Hardbeck's Micro, on to 2016
Hey Patrick,
here are some questions regarding the next few years of 'training' for me...
Obviously, it's alot of Macro but there is plenty of Micro on the radar. You'll get a whiff of that in the references to my crazy work schedule.
Thanks for the time!
I'm going to go ahead a kick around some thoughts just to get things started. Remembering that I'm not on any specific plan right now. As far as the season planning survey for 2015 goes, I'll prob use Augusta 70.3 as the target peak. But, I really have no idea if I'm going to race at all next year.
The first thing I want to do is look at my work hours and the challenges that presents.
It's a 6 week rotation, basically. Have to be ready to work by 6:30am.
Mon 12+ hrs
Tues 10+ hrs
Wed 8+ hrs
Thurs 16 (potentially up to 24) hrs
Fri 6+ hrs
rotating along so that each shift gets each day.
and 1 weekend every 6 weeks requires me to be on call which translates to a tri rest weekend, or short sessions on the bike/treadmill/in the pool.
(I over think and over analyze everything)
The beauty of the Micro thread is that every Saturday or Sunday I can hit you up for advice on how to juggle the week. And, this year, I'm going to actually use the Micro for a change. But, you might be able to shortcut some of that now.
Before Work:
Realistically, I have, at most, 1 hr to sweat in the morning before work. 4:45 -5:45 wko time. That's getting up at 4:15 to wakeup a bit, shot of espresso. And 15' to clean up and get out the door.
When Opportunity Arises:
I always have my pool bag and run bag in the car b/c there is an occasional 45' to 1 hr break between facilities or between cases that I might get to a very close LifeTime for laps or treadmill work. I can't ever plan this, just have to be ready.
After Work:
Obviously, the 12 hr and 16 hr days just don't bring a big window of time for training. I've grown to accept that these days are simply a No Workout in the Evening days. It's ot worth the stress of pushing at work, to try to rush home and hurry out for a 45' run or bike when the fam might be sitting around hanging out and I just come in and go right back out. I don't want to be 'that guy', especially since the whole goal is for a slow, long term build that has Zero races in the near future.
So, here's what I've been working on....
Rest Days or very light workout (if the opportunity arises) are the 12 and 16-24hr days
The 8 and 10 hr days get a typical EN workout...riding or running
The 6 hr day has a chance for something a bit longer for a weekday, kind of like how we do the Thursday Long Run.....But, the down side of doing that is the day rotates and will often be before a harder effort during the work week or before bigger weekend workouts. This might be where I'm overthinking it b/c I'm basically asking for 2ez days during the week (the 12 and 16hr days).
Pre Work workouts ..... I've enjoyed catching up on my sleep so the idea of getting up at 4:15 every day is not very sexy to me right now. I think I can manage 3 early workouts consistently. I'll just watch my signs for when I need to catch up on the rest.
Weekends are pretty much a green light from Sheri. As long as they are early workouts.
Saturdays: We typically are riding by 6:30 (7 in the Spring and Fall), do some ez stuff, then lots of hard work within our own little group before we merge with some group rides around here that are typical roadie VI type riding. But, it's a good way to pass the time, lots of fun. A few cool down miles and we're back at the house by 10:30 to 11. If opportunity arises, I'll punch out a steady 4 mile run in the afternoon.
Sundays: 1 of these 3 workouts......a quick pre-bike run, then a shorter (~2hr) ABP ride, with another quick little brick run. OR my long run (8-12mi). OR I hit the track for mile repeats (about 7-8 mi total).
That's my canvas.
Been working on my diet. PlantPowered stuff. Sleep could always be better. Don't go to bed until 10-11.
Again, I'm looking at the big picture. Years, not year. I'm not getting any younger but neither is anyone else my age
Know you guys are super busy right now with the races and you're own training, so take as much time as you need to get back to me with any ideas that pop up.
thanks a ton!
