Yvette Metz - Macro
Hi Coach,
Need your help...thinking of signing up for Choo again. this was not a good year for me.
what do you think?
Hi Coach,
Need your help...thinking of signing up for Choo again. this was not a good year for me.
what do you think?
Hi Yvette, if the date of the race, etc works for you next year then I see no reason to not register for IMChoo. Let me know if you need anything else!
Hi Coach Rich!!
Hope your foot is healing well!
I signed up for IMChoo 2016
I submitted my race schedule and need your input on what type of races to plug in and when.
Great, I'll take a look. I'm slammed with TSRs this time of year so please be patient. Thanks!
Thanks for the TSR. I have a few questions for you. FYI...doing fine after my surgery. I have been power walking and starting to jog. Swam and rode the bike this week. Going to workout everyday until Jan 1.I was to going to increase each discipline as my body will allow.
Race schedule for 2016
April 9th Half Marathon- Martian's
May 7th Duathlon ?
May 16th Half Marathon - Back to the Beach
July 9th HIM- Muncie
Sept 26 IMChoo
What do you think?
1. All the plans you put on my TSR say to start in the Beginner programs/ I have been on the Intermediate plans from day one. I'm ok with it just was wondering the reason.
2. I am racing Muncie HIM June 9th. I am looking for another one to race. How many more HIM can I plug in and where ?
June 26th Lumberman Cadillac Michigan this is two weeks BEFORE Muncie
August -Didn't sign up for any races ??? Would like to attend the EN Choo Camp but not sure what will happen with Mike. I don't want to sign up and have to cancel again. ( He was in the hospital again for 10 days)
Sept 10th Cedar Point Rev 3 HIM ? only 16 days before IMChoo
Thanks Yvette
Plus I put an update to my husbands health in the medical forum. Thanks for your help. Love the new van especially the red. Enjoy!
Hey Yvette,
Good to see you back! You may be ready for the half marathon by April 9th...if not, just be smart. I don't see any problems with being ready by May 15th. I'll check out the thread on your husband's health and I'll see you at Choo this year!
Wow,what an amazing weekend. Thanks for everything you do.
At the 4keys you did an excellent job with connecting with the new athletes. Was watching their reactions. Hope you pick up new business.
Well, I did it! I signed up for IM. Florida November 5 2016.
Plus I am signed up for Half Marathon on October 16.
Can you direct me with what plan to load up and when? Coach P said not to do anything until Saturday.
Hey Yvette,
Sounds good and IMFL will be a much better course for you. You'll get this done! Next Monday load up the IM plan to end on IMFL and you'll just do that half marathon as a training day.
Good luck!
Hi Coach Rich! Looks like IM Fl was not my race. Here is the report: http://members.endurancenation.us/F...fault.aspx
My micro to Coach P.: http://members.endurancenation.us/F...fault.aspx
February 8, 2017 is my 60th Birthday! So this will be my year to get it done.
I don't see the lottery rules of Kona changing in the near future. 12 DNF and your in the lottery. 
This is where my thought process is going for 2017 and I need you to keep me in-check. My plans are always grand so bring me back to reality.
I took one week off after IMFL. I will start back tomorrow working out at VIP.
The only way I am going to get faster is to lose weight. I went to my Dr. in Fl and now have a plan. I'm using November,December and till January 14th to get it done. There is a club here it is called VIP Fitness . You join the challenge pay the $$ and lose 20 to 30 lbs in 6/8 weeks . If you reach your goal it is free. They give you a food plan to follow and change it weekly in addition you have to workout at their place 5 days a week. I have a friend that is going there and it is amazing how it works for her. I know this is my last chance to get it done before 2017 IMChoo. With that said I spent the day listening to Coach Patrick's webinar on Planning the Ideal Season starting this winter. I have my year plan and before I do your survey I wanted some input from you ... oh wise one!
