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2017 IMTX Week 15- Camp Week is here! Let's Check in!

Week 15- Camp Week/ Race Rehearsal

Ok IM Texas Crew- You have made it to WEEK 15! WOOHOO!! With each week comes a little more excitement for the BIG DAY! So let’s talk about this week.  This week is CAMP WEEK!!!Camp Week is the official-ification of our Ironman training weekends. It represents the intersection of race execution and volume, presenting YOU the athlete with a chance to simultaneously improve their fitness and strategy. There are FANTASTIC videos/podcast about this high volume week.  They will give IMPORTANT information sto take a few minutes to listen and watch!!

I would recommend if you have specific questions for Coach Rich or Patrick, GET THOSE IN THE MICRO/MACRO forums NOW! Don't wait to ask them a questions on Friday night for Saturday morning!

What is camp?

It's a regular training week with modifications to allow for a swim test, the 2 x 112 rides and a weekend long run.

  • Thursday:  Swim Test Day

  • Friday:  Race Rehearsal #1 aka 112 Mile Ride + a 1 Hour Run.  Read the full Race Rehearsal protocol here.

  • Saturday:  Up to 112 Mile Ride. How far you ride on Day Two is a function of your fitness and race goals, and of course, safety. At a minimum you'll want to do 56 miles, with more advanced athletes working upwards to a full 112.

  • Sunday:  Long Run according to your plan; minimum of 13 miles.

Think at the start of this week.

  • What do I need this weekend to get ready. Get your equipment dialed in.

  • Pacing

  • Get out there and JRA - 1 hour 1.5 then to steady pace

  • Fueling plan

  • Run - first three miles LRP plus 30” per mile. First three miles to settle in - mark the transition and take stock of how you feel

More info here….http://members.endurancenation.us/TrainingPlan/TrainingPlanCentralPage/ENFULLPlanResources/VolumeStrategySeriesPartIV.aspx

Keep on CRUSHIN’ it Texas Team!!! Let’s hear you!! How’s everyone doing???

*** EN GEAR:  Make sure to check out our AMAZING store at Trisports! http://www.trisports.com/endurance-nation.html

****Sponsor of the Week: VASA!!


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More info here: https://endurancenation.vanillacommunities.com/discussion/22869/vasa#latest


  • Good luck out there this week peeps!

    Have fun and work hard!  This camp is a great value with Coach P leading it!  

    I'm gonna be reading the daily updates wishing I was there!

  • Oh man, that was tough.  Glad it is over.  I definitely learned a few things about my nutrition plan and a few things to tweak.  I do feel like complete garbage, almost feels like I am hungover or sick.  Hoping I feel much better tomorrow for Part 2.  Hope everyone did well.
  • I did the 1st race rehearsal on Wednesday (had to move days due to conflicts) and felt good physically. I did a terrible job of selecting the bike route. I wanted to ride some flatter roads so I went about 45 minutes east of where I live to ride. I selected what I thought were routes people often ride but 80% of the roads were absolutely horrendous.  It probably would have been OK for a slow ride but it was terrible for a faster ride where I was trying to stay in the aero bars. The roads were super rough (like riding on gravel) and had enough potholes to be a constant  concern. About 5 miles were unpaved. At any rate it took me an extra hour more than I planned.  I felt good on the parts of the roads that were smoother :)

    I felt good on the run and was able to keep the same pace at the same heart rate.

     I was happy with my nutrition. Just took I'm gatorade endurance (24 ounces/hr) and some cliff blocks and some base salt

    For the second day (Thursday) I stuck to smooth roads but hilly.  I  surprisingly felt strong and was going along at +20 watts compared to the first day until at mile 28 I got not one but two flats. I checked the tire but didn't catch a piece of glass until after my replacement tube was punctured.  Lesson learned to check tire more carefully.  I called it a day ( no other spare tunes) but was happy with where I am.

    Doing 2 hour run tomorrow.  

    Good luck everyone!
  • Just did the 2 hour run. First part at Z1 was easy but I had to push to do the last 8 miles at Z2 and final push at Z3. Definitely had some fatigue.  Would not have wanted to go another 12 miles!
  • Camp week report: Friday's swim, bike, run went very well in spite of some tough windy conditions. Followed by a good steady performance on Saturday with another long bike/run brick. Then came Sunday for the 2 hour run. I had nothing for it. Started out with the best of intentions, but pulled the plug less than a mile in. The legs were TOAST. My garmin stated my recovery was fair. That was an understatement. Overall, I am very pleased with my accomplishments. Looking forward to another steady week counting down the weeks/workouts until IMTX. Hope everyone else's training is going well.
  • My run was tough, unable to hit my zones but I did finish the entire run at about 10 sec over TRP avg.  I may have been able to push a little harder but I felt like I was on the brink of hurting future workouts.  It was good for the mental toughness.

  • Great work out there guys.  The prior weekend into Camp Week was kind of crazy for me.  But, luckily, I did not panic and feel pretty good where I'm coming out of it.  I started of the Saturday and Sunday with a stomach flu that kept me bedridden.  Fortunately or unfortunately, the next Monday-Wednesday I was in a jury trial out of state.  I ran a little on the gym treadmill just to sweat.  But, I had no time with the trial to exercise, which ended up being good because I needed to recover from the illness and didn't need anymore stress.  Wednesday's evening bike and brick felt surprisingly good.  So I made the decision to go ahead with the Race Rehearsal on Friday.  Not a bad swim - just wanted steady. I definitely noticed what Coach Rich said in the video about the bike power being a little lower off the swim and was a little tired after about 4 hours but worked through it and the run was good with no cramping.  On Saturday I had to switch to my half marathon, which again was fine, and I followed that up on Sunday with a straight Z3 3 hour bike (because I had to head to Houston).  I had great power and almost the same TSS as my long bike on Friday. Fastest Z3 bike I had ever done and very steady.  So, while the week could have been a disaster with all the sickness and travel with work, I think I mitigated my challenging circumstances to hit some very high TSS numbers.  Let's hope the Week 18 RR works out a little better.
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