Jeff Cornick Year One Micro Thread
Here is the Micro Forum where you can post your week to week training questions for me to answer. I already have our planning documents, but wanted to make sure you and I had a place to communicate that is 100x better than my email account. 
Looking forward to this year and next!
~ Coach P

Looking forward to this year and next!
~ Coach P
I filled out the roadmap for the tri season...not sure if I should have but it's submitted. With the date unknown about IMCO '18 I didn't add that because I didn't want to screw up the database with bad information.
Looking forward to our call on Tuesday.
For the Run - You are ramping pretty quickly in that long run. Don't want to get too crazy. I'd like you to "Chill" at the 13 mile mile mark for the long run for the next two weeks...then we can go back up again.
For the PMC - Your FTP might be keeps saying your 55mile rides are 250+ TSS done in Z4. Maybe check that out?
Question - Seems like you can get an AM session in (say Trainer Road) and sometimes an evening short session in. If that's the case, I'd take this type of week:
No Kids Week
This gets you a swim, 4 rides @ 7h-ish, 5 runs at 25-30 miles.
Kids Week
This gets you a swim, 4 rides @ 5h (but harder work) and 4 runs in the 20 to 23 range.
Let me know what you think!
~ Coach P
Ok, I'll look at the dashboard...I'm still learning this system so bear with me.
Run - 10-4, will do.
PMC - Odd, I'm showing different information that what you're seeing then. I do know the batteries died in my PM on my last long ride (already replaced) so that info is whack. I attached a couple screenshots of what I'm seeing.
Schedule - Because I get the boys during the week every week some of those nights will/won't work. May I propose this as an option without overloading you with dates/times when I have the boys?
Weekday/end I do NOT have the boys this would work
Mon - AM Trainer / PM 4 miler
Tue - OFF
Wed - AM Trainer / PM 4 miler
Thu - AM Long Run
Fri - Swim (or off if you swam Monday)
Sat - Ride 3 to 3.5h Steady, Brick
Sun - Ride 1.5h, Brick
Weekday/end I do have the boys this would work
Mon - AM Trainer / PM 4 miler
Tue - AM Swim
Wed - AM Trainer / PM 4 miler
Thu - AM Long Run
Fri - Short Run with Strides
Sat - Ride 1.5h Tempo / Zone 3
Sun - Ride 1.5h Tempo / Zone 3
I don't want to cause too much stress with my schedule as it can be chaotic with the boys sports. We start lacrosse games this weekend so I'll get an idea of they work and if I can spin while watching them.
I'm also not against getting up at 4:00am to get on the trianer and getting in long rides before they are up on weekday/ends.
As for the data on those rides...crazy. Note I did have to go into the files and delete stuff (one ride you got in car and drive 2 hours so the TSS was super high at 51mph!!!).
Your modified weeks are will need to do more on the Sat rides, but not yet. The ramp on your fitness is pretty good..let's see how the next two weeks go first!
~ Coach P
Looks like the notification emails on the reply went into my spam so I apologize...I didn't see it.
The last few weeks have been really rough and the schedule hasn't played nicely at all. I'm way under where I should be but have some time this weekend to get long rides in. I'm starting to take Fridays off to make sure the training is getting done.
Took pops for a ride with the bike and chariot and all went well. Will need some much bigger gearing but I will work on that. The weight difference is significant when pulling him and I'll have a LOT of bike work to do. A total weight of about 500+ pounds.
I was averaging 12mph for the 13 miles we did...which I realize isn't fast and won't cut it or very long in distance but it was the initial test of the setup with stock gearing. Will be looking into a compact crank and how large of a gear set I can get.
Also took the boys out in the kayak just to test the hookup and how that all worked...not bad at all! Besides the water being in the mid 50's. The resistance is minimal...which I was very happy to feel. The boys are short bye about 60lbs compared to pops but I don't envision this being much of an issue to be honest. The strap I did buy to pull the kayak came with a water parachute. So I could do some swimming with resistance IN the water during the winter at the YMCA.
I'll be more attentive to this thread and I believe the the emails going to my spam folder have been fixed.
Thanks, Coach.
ps - good call on the long rides, those are the big difference maker and can really jump start the fitness. Remember we're not training to the same level as you have in the past, you are building it to your engine… So be patient.
I thought I'd post a nutritional race report for you to glance at when you have a chance. I haven't been home yet to upload the data from the weekend but figured I'd start with this.
75% of an everything bagel with plain peanut butter
¾ of a 32oz gatorade
Drank about 1/2 a bottle of Gatorade (32oz).
