Monday mornings I take spouse to airport, I'm home by 5:45am. MondayAM - Friday AM (Friday PMs I fetch spouse from airport), I have 2 hours in the AM and 3 hours in the PM. Weekends I have all day both days. My husband is a marathoner so he runs both days.
I live a couple minutes from the 75 meter pool at the Biltmore where I'm a fitness member. I am also considering a masters program, I think I'll give it a try Tues (it's 6 miles away). I could definitely use some strength so I'm going to hit the gym also.
I have no kids, no pets, and no husband until the weekends. Let me have it.
I hope to get back on the bike tomorrow morning after I drop John at the airport. The PT thinks I should be able to ride the bike, although last week it was painful. Who knows? Today and yesterday I did some strength, stretching, and buffing, foam rolling. Work me hard!'s only been 2 weeks but it seems like forever. The PT actually hurt my knee while trying to help my hip. Jerk. So I now have an appointment with an ortho doc. Need to sort this out once and for all. see a real doc, gets some pictures taken and get better. Keep you posted.
Sounds great. Tomorrow I'm going to try a little jog and a swim. Friday at 4:00 I have the first PT appointment. I'll let you know what they plan for me. Friday night I leave for Paris (air traffic strike willing) and I'll be there with my husband who is running the marathon. I'll be back Wednesday evening. Thursday morning another PT.
The doc has asked the PTs to give me a take-home workout for when I'm away and the days I'll be working out on my own. He's the doc for the UM athletic program and the PT clinic is at Marlins Park. He said they'll be intense, but focused and I'll be sore. I look forward to the work. I'll keep you posted. Thank you for your interest and willingness to help!
Paris was extraordinary! My blood/stinky cheese levels are back to normal! I probably walked 20 miles in 3 days which is why the wine, cheese, bread etc. didn't stick. Lost a pound. I'm quite sore from all the walking and feel I really saw the city. I don't shop or do the touristy stuff so managed to have an extra good time seeing painting, sculpture and gardens. I am happy! John's race went very well, and while his favorite is still Chicago, this is now a close 2nd. It was his 17th marathon. In September it's Berlin! 54k were signed up, 46k ran (strike issues I guess), so plenty of activity. There was a 5:40 cut-off! Only 1300 americans. Helped keep the riff raff to a minimum.
Never did get to the PT. First appointment and evaluation Tuesday morning. Meanwhile I'll keep up with my strengthening and light workouts. The elevator was quite small at the hotel, and I'm claustrophobic so I took the stairs 5 stories once or twice a day. THAT is a workout. Did 45 minutes on the trainer this morning. Felt good.
I miss the quality of the food already. Maybe I'll go on a stinky cheese and white burgundy diet...
That must be true! I feel so much better! First real PT session yesterday and while it was tough it wasn't too painful I'm sore today, in all the right places. We're healing the tear and strengthening hips, abs, and glutes. All of them hurt today! It's pain that feels like progress.
Office hours is kind of a good format for communication. Glad I could listen in for a bit. I'm sure I'll be asking a zillion questions in a few months.
Ok, so I have an Ironfan account and I have been trying to get them to put my ironman florida registration on there for MONTHS AND MONTHS. They assure me it's done and... VOILA! nuthin'
So now I get an email from the team saying I should add endurance nation to my profile. I don't think they do ANYTHING. Do we have a contact who can help with this? The general email address they ask us to use is useless I'm afraid. sorry for this, but glad that you are willing to talk about it as I feel the same way. NOT A FAN of this new process at all. I will forward this to Anne to address with quick thought before I do is that sometimes your email for their newsletter is different than what you use here on EN in your that the case?
Yes they were two different email addresses, because I have an email address associated with the credit card that I used AND it is also associated with SO the email address here, and on ironfan are the same. I've explained this to them ad nauseam. is the email address I've had since 1994 and I use it for 'stuff'. I used it to sign up for ironfan years ago. But I've changed it with them to... is the email address I use for things I want to see all the time. EN, Strava, TP, and tons of financial services 'stuff' I read for work, personal yada yada.
Thanks, if this gets to be a pain in the arse. We can just drop it. I do like to be "all in" when I'm on a team. That's just me.
