Outside, strides are done at the end of the run. I do them back and forth in front of my house…fast down…then walk/jog back and repeat.
Most folks do weekday rides on the trainer…if you are outside, do your best. We just want you to be warmed up before the work really starts!!!
As for your rides, I agree with your friend. Mon / Friday first, then you build up. In the case of the SC plan I say that you do the following:
+ When biking Mon / Fri, then just do your Monday Session on Tuesday…and then your Friday Sessions on Thursdays. So flip-flopping those days. + When moving to Tues/Thurs that’s right in with your plan so no changes there!
For fueling can you write out what you are doing? Let’s break it down…
Run motivation we can discuss…yes to music and to better fueling (low calories can really hurt the run)….that could also be a great topic for the forums too!
The rides don't start until May. Apparently, unless it's above at least the low 40's, there is a chance that nobody shows up. I have no problem doing the week drills on the trainer; seems easier and better controlled. Plus, I'm right there to go run, w/o having to carry my bike upstairs, change, and run back down again (I live in an apartment).
Due to the race, and the fact that it's hilly, and the run will end with a hill, I wonder if it would be beneficial for me to build that into my training?! Don't get me wrong...I'm surrounded by hills no matter what I found a 1+ miles steady hill, that starts out a bit steep, but continuous as a steady climb, about a mile up the road from me. I am also surrounded by a lot of short hills; from very steep, to steep. thoughts?
For the bike: I was shown a good figure 8 route with some good hills, that I could maybe ride once a week, if I feel I didn't get enough hills.
I saw a nutritionist last Friday to help me with my fueling and day to day eating. I need to lose some weight, and my thyroid condition isn't helping much with that. She should have a plan for me by Saturday, I hope.
I bonk A LOT, sometimes overfuel with liquids, sometimes underfuel, sometimes I finish a session and have no appetite, sometimes I eat too much.
I will post my question to the forum about staying motivated and fueling. I'm sure I will get some very good pointers there.
I hear you on the ride temperatures…you might have better luck with the more serious group (in terms of riding in the cold) but no pressure there — the trainer is fine for now.
Hills are fine to train on, just not super steep and not at a hard effort. It’s as much mental now as anything else…get good at looking at them, knowing you can beat them, pacing yourself on them, etc. That bike loop sounds like a nice option to work in!
Thyroids are really hard to manage because they really interfere with a stable nutrition program…even with good food your weight can fluctuate, etc…but hopefully a consistent eating program will match any medication you have in terms of helping you achieve those goals. Please keep me posted on that!
Hi Coach P. So I am slowly running again. I've been doing 20 mi on the bike every Tuesday night, and at least one 25-40 mi ride in on the weekend. A little on the trainer, but not much, since the TFL needed to heal. Due to my current situation at work, and not being able to fully train, I've been drifting away from the pool, into the office ??. I'm not looking for a miracle for REV3 Maine, I just want to be able to race, and to finish. Here are my bike and open water opportunities with other athletes: Mon and Fri mornings: flat with some hills, Wednesday morning hill bike, Tuesday night palaton ride, Saturday longer distance ride, Sunday open water and either bike or run. I did a 30 mile ride today. Averaged only 14.8 ??, but it included 3 long hills. Oh, and I currently have OT every Tuesday and Thursday morning before work.
Karin, thanks for the update! Don't get down on yourself...you might not be doing as much as some of the crazy peeps here, but you are doing 100x what normal folks do!!!!
I think your best option is to load up the Short Course Plan to end on 8/28 for Rev3 Maine. You can do that on the My Plan page here: http://bit.ly/1PYL7Eq
Then we need to get you into a basic week. Given the schedule you sent me with your week, I think this is the best option for you:
Mon AM: DAY OFF / Optional Swim Tue AM OT; PM Peloton ride Wed AM Hill bike, PM short run as permitted. Thu: AM OT; PM Swim Day. Fri AM or PM: Short Run as permitted. Sat AM: Regularly scheduled ride (the long one of the week). Sun AM: Open water + Bike.
Hi Coach P. Can't wait for the CP Ice bag invention :-)
I re-wrote my training plan, based on PT only being a couple more times, and only ones week. Please let me know if you think this will work:
Mon: Bike 60/Run 20
Tue: Swim (pool) / Run 45 intervals (w/strides)
Wed: Bike - Hills
Thu: Swim (lake)
Fri: Run - long
Sat: Bike - long / Run 30
Sun: Swim (lake) / Run 30 (w/strides)
The times of each are just to show if it's long or regular. It will be based on the plan.
