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IMTX 2016 Race Day Thread

Hi Team, are you ready to give your teammates some serious mojo for this coming weekend? This thread is to be used on race day to comment on race conditions, observations on how our team are doing during there races, or just to provide some mojo on race day.  Listed below are the members that we have racing. 

NOTE:  IMTX racers:

1. if your name in not on the list below please contact Brenda (brenda@endurancenation.us) and let her know and she will make sure you are added to the EN Tracker.

2. If your name is below but you are not racing, please do the same. 

3. Brenda will be firing up Group Me on Wednesday. If you do not want to be added to that list, please let Brenda know as well. 

730 Jimmy Augustine

1133 Lori Beck

275 Tom Box

1138 Catherine Branch

472 Mark Cardinale

2640 Brian Hagan

352 Todd Dicus

393 Jennifer Edwards

2430 Tracy Mcintire

1501 Terra Meierdierck

761 Bob Nelson

878 Dana Sutter

1735 Julie Lopata

1294 Daniel Ballin

1475 Sheri Devore

2596 Julian Cass

1418 Lynsey Fugate

794 Frederick Guesneau

2881 Jeff Lukich

581 Stephanie Weldon

597 Pam Kallio

2965 Tom Glynn

Have a great week leading up to your race, and of course, may all your race dreams come true on race day.



  • Watching the IMTX live coverage. The drone footage on the swim course is cool!
  • Hi everyone off to a great start. Could see that drone overhead...very sci fi! ;-)
  • Jenn and Mark are crushing the bike.  Jenn is predicted to be top 3 AG off the bike; wouldn't be surprised if she dismounts out front.  But man it looks hot/humid on that run.  Sun and no wind.

    In such conditions, I'm truly  that Starky is walking early on the run after riding an insane 27.8 mph avg!  

  • @Mike - I was thinking the same.  Run is going to be the place where the competitor eliminations are made by those that stayed in their box, fueled correctly and know how to manage that Texas Humidity.......

    Team is looking strong across the board right now!

  • GO GO GO JENN!!! 2nd in her AG off the bike!

    Anyone know whats up with Terra?
  • Mark is a beast, Sitting in the airport and stalking the tracker .... Wish I was there. We are all cheering for you team!
  • Heck yeah!!! GO TEAM!!! Freakin awesome and I sooooo wish I was there too!! Love these guys!!
  • Mark C averaged 23.89 on the bike - that is impressive!
  • Its about 2:10 p.m., no cloud cover, a 93 degree heat index currently and rising.........sending smart execution vibes to our peeps out there battling now....
  • Julian just ran past and very strong....little while later Federick, also looking strong!! It's a hot one here.
  • looks like they could get some rain/clouds between 4-5 p.m. which would cool them off from the current soup/mess these guys are having to work through............
  • High five to Tom 10ish miles in...these guys are amazing!
  • Looks like Cardinale is within 3 miles or so of the finish running sub 8s bringing it home!

    Jen is around mile 19 running 8:30s division ranked 2nd holding the line!

    All others are working it!

    Heat index now 95 degrees but the weather forecast is showing that the bottom is going to drop out around 4:30 or so with strong storms.....

    Hang on guys!!


  • hand it there team ! doing an amazing race so far !
  • Severe storms here now...now very cold and wet. Thinking of everyone racing today...what a day.
  • Looks like Mark is headed back to Kona. Amazing bike/run in that heat.
  • Holly snap!!! Mark Cardinale just finished IMTX in 8:48:43. 4th in his AG.
  • Mark is one hell of a racer.
  • And if Tom Glynn holds on to his blistering run pace for a few more miles, he may win his AG. What a day for EN.
  • Fantastic race Mark....well deserved place!!
  • Jenn's pace is strong! The girl in front of her seems to be slowing down. The third place girl is slowing too.
  • Looks like both Jenn and Tom have 2nd.....fantastic performance!
  • Jenn's no longer a contender. Podium and KQ. So well deserved. Looks like Tom took 2nd as well. What a freakin' day!
  • I love reading all your comments! It is such an intangible to draw upon when it gets hard - knowing you have a team of people in your corner pulling for you. Thank you, everyone! As far as the race goes, I thought my swim was better than my time, but oh well! The bike course for all the debate and discussion was not bad. There was lots of speed to be had and the wind was very favorable. That run just sucks! No 2 ways about it. The thing I'm most proud about are my transitions. I made 3-4min on 1-3 in my age group just on transitions. ALL and I do mean ALL the credit goes to Mike Roberts. Mike, because of your feedback I went back to the drawing board on my transition strategy and it paid off huge. Thank you, my friend!
  • Wow....Team EN threw down the hammer today!
  • Congrats, Mark. Just an awesome performance. Transitions are what the guys who can't ride or run do. It's like being the guy in high school with a sense of humor or good personality. You're like the guy who was varsity QB and drove the convertible Mustang. I would gladly trade positions. Please have a beer on me.
  • congrats Jenn and mark on making the show. anyone else ? congrats all on bringing it home.
  • Awesome job everyone! I'm curious if people had to stop at a timing mat when the Thunderstorms broke loose (like the IM live site reported)? That must have been hell if you were close to the end... I can't imagine how bad your legs would cramp up if you had to stop for 10-15 mins 20 some miles into an IM marathon...
  • @mike - will do! I might even have 2
    @JW - I heard from a racer the volunteers just corralled groups of people and held them for about 10 minutes. Not sure if when the final results are posted that stoppage will be deducted. i think it would be really hard to account for everyone who was impacted.
  • Great reading about all the support we had today. Congrats to Mark, Tom and Jenn. Thunderstorms played havoc with the race. Not sure how they can or will ever sort it out. I was stopped at mile 21.7 for about 40 minutes while the lightening and thunder raged around us. I was running well, passing tons of people in the downpour and then suddenly had to stand around. Most of us got very cold, staying warm by huddling together. During the stoppage people that I had passed in the last couple miles came walking up and around me to the front of the line. Then when we restarted, it was basically like the start of a marathon. We were all stiff and it took 10 minutes before it cleared out, we got onto a wider road and I could get back up to my previous pace. Sounds like some were only held for 10 minutes. My watch had my run time as 4:03 (stopped it during the storm) but the tracker has it as 4:45. Have no idea how they will make this a fair race or how it affects podium and Kona slots.
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