Quick Thoughts -- When I step back you are talking 3 x 1 hour workouts during the week, 4 to 4.5 hours on Sat and 2.5 hours on Sun. All in it's 10 hours a week…which certainly isn't the end of the world. I think your biggest challenge would be simply trying to follow "a" plan and making it work.
Long Term Thoughts -- You are right not to "force" things when time at home is in high demand and you have work to do. I know you have had some success focusing on the bike this year, I think we can parlay that into some longer term work, however:
* Racing a few times a year isn't the end of the world. My guess is that the race itself isn't the issue its the cost and stress associated with making a plan work for "X" weeks, etc. Example - Maura left at 4am this morning for a sprint tri and will be back by 11…no different than your Saturday. I only bring this up as racing is good for the soul. Not all the time but I'd definitely have a short list of either mandatory local events (the half marathon you do every Winter, for example) or ones you can easily access.
* A single sport focus is the way for you to go given your time frame, and we can work things around as the year goes along.
* It's hard to make the sacrifices, but Sheri's right -- your home time is long-term more precious and improved family relations (and sleep!) will go a long, long way to making you a better athlete. That work schedule is a killer and is likely taking quite a bit more out of you than the average bear's schedule.
My Input -- I think that you can still do quite a bit, but we have to be cautious how we make it work.
* We keep the weekends "long" year round as you can (travel / commitments) as this helps you "keep" that time vs not needing it for 4 months but then suddenly needing it back.
* The swim will just be "as work allows" without a set session as you can't afford to swim otherwise.
* I recommend three "phases" to consider:
#1 -- Run Durability Mode -- This will last 8-12 weeks and sets a foundation for running health, etc, rest of the year.
#2 -- Endurance / Base / Recovery Mode --
#3 -- In Season / OutDoors / Fun Mode --
#1 -- Run Durability Mode as:
Run every day:
* Monday thru Friday -- 3 x 1 hour runs.
* Optional swim as time allows. Always a swim.
* Sat is a brick day, run before or after as you feel.
* Sunday is a long run day, warm up on trainer beforehand.
#2 -- Endurance / Base / Recovery Mode as:
Monday thru Friday --
* Option 1 = Two quality bikes, 1 quality run.
* Option 2 = Two quality runs, 1 quality bike.
* Optional swim as time allows. Always a swim.
* Sat - Long steady ride in Zone 2. No monkey business, just ride time.
* Sun - Warm up on trainer, followed by a longer steady run. Total time is 2-2.5 hours, shifting time riding / running vs long run goals. Again, no real intensity here.
#3 -- In Season / OutDoors / Fun Mode as:
Basically what you have right now. Quality Sat / Sun sessions as friends, etc., allow. Then Monday thru Friday is either:
* Option 1 = Two quality bikes, 1 quality run.
* Option 2 = Two quality runs, 1 quality bike.
The choice there is mental focus, potential race opportunity, etc. No reason you couldn't do 6 weeks with Option 1, then 6 weeks with Option 2, etc.
The main key here is that we need to set different phases and expectations for you. We can't have you doing the OutSeason four times a year and expect progress, mental health, or proper execution.
Let me know what you are thinking....
You guys rock it in Madison! (Hope I get another shot at that course one day)
I'll spread out a couple of local comps that I've lost touch....
Feb: Tundra Time Trial (13miles)
* is this a bad idea if I've been in the run durability stretch?
Mar/April: local 1/2 marathon if I'm healthy
July: Chattanooga Oly
Sept: Augusta 70.3
Spread out nice, and Augusta is the only race that costs a good bit So, I think this is doable. Will get thru these initial months of college and then I'll confirm.
So, what do I even ask now?
I guess I should go ahead and start the Run Durability mode.? Sept-Oct-Nov. Just 'show up' runs, focused on frequency of runs more than anything else? Not necessarily pace work or zones?
Know you're busy, thanks for the time.
look for a Sbux boost.
