Thanks for the post. You said "You know your body better than I do, but I am glad you are listening to one of us. ". I hope the run pace was what you intended? You said "minimal aerobic time" which I assumed you meant EP? Or did you mean something else?
On Saturday, I got through the FTP intervals (IF of 1.0) and most of the 0.85 IF intervals. But my power was dropping (I was having trouble holding an IF of 0.65) and a huge storm was approaching so I cut it short at 2.5 hours. Total TSS of 160 at IF of 0.78. Sunday was much better, TSS of 145 at IF of 0.8. Another storm, so I cut this short at 2.25 hours. Of course, my FTP may be lower than I think it is. I haven't tested it since October. Perhaps I should test it on Wednesday (instead of 2 x 20)?
Both runs were good though, with low RPE, low heart rates, and briskish pace.
Proper eating and fuelling all weekend.
Today I feel good. Had a great swim with 3 km with 1800 m of it at or above my CSS pace. In contrast, I really struggled with Friday's swim.
Sooooo, my tentative conclusion is that I am still recovering, but feeling hopeful.
Sorry for the confusion. I meant to say " I think you know what you need to do already, but I am happy to advise you! " The EP was fine!
Recovering looks's impressive you are that close to your higher end given where you are at with fatigue and your race looming. The fact you swam well is a great indicator.
Hey Coach — just need to point out the time difference between us. I received your post at 1:13 pm on 3 Feb (Wednesday). Which is after my Wednesday bike wko.
Because I hadn't heard from you, I did the 2 x 20. I was still feeling the fatigue and wasn't sure if I could do the whole wko. So after a solid warm up, I started around 180 watts to make sure I could do the full 20 mins. I built over the interval and ended up with NP=187 watts for the whole interval. After the rest period, I started the second interval and tried to sit on 192 (which I have been using as my FTP). I held that for almost 15 mins but then my NP stared to fall. By the end of the interval, the NP had fallen to 187 watts.
I am not sure what that means for my FTP? My RR is on Saturday, and the race is on 21 February, so probably don't have another opportunity to test my FTP? Or do I?
Also, not sure what IF I should target for the RR? Given my riding over the last 3 weeks an appropriate target is somewhere in the 150s. The race bike course is 84 kms, and I have raced there many times. My RR time on my usual venue is usually quite close to the actual race time. The race course has far more hills that my RR venue.
So, should I be conservative in my RR, or should I be aggressive, given that I can adjust the IF between the RR and the race given my experience on both courses?
Peter, sorry for the poor date math! Can't you just have all your problems a day earlier!? HAHA.
Let's be clear that the % difference between 187 and 192 watts is 2.5%. To be able to ride that close "this late" in your build isn't problematic at all. Of course, I'd use your 2.5 to 3 hour power as a more accurate guide of what you can sustain (and the correlating HR with that type of ride) in order to create the optimal bike experience.
So heading into the ride, I'd have you start first 20' at 145, then rest of first hour at 150...then work to build it up, incrementally, over the rest of the ride to end up close to 160. (maybe 150 --> 155 --> 160?) Moreso than power, your nutrition execution has to be top notch here...and work on that aero position we discussed re: your head position, etc. It's not all about the watts but what you get for those watts!
So FTP test now confirms you are fit and a stud. But not the best metric for building a race plan assuming you have better "long ride" data to use.
High level Summary - I still have some big problems!
Started the run, being quite sure I would not be able to run a half marathon. That said, I started off trying to hold MP plus 20 secs per km (which is MP plus 30 secs per mile). After 10 mins, my RPE and heart rate were really high (heart rate 135). My long runs have told me that anything much over 125 will mean being unable to finish a run more than 1 hour 40 mins. So I slowed down hoping to get my RPE and heart rate lower, so I could try and speed up in the second half of the run. After 30 mins of walking 20 steps every 5 mins, my heart rate was still very high, along with my RPE. I stopped the run after 40 mins because I was really struggling just to keep running. Today's run pace was 8 mins 10 secs per km. My EP is 7 mins 40 secs per km. My GRP is 7 mins 11 secs per km, which I use for all my training runs except the Tuesday Z4 run.
You suggested "So heading into the ride, I'd have you start first 20' at 145, then rest of first hour at 150...then work to build it up, incrementally, over the rest of the ride to end up close to 160. (maybe 150 --> 155 --> 160?) Moreso than power, your nutrition execution has to be top notch here...and work on that aero position we discussed re: your head position, etc. It's not all about the watts but what you get for those watts! "
Because my 3 hour power is 148 watts, I knocked 5 watts off your suggested plan. I ended up with NP=148 watts, with heart rate of 121 bpm (which is pretty normal for my long bikes). After the first 90 mins, I did try and push harder, but my heart rate climbed over 130, and RPE was getting high. Also, during these pushing efforts, I could feel my stomach contents rising up my throat. As soon as I backed off, I started to feel much better.
You said "So FTP test now confirms you are fit and a stud. But not the best metric for building a race plan assuming you have better "long ride" data to use."
I wish your statement was true! I wasn't clear enough when I said I didn't do the FTP test but did the 2 x 20 set. There was a 5 min rest between the FTP intervals.
A bit more context. Yesterday, I ate well and only did a 3 km swim. I had 8 and a half hours sleep last night. This morning I ate porridge with honey and milk plus 2 crumpets and honey an hour and a half before I started my ride. I fuelled meticulously with a gel (80 cals) each 30 mins, and a bottle of Infinit (200 cals) per hour. I had a gel just before I started the run, and swigged a bottle of Infinit during the run.
Peter, I think there is a disconnect between your bike and run fitness here, at least in terms of what you can do when you are training vs race sim / running.
