Just a healthy fear of the unknown... And... It was so close to the finish line Mike Reilly finished typing it when I was getting the post race photo (flashing the EN gang sign!)
I'll write up the RR... And link the Strava files... Thanks P
Thank you so much P... I will employ everything you suggest at Louisville. It is great having them so close together... Really will able to try executing differently.
You didn't lay out the next 3 weeks though... Should I just rest this week and jump into the adv IM last 3 weeks?
Ed, great call today. With a JAN OS start, here are my thoughts for your “Q1” of 2017 … October to December.
1. Recover. Straight through 10/31. That means ONE SESSION a day, not two like today. Fun stuff…nothing hard. Hike. See wife, etc. No alarms. Repeat.
2. 10/31 load up Run Durability, and you’ll progress through that for Nov and Dec, loading consecutive plans as required. You averaged 34.6 miles per week last year…but it took you 5 weeks go get there. Same this year. Think 22, 26, 30, 30, 35…
3. During this time Masters is OK if you can make it work without too much “work”. I am okay with you swimming as your biking will be down, but you’d have to map out a week for me first.
4. Ride just on Saturdays, first up Zwift or whatever and just ride it out. This is more about complimentary aerobic stuff, not bike goals. OS is for that.
Additional stuff to consider:
1. Core Work — what can you add to be come more of a machine? Think 3 x 10 minutes a week, no biggie.
2. Daily Food - What’s the easiest fix you can implement? Night food? Beer? Daily potato skins? j/k seriously though, if you start early, you can start simple. Pick one thing to try every 14 days to see what sticks…
great! the next step is setting some sort of goals for this fourth quarter. Like total number of runs, or total distance run, or number of pounds lost etc. What are your thoughts on the most important stuff to track (just pick three)? And how do you want to track them?
I need to get weight down while I don't have the big training volume. I'm using my fitness pal to log. I think it's totally doable for me to cut between 6-8 lbs before the OS. So weight goal is sub-170.
Starting next week I'm going to get back to RD. I love it... so it won't be difficult. I'll follow your recommendation on adding weekly miles slowly... but I'll do it with 6 runs a week. I'll take Sunday's off. Mileage to hit 40/week after 4-5 weeks. I want to hold 40/week after I build to it.
Saturday bike... masters swim on thursdays w/ one other swim during week ( session video'd for feedback on form)
Weight... I use a Withings scale... so just have to get my fat ass on it in the morning!
Run volume... pretty easy... garmin/TP/Strava
SWOLF score for the next two months... In the OS I'll drop the swim focus and worry about pushing FTP on the bike.
FTP goal for this year is 300 @ 165 pounds that's 4w/k. This is crucial to me being able to attain my goals over the next two years!
your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all
your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This
first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can
ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually
M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the
Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do
Run Durability...6-7 times a week @ least 3miles/ run
Just got back onto the bike...;30 with some build efforts
starting Masters swim once per week.
Looking to finish the year with RD..Jan OS... build to Lake Placid on a minimalist plan 9 hours a week
Main Race:
Ironman Lake Placid (2018-07-22) #IMLP_18
05/13/2018 (OLY) Kansas City Triathlon
are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each
one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another
one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move /
Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
updated by Coach on 11/20/2017
On 11/20/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 12/17/2017
On 12/18/2017 Load the -- Run Durability 3 (7 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 1/14/2018
>> Transition Early <<
On 1/8/2018 Load the Advanced OutSeason Plan, 14wks to end on 4/15/2018
On 4/16/2018 Load the -- Swim Camp to end on 4/29/2018
On 4/30/2018 Load the Advanced Minimalist EN*Full to end on 7/22/2018 (work in OLY with Coach P)
On 7/23/2018 Load the -- Post Ironman Transition Plan, All Levels (4wks) to end on 8/19/2018
Great to have you and your MUCH BETTER HALF on board for 2018. With your limited week for Race Prep, all of these early sessions matter. We need excellence on the consistency front. I expect to see you in Zwift at some point so you can benefit from the quality work there that we are all doing. But right now, consistency trumps all...so dial it in!!!!
I'll write up the RR... And link the Strava files... Thanks P
Bike: https://www.strava.com/activities/711310377
Run: https://www.strava.com/activities/712585680
Let's keep this rolling!!!
~ Coach P
You didn't lay out the next 3 weeks though... Should I just rest this week and jump into the adv IM last 3 weeks?
So the net is:
(1) Swim it out. Swim a lot.
(2) Load plan for final 3 weeks, but bike should be done at Race Pace Plus effort (20w higher) to practice focus and nutrition.
(3) Run no longer than 60 minutes...would prefer you do frequent short turns of 2 miles a day, with one 60' run...at at TRP.
So, to recap, you can load the plan but we cut the bike/run as listed above, and add swimming where you can!
~ Coach P
1. Recover. Straight through 10/31. That means ONE SESSION a day, not two like today. Fun stuff…nothing hard. Hike. See wife, etc. No alarms. Repeat.
2. 10/31 load up Run Durability, and you’ll progress through that for Nov and Dec, loading consecutive plans as required. You averaged 34.6 miles per week last year…but it took you 5 weeks go get there. Same this year. Think 22, 26, 30, 30, 35…
3. During this time Masters is OK if you can make it work without too much “work”. I am okay with you swimming as your biking will be down, but you’d have to map out a week for me first.
4. Ride just on Saturdays, first up Zwift or whatever and just ride it out. This is more about complimentary aerobic stuff, not bike goals. OS is for that.
Additional stuff to consider:
1. Core Work — what can you add to be come more of a machine? Think 3 x 10 minutes a week, no biggie.
2. Daily Food - What’s the easiest fix you can implement? Night food? Beer? Daily potato skins?
3. What is your FTP goal for 2017?
I need to get weight down while I don't have the big training volume. I'm using my fitness pal to log. I think it's totally doable for me to cut between 6-8 lbs before the OS. So weight goal is sub-170.
Starting next week I'm going to get back to RD. I love it... so it won't be difficult. I'll follow your recommendation on adding weekly miles slowly... but I'll do it with 6 runs a week. I'll take Sunday's off. Mileage to hit 40/week after 4-5 weeks. I want to hold 40/week after I build to it.
Saturday bike... masters swim on thursdays w/ one other swim during week ( session video'd for feedback on form)
Weight... I use a Withings scale... so just have to get my fat ass on it in the morning!
Run volume... pretty easy... garmin/TP/Strava
SWOLF score for the next two months... In the OS I'll drop the swim focus and worry about pushing FTP on the bike.
FTP goal for this year is 300 @ 165 pounds that's 4w/k. This is crucial to me being able to attain my goals over the next two years!
Looks like you are MY rabbit this OS!
~ Coach P
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Notes
Run Durability...6-7 times a week @ least 3miles/ run
Just got back onto the bike...;30 with some build efforts
starting Masters swim once per week.
Looking to finish the year with RD..Jan OS... build to Lake Placid on a minimalist plan 9 hours a week
Your Races
Main Race:
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
Coach Notes
Great to have you and your MUCH BETTER HALF on board for 2018. With your limited week for Race Prep, all of these early sessions matter. We need excellence on the consistency front. I expect to see you in Zwift at some point so you can benefit from the quality work there that we are all doing. But right now, consistency trumps all...so dial it in!!!!
Let's get to work!
~ Coach P