I made into the lake today for a 2k yard swim. Started fine, until I had to fix my goggle leak, then I had the worse 500 or yards. My breathing was out of control!! I met up with the group at a meeting spot, took a few long moments, and after that my body relaxed. That is why I have 2 lake swims on my list. I can't afford this BS on race day....especially not in the ocean.
That's basically it. I hope we can get on a call before my race day to get some last minute pep talk and advise.
I'll be at IM Lake Placid to volunteer and hang out. Will you be there?
There is a good chance I might try for HIM Vineman next year. I never wanted to go that long, but the group that I'm training with will be training for a Full, and I think it would be a good opportunity for me to train for a Half. If I could, I'd also would like to do the Cuba sprint, and REV Punta Cana :-)
The modifications look perfect. The long bike might start a bit slower if you are tired from the run the day before, but that's a minimal issue -- I like it!
Yes to the multiple lake swims...it's just about getting comfortable...the water is just water, whether it's your tub or a pool or a lake or the ocean. The more you can experience it, the better you'll be.
We can definitely have a call....you can schedule one anytime. My schedule is online here: http://meetme.so/patrickmccrann -- Please remember to include your phone number. If none of those times work, let me know!
Yes to Lake Placid...it's a Key Race for us so both Rich and I will be there. It's going to be epic.
So it really sucks that I recovered from one injury just to twist my ankle. I only have very few weeks left till my race, and one of them I'll be on vacation on. It'll be at a lake, so I'll get to swim in it every morning, but I have a hard time running, and a hard time clicking out on the bike. I will do the best I can I guess, but it's very frustrating.
I know we have a call coming up Coach P, but here are some of my questions: Facts: My Oly Rev3 race in Maine is on the 28th. Due to injury and trips, I couldn't hold up too much of the training. I'll be doing an ocean test swim tomorrow. What do you recommend me doing over the next two weeks? On race day and day before, what should I do for training and warm up? Should I do the practice swim (ocean), considering the fact that I usually do lake/pool swims? I usually am one of the first ppl at location on race day, but looks like I need to check-in my bike the day before: how early should I be there and (again) what should my warm up consist of? How should I pace on the bike, to not ruin my run? (My run will most likely be: run 1 mi, then walk, then run... Do to injury) The last part if the bike, do I push hard, or spin?
Did a little training Tri on Saturday. My run sucked at 9:52 pace. I got the chills and walked more then planned. Felt very weak and sore on the bike, but was still able to keep an ave pace of 16.7, which I'm happy about. What surprised me the most though, was my swim: I easily swam 1.35 miles, which is more then Half IM distance. Wasn't fast (52:48) but was relaxed the whole way. So I'm guessing I didn't hydrate well enough, which caused the chills? Although I drink enough, and had a bottle of water before the swim, peed after the swim, had a bottle of Rehydrate on the bike, and some more water before heading out on the run. I know there will be water stations every mile on the run, but what else can I do?
Chills are fairly concerning. Sounds like you didn't get enough sodium in. I don't know what "Rehydrate" is as a product, but I do know that water isn't going to cut it on such a long day (you drank water early and late).
Please make sure you are getting in 600 to 800 mg of sodium per hour between your food and fluids. What are you eating on the bike?
I make these protein balls with oatmeal, honey, PB, chocolate, and flax seed. They seem sustain me and not bother my stomach. Plus: super easy to eat. I was also going use Rehydrate Gels, and take apart a cliff bar. To drink: I was going to fill one bottle with GU w/added sodium, and one with Rehydrate. Rehydrate is an Advocare product. The drink has 40 cal, 100mg per8 oz, 6g sugars, 9g carbs, and 100mg Potassium. The gel has: 80 cal, 70 mg sodium, 55mg Potassium, 21 g carbs, 7 g sugars.
My first race next year is Quassy. I won't be doing any additional Tri's this year, and rather conzentrate on CX season. I started running track again today, and am trying to get in contact with Endurance Swim. When would I start up the OS plan? What do I do till then? Should I do a run or bike specific training that will work along with my CycloCross?