Our HIM pacing guidance is here (, scroll down to see the Half Run info. But basically the guidance is you need to run at the AVG HR you finished the bike your case, between 125 and 130 bpms (hard for me to see)...and on race day this will probably be closer to 125 as you won't be pushing it too hard like you did here.
By running to a PACE target vs HR, you are accumulating to much heat and the body will shut won't be able to eat / drink or continue...enough said. So let's move over to that HR strategy for the run...ok?
As for the FTP test, I don't care if it was 5' or 2' between intervals, it's still a solid effort. The bike effort (and pacing!) is's the run itself and those early miles that are doing you in!
Okay, I am happy to follow the heart rate run plan. I tend to get off the long bikes with an average heart rate in the low 120s (eg 120, 122, etc). These are the average heart rates over the last hour. Also, my long runs (which are at GRP) have average heart rates in the low 120s as well. The other data coming from my long runs, is that heart rate of 130 or higher have proved to be impossible to keep going for longer than about 80 mins.
Run Plan - get off the bike and settle into a heart rate around 120ish (depending on my heart rate over the last hour of the bike). Then after about 30 mins, push up my heart rate up to around 125, hoping for a final push over the last 5 km with my heart rate climbing to what ever I can sustain over the last part of the run. What do you think?
Thank you for the points you make about my 2 x 20 wko. I agree that, yes it was a very solid wko. Now in terms of the bike plan, the RR showed that my 3 hour power of 148 watts, is probably a good target for the bike, because of the concerns I raised in my post of Feb 5. I am hoping that being fully rested for the race will mean that my RPE will be lower for the watts I am pushing. Of course, I need to go easy in the first 20 or so mins to allow my heart rate to come down from the swim (often in a HIM, my heart rate is over 140 at the start of the bike).
Bike plan - Target 138 for first 20 mins to allow my heart rate to come down from the swim. When it gets to low 120s, then move to target 148 etc. What do you think?
Other stuff - Riding with my head looking straight down is a very strange experience. You don't get to see any scenery. Also, as you point out, it takes practice. I assume if you are in bike traffic, you need to keep glancing up so you don't cause any issues for the other bikes. I am pretty confident that I can ride with my head down for as long as the opportunities for that style of riding allow.
Today's wko (4 x 6 (4) Z4 on the bike, plus run of 15 mins at Z4, then 15 mins at Z3) felt good, with the Z4 work feeling doable and I have felt pretty good all day. So I am shedding my fatigue and am feeling sharper by the day. So, thanks for all your support.
Okay, I am happy to follow the heart rate run plan. I tend to get off the long bikes with an average heart rate in the low 120s (eg 120, 122, etc). These are the average heart rates over the last hour. Also, my long runs (which are at GRP) have average heart rates in the low 120s as well. The other data coming from my long runs, is that heart rate of 130 or higher have proved to be impossible to keep going for longer than about 80 mins.
Run Plan - get off the bike and settle into a heart rate around 120ish (depending on my heart rate over the last hour of the bike). Then after about 30 mins, push up my heart rate up to around 125, hoping for a final push over the last 5 km with my heart rate climbing to what ever I can sustain over the last part of the run. What do you think? Yes, this is a good call. Remember to fuel up in the first 3 miles as that when your HR will be most fueling-friendly! You may / may not be able to push the HR watch that...and if your HR is getting higher but your pace isn't / terrain isn't then you are be careful and stay cool!
Thank you for the points you make about my 2 x 20 wko. I agree that, yes it was a very solid wko. Now in terms of the bike plan, the RR showed that my 3 hour power of 148 watts, is probably a good target for the bike, because of the concerns I raised in my post of Feb 5. I am hoping that being fully rested for the race will mean that my RPE will be lower for the watts I am pushing. Of course, I need to go easy in the first 20 or so mins to allow my heart rate to come down from the swim (often in a HIM, my heart rate is over 140 at the start of the bike).
Bike plan - Target 138 for first 20 mins to allow my heart rate to come down from the swim. When it gets to low 120s, then move to target 148 etc. What do you think? I'd rather you be super aggressive at getting the HR down. Plan on 10 to 15' super easy just to get the HR down as low as you can...
Other stuff - Riding with my head looking straight down is a very strange experience. You don't get to see any scenery. Also, as you point out, it takes practice. I assume if you are in bike traffic, you need to keep glancing up so you don't cause any issues for the other bikes. I am pretty confident that I can ride with my head down for as long as the opportunities for that style of riding allow. Safety first for sure. It's a look up, survey surroundings, head down for a few seconds....then repeat. If you are totally solo on a road with no traffic it's easier, but I think you get the idea.
Today's wko (4 x 6 (4) Z4 on the bike, plus run of 15 mins at Z4, then 15 mins at Z3) felt good, with the Z4 work feeling doable and I have felt pretty good all day. So I am shedding my fatigue and am feeling sharper by the day. So, thanks for all your support. Always...I think we are really making some good changes here!!!
Hi Patrick - first up, thank you for all your 'hand holding' in the lead up to this race.
I was reasonably happy with my swim (41 mins for 2000 metres) and bike (2:56, with NP = 146, VI= 1.03).
The run was 2:57 which is pace of 8 min 51 secs per km. The average heart rate was 126 bpm. As we planned I had 2 gels in the first 30 mins, and then after 1 every 30 mins. I had 1 bottle of Infinit (200 cals) per hour.
The first 30 mins I averaged 123 bpm and pace was 8 mins 12 secs per km. The next 4 30 min intervals all had average heart rates of 127 bpm. In order the paces for these 4 intervals were 8:18, 8:30, 8:36, 8:58. The last (almost 30 mins my average heart rate was 125 bpm and the pace was 9:53 mins per km.
