Dave Holmes Micro Thread
Coach Patrick:
I thought I set this up but apparently I'm mistaken.
Thanks for the consult yesterday. I understand that you might have some ideas re my body comp.
I'm 64 and as of this morning 260.1 lbs and 6 feet tall even.
I keep my food log in my fitness pal and try to consume 1700 calories plus exercise calories. For the last year I've been stuck in about a 7lb range regardless of the number of hours I train.
I'm happy to provide any other info.
So far I'm delighted with being a new member of EN and I'm seeing improvement already. But I think real improvement will only come if I can defeat this Body com issue
I thought I set this up but apparently I'm mistaken.
Thanks for the consult yesterday. I understand that you might have some ideas re my body comp.
I'm 64 and as of this morning 260.1 lbs and 6 feet tall even.
I keep my food log in my fitness pal and try to consume 1700 calories plus exercise calories. For the last year I've been stuck in about a 7lb range regardless of the number of hours I train.
I'm happy to provide any other info.
So far I'm delighted with being a new member of EN and I'm seeing improvement already. But I think real improvement will only come if I can defeat this Body com issue
All the exercise calories should match to your garmin device, such that you consume at or just under what you burned...If you burned 1,000 calories in a 90' ride, you might take in 2 gels (200 calories) and 3 bottles of sports drink (527) for a workout total of 727. Then a tall glass of chocolate milk as recovery (380 calories) has you right at 1000 for the day.
How is that mapping with what you do?
~ Coach P
On a 90 minute workout, all I would consume is water and a couple of shot blocks for dry mouth. I would burn between 1000 and 1500 calories and they would add to my 1700 daily sedentary alories giving me 2700 of which i would generally consume about 2200 to 2400 over the remainder of the day (almost all of my workouts are early morning) I have only been consuming nutrition on workouts lasting 2 hours or longer. So the numbers aren't far off, just how I'm consuming them.
At 168 they would be investigating my wife for elder abuse, but I know I still need to lose a butt load (pun intended) of weight. I look like Baby Huey at triathlons, and then people are amazed that I actually complete the event. Frankly, I'm kind of tired of people telling me what an inspiration I am. Maybe a rude thought, but true nonetheless.
Thanks for you help. I'm willing to try most anything at this point.
That would be strangely funny if you went from one extreme to the other. Your goal with the exercise nutrition is to always equal it out. Because your muscles are a performance engine, like a racecar, and needs to be well fueled. We reduce your calories and other areas of your day: breakfast, lunch, or dinner. But there's really no advantage to starving yourself or cutting calories during exercise.
It's like blind holding yourself but only when you're taking the test. Let's start by making sure that your calories in and calories out balance during workouts, but we shift the deficit to other areas of your day. The upside of this is that you can easily plan the calories and the rest your day when you are most likely to make mistakes.
Surprisingly enough, nobody binge eats energy gels or bars.
I'm adjusting the process by consuming a gel before running in the mornings. Also I generally eat a banana on my way out the door and eat breakfast as soon as I return. I haven't had a 90 minute workout since we started this discussion, but will plan on consuming more on the bike Saturday when I'll ride for 2 hours.
I try to eat a pretty big breakfast in the mornings and that always follows within 30 minutes of my workout. So during will be the most significant change.
Thanks for all of the help.
Dave Holmes
Sorry for the confusion. Sometimes when I worked behind the scenes on the website I have to use a different account. So when I forget to logout and log back in again, this is what you see.
The whole point of making this change is that you don't need to eat a big breakfast anymore. I simply have one crunchy Nature Valley Granola Bar packet (each one has two bars) about 30 minutes before my workout. Then all of my calories are in the workout itself.
We don't want you to double-dip… big calories before into big calories during the session will only set you back.
This is an effective strategy for any workout that requires nutrition… Which is basically any workout that lasts longer than 45 minutes.
So the plan would look something like this:
+ Wake Up, Coffee + Granola bar
+ Prepare for session, etc. 30-45' of admin time.
+ Start riding and fueling cycles begin at 15' into the session.
Weekday, when you are coming off a normal work day...then it's fasting for two hours...gel @ 15' before, then start workout and fuel at 15' into it (and onwards).
Silver gel portion of the pre-workout meal is really for only those sessions that sort of interrupt your day. You can use the granola bar approach for workout sessions that start your day.
I hope that helps!!!
~ Coach P
I see my run goal for OS week 1 is 24 mi. Based on my current speed with the prescribed workouts would you suggest adding mileage to my workouts or just concentrating on the workouts themselves?
Our big goals for you right now are consistency...and you are laying that good foundation down right now.
~ Coach P
I spent 11 hrs working IMFL and didn't get a workout in. Do I skip today and move on to the long run tomorrow or do today's bike run tomorrow. Maybe I'm overthinking this.