This is my plan:
Nov, Dec,Jan 14th/30th. Do the weight loss plan. http://myvipfitness.com/ I will be at the VIP 5 days a week(5 hours total) . Maybe should I swim a few day a week as well?
Feb 1 start back with your plan. I'm sure I need to swim a few days a week.
Possible list of races/ but want your input before I finalize them.
March 26 / Half Marathon
April 22 / Half Marathon
May 21/ Half Marathon
May 27th/ Full Marathon or (Half Marathon) not sure yet.
June 3,11,25 / Do a HIM on one of those dates /3 Rev HIM/ 11 is HIM Grandrapids/ 25 is HIM lumbermans.
July 8/ Do a HIM - Muncie (could do some local oly)
July 28,29,30 / Do the Make a Wish for Michigan Children 3 day 100 mile bike ride. ( I did it before 3 years in a row) My girlfriends daughter passed the week before 2016 IM Choo. She was 22 years old and struggled with a brain tumor for 13 years . If possible I would like to ride in honor of "Team Morgan"
August 13, 20/ Do a HIM on one of these dates 13 HIM Steel head/ 20 HIM Traverscity Tri (could do some local oly)
Sept 24/ Ironman Choo
October 16 / Full or Half Marathon
November 5/ Ironman Florida if Choo goes south
November 11/ Vegas baby...Half Marathon or Full Marathon with Trish, Bob,John and a lot more peeps.
that it the plan for now!
I'm not signing up for any races until we agree on the load. Thanks Coach!
Hi Coach Rich,
I made a mistake, the ride is 100 a day for three day. total miles is 300. sorry
I was thinking of doing the following:
HIM Muskoka July 9th that is 12 weeks out from IMChoo.
HIM Steelhead August 13th that is 6 weeks out from IMChoo.
Is two HIM a lot before IMChoo?I think I'd rather you do 1x, as Muskoka, so we can approach that as a true A-race and then have you turn towards IM training without distractions (of the HIM flavor) for the following 12wks.
Let me know what you think.
Hi Coach Rich!!! Thank for all your support....
I miss run,bike,swim! I know in the short-term , it's sacrificing a bit of gratification not training with the team and friends, but when my goals for the year come to fruition, it will be worth it! -40 lbs and Cross the finish line at Choo.
It's only till March 1 and I will be back at it.
I'm 4 weeks into the challenge and have lost 14 lbs. by week 6, I should be -20. I will take a week off then start the 2nd 6 week challenge for another -20.
Coach Patrick, Said I am changing my limiter.... he is so right, defiantly better help!
Still do not have a complete race schedule for you. I want to wait until the middle of February to submit the list to you.
Happy New Year!
Congrats! However...a word of caution. That's some quick weight loss that I'm sure is being accompanied with a loss of muscle mass. That's just what happens when you drop weight that quickly. Be carefully and highly recommend you do some strength training to help retain muscle mass. Big movements and big muscle groups are best for this type of thing.
so sweet of you Brenda ... as always! I agree with you 100%. Thank you. check out my note to Coach Rich.
Hi Coach Rich! Thank you very much. Yes, you are 100% correct, I'm not sure. You, Coach Patrick, the team, my local tri friends, family and husband have supported me during my crazy adventures during IM. I am so grateful for everyone’s unconditional support, mentoring and guidance.
2002 November started to train for my first Marathon in London England. Finished 5K’s ,10k’s, finished 17 marathons, lost track of the half marathons, 4 times WAM Make a Wish bike rides (300 miles in three days) Sprints x 2, Olympics x 2 or 3, HIM lost track of the number then on to Ironman
2012 IMFL finish 17:06
2014 IMChoo Made it to Mile 13.1 of the run
2015 IMFL Made it to mile 56, crashed my bike rode to mile 108 then my bike broke.
2016 IMChoo Made it to mile 116 of the bike
2016 IMFL. Made it to mile 20 of the run.
Running was my happy place until I found IM.
