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IMTX 2016 Race Day Thread



  • WTF, I didnt have internet yesterday , was going crazy trying to follow you guys, and missed the EPIC IMTX 2016 play by play.... Huge congrats to all the IMTX athletes and to Jenn Edwards, Mark Cardinale, and Tom Glynn for the KQ performances!
  • Congrats everyone who endured the elements yesterday. Big props to Mark, Jenn and Tom on KQ. I had a solid day and proud of my 9:10. Add in the extra miles and close to or better than PR. With that heat I'll call it a PR. First year with this group and I don't spend a lot of time posting but thanks everyone for all the advice and sharing your thoughts. Will try better to be more involved. May need some transition advice as I tend to in my wife words stop for a mani and pedi. Better execution there could have moved me to top 10 in 45-49. Will be searching the forums and stalking Mark and Mike for advice. Great race team and thanks for towing me along. Cheers.
  • Well Good Morning from the Woodlands!  Much love for all the mojo yesterday - I felt it out there for sure!   I'll be headed to the awards proudly sporting my EN T but am not one to count on the Kona slot until the credit card is singing...  

    WTC posted an update last night about Kona slots quoted below.  In a way, we may have gotten the "shortened" run course after all.  Since the gal in front ran a 3:34 and the gal behind ran a 3:44 according to the splits and both faster than me, I think my 3:54 split would indicate my place will hold but we will see.  Good thing there were four slots in this AG last year in case things move around a little.  If the move around a lot though....    This race... SMH.

    Oh and full props to Patrick who convinced me to try a flat race.  NEVER would have done that on my own.  Of course now I can say I "beat" his bike split from last year...  

    Dear Athletes,


    Throughout the severe weather today, our primary concern was the safety of our athletes, spectators, volunteers, and staff. We are pleased that participants were able to continue the race after the delay.


    Due to the extraordinary circumstances, we have been working to determine the fairest way to assess race results for Age-Group Awards and IRONMAN World Championship qualification. 

    The revised criteria for Age-Group Awards and IRONMAN World Championship qualification will be based upon athlete’s age-group position at the most recent representative timing mat prior to the storm.


    Please note that results currently posted online do not necessarily reflect the placement within your age-group for the purposes of Awards and IRONMAN World Championship qualification.

    We appreciate your patience and encourage you to attend the 11:30 a.m. Awards & Volunteer Appreciation Banquet as well as at the 1:30 p.m. IRONMAN World Championship Slot Allocation and Rolldown Ceremony at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Convention Center today, Sunday May 15.

    IRONMAN officials will be available to answer questions immediately following.


    Congratulations on your outstanding achievement today. 

  • Jenn-thank you so much for this update and of course a big WOW!! Congratulations to you and the whole team. I truly feel honored and humbled to be a part of this group of dedicated athletes & wonderful folks. I hope things shake out in your favor!! ??
  • Hang tough jenn

    Looks like everyone finished !
  • Did anyone at IM Texas hear if/when registration will open?
  • Volunteers got an email about reserving a spot ( not registering). It essentially said if we send in our name, then they will email us in 30 to 60 days with info on how to register.
  • Chris, thank you.
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