Peter Greagg's Micro Thread
Hi Coach Patrick
Thanks for calling me last week. I am sorry about the quality of the call.
Here are a few pics that you asked about. It is pretty easy to navigate around to look at them all.
You asked about dates of running races here. There is a 5 and 10 km on July 5, a 5, 10, and 14 km on September 6, and 5, 10, and 21.1 km on November 1. In addition to these dates is a weekly 5 km race involving about 50 competitors. There are other races but these are a fair drive from where I live in Canberra. That said, if you thought I should race more often or at different times, I would consider that. I also can look at other races further away in time (ie closer to IM Australia in early May). Your advice please?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
ps I'm not sure what went wrong with the 2nd link?
Thanks for the Google Consult input.
I like the systematic way you are approaching things and I am honoured to be working with you.
I will work on the document over the next day or so and get back to you when it is finished.
The outline doesn't acknowledge the other 2 races in my season (HIMs) on November 15 and Feb 21 that we mentioned briefly on the phone. They presumably will have an impact on my training?
Let's focus on the poor bike execution at IM Australia first up (date 3 May 2015). I have the bike file in WKO 3+ and am not sure how I can get it to you?

I have up loaded it to Training peaks (username turbohead, password spectrum) to see if you can access the file. If you can you will see quite poor execution.
It is a very hilly course (gearing 50/34 and 11/27 9 speed) and I overcooked the hills. I started to fade after about 5 hours. FTP was 201 and I was aiming at 140 watts after the first jra period.
BTW, I have had my first cut at responding to your comments/questions in the Google Doc, so over to you.
Hey Patrick, it's cool! I understand you are under pressure.
) - this is up from 28 when I started the OS. To remind you, in December I had a tested Vdot of 38 which is where it usually is around my A race (38-40). I hurt my Achilles in December and had a long period with no running, and when I returned to running (mid build for IM Australia), we agreed no speed work at all.

I have finished the questions you asked me, so over to you — although that longer term stuff is not really that time sensitive at the moment.
However, I would like to know what I should be doing next week?
I have just tested in week 8 of the Intermediate OS (as written) and my FTP is 205, which is just 10 watts below my best from last season — good!
However, my Vdot is just 31 (sob
So, what should I do on Monday? Continue with the OS as written, or swap to Run Durability, or something else?
(You will see that since I have paid for the early HIM including accommodation and my wife is very keen to go there, I really can't scrap it.)
I have averaged 3 hours of running a week, for 24 km (because I am so slow at the moment), over the OS to date.
And, BTW, I am really enjoying the process!
I have got a few comments/questions in red italics under your "Square" bullets in my doc.
In relation to the bike sessions while we do Run Durability 1 & 2, I am probably stuck on my trainer until I start for the early HIM. So I am proposing to round out the Tuesday and Thursday sessions to 60 mins (or something else if you think that would be better) with Z3 time? In relation to Saturday, you say 'steady'. Sorry but I am a data guy so I need a target (eg Z3 or Z2 upper or what?)? Mentally I can sustain 90 to 120 mins on the trainer.
BTW, I really enjoyed the Run Durability work I did last year (from May till my December Achilles problem).
Yes to the T/Th 60' rides...I made that edit...doesn't have to be Z3...I say Z2 and if you are feeling good you can build remainder up to Z3 but the Main Set is more important!
The Saturday ride is Zone can throw in some standing intervals or bigger gear / low cadence for variety, but nothing HARD during this time...your mid-week rides check all the intensity boxes!
Just started week 4 of Run Durability Two. Am a bit tired at the moment, so am intending to back off the intensity a bit for this final week before I start my HIM build. For example, I have been hitting 100% of my tested FTP from 8 weeks ago but this has been becoming harder to do as the weeks have gone by. So will aim for 95% tomorrow. As you suggested, I dropped all swimming, and have had 3 rides on my new TT bike (Shiv) for about 2 hours each week. Probably been a bit hot on the Shiv as I ended up with IFs around 0.77.
Next week is the start of my HIM build. Given you started me on the Run Durability blocks, how should I approach the running training in the HIM build? What about mid-week Z4 intervals as scheduled, with all other runs at GRP for the duration specified in the HIM Plan? Or something else?
I presume I will do the bike and swim sessions as specified in the HIM Plan?
Given I am a bit fatigued at the moment, and that I haven't tested for 8 weeks, I propose replacing Sunday's GRP 70 min run with Monday's swim, and run test on Wednesday, with Tuesday's swim on Tuesday. How does that sound?
Also, did 5 km run test yesterday and Vdot still stuck at 31, it was 38+ in December pre-Achilles injury.
So, how concerned should we be with the fatigue? This is an early half so I am not worried about super downstream effect, but if you think it’s worthwhile, I’d approve a Monday to Wednesday “rest period” to kick off the Half. Then you could roll into the rest of your week…call it a preventative measure, 100% up to you!