The last 9 years have been a challenge. I know everyone has their own challenges. Mike in and out of treatment for Aplastic Anemia. Especially, June 2015 when he received the bone marrow transplant leading up to IMChoo September 2015 then my father passing away. March of 2016 the Dr. discovered a tumor in his pancreas which lead to the Whipple surgery then on to IMChoo September 2016 then November IMFlorida.
I did a lot of soul searching after IM Florida.
My world evolved into taking care of everyone else except me. Need to discover me again, Ironman is my happy place, I just need to cross that line.
2017 I will be “Fixing my limiter” as Coach Patrick would say!
I was at a standstill with my nutrition and gaining weight not matter what I tried. I knew I needed to lift weights but just couldn’t figure out how to work it into my hectic schedule. So, going back to my weight class was not a viable option but I desperately needed that along with nutrition guidance.
Coach Patrick’s advice be careful not to get injured. So, I signed up for two weeks of class before the program to make sure I could handle the workouts.
The program is exactly what I needed for nutrition and workingout with weights. You are required to walk 30 minutes every morning before food and keep your heart rate under 120. Meals 5 to 6 a day, eat every two to 3 hours. They require you to attend class 5 days a week and FTDP. (Follow the dam plan) Weight check in every Friday. They change my food plan if I am not losing weight.
The workouts were extremely difficult for me in the beginning because I was not familiar with the moves.
Here is an example of the class.
1 hour class, they change the workout each class
Workout 1
First 10 minutes is foam rolling.
Next 10 minutes is a warmup.
Home workouts # 1
Warm Up- 2 rounds,20 jumping jacks,20 squats,20 pushups,20 lunges,20 sit ups,1 min plank, Conditioning
Set timer for 60 seconds. Perform as many jumping jacks as possible in this time.Let the number of reps you get stand for letter x. (100-X=Y reps)
Y reps of squats,Y reps of push ups,Y reps of mountain climbers,Perform 3 times and try to improve your time each round.
Strength Routine (Dumbbells)
6 rounds total
10 Straight let deadlifts,10 Curl to press,10 Overhead Triceps Ext,50 High Knees,60 second break between rounds.Separate each round by a 1 min plank.
workout #5 (All Versions)Perform Warm-up consisting of 20 squats, 10 push-ups, 20 crunches, and 30 Jumping Jacks. (Repeat twice) before starting workout. Work your way down the list, minimal rest, and finish as quickly as possible. Remember to always perform ESC!
Progressive Workout
Part A
30 Seconds of Jumping Jacks or Criss-crosses
10 Each of Reverse Lunges, push-ups, and reverse crunches
1 Minute of same cardio exercise as above
20 Each of Rev. Lunges, push-ups, and reverse crunches
1:30 of same cardio exercise as above
30 each of rev. lunges, push-ups, and rev. crunches
Part B
30 Seconds of POP Squats or Skaters
20 Each of crunches, elbow push-ups, and high knees
1 minute of pop squats or skaters
30 each of crunches, elbow push-ups, and high knees
1:30 of pop squats or skaters
40 each of crunches, elbow push-ups, and high knees
Part C –
1 Minute Plank with heel lift (30 second hold each leg)
30 Second rest ,1 minute plank with arm reaching in front (30 seconds each arm)
30 second rest, 1 minute plank with alternate arm and leg lift/reach (left arm reaching while right foot in the air, and vice versa – 30 seconds each)
I would love to know your opinion of the workouts. Is it enough to keep up muscle mass? I'm clueless ..
just know that it is working. 
You are the best! Thanks Coach! and Brenda!!!!
Those are all good! I thought maybe they had you sitting in a corner eating kale all day, without any exercise :-)
Coach Rich! Saturday is weigh in... I should be down -20. one week off then going for another -20. Back to Tri training on March 1st.
I stopped all swim,bike run after Nov IM Florida. I have no idea how to start back up. My last day of the diet challenge is February 25th. What can I do between Feb 25th and March 1 until I start back to the schedule you give me?
I will put my races in for you.