Karin, it's a good idea to get back to some basic running but don't go too crazy with the track. we want healthy consistent running nothing flashy. The out season does not start until October 31 so you have two months.
if you don't mind, I'd love to work with you on crafting some version of a cyclocross training plan. Do you have any resources or places I can go look for advice?
In the meantime, I would have to look at the get fast training plan is that's a great alternative to the traditional training we do this time of year and should be very similar to cyclocross.
There is no real CX training. Even when I did some training in WI, we just met once a week on a special track that they put together. They say that every cyclist with basic cardio can race mid field on their first race. It all depends on the area you race at as well. Apparently in New England, they don't have many races where you have to shoulder your bike and run, meaning your sprint less. I just learned that. I will meet the team for the first time on this upcoming Sunday and will share with you what I learn.
By the way: I'm doing a 5 mi trail race this Sunday. Just for fun, no pressure, good beer after
I attached a screenshot of my race times. I crushed my bike PR, and I swam 5 min faster then expected. As expected though: I fell apart on the run.
I was reviewing a lot of the different training plans, to get an idea of what I should do in my off-season. My first race will be REV3 Oly Quassy 2017 (knock on wood, that this time I will be injury free).
As said before, I started track once a week. I started doing PIYO in the morning, and am trying to lose some weight as well.
Will I be on the OS and shortcourse INTERMEDIATE for the upcoming year? Or should I go onto the ADVANCED? What is your thought on that, master?
I know I was contemplating to do a Half next season, but I feel that I should really work on my run for the shorter distance, before I attempt something long. Especially with my injury rate Thoughts?
Karin, thanks for being so candid re CX...as a total newbie I appreciate your perspective (me = newbie).
I am pumped with your overall gains...but that run is holding you back for two areas: overall wellness and body comp.
The wellness is the flexiblity (PIYO is good) and run durability. I say RD as it's frequent, consistent running without much flash / stress that could lead to injury. The RD also helps with body composition as there's nothing like a run (even a short one) to burn some calories.
I say the prescription now is:
+ Flexibility first...lock those sessions in each week. + Diet section...what are one or two small changes we can make that will stick and add up? Reduced dessert? Better breakfast? What? + Stay active and have fun...if you aren't doing a specific workout for a CX race, then just dial in a 30 to 40-minute run @ TRP. Just get out and stay loose.
No reason you can't do the half...it's the healthy part. Before you pull trigger either way on Rev, maybe you should consider lining up a Winter Half Marathon and see how the build training treats you towards that goal? If you can get to the half, you should be good beyond that...thoughts?!
Oh, you are starting CX?? That is awesome. You're totally going kick everybody's butt. I have yet to get my first race in. I hope I can stay in the loop on what races you are doing.
I will do the PIYO over the next 8 weeks for sure. I still lift 3x a week as well, and have been doing some running. I will check out one of the run plans and work it in.
As to my diet: I don't do desserts. My biggest issue, I think, is maybe portion control. Working on it now.
I will change my status to Maintenance to save some $. If I do a Half IM, I promised myself, that that would be the day I get a bike upgrade I'm also looking into some swim training at Endurance Swimming, to improve on that over the winter.
Most folks do weekday rides on the trainer…if you are outside, do your best. We just want you to be warmed up before the work really starts!!!
As for your rides, I agree with your friend. Mon / Friday first, then you build up. In the case of the SC plan I say that you do the following:
+ When biking Mon / Fri, then just do your Monday Session on Tuesday…and then your Friday Sessions on Thursdays. So flip-flopping those days.
+ When moving to Tues/Thurs that’s right in with your plan so no changes there!
For fueling can you write out what you are doing? Let’s break it down…
Run motivation we can discuss…yes to music and to better fueling (low calories can really hurt the run)….that could also be a great topic for the forums too!
The rides don't start until May. Apparently, unless it's above at least the low 40's, there is a chance that nobody shows up. I have no problem doing the week drills on the trainer; seems easier and better controlled. Plus, I'm right there to go run, w/o having to carry my bike upstairs, change, and run back down again (I live in an apartment).
Due to the race, and the fact that it's hilly, and the run will end with a hill, I wonder if it would be beneficial for me to build that into my training?! Don't get me wrong...I'm surrounded by hills no matter what
I found a 1+ miles steady hill, that starts out a bit steep, but continuous as a steady climb, about a mile up the road from me. I am also surrounded by a lot of short hills; from very steep, to steep. thoughts?
