@Jason Veith - you absolutely are! Very excited to see how you put the rest together and grateful for the kudos.
The single biggest delta between Olympic and a half distance is Nutrition). You should literally be eating and drinking according to the schedule you will use on this day for every single work out between now and then. This means lots of bottles bars and gels, but we really need to build in the expectation that you will be fueling all day - most folks get so excited they get distracted and then only remember to eat and drink when it's too late.
Or, it's so hot they need to eat and drink but their body is not ready.
Or, they need to eat and drink they're not comfortable doing it in the race and don't have a plan to manage all the calories.
All of this to be adressed with some good planning!
Do yourself a favor and sit down for about 30 minutes and write it all out, if you need help adjusting it feel free to post it here or in the Nutrition forum and we can help you out.
Pre-Race (while finishing up transition and getting ready and relaxing)
1 bottle of UCAN
1 sleeve Clif ShotBloks
Swim - Try not to drink the water!!
T1 - Maybe just a sip of water from the speedfil.
Timer is set on the Garmin to go off every 15 minutes to drink some GE. (~ 1 bottle/hour. May need to increase if it is hotter outside. )
About 5 minutes after the GE, I'll chew a couple of ShotBloks (~ 2 sleeves for the entire ride)
All long the way, I'll sip on water from my speedfil
Lick some salt along the way to help with the extra water. Small snack ziplock with cheez-its (Comfort food if needed)
T2 - Few drinks for the remaining bottle of GE.
Alternate Water and GE at the aid stations (1st = Water, 2nd = GE)
Mile 3, 6, 10 - ShotBoks (or gu's whatever they have on course)
Post-Race - 1 bottle of UCAN
Some limiters: Smaller than normal stomach (VSG surgery) will only allow for so much liquid/food at one time. And usually not solid and liquid together (expands too much).
@Jason Veith - that looks pretty good! My only feedback is that generally speaking water is not great as a beverage on race day. I would suggest maybe just sipping Gatorade at each station even if you need to dilute it a little bit by grabbing a cup of water and pouring a bit in. You may also enjoy alternating Gatorade at one and some Coke or broth another if those are options.
I would also advise that you have half a banana in T2 (when you aren't running) to help get that down. Most of your calories on the rower need to be waited towards the front end before digestion pretty much stops. I would also suggest you carry salt pills in case you need to add some to help your gut!
I was able to complete Ironman
70.3 Ohio under my goal time. I wanted to break the 7 hour mark. My
"stretch" goal was 6:30:00, but I knew that was going to be tough.
I ended up twisting my knee a
little bit on the run portion, so that slowed me down to a run/walk. That
was the end of hope to make the "stretch" goal.
Swim (1.2 miles, but my GPS had
me swimming a bit longer): 51:26 (official time) Looks like I swam like a "Water Snake" a little which added some extra yardage to my swim https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1885786987/1
Transition 1: 5:34
Bike (56 miles)
3:06:54 (17.63 MPH avg) (official time) I felt like my bike went very well. I purposely kept my NP low, trying to save my legs for the run. I did have a problem on the bike. I couldn't pee. No matter how hard I tried, I just could go. I need to figure this out. https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1885786987/3
Transition 2: 4:30
Run (13.1, but my GPS said more
like 13.21) 2:47:37 (12:38 min/mile avg). (official time) Here is where my race took a bit of a turn for the worse. First 4 miles were fine. I keep it slow and was feeling ok. Was getting some stomach cramps because I couldn't pee. I tried banana, salts, gu's, everything to try to get the GI under control. Around mile 4 is where I twisted my knee. I must have stepped down wrong on a crack or pothole or something. At that point, it basically slowed me down to a run/walk. It changed my gait, so other parts of my legs/hips started to ache more than normal. https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/1885786987/5
Total Time 6:55:59
The run is where I had my
issues. If it wasn't for twisting my knee, I think I had a real shot of getting
close to that 6:30:00 stretch goal.