Have recently taken a few extra days off after a big week last week. Some lower back pain...which I think is due to the uptick in biking/trainer time. Had a good massage yesterday and snuck in a little tiny run. I have a friends husband here this week as he is in town for some hospital stuff - he is a guinea pig for some stem cell heart studies. In 6 years he's gone from certain to pass in a few years to having 70+ percent heart function! he's a miracle really. But it means that I've had a little less time to workout. I get nervous when this many days pass and I've done so little. I'm stiff and sore and sleeping A LOT. Less than 6 months to this ironman. I'm wigged out all over again. This weekend I'm headed to Chicago where I hope I'll get a couple of good long runs in on the beach. The water is 52-55 degrees so I'm not sure I'll even bring my wet suit. Question: how does one regroup and get their head together at this point? First ironman, barely running 6 miles, cycling is good...swimming not great...ugh! I think I need a little inspiration. I've thought about taking the time I have and doing 2-a-days instead of trying to get longer workouts in. More intense shorter ones maybe.
Stephanie, I'd suggest you connect with the Team here...plenty of folks training right now and doing great work. Find a Florida buddy and pinky promise to check in weekly or around key workouts!
You are fine...6 months to go, most aren't training for FL are training to train; the "real" training starts early August.
Maybe we set a time or mileage goal for the bike? As in 150 miles a week, for example, and you work to hit that? I don't want you to be too serious about FL yet as you'll need that energy; IOW your sessions shouldn't be about "get my ass into gear for FL" -- it should be about "let me get consistent" or "let me hit my weekly benchmark" -- the pressure will mount later and you'll need the energy then!
Thanks for that. I don't know who would be a good buddy but I'll look around when I have some time. I would rather have some place to check in each week, rather than go on a search for a 'buddy' Historically that just hasn't been a good use of time/mental energy. Everyone is busy.
I'd like to have some mileage or time goals for each week. I do the majority of work on the trainer (OK all the work) so 150 miles would be big...but a certain number of hours would work. 8 hours or something? and running is still just slow, so that would probably be miles. 30? What do you think? There's an OWS group that meets T TH SAT mornings and I think I may start joining them to get over this swim/creatures/wave issue.
Steph, yes to the OWS group. Done, sold do it. Can't say enough for that, and the fact you have that resource is great...and you might find a bike / run buddy!
(Man, your coach is PUSHY!!!!)
As for the bike or run in terms of mileage goals, just take your avg speed and do the math with the time each week. So if you ride 16.5 over your local roads, and today's workout is 75 minutes...that about 20 miles. Or if the week calls for 7 hours of riding...that's 7 * 16.5 or 115 miles.
I personally use Strava, and set "mileage goals" for each week in my profile...then try to hit them...the simple graphics interface helps!
This is the page, see the right side under my photo, the little circle guys...which reminds me I need to update them!
Hamstring really tightened everything up to the point where it was affecting my lower back etc. Tried to get in to see my chiro and trigger pint torture gal last weekend but couldn't get in until yesterday. PHEW! I feel great. Things were in need of resetting. I ran 6.5 at the beach this morning! YAY!!!
Wow! Can you be proactive with those appointments? Sometimes when I am in the throes of my training, I will book one like every two or three weeks so I have them "just in case", etc...glad you are back!
Yes excellent. I had another yesterday after work. He did a lot of testing and he doesn't really think I tore my hamstring badly at all. Sounded like he didn't think it was torn. The upper tendinopathy he thinks is probably from a lifetime of imbalances and the way my body torques when I run. Of course, to a hammer, everything is a nail, yes? We also did a little cold laser therapy on it. Anyway I feel better. I have another appt scheduled Tuesday after work. I'm going to try a long ride/run tomorrow about 20 miles south of here. 50 bike and 4+ run. It's going to be beastly hot and humid so it will give me a chance to ride the new saddle outside the garage! and the new cooling shirt I bought, and some sunscreen, UCAN and even some of that gawd-awful gatorade!! 4 or 5 hours outdoors then sleep like the dead the rest of the day. Hope all is well in beautiful RI. I miss the whole groton/new london/mystic area.
I did my first real Oly yesterday. Longest OWS ever. I wish I had not freaked out over it. It was fine! So now I feel like I can do some other things. I was too slow on the bike (saving myself and enjoying the ride) and I forgot my race number on the t2 so I had to go back, long transition, and the run was difficult, but I think I am still getting better. Nothing dramatic. 3:57 for the race, so while that's slow, the swim was a BIG deal for me and I am no longer afraid of that. The map even shows I swam in a pretty straight line! The swim win is a big win for me. ) 20 weeks until ironman florida.
Monday mornings I take spouse to airport, I'm home by 5:45am. MondayAM - Friday AM (Friday PMs I fetch spouse from airport), I have 2 hours in the AM and 3 hours in the PM. Weekends I have all day both days. My husband is a marathoner so he runs both days.
