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IM Ville Mojo Thread- Week 12, 10-16 August

We're deep into the fight, working against fatigue, busy schedules outside of triathlon training, other races, plan tweaks, injuries.  Whatever you have going on, stay sane and ask for support if you need it.  For those sticking on plan, testing week this week.  Get yourself in the right head space and drive forward.  For those not testing, stay engaged and let us know how it is going.  

If you are testing, understand that one test is just that, one test - a single data point in a long series of workouts.  If you do awesome and bump some numbers, work the new zones into your subsequent workouts smartly.  If you blow up or have a bad day, do not throw away all the good work you've done until this point.  One workout 8 weeks out is not going to ruin your race.  All these test do is give us a 'good enough' number for training.  You / We won't dial in our planned IM pacing / effort numbers until we start doing longer weekend rides and race rehearsals.

Rock on everyone and keep those posts coming!



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    Pass -- I just tested 2 weeks ago. And I have this little race in Austria just 3 weeks from today, so I'm doing 2 more build weeks then tapering into that race.

    On a separate issue, with the exception of Kona if I ever get there, I think Louisville will be my last fall marathon. I struggle more with the heat than I did when I was younger. Scientists used to think that it was associated with getting older, but new studies note that lower VO2 max correlates with lower heat adaptability. But then again, getting older also correlates with lower VO2 max. Either way, IM training in South Florida really bites in August and September.
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    3k in the pool this afternoon. Nothing special, just good work.
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    @Paul that was a heck of a week you logged last week.

    I, too, am going to pass on the FTP testing on the bike.  I am considering doing something on Sunday that I want to run by you guys.  I am thinking of running a 10k race on Sunday morning before doing the ABP ride.  It would simply be moving the Saturday run over one day,  The only thing I worry about is the intensity and overdoing it.  Maybe, I can just do it for fun, and work my 1 mile zone 4 effort into it.

    The other thing that is going on is I am gaining weight...at least on the scale.  Last week I was around 186, this morning I was at 191.  I need to start monitoring my eating.  I realize some of may be water retention or something, but I have also been eating like a pig.  Yesterday was bad with tons of pizza, popcorn, french fries, donuts, etc...

    I've started using fitness pal again to get myself under control.  Also drinking more water and peeing all the time.

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    @Stephen, FWIW - I moved the weekend run to Sunday last week. Granted, it was a solo 4 mile EP effort and not a 10k race, but it didn't seem to have any negative impact on my ride. Note that these two workouts were separated by ~8 hours, 3 of which I spent at work and another 2 spent executing a race recovery rehearsal (nap). YMMV. Good luck with the weight, I'm working to get where I need to be in that category as well. I had a great OS and was on target, then 6 weeks of international travel / living in hotels for work threw me off my game. I'm finally dipping back into the high 180's but I'm far from where I had wanted / hoped to be.

    7 mile run this morning with 2 @ TP. Actually miked up with some music which created a nice little change. Also seemed to startle (wake up) two of the guards manning gates during my adventures this morning. That's always fun.
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    Well I'm back. Just got home from the Lake Logan 70.3, which was Saturday. First race in 10 months and first one with EN. Decided not to rest for this and went into it pretty tired. Spent the day before the race zip lining through the NC mountains with the family. Anyway, results were mixed but overall positive. Swim was nice and flat in a lake. Was out in 24:39. Then the bike. My weak leg. Overall time was 2:58 which was a little slower than the 2:50 I had hoped for. I think it was mostly due to hills I wasn't expecting. Someone described the course as rolling. Really had to work to keep HR down and actually had to get out of the saddle to get over a couple of the hills on the back half. Then the run. Couldn't believe how good I felt on the run. It was a double out and back; uphill for 3.5 and then down for 3.5. then repeat. Run time was 1:56 which included a 2 minute portapotty stop. That's good for me on this course. Overall a 10 minute HIM PR on a much more difficult course. And felt sooo much better. Now its time to get back at it. Less than 9 weeks to go!
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    @JAY  way to go man.  10 minute PR, after minimal tapering and zip lining-  Geez.  Congratulations on an awesome run.  Sounds like your work keeping the heart rate down paid off big time.

    Taking the day off today for me.    Outside grilling some chicken in this nice Wisconsin weather while it lasts.

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    @ Jay - I train my butt off and can't do what you did. First, I would need a canoe to swim that fast. Second, I can't run that fast anymore. Third, oh, what the hell, congrats!!!

    @ Stephan - Weekend binge is over, back on the straight and narrow. Me too.