Work: Planned: Bonus:
Mon, 24hrs 0
Tues, 6hrs Swim Drills, short sets
Wed, 12hrs 0
Thurs, 10hrs Run
Fri, 8hrs Run
Sat, off Big Bike
Sun, off Mod Bike
will plug in the bonus column after the fact, when 'if time available' has come and gone.
will also add how much run and bike after the fact.
I know, not a log, just looking for a pattern, a trend. After I do this a few times, and you eyeball it a few times, I think we'll see a pattern with my work weeks. Then, I won't be dropping this into the Micro every week. Hope this isn't overkill.
Chris, you should be able to attach a spreadsheet or you can create a shared Google Doc and put here too...either way I like the idea of searching for trends. I think your race schedule is perfect and very doable...and your plan for how to build it is fine too. Here's a visual to start with!
Check your mac address for doc sharing privileges...
3-4 bikes per week:
1 long ~70% for 3.5-4hrs
1 ABP for 2hrs
2 short HITT wko's (main set of 3x (13 x 30" on (15" off)) with 3' recovery in between
5-6 runs per week:
1 long 10-12 miler, ez, HR guided
1 medium 6-8 miler, ez, HR guided
1 4 miler with a slightly harder effort, slightly
2 2mile brick runs after those HITT bikes running 5k effort as long as I can run safely (love those little Norwegian studies!)
2-4 swims per week
Drills/intervals not exceeding 300s/ lots of 50s & 100s hard with 15 or 20" rest
1000,1500,2000 depending on available time
Bike ~125-150miles
Run ~25-35(!!!!) miles
Swim. Whatever I can
Backed off to about 2/3 of the above for this week cuz legs were tired and I'm on call this weekend. Then I'll pick up where I left off next week.
Ideas for a Modified Jan OS?
And.....congrats on a great day at Kona!
To be clear your proposed week looks nothing like a run durability training plan. :-) If required you might want to go look at the run durability program in the wiki for guidance. Your current plan has just about as much training as I did for the Ironman in Hawaii. That's a lot of work for this time of year. I know you want to stay fit, but a huge part about reaching your peak potential in any discipline is giving yourself enough space in other areas of your training. doing six runs with potentially for swims and expecting to have for good bikes is certainly not ideal. That level of work and commitment would be expected with about eight weeks to go to your next "A" race. At the very least it's not very sustainable right now...and likely not for the long-term either.
The plan I am proposing is one that focuses on run durability early which has no swims and I believe two bikes a week. The rest is running.
you are welcome to focus on the bike instead but I don't think it's a wise idea to do all three disciplines right now. You can tell me to go take a flying leap, that you have read the fine print and you're not concerned, but I want it here in writing first. :-)
A major downside to my work schedule is this feeling of 'Get what I can, when I can, as long as I can...cuz I don't know when the next window of opportunity will come along.'
That turns me into a bit of a hoarder of workout time. And, yes, totally fear based....losing fitness, losing an edge.
I'll work on this.
I haven't paid much attention to all the changes you guys have made to the plans.
Yesterday, not only did I load up the RD plan, but I listened to your podcast. I get it now.
I'm starting today. Backing off the freestylin' mess and sticking to the plans you set forth.
One question, tho.....(I know, quit shaking your head).....if I have time for an extra ez spin on the bike, 1 -1:15 hrs at most, an additional once or twice a week, and I kept it real ez, and it didn't crimp any life/work stuff, would that be ok? Only if it fell into the day real easy, no 'gotta fit this in' attitude. I just don't like sitting still. What would you say to this?
getting close to JanOS. things have been going pretty well (don't want to jinx it, tho). Running consistent TP intervals as RD prescribes. Overshooting a bit....might add 2x .5mi @ TP after the 2 x 1mi. Or, do my local streets and go with neg splits that end with the last 2 miles @ TP.
Doing a good job of sticking to the plan other that dropping the 1x 90' bike with lower efforts and doing 2x 1hr to 1'15'' of that HITT session I do.
Swimming....drills and instruction from a local coach, DynamoSwimClub's Maria Thrash. No fitness swimming, just drills 2-3x week, 30min 'practices'.