I live a couple minutes from the 75 meter pool at the Biltmore where I'm a fitness member. I am also considering a masters program, I think I'll give it a try Tues (it's 6 miles away). I could definitely use some strength so I'm going to hit the gym also.
I have no kids, no pets, and no husband until the weekends. Let me have it.
I hope to get back on the bike tomorrow morning after I drop John at the airport. The PT thinks I should be able to ride the bike, although last week it was painful. Who knows? Today and yesterday I did some strength, stretching, and buffing, foam rolling. Work me hard!'s only been 2 weeks but it seems like forever. The PT actually hurt my knee while trying to help my hip. Jerk. So I now have an appointment with an ortho doc. Need to sort this out once and for all. see a real doc, gets some pictures taken and get better. Keep you posted.
Thank you. I did a 3:15 trainer ride today. Took it pretty easy, fat burner.
Might try to take a little run tomorrow. Certainly going to swim.
OK, so the doc says I have a level 2 (of 3) hamstring tear. No fractures! Swelling, bruising, and inflammation.
My sits bones are sore but not injured. I have 6 weeks of PT 3x a week and then I go back.
Light jogging (no sprinting or hills), cycling as tolerated, swimming is fine.
So I'm good to go, just nothing intense. I have weak glutes, weak abs, balanced quads and am extremely hamstring dominant.
Okee doke, so we work on our strength. Strengthening my glutes will alleviate several issues he hopes. One step at a time.
Sounds great. Tomorrow I'm going to try a little jog and a swim. Friday at 4:00 I have the first PT appointment. I'll let you know what they plan for me. Friday night I leave for Paris (air traffic strike willing) and I'll be there with my husband who is running the marathon. I'll be back Wednesday evening. Thursday morning another PT.
The doc has asked the PTs to give me a take-home workout for when I'm away and the days I'll be working out on my own. He's the doc for the UM athletic program and the PT clinic is at Marlins Park. He said they'll be intense, but focused and I'll be sore.
I look forward to the work. I'll keep you posted. Thank you for your interest and willingness to help!
Paris was extraordinary! My blood/stinky cheese levels are back to normal! I probably walked 20 miles in 3 days which is why the wine, cheese, bread etc. didn't stick. Lost a pound.
I'm quite sore from all the walking and feel I really saw the city. I don't shop or do the touristy stuff so managed to have an extra good time seeing painting, sculpture and gardens. I am happy! John's race went very well, and while his favorite is still Chicago, this is now a close 2nd. It was his 17th marathon. In September it's Berlin! 54k were signed up, 46k ran (strike issues I guess), so plenty of activity. There was a 5:40 cut-off! Only 1300 americans. Helped keep the riff raff to a minimum.
Never did get to the PT. First appointment and evaluation Tuesday morning. Meanwhile I'll keep up with my strengthening and light workouts. The elevator was quite small at the hotel, and I'm claustrophobic so I took the stairs 5 stories once or twice a day. THAT is a workout. Did 45 minutes on the trainer this morning. Felt good.
I miss the quality of the food already. Maybe I'll go on a stinky cheese and white burgundy diet...
That must be true! I feel so much better! First real PT session yesterday and while it was tough it wasn't too painful I'm sore today, in all the right places. We're healing the tear and strengthening hips, abs, and glutes. All of them hurt today! It's pain that feels like progress.
Office hours is kind of a good format for communication. Glad I could listen in for a bit. I'm sure I'll be asking a zillion questions in a few months.
Ok, so I have an Ironfan account and I have been trying to get them to put my ironman florida registration on there for MONTHS AND MONTHS. They assure me it's done and... VOILA! nuthin'
So now I get an email from the team saying I should add endurance nation to my profile. I don't think they do ANYTHING. Do we have a contact who can help with this? The general email address they ask us to use is useless I'm afraid.
Yes they were two different email addresses, because I have an email address associated with the credit card that I used AND it is also associated with SO the email address here, and on ironfan are the same. I've explained this to them ad nauseam. is the email address I've had since 1994 and I use it for 'stuff'. I used it to sign up for ironfan years ago. But I've changed it with them to... is the email address I use for things I want to see all the time. EN, Strava, TP, and tons of financial services 'stuff' I read for work, personal yada yada.
Thanks, if this gets to be a pain in the arse. We can just drop it. I do like to be "all in" when I'm on a team. That's just me.