For the bike: I was shown a good figure 8 route with some good hills, that I could maybe ride once a week, if I feel I didn't get enough hills.
I saw a nutritionist last Friday to help me with my fueling and day to day eating. I need to lose some weight, and my thyroid condition isn't helping much with that. She should have a plan for me by Saturday, I hope.
I bonk A LOT, sometimes overfuel with liquids, sometimes underfuel, sometimes I finish a session and have no appetite, sometimes I eat too much.
I will post my question to the forum about staying motivated and fueling. I'm sure I will get some very good pointers there.
Thank you
Karin -
I hear you on the ride temperatures…you might have better luck with the more serious group (in terms of riding in the cold) but no pressure there — the trainer is fine for now.
Hills are fine to train on, just not super steep and not at a hard effort. It’s as much mental now as anything else…get good at looking at them, knowing you can beat them, pacing yourself on them, etc. That bike loop sounds like a nice option to work in!
Thyroids are really hard to manage because they really interfere with a stable nutrition program…even with good food your weight can fluctuate, etc…but hopefully a consistent eating program will match any medication you have in terms of helping you achieve those goals. Please keep me posted on that!
~ Coach P
I'm not looking for a miracle for REV3 Maine, I just want to be able to race, and to finish.
Here are my bike and open water opportunities with other athletes: Mon and Fri mornings: flat with some hills, Wednesday morning hill bike, Tuesday night palaton ride, Saturday longer distance ride, Sunday open water and either bike or run.
I did a 30 mile ride today. Averaged only 14.8 ??, but it included 3 long hills.
Oh, and I currently have OT every Tuesday and Thursday morning before work.
Can you please give me an updated training map?
Thank you
I think your best option is to load up the Short Course Plan to end on 8/28 for Rev3 Maine. You can do that on the My Plan page here: http://bit.ly/1PYL7Eq
Then we need to get you into a basic week. Given the schedule you sent me with your week, I think this is the best option for you:
Mon AM: DAY OFF / Optional Swim
Tue AM OT; PM Peloton ride
Wed AM Hill bike, PM short run as permitted.
Thu: AM OT; PM Swim Day.
Fri AM or PM: Short Run as permitted.
Sat AM: Regularly scheduled ride (the long one of the week).
Sun AM: Open water + Bike.
Hi Coach P. Can't wait for the CP Ice bag invention :-)
I re-wrote my training plan, based on PT only being a couple more times, and only ones week. Please let me know if you think this will work:
Mon: Bike 60/Run 20
Tue: Swim (pool) / Run 45 intervals (w/strides)
Wed: Bike - Hills
Thu: Swim (lake)
Fri: Run - long
Sat: Bike - long / Run 30
Sun: Swim (lake) / Run 30 (w/strides)
The times of each are just to show if it's long or regular. It will be based on the plan.
I made into the lake today for a 2k yard swim. Started fine, until I had to fix my goggle leak, then I had the worse 500 or yards. My breathing was out of control!! I met up with the group at a meeting spot, took a few long moments, and after that my body relaxed. That is why I have 2 lake swims on my list. I can't afford this BS on race day....especially not in the ocean.
That's basically it. I hope we can get on a call before my race day to get some last minute pep talk and advise.
I'll be at IM Lake Placid to volunteer and hang out. Will you be there?
There is a good chance I might try for HIM Vineman next year. I never wanted to go that long, but the group that I'm training with will be training for a Full, and I think it would be a good opportunity for me to train for a Half. If I could, I'd also would like to do the Cuba sprint, and REV Punta Cana :-)
The modifications look perfect. The long bike might start a bit slower if you are tired from the run the day before, but that's a minimal issue -- I like it!
Yes to the multiple lake swims...it's just about getting comfortable...the water is just water, whether it's your tub or a pool or a lake or the ocean. The more you can experience it, the better you'll be.
We can definitely have a call....you can schedule one anytime. My schedule is online here: http://meetme.so/patrickmccrann -- Please remember to include your phone number. If none of those times work, let me know!
Yes to Lake Placid...it's a Key Race for us so both Rich and I will be there. It's going to be epic.
Let me know how the new schedule plays out!
Let me know if you want specific guidance on how to modify things... for now I would stick to swimming and cycling so you don't aggravate the ankle.