Most importantly, daily nutrition is still on the upslope. And, it looks like I'm gonna get thru the holidays without the big weight gain. Sleep is so much better. These shorter sessions, including the weekends, are allowing me to catch up on the sleep that I didn't even know I was missing.
So, thanks for the pep talk from a few weeks ago. Your advice, and me actually listening, seems to be helping a ton!
Now, you mentioned my JanOS might have some type of mod. What's that mean? Is it in the plans already? Or is this something you're gonna guide me like The Force?!?!
Merry Christmas!
Bike: I've been biking 2x week during the Run Durability plans, doing VO2 intervals. I did a TrainerRoad 5'/20' test just before I started that stretch. Results were 231 watts for the pain cave. Did 9 weeks of this befoe I backed off at Christmas. Spent the last week testing what I thought would be a good swag FTP. 4x 10' (2') at 240 seems to be spot on. Tough but doable.
So.....can I just use this as my FTP for the start of the OS? Or, as I type this I realize this might be what you'll go for, use the new swagged FTP as a carrot for a legitimate test in week 1?
Run: I'm just plain scared of the test. Don't know why other than my calf history. I know I'm running solid. For example steady 6 mile runs, neg splits, and hitting the last 2 miles at a pace that is quicker than my TP from 2 years ago, with no rest intervals. So, that tells me that I can best my 5k test, get a solid 'better than ever' vdot BUT I'm anxious about getting hurt. How does that make sense? Mental for sure. I can run more aggressively than ever for a training run but I'm too scared of the 5k test.
Now, having typed all this, I admit that training is testing and testing is training, so I'll knock it out and get some baseline numbers.
You just did some kind of jedi mind trick to me, didn't you?
Bike test
After 10 weeks of 2x/week short & sweet HITT sessions worked into the run durability plans, I was going to swag my FTP up from 230 to 240. I confirmed this new number by doing a couple of FTP sessions (4x 10' (2')) the week before OS. This test on Sunday came in a touch lower but still really close. I was thinking about keeping my swag value and just dialing it down if I can't hold the intervals. I'm not getting ahead of the plans. So, it makes sense to me that if I was holding 4x 10' (2') at 240 then I should be able to handle the shorter intervals that we start with in week 1. What do you think?
Run test
gave it a go and it worked out. I really think your Run Durability Plan helped me out a ton.
46 and sunny, pretty windy, 13-15mph head wind coming back. Not too hilly but enough to cost me some time. That's not saying I want to swag up some Vdot points. I think it's safer for me to stay on the slower end of the pace windows for the intervals.
Neg splits 7:20, 6:59, 6:52
Vdot 45
Much better than I expected.
BTW, wasn't ignoring your advice from above, just missed it until I went to post this. Looks like no harm done.
So, digest it and get back to me about any kind of mod to the Jan OS plan. You change something I'll do it. You say stick with the plan as is, I'll do it.
Just let me know.
put this in the Jan OS forum but wanted to make sure you saw it. (Regarding my 'err on the safety side' approach to coming back from the calf injury and striving for a faster/healthier 2015 run year)
Time for me to seek counsel. Cuz' that's what you guys are here for: to help me
Had a pretty good run test. Set my zones a bit faster than I would've expected.
Over the last 6 months, I used a swag z4 threshold pace 7:45 for my bar. I don't even remember what z2 or z3 were with that because I simply ran mile repeats at TP on my hard days and LRP (by RPE and HR) when not doing the repeats.
So, now, new zones. And my z2 and z3 are 7:57 and 7:30, respectively.
On paper, that's an ez RPE run. But, my HR was much higher than what I would've thought a z2/z3 run would bring. But, I kind of saw this coming just based on the paces to run today.
I'm wondering if I should slow my paces down a few ticks to get the HR under control OR give it a couple of weeks for my body to adjust to the new stresses and see if it becomes easier on the HR as I run the new & harder 'easy' paces over time.
Today's run...