Ps thanks for helping out!!!
Small, daily efforts add up to an insurmountable force over time!!!
~ Coach P
I did the bike test today and it was within .1 mi distance and .1mph of the the first test in October. The LTHR is 130 just as then. IE no change.
I saw what you did with Ashton Mossey's schedule and wonder if I should run test Thursday and retest on the bike on Saturday with days off Wed. and Fri. or if I should just let it ride. I'm really concerned that until I have some change in my weight, that I may be stuck with what I can do.
There were minor changes in the environment from last time: 50 degrees and about a 7 mph headwind. Of course some of the wind was to my back coming in.
I anticipate some improvement on the run based on what I've been doing. Of course I anticipated improvement not he bike as well.
I know you've got a lot going on this time of year and you're getting ready for vacation, so I you can't get back to me on this til after the holidays, thats fine.
Thanks for all of the help from you and Coach Rich. In spite of the test times and lack of weight loss, I feel stronger, and hey at least my condition has not regressed like most winters.
Finally, with the need to lose as much weight as I do, would you recommend an independent nutritionist like Core diet? Reading their material, it seems like their more geared toward event nutrition, and their expensive. But it they or someone else you know of could fix what's broken, it would be worth it.
Merry Christmas to you and yours,
Dave Holmes
I agree that the body composition angle is your biggest "wedge" to breakthrough. We have some basic guidance on daily nutrition here (go to the Daily Nutrition section): http://bit.ly/1Pmjh5W
Especially bullet 3, and we can then go from there on how to make some adjustments. Even using MyFitnessPal to log the calories can really help keep you on track!
~ Coach P
Seems this might be the time to get very aggressive, even at the risk of some muscle mass loss. I'll have 10 months to rebuild.
I am not a nutritionist, but I think you'll need more detailed help as you are already doing the basics. Cost is a factor, so maybe one way you could "hack" this is reach out to the team in the Nutrition Forum (http://bit.ly/2hK0DLT) to see if any of your teammates have made a similar breakthrough and how they did it?
Let me know what you decide!
Thanks for for all of the help.
I have updated your profile picture, but you might want to do it with your new race photo!!!!
I have shared your testimonial with our Admin Team. And I hope you updated the Heads / Tails doc with your final data!
Congrats again,
~ Coach P
I think that crash really affected your run, but regardless, you had a solid race considering.
So, next steps for the rest of your year.
#1 - Get Used to the Heat
Doesn't have to be a ton of work, or really hard work, just time in the heat. I suggest starting with some shorter midday runs (even 3 miles is fine) to promote the adaptation. After a 5 or 6 such runs, you'll be ready to go either a bit longer or a bit harder (but not both at the same time!!!). I like this as a regular exercise as it will help with your Body Composition goals and also prep you for potential Augusta 70.3® heat!
#2 - Conquer Body Composition
With Augusta four months away, you have time time to play with your training a bit. Given your desire to cut some weight, I would suggest a run frequency play such as the Run Durability Program (Block 2 or 3) that we modify to have a bit of bike volume.
But I'd also like to know what type of strategy you are implementing to improve the body comp outside of exercise, as that might have an influence on my advice as well.
Let me know and a speedy recovery!
~ Coach P
Right now Coach Rick has me starting "Get Faster" until July 23
when I'll go into the Ironman plan. Let me know any suggested plan modifications and I'll load them up.
Thanks for for the talk this week and thanks for the support. I'm really enjoying the program.
Have a good weekend.
David Holmes.
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Notes
Coming out of the Run Durability Program, post IMFL. Was sick for 2 weeks and my shape is mediocre at best been running about 15 mi. per week.
Your Races
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
Coach Notes
I don't want you to go too nuts too soon...let's us the Run Durability Program to get you back on track now that you are healthy...then drop you into the February OutSeason Plan. This puts you at a Week 7 Half Marathon so you and I will need to coordinate here to make sure you are on track for that week.
When you get a chance, please let me know what your goals are for this season?
Let's get to work!
~ Coach P
i want to be sure I’ve given you the full picture. I’m doing Gulf Coast 70.3 in May and Augusta 70.3 in September.
My goal for the season is to finish IMFL. Everything else is gravy. I’m fine with the plan except it might be putting too much emphasis on the hm. However, building run durability certainly boosts my overall conditioning. My only concern is that FOS ends the weekend of Gulf Coast.
Thanks for for the help.
It's an early race, but we can definitely still reap some OS speed before getting you ready for the Half!!
~ Coach P
do it every year with my 2 sons. Should I modify my plan at all between now and then?
half plan. Should I pushed this back a week or two since I'm just now moving into the Half Program?