    Monday - I swam 3500 yards this morning. I slept through my first and second alarms but my wife saved the day and pushed me out. That is why she is a great sherpa! Tonight - 35 mins in the weight room plus 5K jog in stifling heat.
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    @Jay - Congrats on the PR. Any plans to write a report?

    @ Stephen - I like chicken...

    3k after work. Today's entertainment was the scuba folks pacing the deck waiting for the swimmers to finish. Sighing and constantly staring at your watch won't make the time go by any faster (or make me swim any less).
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    To commiserate with those of you testing, I reached into my stack of Spinervals DVDs and pulled out "Totally Time Trial" - a truly agonizing FTP workout ... 91 mins total today. It starts with about 20 mins of warm-up sets then goes into 4 x 15mins w 2 mins easy spin between. The first 15 mins is a high cadence set that takes you from Z2 to Z3. Then the remaining three are all FTP sets with progressively bigger gear inches. I could really feel the quad set I did in the weight room last night but somehow I made it through. Coach Troy isn't for everyone but I really respond well to the constant encouragement and programmed music on the tapes. The last 5 mins of the last set, the music is picking up, then at 90 seconds to go the drum beat comes in and he's yelling at you to leave it all on the table. I love that part!! Great, great workout this morning.
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    @ Paul - Nice work!

    After crashing into the bed at 845 last night, I had to force myself to get on the bike this morning. I did some work, but spent most of the ride just chasing random folk around zwift island. Ended up with 0.81 IF with a 1.15 VI for the ride (translation - I was all over the watts map), so I'll take it. Fatigue is creeping in, as it usually does this time of a build.
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    Well, race report done if anyone wants a long read or is interested in a NC mountain race someday. Gonna modify the plan this week.

    Sunday evening was a visit to the new Sierra Nevada Brewery in Asheville for some carb loading. Monday was Carowinds to ride Fury. A good day and fun. Swam 4100 yds today and will be only swim this week. Skipping testing and doing what I can. FTP ride today and split long run tomorrow. Keep working!
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    Rest of my day:

    Lunch - 2000 SCY swim. Only 750 of this was at hard effort. I think I'm finally learning what they mean by hip-driven swimming as opposed to shoulder driven. I'm trying to make that transition.

    Tonight - 6.5 mile easy jog in the gag fest we call summer here.
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    No testing for me today. I will stick with my test results from 4 weeks ago. 

     Still felt fatigued from last week, but got out with a slow group ride.  I left them for 6 miles of hard riding to get in some VO2 work on some hills.  Got in about 30 miles altogether.  Been riding my road bike on these shorter rides as it seems to work different muscles. I do like riding my TT bike much more.


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    5 and some change this evening. As its 8 o'clock right now , I'm just finishing the run (and pondering dinner), and a long run has me up at 0400, I'm thinking of trying out the split run protocol with double 8's tomorrow. Gives me a few more minutes of sleep and lets me bump up the volume a tad.

    Very quiet on the testing front... Anyone out there following this week as written? Bueller, Bueller???
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    Just got to read all of everyone's happenings this week. @ Jay, congrats on a 10' PR! @Paul, you are a machine. Your volume and workouts motivate me to not slack, thank you! @Stephan, I know this may be easier said than done but I've found that eating clean (no sugar, refined carbs, etc) after 2pm keeps my weight in check. Good luck, Im sure you will get where you want to be. @Roy, I absolutely love the split run day and do it as often as I can. Sounds like the consensus thus far is not to test this week. Well for me I have to do it. It has been months since I've tested and I just need to see where I am. Planned on testing yesterday, but wasn't able to due to kids activities. Swam 3k on Monday, ran 5.5 yesterday and just got back from swimming 3600 today. Plan to get on the trainer around 2:30EST. We will see how it goes!
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    Finished up the bike test. A 12W bump in my FTP. Glad I did it after all. Oh wait, am I? Uh-oh that means wkos are now going to be that much harder image!
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    Boom! Great work Danielle. Welcome to your new zones.
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    Nice work Danielle!
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    Great job Danielle!
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    Danielle,  awesome jump in FTP.  Way to go.

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    @ Danielle - congrats on the very timely bump!

    AM - Swim 3700 yards. Struggled between 1 and 2K on the fast sets...heart was racing which means I'm tired. But I made it through.
    PM - Felt much better this afternoon. Got on the bike at 8pm for 10 miles Active Recovery (Spinervals #46) followed by a short 2.5 mile run.

    Forecast for tomorrow morning is 80 degrees and 100% humidity. Rain is coming too. If I'm lucky it I will get rained on while running.
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    Did a modified split of the long run and moved it to Wednesday. 10.4 in the AM and 4.9 in the PM. No logic here, just opportunities to run with friends. Today I did 3 hours on the trainer doing the 6x20. Watched The Hurt Locker and House of Cards. At least I had entertainment. Now I'm heading to the mountains for a golf trip with friends. No training for 3 days. Y'all put in a little extra for me.
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    Jay - Have a great trip!