Facts: My Oly Rev3 race in Maine is on the 28th. Due to injury and trips, I couldn't hold up too much of the training. I'll be doing an ocean test swim tomorrow.
What do you recommend me doing over the next two weeks?
On race day and day before, what should I do for training and warm up?
Should I do the practice swim (ocean), considering the fact that I usually do lake/pool swims?
I usually am one of the first ppl at location on race day, but looks like I need to check-in my bike the day before: how early should I be there and (again) what should my warm up consist of?
How should I pace on the bike, to not ruin my run? (My run will most likely be: run 1 mi, then walk, then run... Do to injury)
The last part if the bike, do I push hard, or spin?
~ Coach Po
So I'm guessing I didn't hydrate well enough, which caused the chills? Although I drink enough, and had a bottle of water before the swim, peed after the swim, had a bottle of Rehydrate on the bike, and some more water before heading out on the run.
I know there will be water stations every mile on the run, but what else can I do?
Please make sure you are getting in 600 to 800 mg of sodium per hour between your food and fluids. What are you eating on the bike?
Rehydrate is an Advocare product. The drink has 40 cal, 100mg per8 oz, 6g sugars, 9g carbs, and 100mg Potassium.
The gel has: 80 cal, 70 mg sodium, 55mg Potassium, 21 g carbs, 7 g sugars.
Per Hour:
+ Rehydrate Gel -- Calories, Sodium, Fiber, Fat
+ Clif Bar -- Calories, Sodium, Fiber, Fat
+ GU Bottle -- Calories, Sodium, Fiber, Fat
+ Rehydrate -- Calories, Sodium, Fiber, Fat
Answer that ^above^ and we should be all set!
if you don't mind, I'd love to work with you on crafting some version of a cyclocross training plan. Do you have any resources or places I can go look for advice?
In the meantime, I would have to look at the get fast training plan is that's a great alternative to the traditional training we do this time of year and should be very similar to cyclocross.
There is no real CX training. Even when I did some training in WI, we just met once a week on a special track that they put together. They say that every cyclist with basic cardio can race mid field on their first race. It all depends on the area you race at as well. Apparently in New England, they don't have many races where you have to shoulder your bike and run, meaning your sprint less. I just learned that. I will meet the team for the first time on this upcoming Sunday and will share with you what I learn.
By the way: I'm doing a 5 mi trail race this Sunday. Just for fun, no pressure, good beer after
I attached a screenshot of my race times. I crushed my bike PR, and I swam 5 min faster then expected. As expected though: I fell apart on the run.

I was reviewing a lot of the different training plans, to get an idea of what I should do in my off-season. My first race will be REV3 Oly Quassy 2017 (knock on wood, that this time I will be injury free).
As said before, I started track once a week. I started doing PIYO in the morning, and am trying to lose some weight as well.
Will I be on the OS and shortcourse INTERMEDIATE for the upcoming year? Or should I go onto the ADVANCED? What is your thought on that, master?
I know I was contemplating to do a Half next season, but I feel that I should really work on my run for the shorter distance, before I attempt something long. Especially with my injury rate
I am pumped with your overall gains...but that run is holding you back for two areas: overall wellness and body comp.
The wellness is the flexiblity (PIYO is good) and run durability. I say RD as it's frequent, consistent running without much flash / stress that could lead to injury. The RD also helps with body composition as there's nothing like a run (even a short one) to burn some calories.
I say the prescription now is:
+ Flexibility first...lock those sessions in each week.
+ Diet section...what are one or two small changes we can make that will stick and add up? Reduced dessert? Better breakfast? What?
+ Stay active and have fun...if you aren't doing a specific workout for a CX race, then just dial in a 30 to 40-minute run @ TRP. Just get out and stay loose.
No reason you can't do the half...it's the healthy part. Before you pull trigger either way on Rev, maybe you should consider lining up a Winter Half Marathon and see how the build training treats you towards that goal? If you can get to the half, you should be good beyond that...thoughts?!
I will do the PIYO over the next 8 weeks for sure. I still lift 3x a week as well, and have been doing some running. I will check out one of the run plans and work it in.
As to my diet: I don't do desserts. My biggest issue, I think, is maybe portion control. Working on it now.
I will change my status to Maintenance to save some $. If I do a Half IM, I promised myself, that that would be the day I get a bike upgrade
I'm also looking into some swim training at Endurance Swimming, to improve on that over the winter.