And note that my GRP is 7:11 mins per km.
I am not sure what to read into the run, but I couldn't have run much longer and was wondering if I could actually finish the run. I did walk up the two small hills in the last part of the run. One thing is for certain, your guidance on run execution (ie using my heart rates from my GRP long runs to calibrate my race run) meant that I could actually finish the run without massive amounts of walking. So thanks for that.
I have now looked at your Consult road map. You have identified weeks 14, 16, 17, and 18 as special weeks (Race Camp week, BBW, and Bid Day option). Checking the 2016 IM Plans, these weeks don't appear to line up with your road map, but appear to have all those elements you identified in the road map. What should I do? The 2016 plan looks quite challenging (in a good way).
Peter, is that your race data? I'd love to know how that compares to previous halves, as:
Swim: (old) // 41:00 Bike: Run:
Also, please make the bike and run files public so I can review them, put the links here.
What was the temperature on the run? If it was hot (as I suspect), what where you doing to keep cool?
Very excited with your run performance re the walking...that's huge and also very sustainable for you, esp heading into the Ironman.
I think the 2016 plans cover ALL the stuff I talked about in my Road Map with you...working with you was part of the inspiration for improving those things!
For now it's a quick recovery before we get back at it...let me know how you are feeling this week and your short term plan for getting back into action!
The temperature at the end of the bike was 23 C, and climbed during the run to about 28 at the end of the run. It also felt humid, as it rained a bit on the bike. To try and cool myself, I kept my top wet with water but because of the humidity, it didn't help much. There was no ice.
My typical performance at this venue is 41 to 43 swim, 2 hours 50 on the bike (Pav around 145), and 2 hours 25 on the run. My usual race weight is 68 kilos, although I notice that it has crept up to 72 kilos — obviously need a bit more discipline!
This year's swim had quite a swell (sometimes I couldn't see the next buoy because of the swell) and the current was noticeable in places. Given my CSS is around 2 mins 15 per 100 metres in the pool with a pull buoy, and that the swim is 2.0 kms, and that the conditions weren't perfect, I was quite happy with the swim. I neglected my swim for much of the HIM build in view of the fatigue and other issues I was facing, and that, as you pointed out to me, "your swim isn't your limiter here". I expect my CSS time will come down to under 2 mins per 100 metres, which is where is was in September.
The bike is where I would have expected it to be given I am down on FTP power (10 to 15 watts) and up on weight by around 4 kilos.
While the run is terrible compared to my usual performances, but as you say, we are certainly getting closer to a sustainable run plan.
In terms of recovery, I feel reasonably okay, although I am still tight (am stretching and foam roller etc). I haven't trained until today, but have done a 50 min walk with my dogs each morning as usual.
I did the 60 min am Thursday run this morning. It was 35 degrees and my legs were feeling depleted still. I just ran by RPE and heart rate, keeping my heart rate around where it had been in the race.
Subject to your thoughts, I was proposing to attempt the wkos as written for the rest of the week, without any particular intensity in mind. My thinking was just ramp up the volume while keeping the intensity down. I am in week 11 of the Intermediate IM plan 2016. This has Saturday as * Swim 1 hour * Bike 4 hours * Run 1 hour, so I was thinking of doing week 10's Saturday and Sunday's wkos (with little or no intensity), and then rejoin the plan on Monday at week 12 (where I should be).
Postscript: The pre-bike run on Saturday was a tad faster than GRP, just that the heart rate was a little higher than normal (127 bpm vs 122). Then I felt pretty good on the bike so I attempted RPP wko as per week 10 Saturday. I did 4 x 25 mins (5) at IF=0.8 (way too hot as it turned out). I faded badly over the last half of the ride to finish with 4:10 at IF=0.712. The last half was IF=0.62. I just couldn't go any harder.
So on Sunday, I just did a 90 min spin IF=0.65 - which felt pretty hard!
I note that I have a bike test scheduled on Tuesday.
Monday week 11 Tried to do my usual CSS swim set today (6 x 300 m (30) at 2:15 per 100m). Quit after 3 x 300s. First was a struggle to meet 2:15 per 100m. The second drifted to 2:22 per 100m. The third was 2:29 per 100. For context, I did 10 x 400 m on Friday averaging 2:31 per 100m. Pretty sure I need more rest? BTW, at what point do I deduce that I should quit the wko? For example, on Sunday, it was obvious to me that I wasn't going to be able to do 3 hours anywhere near an IF of 0.7. Should I have quit earlier than 90 mins, or should I have pushed on regardless of getting slower and slower. Particularly, given how bad the second half of Saturday's ride was.
Peter, if you can't hit WKO numbers, then step 1 is to dial back for time, not effort. So a 3.5 hour ride where you can't hit .7 could be done at .6. If that's no bueno for you, you can shut it down shorter. If you are tired across multiple days or disciplines (bike and swim) then absolutely shut it could have just swim easy, for time, or rested (I prefer the sleeping in and rest).
If you haven't already, let's start to factor in a full day off a week (I can help) as clearly you are just accumulating too much fatigue!
Hey Coach. Sorry I am being so 'high maintenance' at the moment. I am under a fair bit of stress at the moment which isn't helping. I expect that stress to subside soon.
So, confirming that, if I can no longer hold the prescribed intensity, I shorten the wko?
And, what about Mondays off, with, perhaps moving the Monday's run to Sunday, and the Monday's swim to later in the week? Or something else?
Peter, all good. It's not too much unless I say so. I hope all is well...