    Split run protocol - I did 8 miles Thursday morning with 8 planned for after work. Turned out to be a long day at work and didn't get home until after 9, I decided to bag the second run. I did hit 6 this morning and hope to get off work today in time to knock out a swim this afternoon. Fun times all around!

    Keep on it everyone.
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    @ Jay - watched Hurt Locker last weekend on the bike. Second time.

    Today: Got up early to run, but the body immediately went on strike sending me "no effing way" signals. So I went back to bed for another 90 mins. I had just enough time left in the morning to hit Snap Fitness for 35 mins weight session.

    Tonight: Slogged through a 10 mile run thinking to myself: 'why does anyone want to do Ironman Hawaii?' Really, if it was just another IM on the circuit it would not even be on my short list. I can think of so many other venues that would be so much more fun and exciting to see.
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    I finished running at 9:30pm last night so there wasn't much break between workouts.
    Friday AM = 4300 yards swim + 4 mile brick run. I am done for the day...hurrah!

    Tonight I'm driving to South GA to see my grandkids...plus lots of bike riding in the country.
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    Yesterday, skipped the test run, and did a long run instead.  Was going to go 2 hrs, but ended up with a 10 mile run @ 1:31.  It was really hot and humid, and I was running late for work.  Had all kinds of excuses.

    This morning more excuses,  slept poorly and didn't feel like going to the YMCA to swim the 4300, so I will hit that after work today.  Perhaps, like Paul, i will do a brick run afterwards, but knowing me...maybe not.  I'm actually tired from the 10 mile run yesterday.

    Tomorrow, my plan is definately to do the 4 1/2 hr ride. It is going to be a hot one here at 95 degrees.  I am still thinking about doing the Kornfest 10k run here in my home town at 8am just to challenge me to run a little faster.  I won't go all out but will try to have fun and get a good training run in.  We shall see how I feel tomorrow morning.   The start is close to the house, so I just have to get up and walk over there.

    Hurt Locker must be a good movie.  Will need to look into that some time.  Title is appropriate for us I think. 

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    I'm with you Stephan, skipped the test run and opted for a long run which sadly turned into only a 6 mile run. My legs were really spent yesterday after the FTP test on Wed. Didn't realize how spent they were until I was 3 miles from home. Took to the pool this am and did 4000m. My weekend will be hacked due to an Oly I signed up for months ago. Will head to the mountains in the morning and race that then hopefully have enough energy to get the 4.5 hr ride in on Sunday.
    @Jay and Paul have a great trip!
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    Friday night Swim complete,   3500 pull,  really?  I don't think I've ever seen 1 x 3500 pull before.  did it, but it took awhile.

    Ran a 10k race this morning for fun, it was super hot, but it motivated me to get out there.  Temps are @90 with lots of humidity which we are not used to here in wisconsin.  I'm tempted to do a trainer ride for my 4 1/2 today and watch the spinnervals louisville video.  That doesn't sound fun though.  Neither does the heat.   First I am going to watch my daughter play in the marching band at our local parade.

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    As I get set to head out on the 4.5 hr bike ride this morning, wanted to recap yesterday. Got up at 330am and drove 2 hrs into the VA mountains to race an olympic that I begrudgingly signed up for months ago. I say begrudgingly, because I tend to think I'm more of a slow twitch muscle girl then a fast and these races (along with the sprints) typically field very fast women. Typically it's my reality check "you're not fast, you are just good at maintaining a moderate pace for a long time". So I get to the race, find out pros are there (great, now I'm really going to get whipped up on" and start chalking the day up to a good 3 hr workout. Find out no wetsuit, that's fine we are all in the same boat. Start the race and I feel good. Swim was ok (maybe shouldn't have done the 4k swim on Friday...doh!), got on the bike and started to crank it out. Felt super strong and fast. Was passing people left and right on a challenging course. To make a long story short (ok not that short, sorry) I finished in 1st place Masters (all women 40 years old and older) and placed 12th overall women. The 11 women ahead of me were a mix of professional women and women in their 20's/low 30's. So suffice to say, I was thrilled with how the day went...who would've thought this "not fast" 42 year old could compete in a fast race?! Not me image Now I'm off to get back to business...Ironman!
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    Danielle aka butt kicker.

    Saturday: 2.8 mile run including 1 threshold, then 97.3 mile ride on country roads of South GA. A 100 mile day.
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