Take-aways from this HIM: 1) Figure out why I couldn't pee. I need to pee on the bike. Even if that means getting off and using a porta-john. 2) Don't twist your knee on the run. Watch where you step, and be careful. 3) Maybe push a little harder on the bike. I may have played it a little too safe on the NP and could have pushed a bit harder without blowing up my run. 4) Learn how to swim straight. Swimming directly into the sun played a small part in this (having to sight every few strokes), but I also know my stroke was probably pulling me from side to side. 5) Always always always smile and look like you're not dying when you past a photographer!!
@Jason Veith - Congratulations on your race, and thank you for representing EN so well!
Looking back at your race, the big delta I see is managing your heart rate on the bike. I can't see any power data on Strava, but I can see from your heart rate file that it took forever for your heart rate to bottom out which is less than ideal.
In a perfect world your heart rate gets down by mile five and you can start building your effort over the rest of the day. We planned this out so that your body is continually under a coustant level of stress which allows it to operate effectively across the course of the whole day. If you spend 90 minutes getting your heart rate down it's very hard to rev your body back up again into the run.
A safe strategy for sure, but giving you a report an opportunity for you to find more speed and set up your success.
P in the bike takes practice, and sometimes even using a bottle of water to score on yourself to get things going. As crazy as it sounds, you might want to work that into your next race preparation cycle. I can't remember what you have next, but I'm happy to sit down and talk with you about planning your transition into the winter and beyond. As a big guy, your overall speed will absolutely benefit from a focus on body composition which will improve not only the bike but also the run.
I have Strava connected, but it is just the "basic poor man's" account. I've included links to my garmin connect (while typing this, I just realized that I didn't make them public. I fixed that, and the links should work now).
For the rest of my schedule, I just have the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon (Oct 15th), and the Las Vegas Full Marathon (my first) on Nov 12th.
As for body comp, that's been a constant struggle for years and years. My weight is the lowest it has ever been, and I'm working hard to keep it moving in the right direction. I'm currently 6'1" @ 205 lbs.
Hope to hear from you about what I should be doing to transition into my fall running, and then into the OutSeason!
Current Plan: Marathon Beginner [Balanced], 24 Weeks
and have it end on 11/12 for the Las Vegas Marathon.
I'm going to ease into the first couple of weeks until I get my legs back under me. It's easier for me to do shorter workouts during the week, and then do the longer runs on weekends.
I have the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon on Oct 15, and the Las Vegas Full Marathon on Nov 12th.
Would it be easier to submit a new TSR with the to races?
Long time no talk!! I'm just checking in. I've been trying to fight the "post HIM" daze, and keep myself running and trying to get ready for the Las Vegas Marathon in November.
It's been a bit of a struggle, but I'm getting there. I've been fighting a ITB issue, but I seem to have made some progress by switching back to my older Hoka Clifton 3's. For some reason, when I run longer that 6 miles in my newer Clifton 4's, the ITB flares up. However, if I wear my Clifton 3's, I can pretty much run all day without any major ITB issues.
My last "long" run was this past Sunday. I ran 16.5 miles (with just a small walk during each of the last 3 miles). The small walk was to simulate walking through aide stations.
During the week, my time has been limited a bit, so I've been mainly doing treadmill work (~3 miles). Mostly to loosen up the legs again in prep for another long run the next weekend.
As for future plans......
Oct: Detroit Free Press Half Marathon (using it as a fun/training run in prep for the full marathon) Nov: Las Vegas Rock&Roll Full Marathon. (Goal is survival!! This will be my very first ever Full Marathon!)
Outseason!! Plan on starting this when you say I need to!
2018 - "A" race will probably be Ironman 70.3 Muncie - July 14th. My goal here is to break 6.5 hours. I know I can do this with better execution!
As for prep for the HIM, I'll be running a Half Marathon at the end of the OutSeason. My guess is probably the Columbus CapCity Half Mary (April timeframe)
I'll also race the Motor City Oly Tri in June.
I know this post is pretty scattered.. but I have one more item to bring up!!!
My wife will be joining us on EN in the near future. She's going to be racing IM 70.3 Muncie with me as well! I need to know how to get her started, and is there any "Happy Couple" discounts that EN has?