In terms of the runs, yes, Tues FTP runs and the rest at GRP, maybe with some strides, but nothing really flashy!
Your adjustment for the week re testing is fine, but I don’t really think you _need_ to test unless you think your run zones are that different…want to be really really mindful of keeping you “run healthy” for this early part of the year!
Let me know!
+++ EDIT +++
Sorry I thought you meant run test at the start of Week 12 of the HIM, not the end of the RD plan! I am not worried about your vDOT at the end of the RD yourself mentioned being tired!
I posted over a week ago, but it appears to have disappeared?
Anyway, I finished the unapproved HIM, with results consistent with my limited training. I am happy with the result in the light of the circumstances.
My right knee has been troubling me for weeks (feels weak and wobbly) and has always been weak since a cartilage operation (old school) back in the late 1970s. Anyway, a sports doctor has given me some strengthening exercises which have already made a huge difference. So I am running much better now.
I am just about to start week 10 of HIM intermediate.
Just checking that I am on the right track. Do bike and swim sessions as written, with all running at GRP except for Z4 mid week intervals (and the warm up for those intervals)? If this is okay, I would propose to do strides as part of mid week interval warm up, and the 2 Saturday and sunday runs before those bike sessions?
Goal is to kickstart some bike volume...other points to work on in this build:
* Confirm you are really 100% on the nutrition changes we talked about.
* One day of Swim to Bike workout if possible...just to get used to that transition.
* Focus on best possible aero position, start with small periods and get better and better at holding it over the 8 weeks to the race.
* One weekly swim TT of 2k for benchmarking.
Let me know what you think..and keep up those exercises. Al went thru the same thing and can really help out too!
Happy to start Big Bike Week on Saturday (or after?) and can do a as many days as you think? I have looked at the BBW in the plans and can do that (or attempt at least). I like to run before long bikes, if possible?
So, if we start on Saturday, I could just implement the BBW that is in the drop down plans (or something else). I assume I am an intermediate athlete (I would be happy to attempt the full version? What do you think?).
The short runs would be when, and how long? I have a route that is about 30 mins at GRP.
And the few swims would be when, and what? In my swim training I have been incorporating 6 x 300 metres at my CSS swim pace with 30 secs recovery. (This is based on Swimsmooth approach that Mike Roberts pointed out). This has dropped my CSS swim pace from 2 min 22 secs per 100 metres to around 2min 05 secs. My swim time in the 'totally unapproved HIM' was sub 38 for the first time in 10 years!
My positional fitness is reasonable good already. I was able to hold my aero position in the HIM for 95% of that race - needed to get on the hoods for some sharp cornering and aid stations.
In relation to the swim before the bike in the meat of the plan, could I do that on Sundays before my APB? And if so, could I move Sunday's run to Monday or Friday? I have two pools about 15 mins by car away so can definitely swim before a long bike.
Just thought I should give you plenty of warning to help you scheduling my post BBW recovery.
Peter, thanks for getting me this update.
1) That’s great news on the nutrition…and I am not surprised on the run numbers. I am glad you are willing to experiment there. Now, you might not eat that much on the run on race day, but knowing that you have the capacity to is huge.
2) Yes BBW starting today (!) with the 30’ GRP running…that would be perfect. Use the plan from the drop down as a guide. I see a ride + run for the longer ride days. The shorter ride days, where you get a bit of a break, are great for working in a swim (swim+bike)that might must mean a 30 mile bike with a swim that day as well. Really no LONG run this week, just frequency there as the “work” focus is on the bike.
3) Yes to swim before ABP bike for sure…and that would move the Sunday run to Monday please (so we don’t interfere with the Thu long run to Sat long ride window).
As for the holiday, same here! I say you jump into the December run challenge with the rest of us…maybe use that time on the bike to pick a good run target to aim for that week?
Happy cycling!
~ Coach P
First an update on the last month: Did the BBW (intermediate) and by the 7th day was feeling a bit of a bike boost, although tired. Due to fatigue, I hardly ran or swam during the week.
Next, the two following weeks were pre and post Christmas/New Year, where I did 30 kms a week running for both weeks at GRP.
Resumed 'normal' training on last Friday with a 2 km swim TT followed by some shorter stuff to make up 3 km (60 mins of swimming). Saturday, after 30 mins run at GRP, I did 3 hours on the bike with around 50 mins at Z4 in 5 intervals. Was really starting to struggle and couldn't do the 4 x 10 (2) at Z3, so just did the time. Ride stats were TSS of 205 with IF of 0.80. This was based on week 13 HIM Intermediate Plan.