To clarify:
> In Season...If you can't hold intensity, keep time but lower intensity. (time is important) > OutSeason...if you can't hold intensity for time prescribed, just do as much work as you can in the little time you "can" and shut it down. (intensity is important)
As for Monday's off...I'd say you could pick either Monday Swim or Run to Sunday....the one you don't pick, you just drop it. A day off isn't really a day off if you take the work and put it elsewhere to make other days harder.
Okay, I get it. In season (now), the duration is important, so if I can't hold power or pace, then just do what I can to get the time in. Because I am most concerned about my running, I will move Monday's run to Sunday, and drop Monday's swim.
This week I dropped Tuesday's bike test and run, and just swam to day. I am feeling much better now. I will rejoin the program as written on Thursday. I would like to do a bike test. How about next Tuesday?
Good call. Looking at the bigger picture I think is the most important thing you can do right now. a bike test next Tuesday is fine, especially after a Monday off. Just make sure you have a decent aerobic warm-up in of say 15 to 20 minutes before you even do the livelier stuff to get ready for your test.
Well a lot of things make more sense now. My FTP was fallen to 178 watts, from 192. The really good news is that I am absorbing all the work and am looking forward to each wko again.
Just checking in Coach. Everything going fine. Just finished Camp Week. Did all wkos as written. My FTP must have rebounded pretty well. Mid-week FTP intervals last week were 187/191 watts, compared to my test on March 8 of 178 watts. My last long bike before RR1, I averaged NP = 134 watts for 5 hours 20 mins. So in RR 1 I targeted NP=132 watts, with a long warm up. In the end I averaged 131 watts and ran okay, sort of. It was tough but I got it done. My bike heart rate is 105 bpm, so I can sit on that pretty comfortably. Anything over 115 bpm, and I am limited to around 2 hours of running. So pretty tight band of heart rates for running. So, thanks again for all your help. I am feeling pretty much in the zone.
THANK YOU for the update. I really appreciate. What is your limiter on the run? HR? Leg strength? Just curious what you think...also how is the nutrition going?
Yes, asking about nutrition is a perceptive question. I always eat before a long run (eg 2 crumpets and honey), and 2 gels per hour plus 1 bottle (750 ml) 0f Infinit (200 cals) for each hour. In terms of the limiter, it is not HR. When I slow down (hopefully near the end of the run) my heart rate falls and I am unable to continue to run at that pace — leg strength? I feel that my running has a budget of energy that can be spent in a number of ways. Also, once that budget is exhausted I am forced to slow greatly. I don't feel that more fuel would help. (perhaps it might?). Here is my long run from Sunday. The first 60 mins HR was 103 bpm and pace was 8:33 min/km, while the second hour was HR was 114 bpm and pace was 7:60 min/km. However, the last 10 mins where I really tried hard to accelerate, I couldn't and was slowing. The last 10 mins HR was 112 bpm and pace was 8:18 min/km. I just couldn't continue to work at that higher rate of work. I'm not sure if that makes sense?
It does make sense...and I think your overall food is good. Do you have any caffeine in those gels...wondering what you'd feel like if the last 1/3 of your fuel had a bit of caffeine in it. I say this as you are fit and very I'm with you in thinking that the muscles aren't necessarily the limiter. Maybe try a bit next time?
Sure thing. In a race I have 200 mgs of caffeine spread out over the last third of the bike and the middle part of the run. This week coming has the 3 hour run, so I will dose up with caffeine gels in the last hour of the run. Also, from your guidance for the HIM, in races I will double my gel intake in the first part of the run. So in the IM run, I propose to have a gel every 15 mins for the first hour of the run, along with 750 mls of Infinit (200 cals).
Ok..I'd like to see you do caffeinated gels in second half of the bike....and then on the run, do a gel every 2 miles for first 8 miles...then we go from there...okay? For the actual run, you'd need to start caffeine at 1:30 mark to affect the final hour...good luck!
Okay, here is my 3 hour run. BTW, I used all caffeinated gels, one every 30 mins.
For the 30 mins, heart rate 105 bpm, with 8:35 pace
30 - 60 mins, heart rate 106 bpm, with 9:21 pace.
Then stepped up my heart rate, so 60 - 90 mins, heart rate 111 bpm, pace 8:43
then 90 - 120 mins, heart rate 112 bpm, pace 8:48,
then 120 - 150 mins, heart rate 112 bpm, pace 9:10,
then final push, heart rate 121 bpm, pace 8:40.
The caffeine certainly helped, particularly over the last 45 mins. I was starting to feel the effort after about 80 mins, but was very happy to be able to push up the effort as I got deeper into the run. I was pretty spent by the end of the run.
I notice that after a period of time (eg 30 - 45 mins) at a particular heart rate, that my pace starts to fall (eg see first 30 mins vs 30 - 60 mins, also, 90 - 120 mins vs 120 - 150 mins).
I was wondering whether this rehearsal performance suggests any changes in run strategy? At the moment, my first 60 mins is at my bike heart rate of 105 bpm. Then move to a heart rate target of 110 bpm. One reason I am asking is that I haven't yet manage to run the whole IM run, and so am lacking in confidence.
I would consider it a major victory if I can run the whole run. If lowering my target heart rate would contribute towards being able to complete the run, then I would consider that.
BTW, My bike target NP is 132 watts. There seems to be a big difference in RPE between 132 watss and, say, 135 watts. In a similar manner, there seems to be a big difference in RPE on the run between 105 bpm, and , say, 112 bpm.
Peter, great report (is everyone else paying attention!?). So a few things.