First 4 miles I ate a Honey Stinger Waffle, 75% of Honey Stinger Energy Chews, 12oz of Gatorade Endurance (GE, 3 scoops per bottle). Really tried to keep HR in Z2 at this point as I needed to chow down. After 4 miles the rolling hills started. They were steep enough that I couldn’t eat/drink while climbing, I needed to have both hands on the bars for ascending and descending. I did my best to eat/drink when I crested the climbs or had a flat...which was minimal.
Miles 4-13 (about 1:20 in) I had drank 1.25 bottles of GE and 1 waffle.
Miles 13-26 Finished another 1.5 bottles of GE and pack of Energy Chews. Most of the liquid and food was done bye mile 22. I had eaten all of the nutrition I had brought with me.
Drank about ½ bottle of Gatorade (32oz).
Base salt- 2 licks per mile...I think I missed 1 or 2 though during the 6.2 miles. Drank about 22oz of GE (2 scoops in bottle). Felt great the entire run.
The climbs were brutal on the bike and the legs were tired nearing the end but I felt great otherwise. I was excited to see how I felt on the run when starting out. I had energy and was good to go.
The first 2 miles of the run has some ascending in them and I started running but ended up walking a good portion of it as it takes a LOT of energy to run up hills while pushing Pops. Once we crested I started running. Was keeping about a 9:30 pace while running on flats/descents.
* on both the bike and the run you will have to learn how to use the terrain to your vantage. There is a massive cost for pushing to hard up a big hill so momentum is your friend. Very different cycling style
Nice work!
~ Coach P
I like the thought of being a ninja. But I'm afraid I'm too tall...
- I will add a banana to my T1
- I have aero bars on the road bike and can put my speedfil there. I'll test that out to see if that will work good enough.
Kristin and I were thinking about heading out to Boulder for the weekend of 8/5. Unbeknownst to us it's the same weekend of Boulder 70.3! I reached out to my contact at WTC and they said they could get me in if I wanted it. The bike course is 90% the same and the run is completely different. But I thought this might be a great chance to get a race in at that altitude.
Dumb luck that it happened to be the same weekend...or was it meant to be? Granted it's 2 weeks after IMLP so I'll hardly be in racing form but thought about pushing hard and seeing what the altitude does to me as well as arriving two days before and the effects that might have.
Your thoughts would be appreciated on this!
Honestly, I can't think of a better way for you to test your set up and gain valuable experience. If you think of it, doing a half that close to your four will give me the sensation of what it means to be "second lap tired" on race day.
You will need some significant time off both before and after Boulder, but you will have earned it!
let me know what you need from me to make it happen!
Well, that certainly didn't go as planned, but a finish is a finish.
Bike nutrition:
Bottle of GE (Gatorade Endurance) every 45 minutes.
00:00 (hh:mm) 2 licks of base salt
00:15 - half a waffle stinger
00:30 - 2 licks of base salt
00:45 - half a waffle stinger
Throughout the hour snacking on 1 pack of Stinger Chomps.
Any sort of effort my HR would zoom into Z4/5. Not sure why but even descending it would sit in Z3 sometimes.
04:30 bike stomach started to not feel the greatest.
05:00 I couldn't put anything else in it, I knew I wasn't digesting. But would occasionally try and put some more chomps in and keep sipping GE.
Consultation from you at the beginning of the run.
Started working with Coke at the next aid station at the bottom of the hill. I kept my HR in Z1 as much as I could. Occasionally it would creep into Z2 but I would back off immediately. I felt pregnant; nothing was digesting.
Mile 8 I knew I was in trouble if I didn't start digesting. So I layed down at the medical tent and put my feet up. Stayed there for about 45 minutes until my stomach kicked in and started working. Once that started happening I was able to get running. I kept doing coke the rest of the run. I used the base salt once and a while but not nearly as much as I should have. I was nervous at that point of overloading and crashing again. I would also be sipping water and chewing on ice cubes.
The last 2 miles were a real struggle as I could feel dehydration kicking in with all the usual symptoms.
It's crazy to think about what was accomplished on such little training. I know the engine is there and it needs a little help. But I'm severely lacking in what my body needs for nutrition (obviously).
8/5 - Ironman Boulder 70.3 (individual) - No intentions of 'racing' this. More of a recon of the course and just dumb luck that it was the same weekend @Kristin Kandiel and I were going out there.
9/10 - Ironman Lake Placid 70.3 (individual) - Now no intentions of 'racing' this because of the following week.
