Mark First Bad Crash
2 miles into a ride yesterday, 25+ mph downhill, chain jumped and I hit the asphalt, hard. Cracked helmet, bruised shoulder, elbow, hip and knee on left side. Today, chest feels bruised. Lots of road rash...
- Rehab needs to happen not major workout.. Slow moving and painful at this point.....
- I am hoping for quick scabbing...... Maybe pool mid week?
- What about gear? Bike is huge concern....
- $25000 question, is it early enough to come back for Chattanooga, both training weekend and Tri?
Thanks for anything you can give.. Mark
Get your bike to the shop for a once over...have them check the frame, bolts, etc. That way it's ready by next weekend. This week you can run if tolerated or elliptical, etc., to keep fitness up.
If you are worries about the swim, then check out the dryland exercises in the wiki...not worth it to rush things here and not fully appreciate where you are at.
Get us an update please!
~ Coach P
@Mark -sorry to hear, but it sounds like it could have been much worse. For road rash, there is nothing like Tegaderm especially if you are trying to swim prior to fully healing. Also it helped with the pain of just moving around. For sure get the bike checked out by someone who knows what they are doing. You don't want to take any chances there. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you have lots of time to heal and still get plenty of fitness under your belt.
Thank you for the encouragement. Before the heroic motorist stopped, picked me up and took me back to my car, and applied first aid (
) I was having thoughts that maybe this was a sign that IRONMAN is not for me. Bike at Louisville and LP killed me, figuratively that is. This time it was almost for real!
I don't want any reason for excuses.
I will go to my local shop tomorrow with the bike (maybe wipe the blood off....) and if he isn't comfortable I have a great shop about an hour away that has all kinds of certificates on the wall....
Thanks again. I know I am not the only one who crashed during training, but it really changes things up....
My lovely wife had to help me out of bed this morning. Very stiff and lots of pain with each movement. On the positive, I told her this was training for our geriatric years.....
Although it is 48 hours out, thinking about checking in with my GP if I can get an appointment.
Knocking on wood here, I've only had one crash resulting in injuries, and it was at very very low speeds biking to my car to drive to a ride. I couldn't lift my arm up much away from my side for about 5 days. I had made an appt with an ortho, sure that I'd done some damage, but then on day 6 I could magicallly lift my arm pretty much normally. By the time I got in with the doc, I was healed.
All that to say, not a bad idea to get in with the GP, but don't lose hope that in a few more days you might pop right up, close to as good as new. And you definitely have plenty of time to get back in the game for IMCHOO.
be careful out there!
heal up soon!
as everyone said, go your lbs to have your bike checked, mine was cracked after my crash (i know i was stupid not to have it inspected)... I did 2 races with it!! when I brought it for its tune up 2 weeks prior IMMT, they told me the frame was cracked.. they were able to turn over the replacement under warranty within 2 days.
Also, I am worry about the cracked helmet.. hope you didnt get any head damage that will come in the next days
Heal up fast !
Coach P posts big wisdom, waiting another day or two to reassess all.
I crashed at 20+ mph, cracked my shoulder and ripped all the skin off of one side of my body 6 weeks out in 2012 and was able to still make it happen at IMCoz.......That said, really important to get checked, listen to your doctor, evaluate the bike, at your LBS, etc.
Praying you heal fast and get stronger from this event.
I am trying to remain as mobile and active as possible, but it is really uncomfortable to stand and walk for more than a few minutes. Comparison - when I had meniscus surgery I had less pain and better mobility. And any deeper breathing in rather uncomfortable, no sharp pain, but really bruised feeling.
All in all, the road rash is less ouchy. The bruises are just the same. Stiffness and feeling weak, yep. New sense of gratitude to the universe for all of the cosmic forces that converged and allowed me to walk away relatively uninjured? Not sure that I have a complete description of my feelings this, but a new appreciation for this opportunity to get on two wheels and go fast now exists in me.
I am also appreciative of all of the comments and suggestions from my teammates and coach. I am hoping for your wisdom in overcoming this "bump on the road." Thank you!