1. That was a solid run. Very solid considering past long runs. So I hope that, in itself, is a positive sign for you.
2. I agree with slower runs at the same HR level...I am not sure what that is really other than your body settling in. I would consider eyeballing your splits as well during that if you see 8:48 for first 3 miles but then see some 9:10s, just try to focus back in (not just "run harder" as that will only jack the HR).
3. Re the perceived exertion issues; that's right...note that at your age, the delta from 105 to 110 BPMS on the run is like a gap of 140 to 155 for a 25 year old. That's way attention to HR details is CRITICAL.
I think we've found the right focus for you on the caffeinated gels for the run...and your bike nutrition continues to get locked in. Not much more we can do than make sure you execute this well on race day (and don't overtrain before the big day).
The 2 hour run on Tuesday was a solid effort, so happy with that, particularly given the Thursday to Tuesday gap (instead of the usual 7 days).
Was feeling pretty good on mid-week bike intervals, so did an impromptu bike test. 20(2)20 variety, which gave FTP of 186 watts - this is about where I thought I was given my FTP intervals over the last few weeks. My previous FTP test of 178 watts, was about 4 weeks ago. It looks like #workworks#.
Of interest is my target IM bike power of 132 watts, based on my 5:30, and 6:00 long RPP rides. With my FTP now at 186 watts, this is an IF = 0.71.
Looking forward to the final bike push this weekend.
Hi Coach P Weekend went very well! Friday's RR#2 - Swim (in wetsuit) was 2:10 per 100 metres. Very happy with that, given I only swam twice a week, and sometimes not at all. Bike, 6 hours 15 with IF of 0.70 (VI=1.04), and 60 mins run.
Saturday, 4 hour 40 mins on the bike, IF= 0.72 (I cut this short as storms were forecast, and actually arrived just when I got hom. Phew.
Sunday, 3 hours 15 on the bike, IF=0.81.
For the RR#2, I targeted 132 watts. The last 40 mins were a struggle, so was probably a hit hot on the bike. I think I will target 130 watts in the race. Also, tried 3 caffeinated gels after the first hour. It gave me a lift on the bike, but noticed my heart rate at the end of the bike was 115, instead of my usual 105. Also, couldn't run at 105 beats per minute. So after 15 mins, I assumed I should sit on 115 and the RPE and pace were consistent with all my uncaffeinated runs.
So my takeaways are I should target 130 watts, and be prepared for my heart rate to be about 10 bpm higher than normal.
My secret special sauce for this weekend was to get 12 hours sleep every night - my wife is in Boston at the moment. I really think that extra sleep, and the three big bike days in a row really helped to top up my fitness.
Thanks for the post. You said "You know your body better than I do, but I am glad you are listening to one of us. ". I hope the run pace was what you intended? You said "minimal aerobic time" which I assumed you meant EP? Or did you mean something else?
On Saturday, I got through the FTP intervals (IF of 1.0) and most of the 0.85 IF intervals. But my power was dropping (I was having trouble holding an IF of 0.65) and a huge storm was approaching so I cut it short at 2.5 hours. Total TSS of 160 at IF of 0.78. Sunday was much better, TSS of 145 at IF of 0.8. Another storm, so I cut this short at 2.25 hours. Of course, my FTP may be lower than I think it is. I haven't tested it since October. Perhaps I should test it on Wednesday (instead of 2 x 20)?
Both runs were good though, with low RPE, low heart rates, and briskish pace.
Proper eating and fuelling all weekend.Today I feel good. Had a great swim with 3 km with 1800 m of it at or above my CSS pace. In contrast, I really struggled with Friday's swim.
Sooooo, my tentative conclusion is that I am still recovering, but feeling hopeful.
Recovering looks's impressive you are that close to your higher end given where you are at with fatigue and your race looming. The fact you swam well is a great indicator.
Yes to the restest...let's dial that in!!!
Because I hadn't heard from you, I did the 2 x 20. I was still feeling the fatigue and wasn't sure if I could do the whole wko. So after a solid warm up, I started around 180 watts to make sure I could do the full 20 mins. I built over the interval and ended up with NP=187 watts for the whole interval. After the rest period, I started the second interval and tried to sit on 192 (which I have been using as my FTP). I held that for almost 15 mins but then my NP stared to fall. By the end of the interval, the NP had fallen to 187 watts.
I am not sure what that means for my FTP? My RR is on Saturday, and the race is on 21 February, so probably don't have another opportunity to test my FTP? Or do I?
Also, not sure what IF I should target for the RR? Given my riding over the last 3 weeks an appropriate target is somewhere in the 150s. The race bike course is 84 kms, and I have raced there many times. My RR time on my usual venue is usually quite close to the actual race time. The race course has far more hills that my RR venue.
So, should I be conservative in my RR, or should I be aggressive, given that I can adjust the IF between the RR and the race given my experience on both courses?
Let's be clear that the % difference between 187 and 192 watts is 2.5%. To be able to ride that close "this late" in your build isn't problematic at all. Of course, I'd use your 2.5 to 3 hour power as a more accurate guide of what you can sustain (and the correlating HR with that type of ride) in order to create the optimal bike experience.
So heading into the ride, I'd have you start first 20' at 145, then rest of first hour at 150...then work to build it up, incrementally, over the rest of the ride to end up close to 160. (maybe 150 --> 155 --> 160?) Moreso than power, your nutrition execution has to be top notch here...and work on that aero position we discussed re: your head position, etc. It's not all about the watts but what you get for those watts!
So FTP test now confirms you are fit and a stud.
Just finished my RR.
High level Summary - I still have some big problems!