9/17 - Rev3 Barrleman 70.3 (w/ Pops) - An unexpected 70.3 popped up that we are able to do as a team. It's a VERY flat course and thought would be a good test at the half distance with him.
lets do a bit of math...ok, mostly you:
* GE calories, sodium per serving
* waffle calories, sodium per serving
* chomps calories, sodium per serving
if if you get me that we can do the math on you hourly.
Have you used base before?
finally, did you get to your food / fuel plan using the EN Sweat Test protocol? Or on your own?
~ Coach P
This is what I was taking up till 4:30 on the bike when I started to notice I wasn't digesting. My HR was crazy high at any sort of effort. Even the new out and back coasting down hill I was staying Z3.
I've used base before for training and haven't had issues before.
The sweat test was a standard 1hr Z2 ride on the trainer.
I'm game for starting from scratch for nutrition if I need to, that's my weak spot.
Did it literally only happen on race day another day before? Another day after? What did they say the medical tent? Were you dehydrated or over hydrated?
so let me know what the medical people said, as well as your pre-and post race heart rate symptoms or lack there of, and let's plan on you switching to something like salt stick capsules versus base for the bike… And considering power bar products.
I did try the powerbar and it was sitting like rocks. So I didn't use them for IMLP 70.3
I modified the plan and really broke down the numbers and had MUCH better results. Not sure if that's what my gut can handle at this point but it worked.
I got away from GE. Being able to carry 3 bottles on the bike I wanted to try Tailwind and I've read a lot of good things about it. Also, with having Pops in his chair for future races he can carry the powder and mix my bottles for me. He's got to do something otherwise he'll be bored.
I didn't "race" yesterday, I participated and completed in 6:32. Spent about 90% of the run in Z1/2 and felt great all day. I seriously could have kept going...was an awesome feeling.
Here's a shot of my nutrition.
Hour 3 on the bike is a cliff bar because I dropped some of my nutrition wearing's darn gold man! So I got that from an aid station.
Would love to hear your thoughts on this. This coming Sunday I do have the Rev3 Barrelman with will be our first 70.3
Not race related I had a dr apt and I appear to have PF in both feet...and it's getting bad quick. After Rev3 Sunday I'll need to get that figured out. I've been icing, rolling, stretching like crazy but if you have any tips/tricks I'd love them. Only have it when I run...cycling is good.
As for the PF that can really suck. Gotta shut the run down post Rev to recover. For mitigation, reduced running and night splint / boot can help. You might need inserts in your shoes (if it's functional) or it could just be a Ramping up of the run? What do you think?
Eccentric calf work can help too:
this is standing on the edge of the step on both feet. Co-op on the balls of your toes with both feet, take 1 foot off and lower yourself down slowly until they heal us all the way down. Then both feet onto stand up then lift up the same foot and lower the other one down. This will lengthen and strengthen the Achilles.
ps love the idea of giving pops something to do.
Ok, I'll up the sodium this coming Sunday since it will be longer. Any recommended amount?
What about the calories and carbs?
I just got some inserts for the shoes the other day. I've been doing the routine like crazy trying to keep it at bay until after Sunday. I brought a tennis and golf ball to work and I literally roll it almost all day. As for the boot and socks I'm looking into how much insurance will cover if any.
Will add that stretch to the regiment.
Ok, that's over. Stupid hot. Stupid roads.
I tried to do a bottle every 45 minutes instead of an hour to make up for the heat index. I got full by 3hrs into the bike and really had to back off on the nutrition. I did keep pumping an extra salt pill every hour though.
Incredible headwind for much of the ride on lousy roads made for a very slow bike. There was one minor hill that I was able to rest on the descent. Otherwise it was very minimal and no time to rest. With the extra weight of Pops even a slight decline doesn't allow me to rest. We lose our speed. With the larger descents I can coast for quite sometime allowing my HR to come down.
Where I know I need to work...
- Core
- Upper body strength. I did the swim in 42 minutes but was pretty tired about 32 minutes in and could feel it while pushing the chair on the run.
- Bike engine. I avg'd about 13mph for the 56 miles. Which would put me about an 8:30hr bike. I'd to be upwards of 15 for IMCO which is about 7:30. I think that's possible considering the descents, extra speed, and being able to rest on those.
My body is pretty shot from 2 70.3's in 7 days with one of them doing it as a team with Pops. So, I need some time off to regroup.
I'd love to have a phone conversation if possible about our plan, what you envision, where we are going, etc.
