adjust to the position! My rear brake was also sticking and so I was a little afraid to do the 30/30s. I love my TT bike, but oh my, it's going to be an adjustment for sure this year! This is the first time I've really put it up on the wall for the entire winter. WOW!
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    As wonderful as it was to have our friends visit, the daughter brought a head cold and we have both come down with it to some extent. I just have a sore throat and post-nasal drip, DH is full blown, needing naps and soup, sick. I feel so bad for him.
    It hasn't affected my workouts, usually doesn't unless I am too stuffy to breathe. Legs were tired today but I hit my FTP 2x15'. Usually I go over by a bit, not today.

    @Becky- Hope you can hold off with sirgery and really enjoy the season.

    @Gilberto- You are sure that they know? Tech support knows? Etc. But 1 month seems like a long time. Some piece of the puzzle is missing.

    Hope everyone is enjoying themselves. We are in for cold rain the next 3 days. Cuddle on the couch weather.
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    Hey Jan OS peeps, I've been pretty absent from the forums but still hitting some workouts. I've been off all week turkey hunting. Finally shot one yesterday. Back to the grind today. It looks like our numbers are kind of dwindling judging from the numbers of posts. I'm guilty as well! Curious when others are going to transition out of the OS?
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    i've posted this concern all over the official threads.  i've not wanted to be a cry baby, so i have not been too much of a pest.  rich said he'd look into it earlier this week, but haven't heard back yet.  also seems like no response yet from people on advanced plan from this Jan OS group either.  weird.

    what about the format of the training plan for you all?  does it say week 11 of 4 and week -6 for you all?  everything was fine before beta.  weren't we all supposed to change over to beta?  that was my impression, at least.

    in the meantime, i will keep winging it based on what EN had me doing last year.

    safe training, GH



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    Posted By Gilberto Hernandez on 15 Apr 2010 02:46 PM

    in the meantime, i will keep winging it based on what EN had me doing last year.

    safe training, GH



    Gilberto - I have all weeks of the Advanced OS plan safely saved on my computer - which week and days' workouts were you interested in? I can send you the PDFs, also.

    Yes, I'm still lurking here in the Jan OS, now in the middle of week 2 in my CDA training. I'm down in LA (Santa Monica) with my wife for six days closing out my father-in-law's estate. This may be the last time I'll get to run down San Vicente and then along the Pacific bike path for my long run, where I'm headed just now. Then I have to find a couple of long rides for the weekend, and some short stuff for runs on Mon and Tue. I'm skipping the swimming while here to let my shoulder rest.


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    got demoted!!!!

    rich came thru in the clutch, but demoted me to intermediate level!!!!! 

    not that there's anything wrong with intermediate, of course.

    anyway, my plan looks like a plan once again.  just need to make that one adjustment to the correct level and all will be right again.

    my apologies to the group for being a big cry baby.




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