@Coach Patrick, Got some rides and run/walks in. I'm trying to find the right combination of inserts/sneakers for my feet. It's very strange...to say the least. But am maintaining the level of discomfort with the addition of walk/runs so I think there is some progress there oddly enough.
I didn't get the long ride in over the weekend...mostly because I suck. But I have tomorrow off from work so I've plugged it in for then.
Let me know if you need my TP credentials again or if you still have them.
I will watch the video tonight as I have some time after my ride.
@Coach Patrick I'm actually not sure what's worse...the fact you know the rhythm to line dancing or that I had no idea that was it.
I was going to post last night but then had a call from mom....we're outside, can we come in? Got distracted and never got back to it.
Lots of updates! 1) Yes, I missed the long ride and I'll do better at that. I'll also update the spreadsheet we have with more information on completed workouts. So far that ride is the only one I've missed, been doing everything else.
II) They don't have an elliptical but I have one at my local YMCA I can try out before the workout begins. I have orientation on Saturday for the cross training and will get more info then. I might do the first couple days without the elliptical just to see what it's like and how taxing it will be. I don't want to start with the elliptical and not finish the workouts on my first and second day. I will report back with that.
C) I do have one of the socks and have been wearing it.
Quatro) I had a last minute opportunity to get some PT on Tuesday and they did a 1hr assessment and found all sorts of problems with my leg/glute muscles not firing and not engaging properly which is causing nerve damage to my feet. I go back tomorrow for some more testing and learn how to fix these issues. He said if I can run...then run. But if I'm in serious pain after then I'm not helping myself. He doesn't think PF is the issue and the fallen arch is just a symptom of what's not working properly. He's encouraged as he's seen this before and had the person up and going in just a couple weeks of being back to full running.
5) The walk/run has been just fine. I did learn yesterday that until I get this foot issue straightened out that my Newtons are BIG TIME OUT! I could barely walk after. I'm going to try one other combination tomorrow of shoes/inserts to see how that feels. And based off that I'll use a certain combination until PT gets me going in the right direction. I feel I could do more than what's prescribed but don't want to go too crazy with it until PT has me sorted out.
@“jeff Cornick” - thanks for the update!!! The journey continues...its great to see how you are continuing to adjust and make improvements to your routine.
That PT assessment is very interesting...it’s entirely possible that you can see some good things from improving that part of your kinetic chain. Keep me posted.
@Coach Patrick Did you notice my number system from the last message? Now you're going back to look aren't you...
1) PT has been going really well! We've narrowed down some issues but yesterday I really perplexed him. We did a running text where he hooks up some measuring devices to my legs and has me go run. It takes all sorts of measurements and puts them in a report. Screen shots will be at the bottom of this message. He was hoping for some very asymmetrical problem that would make it easier to get back to normalcy but that wasn't the case. He was actually very impressed with the results of the test.
2) Feet are getting better and better. Some days you'd never know I had an issue and some days they still hurt quite a bit. But the fact that I'm at the point of them not hurting at all some days is a good sign.
3) This FIT class I'm doing is HARDCORE. I'm crushed after each session of it...thankfully the soreness is going away as the week progresses but definitely feeling it!
@“jeff Cornick” - yes!!! Reminded me of something I’d see in Three Amigos!!
Thank you for passing along those charts and the information. I definitely see a slight discrepancy to the right like in terms of being faster than the left, but it does bring up a few more questions:
A – did you really do the test at 158 cadence? That’s about 22 beats slower than I would want. What is your normal Running cadence? Have you ever tried to run at 180 steps per minute? If so, what happened?
2 — have they checked you for a leg length discrepancy? It’s not a perfect science without an X ray but would be interesting to know.
Tres — start adding notes to your tp.com schedule...rating your leg happiness so maybe we can find a pattern!!!
@Coach Patrick I think we were posting at the same time...
A) Yea, I've been trying to slow my cadence down with longer strides. Early in the stages of trying to diagnose my issues he was curious to know if all the strides I was taking was wearing me out faster...? So mental note of trying to up my cadence. I don't think I've EVER measured my cadence for running...I just went out and did it until the ART guy said to try less steps...but longer strides.
2) I've never had an actual X-ray done for leg discrepancy but when I've gone for chiro or ART work they notice one is longer than the other...but that doesn't mean anything since it can be hip/pelvis position, etc.
Part of the FIT class I'm doing it takes some measurements...not sure how scientific they are with the % of body fat but it is what it is.
I'm embarrassed and ashamed...to be honest. But don't want to hide the fact that I'm heavier than I thought I was. As of 11/11 - Weight: 237.4 Fat: 21.4% BMI: 27.4 (BMI has been a joke for a long time...I'm not thin anymore but I'm certainly not .6 away from being obese)
@Coach Patrick I'm not sure what type of schedule you'll come up with but if it helps I'd be willing to take Friday's off when I have the boys to get in long training rides. Not sure if that's an option or not but I'd save my time off just for that.
Jeff, I appreciate the honesty and the focus. The numbers hurt, but whether it’s good or bad you are still in control of them. That’s the most important thing.
I could see you getting in a long ride every 3 to 4 weeks right now if that is an option for early this season as in the winter. Thanks I guess for right now it is simple and focused on the consistency is that will do the most to improve your situation.
There will always be setbacks, the important thing is to just keep moving forward.
Even if I just means going for a walk for 20 minutes, I can make a difference.
I know you are mentally in the game, it’s doing our best to keep your body on the same path that is going to be the trick. I’ll go check out the update.
@Coach Patrick Feeling like I'm completely healthy again and going strong! Got in a 2.5hr ride on Friday and will have time this weekend to get another one in. My goal was to get at least 2 - 2hr rides, 2- 2.5hr, and 2 - 3hr rides before the new year so I should be good with that schedule.