For some gently mobility of the leg, you can just spin your legs around with no resistance on a bike- spin bikes at the gym are good for this if your bike is at the doc.
Ribs are a bitch because they hurt doing anything. If you have to cough, you can kind of "brace" it by hugging a pillow or wrapping a towel/sheet around your waist to support the ribs.
Again, don't worry about the training right now, this will likely just be a small bump along the road by the time of the IM. Focus on getting good sleep and nutrition right now. Heal up quick!
WOW! Congratulations on walking away. Here's my 0.02.
Don't forget to take your anti inflammatory with food and plenty of liquids. Tegaderm, if you are using it, should be changed every 3 days or when saturated.
I hope your bike is ok. Heal quick. How's your wife doing? It can be pretty scary seeing your spouse banged up.
Treat the road rash well, tegaderm is awesome like someone mentioned.
Keep moving, not necessarily s/b/r, but don't give the muscles time to bind up.
It has been a week and here is what I have learned.....
Thanks again for assistance in navigating this week. Although not back 100%, I am not afraid of being prepared for IMCHOO! I am continuing my plans to head to Chattanooga for a week or more at the end of the month and seriously considering the the training camp in August. I just need to work out logistics and get another job to pay for my hobby!!!
I was able to get in the pool this morning and found the shoulder to be a bit less ready than I thought. Got about 20 laps of moderate rate. Felt good even with the shoulder...
Thanks for your encouragement.
Hi Mark,
Hi, I am just another team member who subscribes to other posts for advice and to learn. I got your post about your accident and I think I will be glued to your thread to see your progress. I was relieved when you said you were able to do some training and that you are encouraged again for your IM. Wishing you the best recovery!!!
I am needing a check up to be released back to bike activity (probably the standard two weeks) and will not race my favorite oly this weekend to be safe, but I have a trainer, a treadmill and time till IMOO. We shall both be ready to rock our fall races!!!
This team has knowledge and HEART. Really, the best combination you could ever hope for! I'm so glad you got everything checked out (your wife is smart!) and you are on your way to healing up!!!
Thanks for the encouragement.
11 days out from the crash and I and beginning to feel a little bit down. The road rash and bruises are well on their way to healing. My head is fine, no long term issues from the bump on the road. But, I seem to have a rib or two that really don't want to cooperate. Ribs 3 and 4 (counting top down) are really sore at the sternum. Whenever I swim or start breathing heavier than normal, it really hurts...BAD.. So, I am walking and working the stationary bike this week to try to keep from loosing all fitness.... This is frustrating (although I know that this accident could have knocked me down for much longer).
And, the bike shop that I go to is really starting to make me angry. It is under new ownership and I have been waiting to hear about the bike. I am getting excuses and then the mechanic that was to work on it was 'out.' He was suppose to call last night but didn't.... I am picking up the bike and taking it elsewhere unless there is a report during my daily bike shop stop.... IF the new owner wants positive feedback and recommendations, something has to happen, NOW..
I see Chattanooga looming in the distance and feel like there is nothing I can do to properly prepare. I know there is time, but not that much time.
You may need to see your chiro. for those ribs. They may well be dislocated. Used to happen to me frequently and it HURTS!
Time for a new bike shop. Then they can go suck rotten eggs!
I think that TAPS is about to be played for my Black/Green/White FELT B16.
First and Second opinions are the same. As encouraged, I contacted FELT to see if they have a Crash Replacement plan...... Now I need to make something happen to get on the road again. My fat tire doesn't have aeros..... yet!
Have you contacted Calfee? They may be able to repair your bike. But it won't be quick. Many in the Haus have used Calfee to repair their bikes. Can you rent a bike for your race?
Mark, way to persevere!
You are experiencing recovery fatigue and it happens to us all. You are sick and tired of waiting for this to pass. Sometimes there is nothing that can be done to speed up this period of time. (Just like you students dieing to finish the school year and start summer).
Stay the course. Be patient. You are on the right track.
I wish you the best in your quest for a proper recovery!
Two weeks post crash. Although my bike is currently out of service, my training pool is open! Good swim, but still not the distance or intensity that I would really like. If you are in the area, contact me and I will be your guide!