On Sunday, after 30 mins run at GRP, I did 2 hour APB, but really struggled and had ride stats of TSS of 106 with IF of 0.74.On Monday, I came down with a virus (sweating, running nose, cough etc), so no training since last Sunday.
I am still sick, but hoping to resume training soon. I have improved but am still sick. Saw Doctor again who confirms there is no treatment apart from waiting to recover.
This week is week 14 of HIM Intermediate. Also my A Race is an IM on May 1. I have paid for the HIM and accommodation, so don't really want to cancel it.
Now the questions:
First, when I get the all clear to resume training, how should I go about transitioning back to full training, given I appear to have blown myself up after New Year?
Second, bearing in mind my racing schedule, what should I do when fully recovered from the flu and actually in full training? I don't mind downgrading the HIM but want to do it in any case. (Perhaps, cut the rest/taper somewhat given I am rested from an athletic perspective?).
Update: Monday 11 Jan
Cleared to go back to training, so did 60 mins swim today. Felt pretty good. wko was 6 x 300 metres at CSS pace with 30 secs recovery, then 6 x 100 metres (hard 50, easy 50), with 30 secs recovery, then 6 x 50 metres (hard 25, easy 25), with 15 secs recovery.Did run (2 x 1 mile at Z4, 60 mins total), and swim 60 mins (same as Monday). Run was quite tough. Couldn't hold GRP after intervals but did the time at around EP.
I don't want any Z4 stuff for a week (save for pool). Just be steady on Ride and Run. I don't think we need to reduce your race day goals (yet), moreso your everyday training expectations!!!!
Please keep the updates rolling...
Swim - only 2 sessions this week. Was going to do one this afternoon (Sunday) but life got in the way and I was quite tired also.
Bike - 176 km and TSS of 406 for week, with Saturday 3 hours 15 min for TSS of 197, IF = 0.78, and Sunday 1 hour 50 min for TSS of 121, IF = 0.82. Was pretty tired when I set out on Sunday was only going to put in the time, but was chicked twice in a couple of minutes, so I surprised myself by finding more than I thought I had.
Run - 36 km in 4 hours 15 mins. I did the Z4 intervals on Tuesday because that was before you told me not to. Thursday's long run was okay for the first 45 mins (at GRP), but my heart rate was around 130 bpm, compared to my normal 120ish for GRP. The second half had very similar heat rate but the pace was much slower (RPE was through the roof) at 7 min 50 sec per km. My GRP is 7 min 11 sec. Not sure why it was this tough, although it was 32 degrees C during the run. Maybe it was the heat and my very interrupted training over the last 4 weeks. Here is the file The rest of the running was all at GRP.
I am wondering about your thoughts (if any) on the long run?
BTW, you appear to be having a ball in Camp!
The volume is the fatigue will be as well. Really nail the food/fluid stuff from here on out...not a missed bottle or snack or salt pill. What you build as a habit now...and retain...will be what helps you navigate race day to be your best.
As for the run, in the case of what happened to you above, I'd rather you cut the pace a bit more in the first half to keep the HR lower / closer to normal, and then you can still have room to "push" a bit harder at the end. If you are already above your target HR, it's not going to be a good session (and potentially more costly downstream).
Do you have any tweaks or adjustments planned for the final 5 weeks?
The 2 hour long run was less of a struggle than last week, which was 100 mins. My normal GRP heart rate is 120, and last week I averaged 130, and really struggled with the last 30 mins (wasn't sure I could have run much further). This week, I capped my heart rate at 125, and was able to run the full 2 hours. That said, it was quite slow (even slower than Z1).
I did 3 swim sessions this week and my CSS pace is down to 2:12 per 100 metres — which is pretty good for me.
Running wise, I ran 37 kms with running time of 280 mins — a small increase in distance with 20 mins more running.
The bike is where I want it to be — weekly TSS of 480, and I hit all the mid-week Z4 intervals. Saturday's bike I toned down a bit with the Z4 intervals (made them Z3.5), but still managed an IF of 0.80 and TSS of 230.
You asked me about any tweaks in the final part of my training? While I am obviously carrying a fair bit of fatigue (this morning my TSB was - 40), I am quite a bit better than this time last week. That said, I was hoping we could do more running? What do you think? After my long runs, I don't think I could run on Fridays. We could lengthen some of the shorter runs? Or run on Mondays?
After the Half you'll load up the IM plan and there's quite a bit of running in the newer (2016) plans that might already give you what you need (we just have to watch the cumulative effect of the miles).
Let me know about the short term rest block!
~ Coach P
I will update you on Sunday at the end of the week.
Yesterday's run at EP was quite hard from a RPE perspective — I was surprised. Today, was much easier. So you are correct in that I was (am) carrying a lot of fatigue.
And yes, on the weekend I will have a really good wu and ease myself into the main sets.
How did the weekend go?