Started the run, being quite sure I would not be able to run a half marathon. That said, I started off trying to hold MP plus 20 secs per km (which is MP plus 30 secs per mile). After 10 mins, my RPE and heart rate were really high (heart rate 135). My long runs have told me that anything much over 125 will mean being unable to finish a run more than 1 hour 40 mins. So I slowed down hoping to get my RPE and heart rate lower, so I could try and speed up in the second half of the run. After 30 mins of walking 20 steps every 5 mins, my heart rate was still very high, along with my RPE. I stopped the run after 40 mins because I was really struggling just to keep running. Today's run pace was 8 mins 10 secs per km. My EP is 7 mins 40 secs per km. My GRP is 7 mins 11 secs per km, which I use for all my training runs except the Tuesday Z4 run.
Bike.You suggested "So heading into the ride, I'd have you start first 20' at 145, then rest of first hour at 150...then work to build it up, incrementally, over the rest of the ride to end up close to 160. (maybe 150 --> 155 --> 160?) Moreso than power, your nutrition execution has to be top notch here...and work on that aero position we discussed re: your head position, etc. It's not all about the watts but what you get for those watts! "
Here is my bike file my 3 hour power is 148 watts, I knocked 5 watts off your suggested plan. I ended up with NP=148 watts, with heart rate of 121 bpm (which is pretty normal for my long bikes). After the first 90 mins, I did try and push harder, but my heart rate climbed over 130, and RPE was getting high. Also, during these pushing efforts, I could feel my stomach contents rising up my throat. As soon as I backed off, I started to feel much better.
What does this mean?
You said "So FTP test now confirms you are fit and a stud. But not the best metric for building a race plan assuming you have better "long ride" data to use."
I wish your statement was true! I wasn't clear enough when I said I didn't do the FTP test but did the 2 x 20 set. There was a 5 min rest between the FTP intervals.A bit more context. Yesterday, I ate well and only did a 3 km swim. I had 8 and a half hours sleep last night. This morning I ate porridge with honey and milk plus 2 crumpets and honey an hour and a half before I started my ride. I fuelled meticulously with a gel (80 cals) each 30 mins, and a bottle of Infinit (200 cals) per hour. I had a gel just before I started the run, and swigged a bottle of Infinit during the run.
Over to you?
Our HIM pacing guidance is here (, scroll down to see the Half Run info. But basically the guidance is you need to run at the AVG HR you finished the bike your case, between 125 and 130 bpms (hard for me to see)...and on race day this will probably be closer to 125 as you won't be pushing it too hard like you did here.
By running to a PACE target vs HR, you are accumulating to much heat and the body will shut won't be able to eat / drink or continue...enough said. So let's move over to that HR strategy for the run...ok?
As for the FTP test, I don't care if it was 5' or 2' between intervals, it's still a solid effort. The bike effort (and pacing!) is's the run itself and those early miles that are doing you in!
Okay, I am happy to follow the heart rate run plan. I tend to get off the long bikes with an average heart rate in the low 120s (eg 120, 122, etc). These are the average heart rates over the last hour. Also, my long runs (which are at GRP) have average heart rates in the low 120s as well. The other data coming from my long runs, is that heart rate of 130 or higher have proved to be impossible to keep going for longer than about 80 mins.
Run Plan - get off the bike and settle into a heart rate around 120ish (depending on my heart rate over the last hour of the bike). Then after about 30 mins, push up my heart rate up to around 125, hoping for a final push over the last 5 km with my heart rate climbing to what ever I can sustain over the last part of the run. What do you think?
Thank you for the points you make about my 2 x 20 wko. I agree that, yes it was a very solid wko. Now in terms of the bike plan, the RR showed that my 3 hour power of 148 watts, is probably a good target for the bike, because of the concerns I raised in my post of Feb 5. I am hoping that being fully rested for the race will mean that my RPE will be lower for the watts I am pushing. Of course, I need to go easy in the first 20 or so mins to allow my heart rate to come down from the swim (often in a HIM, my heart rate is over 140 at the start of the bike).
Bike plan - Target 138 for first 20 mins to allow my heart rate to come down from the swim. When it gets to low 120s, then move to target 148 etc. What do you think?
Other stuff - Riding with my head looking straight down is a very strange experience. You don't get to see any scenery. Also, as you point out, it takes practice. I assume if you are in bike traffic, you need to keep glancing up so you don't cause any issues for the other bikes. I am pretty confident that I can ride with my head down for as long as the opportunities for that style of riding allow.
Today's wko (4 x 6 (4) Z4 on the bike, plus run of 15 mins at Z4, then 15 mins at Z3) felt good, with the Z4 work feeling doable and I have felt pretty good all day. So I am shedding my fatigue and am feeling sharper by the day. So, thanks for all your support.
I was reasonably happy with my swim (41 mins for 2000 metres) and bike (2:56, with NP = 146, VI= 1.03).
The first 30 mins I averaged 123 bpm and pace was 8 mins 12 secs per km. The next 4 30 min intervals all had average heart rates of 127 bpm. In order the paces for these 4 intervals were 8:18, 8:30, 8:36, 8:58. The last (almost 30 mins my average heart rate was 125 bpm and the pace was 9:53 mins per km.The run was 2:57 which is pace of 8 min 51 secs per km. The average heart rate was 126 bpm. As we planned I had 2 gels in the first 30 mins, and then after 1 every 30 mins. I had 1 bottle of Infinit (200 cals) per hour.
And note that my GRP is 7:11 mins per km.
I am not sure what to read into the run, but I couldn't have run much longer and was wondering if I could actually finish the run. I did walk up the two small hills in the last part of the run. One thing is for certain, your guidance on run execution (ie using my heart rates from my GRP long runs to calibrate my race run) meant that I could actually finish the run without massive amounts of walking. So thanks for that.
