Can't make much progress after today so I guess I will have my last longer run tonight, my last longer bike ride outdoors on Saturday and just try to remain calm. If I get through the swim I'll probably be OK. I'm first in the water so that's a HUGE blessing. Steelhead here we come!
I've been taking it pretty easy the last two weeks, so I'm heading to Clermont FL this weekend. There's a big Tri group up there which has long ride/short run bricks on Sat and Short Ride/Long run bricks on Sunday. I'll also be half mile from the National Training Center so I hope to schedule a swim analysis. Haven't had one in a couple of years. That's all I've got!
Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to get a swim analysis, but I will definitely be going back to ride those hills soon! I still think I need to have someone look at my swim so I'll see if I can find someone around here. The highlight was the Clay Road. There were a ton of people at this road, parked all along the road. Relatively rural and deserted. I had ridden kind of hard the day before and then did a short run. 112 heat index! So after our short ride yesterday morning, I was only able to do 4 miles. But what a great surface for the gimpy and injured! I had ZERO pain during and after the run. The local people with whom I trained were fantastic also. Made sure I got where I was going and generally made sure I had a good weekend. Triathlon people, in general, are very nice!
My next workout will be strength training. Can't ignore it any longer. Might just save my year.
Yesterday did 2 hrs 45 min on the trainer in the garage, hot and humid. Ran an hour after, if you can call it running. Tried to walk my HR down after each effort in the rain! it was stupid humid out. So ended up doing a lot of walking. Pain was minimal, just so very slow. I don't want to hurt myself 'catching up' but 9 weeks out it's a little scary to be looking at a 7 hour marathon. I'm guessing that sticking to the plan and doing the work is the answer but I'm always looking for a different answer! Off to the clay road this weekend! Taking the trainer in case of bad weather so I can get the biking in. Signed up for a swim analysis at the training center. Today calls for a TEST but I did a longish workout yesterday so I guess I'll be off by a day all week. Not sure how a test would help me at this point. Thanks for listening!
The run is what it is. You'll be surprised where your fitness will be after 6 weeks of consecutive training...but you have to stay healthy and not do anything to create any more problems....m'kay? So if there's a resurgence, we back off!!! Enjoy your trip (happy bday to hubby if it's this weekend!).
Time flies. I spent thurs - sun in the midwest as my Mom was sick and hospitalized. I managed to get in a decent swim and a nice run but nothing else. It was a very pretty run along the river where I grew up. Also went on a longish walk with an old friend, I guess that counts as Time On Feet.
Caught some sort of intestinal type bug sun/mon... ew. Still feel kind of tired. But hey, NO INJURIES TO REPORT! Hoping to get a good solid block in over the next 3 weeks and reassess. Cheers! I'm sure your Kona training is ramping up. Sure looks that way on Strava!
Maybe schedule a call with me in early July so we can review everything you have lined up for the summer?
My schedule is online here: -- Please remember to include your phone number.
Done, talk soon. Thanks, as usual, for the leadership!
Thanks for the chat. I'll try to keep on going and also rest enough.
Can't make much progress after today so I guess I will have my last longer run tonight, my last longer bike ride outdoors on Saturday and just try to remain calm. If I get through the swim I'll probably be OK. I'm first in the water so that's a HUGE blessing. Steelhead here we come!
Finished! HA! and it was fun.
I'm also not very sore, so I didn't set myself back by finishing! On to IMFL I have a LOT of work to do.
I've been taking it pretty easy the last two weeks, so I'm heading to Clermont FL this weekend. There's a big Tri group up there which has long ride/short run bricks on Sat and Short Ride/Long run bricks on Sunday. I'll also be half mile from the National Training Center so I hope to schedule a swim analysis. Haven't had one in a couple of years. That's all I've got!
Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to get a swim analysis, but I will definitely be going back to ride those hills soon! I still think I need to have someone look at my swim so I'll see if I can find someone around here. The highlight was the Clay Road. There were a ton of people at this road, parked all along the road. Relatively rural and deserted. I had ridden kind of hard the day before and then did a short run. 112 heat index! So after our short ride yesterday morning, I was only able to do 4 miles. But what a great surface for the gimpy and injured! I had ZERO pain during and after the run.
The local people with whom I trained were fantastic also. Made sure I got where I was going and generally made sure I had a good weekend. Triathlon people, in general, are very nice!
My next workout will be strength training. Can't ignore it any longer. Might just save my year.
Oh so you know!! we are going back for my husband's birthday weekend. He will LOVE that road! Perfect timing for his Berlin Marathon training.
Heart Rate Ironman Wiki... excellent, thank you SO much.
Today was my first run since March where the hamstring pain was gone for most of it. YAY!
Yesterday did 2 hrs 45 min on the trainer in the garage, hot and humid. Ran an hour after, if you can call it running. Tried to walk my HR down after each effort in the rain! it was stupid humid out. So ended up doing a lot of walking. Pain was minimal, just so very slow. I don't want to hurt myself 'catching up' but 9 weeks out it's a little scary to be looking at a 7 hour marathon. I'm guessing that sticking to the plan and doing the work is the answer but I'm always looking for a different answer! Off to the clay road this weekend! Taking the trainer in case of bad weather so I can get the biking in. Signed up for a swim analysis at the training center. Today calls for a TEST but I did a longish workout yesterday so I guess I'll be off by a day all week. Not sure how a test would help me at this point. Thanks for listening!
Time flies. I spent thurs - sun in the midwest as my Mom was sick and hospitalized. I managed to get in a decent swim and a nice run but nothing else. It was a very pretty run along the river where I grew up. Also went on a longish walk with an old friend, I guess that counts as Time On Feet.
Caught some sort of intestinal type bug sun/mon... ew. Still feel kind of tired. But hey, NO INJURIES TO REPORT! Hoping to get a good solid block in over the next 3 weeks and reassess. Cheers! I'm sure your Kona training is ramping up. Sure looks that way on Strava!
But thank you!