@Jason Veith - thank you so much for the update. The run was very well executed. One thing I noticed was how quickly your heart rate jumped when you hit 950s, You will need to be very cautious on race day that you aren’t pushing the pace until you actually want to!
Once you get thru the Marathon you’re going to need to recover, and I would recommend using the post half Iron Man two week recovery plan as your guide. Then you can load of the run durability plan for a month which will put you into January, when you can start the Outseason with the rest of the team. But first do you self a favor and go to resources/wiki/run in with you are pacing guide on the marathon.
We would love to have your better half on the team. You can have her sign up using the following link: www.endurancenation.us/friend
Once she is on the inside, just have her let us know and we will set both of you to the couples rate for your discount!
Looking at my last long run, and going a bit conservative, this is what the pace calculator has me running! I'll be happy with that!! If I get closer to 4:20:00 I'll be ecstatic! I'm going to base everything off of the first 10 miles. If I'm feeling good, I'll bump the pace slightly into the 9:45's-9:50's and see how it feels! I'll be watching my HR the entire time, and if I get too high, I'm backing off immediately.
@Jason Veith - LOVE the planner! You are ready to rock my friend...let the race come to you and see how it feels as the race unfolds...then you proceed. Be ready for the hurt locker at the end; at that point it's all mind games to the finish!!!
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Notes [Beginner]
Training for R&R Las Vegas Marathon. Currently doing shorter runs during the week 2-3 in the middle of the week followed by a long run on the weekends.
Plan to take a little Rest/Recover during the holidays and then hit the OutSeason in Jan.
Your Races
11/12/2017 RnR Vegas
04/28/2018 (HalfMary) Cap City Half Marathon
06/24/2018 (Tri) Motor City Olympic Triathlon
7/14/2018 (70.3®) Muncie
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
Last updated by Coach on 10/23/2017
On 11/13/2017 Load the -- Post Half Iron Transition Plan, All Levels (2wks) to end on 12/10/2017
On 12/11/2017 Load the -- Run Durability Plan 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks to end on 1/7/2018
On 1/8/2018 Load the Beginner OutSeason Plan, 14wks to end on 4/15/2018
On 4/16/2018 Load the -- Swim Camp to end on 4/29/2018
On 4/30/2018 Load the Half Plan, 20wks to end on 7/14/2018
On 7/15/2018 Load the Post Half Transition Plan to end on 7/29/2018.
To answer your question yes R&R Las Vegas is just a fun race with a bunch of friends! Since this is my very first ever Full Marathon, it's going to be a PR no matter what my time is!
As for the season roadmap, I think the very last race may have been left off. "A" race for the season is IM 70.3 Muncie.
So instead of dropping into the Swim Camp/Short Course plans, I was thinking I would probably drop into the Beginner Half Ironman plan again.
Needing a bit of scheduling advice. I'm going to be skiing on week 5 (testing week) of the OS I'm wondering if I should push testing to Week 6, and then pick back up on the OS at week 7? I'll leave a day or two in there for recovery before doing the Bike test.
@Jason Veith - Actually, are usually recommend that you tested before you go away. I find that to be much more effective in terms of capturing the Fitness.
If you go away then coming back your legs are a little bit trashed and the numbers have dropped a bit.
I’d like to have higher numbers that you tested at what you can strive towards upon your return.
So if you can work in that bike test on the Tuesday of week for after a Monday off in early Sunday morning workout that should do the trick. Then when you come back, just pick up on week six.
Hahaha.. you actually think I ski hard I have you fooled!!
Sounds good. I think I'll do my bike test tomorrow morning. That will give me all day Thursday (after the bike test) to rest the legs. I'll then throw in a Run Test Friday morning. I'm headed to Northern Michigan Friday evening after work, and probably won't return until the following Friday/Saturday.