YAY!!! Done! Thank you so much. Had a couple of issues and all are sorted out.
Have recently taken a few extra days off after a big week last week. Some lower back pain...which I think is due to the uptick in biking/trainer time. Had a good massage yesterday and snuck in a little tiny run. I have a friends husband here this week as he is in town for some hospital stuff - he is a guinea pig for some stem cell heart studies. In 6 years he's gone from certain to pass in a few years to having 70+ percent heart function! he's a miracle really. But it means that I've had a little less time to workout. I get nervous when this many days pass and I've done so little. I'm stiff and sore and sleeping A LOT. Less than 6 months to this ironman. I'm wigged out all over again. This weekend I'm headed to Chicago where I hope I'll get a couple of good long runs in on the beach. The water is 52-55 degrees so I'm not sure I'll even bring my wet suit. Question: how does one regroup and get their head together at this point? First ironman, barely running 6 miles, cycling is good...swimming not great...ugh! I think I need a little inspiration. I've thought about taking the time I have and doing 2-a-days instead of trying to get longer workouts in. More intense shorter ones maybe.
You are fine...6 months to go, most aren't training for FL are training to train; the "real" training starts early August.
Maybe we set a time or mileage goal for the bike? As in 150 miles a week, for example, and you work to hit that? I don't want you to be too serious about FL yet as you'll need that energy; IOW your sessions shouldn't be about "get my ass into gear for FL" -- it should be about "let me get consistent" or "let me hit my weekly benchmark" -- the pressure will mount later and you'll need the energy then!
Thanks for that. I don't know who would be a good buddy but I'll look around when I have some time. I would rather have some place to check in each week, rather than go on a search for a 'buddy' Historically that just hasn't been a good use of time/mental energy. Everyone is busy.
I'd like to have some mileage or time goals for each week. I do the majority of work on the trainer (OK all the work) so 150 miles would be big...but a certain number of hours would work. 8 hours or something? and running is still just slow, so that would probably be miles. 30? What do you think? There's an OWS group that meets T TH SAT mornings and I think I may start joining them to get over this swim/creatures/wave issue.
(Man, your coach is PUSHY!!!!)
As for the bike or run in terms of mileage goals, just take your avg speed and do the math with the time each week. So if you ride 16.5 over your local roads, and today's workout is 75 minutes...that about 20 miles. Or if the week calls for 7 hours of riding...that's 7 * 16.5 or 115 miles.
I personally use Strava, and set "mileage goals" for each week in my profile...then try to hit them...the simple graphics interface helps!
This is the page, see the right side under my photo, the little circle guys...which reminds me I need to update them!
OK! That's pretty cool. I've set some goals.
I ran a 5k last night. It was painful, but feels like I'm getting stronger.
Hopefully tomorrow morning I'll get in the pool. Thursday the ocean. Whoa....
Thanks, as always!
Hamstring really tightened everything up to the point where it was affecting my lower back etc. Tried to get in to see my chiro and trigger pint torture gal last weekend but couldn't get in until yesterday. PHEW! I feel great. Things were in need of resetting. I ran 6.5 at the beach this morning! YAY!!!
Yes excellent. I had another yesterday after work. He did a lot of testing and he doesn't really think I tore my hamstring badly at all. Sounded like he didn't think it was torn. The upper tendinopathy he thinks is probably from a lifetime of imbalances and the way my body torques when I run. Of course, to a hammer, everything is a nail, yes? We also did a little cold laser therapy on it. Anyway I feel better. I have another appt scheduled Tuesday after work. I'm going to try a long ride/run tomorrow about 20 miles south of here. 50 bike and 4+ run. It's going to be beastly hot and humid so it will give me a chance to ride the new saddle outside the garage! and the new cooling shirt I bought, and some sunscreen, UCAN and even some of that gawd-awful gatorade!! 4 or 5 hours outdoors then sleep like the dead the rest of the day.
Hope all is well in beautiful RI. I miss the whole groton/new london/mystic area.
I did my first real Oly yesterday. Longest OWS ever. I wish I had not freaked out over it. It was fine! So now I feel like I can do some other things. I was too slow on the bike (saving myself and enjoying the ride) and I forgot my race number on the t2 so I had to go back, long transition, and the run was difficult, but I think I am still getting better. Nothing dramatic. 3:57 for the race, so while that's slow, the swim was a BIG deal for me and I am no longer afraid of that. The map even shows I swam in a pretty straight line! The swim win is a big win for me.
) 20 weeks until ironman florida.