Saturday's z2/z3 run
it's a couple of minutes shorter than the 40' called for. Only due to logistics. 1/2 mile with a big hill to get to our 'hood's little 1.2 mile loop trail. So, ez to the trail, then 1 lap at z2, then 1 lap at z3, then ez back over the hill to home.
Anyhow, let me know what you think.
2mi @ zn3 (7:47s)
1mi real ez 9:30
2x 1mi @ 7:20 (4')
12' @ 8:00
treadmill, 1.5% HR behaved much better than yesterday. Right Achilles slightly tight, very slight, but noticeable.
Let's not forget you saw great gains from your plan without the intensity being too high. Saving it for race day is great...you don't need to do it 2x a week.
If you aren't foam rolling that achilles every damn night you need to start. As well as your hamstring and hip. We have to keep your leg mobile and functional.
slight change in plans and I'm dropping this here rather than the macro since you are taking the reigns on my Year of the Healthy Run Improvement Plan.
I was hoping to race a few of the local sprints and oly's for fun and then get a little more serious for Augusta 70.3. But, I realized that I'm working that weekend and it's not worth the hassle of getting someone to switch with me when this is not exactly an 'A' race year.
But, I still might get to finish the year with a HIM.
Macon's Rock and Roll Man Half Iron was moved from late June (heat & humidity rivaled Kona) to mid October (10th).
This is a grass roots HIM that many had used to prep for longer races. Not sure what the date change will bring. I've done that race several times (preEN) and it beat me to a pulp every time. I was heavier, biked too aggressively, and wanted to cry by mile 3 on the run.
Said I would never do it again.
Until now. Maybe. Not gonna sign up now but I'd like to pencil it into my plans to give me a year end longish race, on the cheap.
Just an FYI that we can address as the summer moves thru.
In short, Augusta 70.3 Sept 26or27 is out, and Macon's Half Oct 10th might replace it.
It's only a 2 week bump so I don't know if it matters at all in the layout you provided at the beginning of this thread.
Thanks and welcome home from Clermont!
Next week.....
Mon, I'm working 16hrs minimum, this is the day scheduled for the bike test.
Tues, I'm off or at least very few work hours.
Wed, I'm working 12hrs, the run test day.
Thurs, working 10hrs
Fri, working 6-8hrs.
Sat, on call at hospital, potential long day.
Sun, on call, same.
then, the following week
Mon, off
Tues, long day 16hrs at work
Wed, off
Thurs, 12hrs at work
Fri, 10hrs at work
Sat, off
Sun, off.
If I back testing up into Week9 of the the OS, I can take Sunday off which works well since I'm on call. And the 2 test days just happen to be open, too.
If you like this plan, do I just repeat Week7's wko's during Week8?
I could rest up tomorrow, Saturday, bike test on Sunday, rest up on Monday which is a big work day, then on my low work day Tuesday do the run test.
This would keep me from backing the OS up a week. Week 8 would stay Week 8.
Legs are pretty tired right now. A day off tomorrow would be welcomed. Then testing on Sun & Tuesday would keep me as close to schedule as I could ask for.
I guess either way will have to work.
So, I'm pretty committed to resting the legs today and starting Week 8 a day early. Swam this morning. Now feet up until tomorrow morning when I'll do the FTP test.
Monday is a good day to recover from that b/c it's my Long Day at Work Day.
Then Tues is light hours at work so it'll be good for a run test.
You ok with this, Coach?
I'm thinking...
after I finish my run test today, in the snow nonetheless (it's gotta be an inch deep out there, you feel sorry for me, yet?), I stick to week 8 plans which have some reduced rides and easier runs for a couple of days already written into it? (until the weekend workouts which pick it up back to normal)
Or, just ez recovery spins and very soft/short runs thru the weekend (remember, I'm on call at work) and then pick up Week 9 full steam ahead?
Testing completed
FTP 240 bumps up to 245(hard, but good consistent building effort with no fade)
Vdot stays the same. Mile Splits- First Test/Second Test: 7:20/7:26 -> 6:59/7:00 -> 6:52/6:50