I think I was having a bit of a "tech" issue with the smart trainer and doing the FTP test in Zwift. Everything was working great for the "warm-up" part, but as soon as I hit the 20 minute free ride of the test, all resistance dropped on the Kickr. I was having to really keep up my cadence to produce the watts. I did a bit of reading, and this seems to be a known issue with Zwift and the Kickr. Zwift suggests hitting the "UP Arrow" for resistance to get the Smart Trainer to respond. I don't see why they couldn't judge where the resistance was at during the warm-up portion, and just leave it at that for the 20 minute free ride. That way we don't have to start from 0. Oh well, enough of me venting about my tech issues!
Overall, the test was fine. I bumped my FTP up to 210. (Probably higher if not for the tech issues, but I'll live with it for now and adjust accordingly on the next test).
Anyway, I'll probably take it a bit easy on the Tuesday ride next week. Need to get my legs back under me from skiing all this week!
All man, what a pain in the butt. Sorry to hear the trainer was funky, but the data looks like you had a pretty darn good test. Heart rate doesn’t lie and you were clearly working pretty consistently over there. . Can even see all of the personal bests in strava!
Can only imagine what you’ll be able to do when the test actually works. Yes the key hack is a good idea to keep the resistance up. It’s even nice way to test if your ability to turn the pedals becomes compromised at some point.
Feel free to take as much time as you need. There’s only a certain amount of time for skiing and so you have to live it up. And I can’t complain because your power numbers look great. :-)
Great session! I think you meant to call it a bike though.
I like how you warmed up in your heart rebuilt from session one right into session 2. Can’t ask for more than that. The recovery is also consistent percentagewise even though the fatigue is setting in. I like it, see you on Zwift!
I used the "Up Arrow" trick on this past FTP test. Worked well. However, it may have worked too well. I took it out just a bit too strong right out of the gate, and faded just a tad at the end. However, I did raise my FTP from 210 to 223, so I'll take it!!
That is a nice 5% increase, well done! I love that you use the trick to make it work a bit harder. As you get smarter about testing, you will be able to do a better job of pacing for those middle four minutes... The last eight minutes is just building to finish. time to update those zones!
Or, it's so hot they need to eat and drink but their body is not ready.
Or, they need to eat and drink they're not comfortable doing it in the race and don't have a plan to manage all the calories.
All of this to be adressed with some good planning!
Do yourself a favor and sit down for about 30 minutes and write it all out, if you need help adjusting it feel free to post it here or in the Nutrition forum and we can help you out.
Here is my nutrition plan as I have it right now.
Small snack ziplock with cheez-its (Comfort food if needed)
Post-Race - 1 bottle of UCAN
Some limiters:
Smaller than normal stomach (VSG surgery) will only allow for so much liquid/food at one time. And usually not solid and liquid together (expands too much).
That's the plan so far (pretty rough draft!!)
I would also advise that you have half a banana in T2 (when you aren't running) to help get that down. Most of your calories on the rower need to be waited towards the front end before digestion pretty much stops. I would also suggest you carry salt pills in case you need to add some to help your gut!
I was able to complete Ironman 70.3 Ohio under my goal time. I wanted to break the 7 hour mark. My "stretch" goal was 6:30:00, but I knew that was going to be tough.
I ended up twisting my knee a little bit on the run portion, so that slowed me down to a run/walk. That was the end of hope to make the "stretch" goal.
Swim (1.2 miles, but my GPS had me swimming a bit longer): 51:26 (official time)
Looks like I swam like a "Water Snake" a little which added some extra yardage to my swim
Transition 1: 5:34
Bike (56 miles) 3:06:54 (17.63 MPH avg) (official time)
I felt like my bike went very well. I purposely kept my NP low, trying to save my legs for the run. I did have a problem on the bike. I couldn't pee. No matter how hard I tried, I just could go. I need to figure this out.
Transition 2: 4:30
Run (13.1, but my GPS said more like 13.21) 2:47:37 (12:38 min/mile avg). (official time)
Here is where my race took a bit of a turn for the worse. First 4 miles were fine. I keep it slow and was feeling ok. Was getting some stomach cramps because I couldn't pee. I tried banana, salts, gu's, everything to try to get the GI under control. Around mile 4 is where I twisted my knee. I must have stepped down wrong on a crack or pothole or something. At that point, it basically slowed me down to a run/walk. It changed my gait, so other parts of my legs/hips started to ache more than normal.