With that I'd like to talk about some PR stuff too...should I do that with @Mariah Bridges?
And just reaching out to Mariah. Please use the red chat button at the bottom of the Endurance Nation website to send her pictures and your message and she'll get back to you.
So, I have our notes from the call and looking at the plan for right now in the gDoc, you are due to be on our Run Durability Program. This is a building part of the year...consistency, not intensity. So even through you are struggling with your feet (what's the update for me?) you aren't necessarily behind at all.
Our goal now is to get you consistent through 1/8/18, such that you hit that date healthy and ready to race again.
So we need a basic week you can execute to stay fit and not take a big step back. Here is my proposed week for you:
Please tell me what you think of ^^that^^ schedule and we can then set some targets for you in the document.
Also, update on the feet please!
~ Coach P
Feet - I've gotten the new shoes NB 1340 Stability and they have definitely helped my healing process! I even ran a mile yesterday on a treadmill. Was a little tender after and this morning but with the other shoes I could barely walk this is definitely a positive! I will keep with the same progression of treatment as each day they seem to get better and better. I don't expect them to be better in a week...they've been hurting for months now so I have to be patient.
Went for a ride on Sunday...nothing crazy just 20 miles...was nice to get out! Except my bum forgot what a saddle felt like. Ouch.
For the schedule what would the chances be of swapping Monday and Tuesday? We have a group that gets together for Monday night spin I'd love to be part of again.
Thank you for your time.
Will continue to continue to do my exercises and progress. They are getting a little bit better daily.
Right now we are in the Run Durability / Foundational Phase through 12/24. Goals are:
G1: Return to Running
Please see our Run Re-Entry Protocol here. You should print and follow, all the walks and the runs. You might move beyond it quickly, but it's a great starting point. You can warm up on trainer too if that helps.
G2: Bike Intervals
We spoke about this briefly, and the Run Durability plan has some biking in it, but if you are rolling your own, let's do something like what I have outline in Sheet 2 of your gDOC. Please keep the cadence up and don't worry about hitting certain watts or HR, just use Perceived Exertion until you are truly healthy.
G3: Core and Strength
I am sure you have a basic program only edits are:
- No more than 45' of total weight lifting time please (prevents mega sets like 6 x bench press)
- Use dumbbells for any upper body stuff
- Super set all lifting with a short core piece: Think bench then 30 crunches then bench then 30 back extensions, etc.
- Please Include Glute Work: Single Leg Straight Deadlift with Dumbells (video), Dumbell Step Ups on a short Block that is 12 to 18 inches tall (Video here, note the bench in the video is too high!), and finally Glute Bridge Hip Thrusts (Video here). With all glute work, please remember to put pressure on your big toe as this really activates your glutes!
G4: Body CompYou know your body really well, so let's lock in a goal weight and make good decisions to minimize unhealthy weight gain in the Winter. Get a number, print it out and keep it handy so you can stay on track!!
Thanks for the information.
G2: I don't really want to roll on my I want you to say "Jeff, do this!" and off I go. If there are specific TR workouts you want me doing I can do them. But for now I've added everything you listed on Sheet 2 to my TP account. I'm guessing the Day 1&2 are 1hr long rides? Not sure of total duration.
G4: I've joined a strength/fit club from 11/13-12/25. They are doing a 42 day challenge and I want to use that to "kick start" and get my butt kicked by some people. I'd still like to SBR though during this as well.
When I raced IMLP '13 I weighed in at 199 and at 6'6" I looked like I was a meth head, I was too skinny and not enough muscle mass. I'd like to be about 210 with more muscle for IMCO. I think that's an achievable goal for me as I know once my training starts strong the weight will start to fall off of me. My weight responds well to consistent training.
Been using the motion control shoes and started having some knee issues but we found that my Achilles still isn't lining up correctly. Went and had my feet scanned for testing and we tried different inserts. Basically it comes down to (at this point) motion control shoes with very stiff inserts is what will help keep my arch in place.
We did different testing scenarios with all of my running shoes and inserts and determined which one 'felt the best' at that moment. So we are going to give this a shot. I'm working on getting a script for some PT to help this process along as well. It's come a long ways in the last couple weeks though.
First ride in the books.
Few things, not sure where we left off tracking the workouts but I've marked Sheet2 that I completed it along with a link to the TR workout.
Not sure if you want this link but it's to my TR history.
I've also put everything into TrainingPeaks in case you're interested in HR data as well.
As for Body Comp, here’s a pretty simple way to get things started:
Hope you guys had a great Halloween!