I have now looked at your Consult road map. You have identified weeks 14, 16, 17, and 18 as special weeks (Race Camp week, BBW, and Bid Day option). Checking the 2016 IM Plans, these weeks don't appear to line up with your road map, but appear to have all those elements you identified in the road map. What should I do? The 2016 plan looks quite challenging (in a good way).
Swim: (old) // 41:00
Also, please make the bike and run files public so I can review them, put the links here.
What was the temperature on the run? If it was hot (as I suspect), what where you doing to keep cool?
Very excited with your run performance re the walking...that's huge and also very sustainable for you, esp heading into the Ironman.
I think the 2016 plans cover ALL the stuff I talked about in my Road Map with you...working with you was part of the inspiration for improving those things!
For now it's a quick recovery before we get back at it...let me know how you are feeling this week and your short term plan for getting back into action!
Bike file is here
Run file is here
The temperature at the end of the bike was 23 C, and climbed during the run to about 28 at the end of the run. It also felt humid, as it rained a bit on the bike. To try and cool myself, I kept my top wet with water but because of the humidity, it didn't help much. There was no ice.
My typical performance at this venue is 41 to 43 swim, 2 hours 50 on the bike (Pav around 145), and 2 hours 25 on the run. My usual race weight is 68 kilos, although I notice that it has crept up to 72 kilos — obviously need a bit more discipline!
This year's swim had quite a swell (sometimes I couldn't see the next buoy because of the swell) and the current was noticeable in places. Given my CSS is around 2 mins 15 per 100 metres in the pool with a pull buoy, and that the swim is 2.0 kms, and that the conditions weren't perfect, I was quite happy with the swim. I neglected my swim for much of the HIM build in view of the fatigue and other issues I was facing, and that, as you pointed out to me, "your swim isn't your limiter here". I expect my CSS time will come down to under 2 mins per 100 metres, which is where is was in September.
The bike is where I would have expected it to be given I am down on FTP power (10 to 15 watts) and up on weight by around 4 kilos.
While the run is terrible compared to my usual performances, but as you say, we are certainly getting closer to a sustainable run plan.
In terms of recovery, I feel reasonably okay, although I am still tight (am stretching and foam roller etc). I haven't trained until today, but have done a 50 min walk with my dogs each morning as usual.
I did the 60 min am Thursday run this morning. It was 35 degrees and my legs were feeling depleted still. I just ran by RPE and heart rate, keeping my heart rate around where it had been in the race.
Subject to your thoughts, I was proposing to attempt the wkos as written for the rest of the week, without any particular intensity in mind. My thinking was just ramp up the volume while keeping the intensity down. I am in week 11 of the Intermediate IM plan 2016. This has Saturday as * Swim 1 hour * Bike 4 hours * Run 1 hour, so I was thinking of doing week 10's Saturday and Sunday's wkos (with little or no intensity), and then rejoin the plan on Monday at week 12 (where I should be).
Postscript: The pre-bike run on Saturday was a tad faster than GRP, just that the heart rate was a little higher than normal (127 bpm vs 122). Then I felt pretty good on the bike so I attempted RPP wko as per week 10 Saturday. I did 4 x 25 mins (5) at IF=0.8 (way too hot as it turned out). I faded badly over the last half of the ride to finish with 4:10 at IF=0.712. The last half was IF=0.62. I just couldn't go any harder.
So on Sunday, I just did a 90 min spin IF=0.65 - which felt pretty hard!
I note that I have a bike test scheduled on Tuesday.
Tried to do my usual CSS swim set today (6 x 300 m (30) at 2:15 per 100m). Quit after 3 x 300s.
First was a struggle to meet 2:15 per 100m. The second drifted to 2:22 per 100m. The third was 2:29 per 100. For context, I did 10 x 400 m on Friday averaging 2:31 per 100m.
Pretty sure I need more rest?
BTW, at what point do I deduce that I should quit the wko? For example, on Sunday, it was obvious to me that I wasn't going to be able to do 3 hours anywhere near an IF of 0.7. Should I have quit earlier than 90 mins, or should I have pushed on regardless of getting slower and slower. Particularly, given how bad the second half of Saturday's ride was.
If you haven't already, let's start to factor in a full day off a week (I can help) as clearly you are just accumulating too much fatigue!
Hey Coach. Sorry I am being so 'high maintenance' at the moment. I am under a fair bit of stress at the moment which isn't helping. I expect that stress to subside soon.
So, confirming that, if I can no longer hold the prescribed intensity, I shorten the wko?
And, what about Mondays off, with, perhaps moving the Monday's run to Sunday, and the Monday's swim to later in the week? Or something else?
To clarify:
> In Season...If you can't hold intensity, keep time but lower intensity. (time is important)
> OutSeason...if you can't hold intensity for time prescribed, just do as much work as you can in the little time you "can" and shut it down. (intensity is important)
As for Monday's off...I'd say you could pick either Monday Swim or Run to Sunday....the one you don't pick, you just drop it. A day off isn't really a day off if you take the work and put it elsewhere to make other days harder.
Because I am most concerned about my running, I will move Monday's run to Sunday, and drop Monday's swim.
This week I dropped Tuesday's bike test and run, and just swam to day. I am feeling much better now. I will rejoin the program as written on Thursday.
I would like to do a bike test. How about next Tuesday?
My FTP was fallen to 178 watts, from 192.
The really good news is that I am absorbing all the work and am looking forward to each wko again.
Everything going fine. Just finished Camp Week. Did all wkos as written.
My FTP must have rebounded pretty well. Mid-week FTP intervals last week were 187/191 watts, compared to my test on March 8 of 178 watts.