Total Time 6:55:59
The run is where I had my issues. If it wasn't for twisting my knee, I think I had a real shot of getting close to that 6:30:00 stretch goal.
Take-aways from this HIM:
1) Figure out why I couldn't pee. I need to pee on the bike. Even if that means getting off and using a porta-john.
2) Don't twist your knee on the run. Watch where you step, and be careful.
3) Maybe push a little harder on the bike. I may have played it a little too safe on the NP and could have pushed a bit harder without blowing up my run.
4) Learn how to swim straight. Swimming directly into the sun played a small part in this (having to sight every few strokes), but I also know my stroke was probably pulling me from side to side.
5) Always always always smile and look like you're not dying when you past a photographer!!
Some photos!

In a perfect world your heart rate gets down by mile five and you can start building your effort over the rest of the day. We planned this out so that your body is continually under a coustant level of stress which allows it to operate effectively across the course of the whole day. If you spend 90 minutes getting your heart rate down it's very hard to rev your body back up again into the run.
A safe strategy for sure, but giving you a report an opportunity for you to find more speed and set up your success.
I can't remember what you have next, but I'm happy to sit down and talk with you about planning your transition into the winter and beyond. As a big guy, your overall speed will absolutely benefit from a focus on body composition which will improve not only the bike but also the run.
I have Strava connected, but it is just the "basic poor man's" account. I've included links to my garmin connect (while typing this, I just realized that I didn't make them public. I fixed that, and the links should work now).
For the rest of my schedule, I just have the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon (Oct 15th), and the Las Vegas Full Marathon (my first) on Nov 12th.
As for body comp, that's been a constant struggle for years and years. My weight is the lowest it has ever been, and I'm working hard to keep it moving in the right direction. I'm currently 6'1" @ 205 lbs.
Hope to hear from you about what I should be doing to transition into my fall running, and then into the OutSeason!
Talk to ya soon,
- Jason
I loaded up the following plan:
Current Plan: Marathon Beginner [Balanced], 24 Weeks
I'm going to ease into the first couple of weeks until I get my legs back under me. It's easier for me to do shorter workouts during the week, and then do the longer runs on weekends.
I have the Detroit Free Press Half Marathon on Oct 15, and the Las Vegas Full Marathon on Nov 12th.
Would it be easier to submit a new TSR with the to races?
- Jason
Long time no talk!! I'm just checking in. I've been trying to fight the "post HIM" daze, and keep myself running and trying to get ready for the Las Vegas Marathon in November.
It's been a bit of a struggle, but I'm getting there. I've been fighting a ITB issue, but I seem to have made some progress by switching back to my older Hoka Clifton 3's. For some reason, when I run longer that 6 miles in my newer Clifton 4's, the ITB flares up. However, if I wear my Clifton 3's, I can pretty much run all day without any major ITB issues.
My last "long" run was this past Sunday. I ran 16.5 miles (with just a small walk during each of the last 3 miles). The small walk was to simulate walking through aide stations.
During the week, my time has been limited a bit, so I've been mainly doing treadmill work (~3 miles). Mostly to loosen up the legs again in prep for another long run the next weekend.
As for future plans......
Oct: Detroit Free Press Half Marathon (using it as a fun/training run in prep for the full marathon)
Nov: Las Vegas Rock&Roll Full Marathon. (Goal is survival!! This will be my very first ever Full Marathon!)
Outseason!! Plan on starting this when you say I need to!
2018 - "A" race will probably be Ironman 70.3 Muncie - July 14th. My goal here is to break 6.5 hours. I know I can do this with better execution!
As for prep for the HIM, I'll be running a Half Marathon at the end of the OutSeason. My guess is probably the Columbus CapCity Half Mary (April timeframe)
I'll also race the Motor City Oly Tri in June.
I know this post is pretty scattered.. but I have one more item to bring up!!!
My wife will be joining us on EN in the near future. She's going to be racing IM 70.3 Muncie with me as well! I need to know how to get her started, and is there any "Happy Couple" discounts that EN has?
Thanks again!!
- Jason
But first do you self a favor and go to resources/wiki/run in with you are pacing guide on the marathon.
Once she is on the inside, just have her let us know and we will set both of you to the couples rate for your discount!
~ Coach P
Looking at my last long run, and going a bit conservative, this is what the pace calculator has me running! I'll be happy with that!! If I get closer to 4:20:00 I'll be ecstatic! I'm going to base everything off of the first 10 miles. If I'm feeling good, I'll bump the pace slightly into the 9:45's-9:50's and see how it feels! I'll be watching my HR the entire time, and if I get too high, I'm backing off immediately.
Here's your updated Season Plan, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is my best outline of how to proceed with your races, but you can ask any / all questions you want. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.
Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.
Your Notes [Beginner]
Training for R&R Las Vegas Marathon. Currently doing shorter runs during the week 2-3 in the middle of the week followed by a long run on the weekends.
Plan to take a little Rest/Recover during the holidays and then hit the OutSeason in Jan.
Your Races
Season Update
These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won’t complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on the Training Plan page by clicking the Move / Change button. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.
Coach Notes
Let's get to work!
~ Coach P
To answer your question yes R&R Las Vegas is just a fun race with a bunch of friends! Since this is my very first ever Full Marathon, it's going to be a PR no matter what my time is!
As for the season roadmap, I think the very last race may have been left off. "A" race for the season is IM 70.3 Muncie.
So instead of dropping into the Swim Camp/Short Course plans, I was thinking I would probably drop into the Beginner Half Ironman plan again.
Does that sound about right?
- Jason
Needing a bit of scheduling advice.
I'm going to be skiing on week 5 (testing week) of the OS
I'm wondering if I should push testing to Week 6, and then pick back up on the OS at week 7? I'll leave a day or two in there for recovery before doing the Bike test.
What do you think?
Hahaha.. you actually think I ski hard
Sounds good. I think I'll do my bike test tomorrow morning. That will give me all day Thursday (after the bike test) to rest the legs. I'll then throw in a Run Test Friday morning. I'm headed to Northern Michigan Friday evening after work, and probably won't return until the following Friday/Saturday.
Thanks again!
- Jason
Sorry I'm a bit late at responding. We are enjoying the great skiing conditions in Norther Michigan.
Here is my FTP Test
I think I was having a bit of a "tech" issue with the smart trainer and doing the FTP test in Zwift. Everything was working great for the "warm-up" part, but as soon as I hit the 20 minute free ride of the test, all resistance dropped on the Kickr. I was having to really keep up my cadence to produce the watts. I did a bit of reading, and this seems to be a known issue with Zwift and the Kickr. Zwift suggests hitting the "UP Arrow" for resistance to get the Smart Trainer to respond. I don't see why they couldn't judge where the resistance was at during the warm-up portion, and just leave it at that for the 20 minute free ride. That way we don't have to start from 0. Oh well, enough of me venting about my tech issues!
Overall, the test was fine. I bumped my FTP up to 210. (Probably higher if not for the tech issues, but I'll live with it for now and adjust accordingly on the next test).
Anyway, I'll probably take it a bit easy on the Tuesday ride next week. Need to get my legs back under me from skiing all this week!
Thanks again!
Can only imagine what you’ll be able to do when the test actually works. Yes the key hack is a good idea to keep the resistance up. It’s even nice way to test if your ability to turn the pedals becomes compromised at some point.
Feel free to take as much time as you need. There’s only a certain amount of time for skiing and so you have to live it up. And I can’t complain because your power numbers look great. :-)
Just wanted to give you a small update.
I felt like I had a pretty darn good VO2 session this morning. Just wanted to get your take on it!
I think the new FTP is agreeing with me, but I think/know I can push it higher.
- Jason
I showed a nice increase in FTP this OS as compared to last year at this time!! (if I recall it was around ~208)
Bring on the HIM Plan!!