My last long bike before RR1, I averaged NP = 134 watts for 5 hours 20 mins. So in RR 1 I targeted NP=132 watts, with a long warm up. In the end I averaged 131 watts and ran okay, sort of. It was tough but I got it done. My bike heart rate is 105 bpm, so I can sit on that pretty comfortably. Anything over 115 bpm, and I am limited to around 2 hours of running. So pretty tight band of heart rates for running.
So, thanks again for all your help. I am feeling pretty much in the zone.
In terms of the limiter, it is not HR. When I slow down (hopefully near the end of the run) my heart rate falls and I am unable to continue to run at that pace — leg strength?
I feel that my running has a budget of energy that can be spent in a number of ways. Also, once that budget is exhausted I am forced to slow greatly. I don't feel that more fuel would help. (perhaps it might?).
Here is my long run from Sunday. The first 60 mins HR was 103 bpm and pace was 8:33 min/km, while the second hour was HR was 114 bpm and pace was 7:60 min/km. However, the last 10 mins where I really tried hard to accelerate, I couldn't and was slowing. The last 10 mins HR was 112 bpm and pace was 8:18 min/km. I just couldn't continue to work at that higher rate of work.
I'm not sure if that makes sense?
This week coming has the 3 hour run, so I will dose up with caffeine gels in the last hour of the run.
Also, from your guidance for the HIM, in races I will double my gel intake in the first part of the run. So in the IM run, I propose to have a gel every 15 mins for the first hour of the run, along with 750 mls of Infinit (200 cals).
For the 30 mins, heart rate 105 bpm, with 8:35 pace
30 - 60 mins, heart rate 106 bpm, with 9:21 pace.
Then stepped up my heart rate, so 60 - 90 mins, heart rate 111 bpm, pace 8:43
then 90 - 120 mins, heart rate 112 bpm, pace 8:48,
then 120 - 150 mins, heart rate 112 bpm, pace 9:10,
then final push, heart rate 121 bpm, pace 8:40.
The caffeine certainly helped, particularly over the last 45 mins. I was starting to feel the effort after about 80 mins, but was very happy to be able to push up the effort as I got deeper into the run. I was pretty spent by the end of the run.
I notice that after a period of time (eg 30 - 45 mins) at a particular heart rate, that my pace starts to fall (eg see first 30 mins vs 30 - 60 mins, also, 90 - 120 mins vs 120 - 150 mins).
I was wondering whether this rehearsal performance suggests any changes in run strategy? At the moment, my first 60 mins is at my bike heart rate of 105 bpm. Then move to a heart rate target of 110 bpm. One reason I am asking is that I haven't yet manage to run the whole IM run, and so am lacking in confidence.
I would consider it a major victory if I can run the whole run. If lowering my target heart rate would contribute towards being able to complete the run, then I would consider that.
BTW, My bike target NP is 132 watts. There seems to be a big difference in RPE between 132 watss and, say, 135 watts. In a similar manner, there seems to be a big difference in RPE on the run between 105 bpm, and , say, 112 bpm.
1. That was a solid run. Very solid considering past long runs. So I hope that, in itself, is a positive sign for you.
2. I agree with slower runs at the same HR level...I am not sure what that is really other than your body settling in. I would consider eyeballing your splits as well during that if you see 8:48 for first 3 miles but then see some 9:10s, just try to focus back in (not just "run harder" as that will only jack the HR).
3. Re the perceived exertion issues; that's right...note that at your age, the delta from 105 to 110 BPMS on the run is like a gap of 140 to 155 for a 25 year old. That's way attention to HR details is CRITICAL.
I think we've found the right focus for you on the caffeinated gels for the run...and your bike nutrition continues to get locked in. Not much more we can do than make sure you execute this well on race day (and don't overtrain before the big day).
~ Coach P
Was feeling pretty good on mid-week bike intervals, so did an impromptu bike test. 20(2)20 variety, which gave FTP of 186 watts - this is about where I thought I was given my FTP intervals over the last few weeks. My previous FTP test of 178 watts, was about 4 weeks ago. It looks like #workworks#.
Of interest is my target IM bike power of 132 watts, based on my 5:30, and 6:00 long RPP rides. With my FTP now at 186 watts, this is an IF = 0.71.Looking forward to the final bike push this weekend.
I will post after the weekend.
Looking forward to the report,
~ Coach P
Weekend went very well!
Friday's RR#2 - Swim (in wetsuit) was 2:10 per 100 metres. Very happy with that, given I only swam twice a week, and sometimes not at all. Bike, 6 hours 15 with IF of 0.70 (VI=1.04), and 60 mins run.
Saturday, 4 hour 40 mins on the bike, IF= 0.72 (I cut this short as storms were forecast, and actually arrived just when I got hom. Phew.
Sunday, 3 hours 15 on the bike, IF=0.81.
For the RR#2, I targeted 132 watts. The last 40 mins were a struggle, so was probably a hit hot on the bike. I think I will target 130 watts in the race. Also, tried 3 caffeinated gels after the first hour. It gave me a lift on the bike, but noticed my heart rate at the end of the bike was 115, instead of my usual 105. Also, couldn't run at 105 beats per minute. So after 15 mins, I assumed I should sit on 115 and the RPE and pace were consistent with all my uncaffeinated runs.
So my takeaways are I should target 130 watts, and be prepared for my heart rate to be about 10 bpm higher than normal.
My secret special sauce for this weekend was to get 12 hours sleep every night - my wife is in Boston at the moment. I really think that extra sleep, and the three big bike days in a row really helped to top up my fitness.
Any thoughts?