The weight is coming off and I'm feeling better about myself too.
Momentum!! I love how the tide is turning for you! You certainly are ready for and deserve some goodness after all you’ve been through.
The key thing here is remember not to get too excited about any particular element of your training. We are slow and steady and smart. All of that adds up to a level of consistency that will help you achieve and perhaps exceed your goals.
@Coach Patrick Oh, I'm excited...but I'll keep it to a minimum. I'm just excited about training in general and the progress it's making. I haven't been this excited to train since IMLP13 so it's very refreshing and I feel like the drive is coming back. Granted we are 7 months away and that's a lot of training hours still to complete but to be where I'm at compared to where I was 2 months ago is a massive difference.
Another 2.5hr ride in the books over the weekend. I'm continuing with PT twice and week and the feet are getting better. I've been putting in TP the status of my feet when they are really bad.
@Coach Patrick Not sure how much you're looking at the data in TP but I noticed the zones are all off for the bike. I'll have to fix that.
During an interval. for example 30 minutes. I'm at 200w in Z3. Nearing the end of the interval I'll creep up into Z4 for the same power. Do I drop the power and stay in Z3 or let it go into Z4 for the remaining minute(s)?
I knew emotions played a factor in how your body responds but it's amazing to see what happens to your HR when you're training and you get emotional. During the long rides I find myself thinking about race day and the experience with Pops and I can feel my HR climbing up and out of the zones I'm suppose to be in. Once noticed I change my thought pattern and down it comes. Very interesting!
Below is a SS of what I have left scheduled based on what you gave me. Not sure what you want me doing after that...
@“Jeff Cornick” - It’s incredible to see the weight loss, and I’m super excited for you to have that momentum as we enter the holiday season. Even if you just stay steady, that’s a huge win. My guess is you’ll do even better than that.
I don’t control the zones on Trainingpeaks, they have their own calculators so it’s up to you if you want to change that. I honestly never look at them so your call.
The heart rate Delta doesn’t make a difference and yes emotion plays a role. As you get fitter we will start to see those numbers drop a bit more as well for the same effort. That should be happening right around the new year based off of your return to exercise.
I would like you to join our outs season training program on January 8. In other words, keep up the same basic training program right now, nothing big or flashy. Ideally you can ride a little more during the winter break if you have the time off… I don’t want you to go run crazy just because I’m assuming you will have limited physical therapy at that time.
The outseason starts on January 8 and you can find that training program on our site under than my plan section, I would suggest you load the intermediate bike focused out season plan. Let me know if you need more help with that!
@Coach Patrick, I've added the JOS to my calendar. @Kristin Kandiel helped me get it setup and gave me the run down of it and how it works.
Reading through all 14 weeks I saw that there is only optional swimming until a certain point and if your race is less than 8 weeks out. Do you think I should start swimming earlier because I'm not just swimming...I'm pulling a boat! Either way, I trust your judgement.
Total Changes:
Weight: -17.2lbs
Fat %: -3.1
BMI: -2
Week 6:
Weight: 220.2 (-4.6)
Fat %: 18.3 (+.5) - not sure how this can be possible when I lost so much weight. From my reading; if I'm dehydrated that will make the fat % look higher on the device....which is my guess because 4.6lbs is a lot in one week.
There are optional swims in the Mondays and Fridays if those fit your schedule. Either way, I’m all right with you just swimming once a week for the first phase (five weeks) of the outs season. I’d like to make sure you can adapt to the interval on the bike.
Very important to remember that I don’t really want you doing any intensity on the run… It’s all about consistency!
Speaking of consistency, if you lose anymore weight I might not be able to find you on race weekend!
@Coach Patrick Sorry for the long drought in responding. Been a bit crazy here with holidays and then we lost two family members in the same day...lots of travel and with that missed several workouts.
My final numbers are in for the challenge. Of which I got all my money back because I crushed the goal.
Week 1:
Weight: 237.4
Fat %: 21.4
BMI: 27.4
Final numbers: Weight: 212.6 Fat %: 13.6 BMI: 24.6
So sorry to hear about your loss, both of them. :-(
I am glad to see that you are just as strong in the new year as you were last year. When you get a chance, give me an update on your foot. My guess is that your improved body composition has really help the situation.
If you concur, maybe we set up some kind of an upper limit for your body comp so we know where you’re happy place is!
The feet were getting worse and worse so I've mixed up my daily routine for rolling, stretching, etc and that's helped enormously. I'm going to stay on this routine and see if my progress continues.
I've had to move workouts around quite a bit to make sure I get everything in and with that has come some fatigue...big time. I wasn't getting enough rest between hard/long workouts and they started to suffer. As was evident in my 30/20 ride last wednesday where I couldn't even get out of the first set. I was Z4 for just the warmup. I decided to fold that workout and battle another day. Not sure if that was the right call but I felt like I needed to.
I added a day off (yesterday) before the 30/20 and that made huge difference in the ride. Yet, still getting all my workouts in.
Here is a SS of my TP account since the beginning of the OS. I'm pleased with the amount of training I'm getting in and I feel like they are all quality workouts and I'm hitting the marks as you desire in the notes.
Thanks for the update and info. My thoughts for you:
20 miles a week right now is FINE so continue that for sure...and try to go every other day running or keep the runs short and as close to 24 hours apart as you can,.
Keep that bike rolling...it would be nice to see you around 100 miles in the next four weeks, especially if we are capping the runs.
500 TSS is a good baseline. Ideally by March you are closer to 650...as part of the progression.
@Coach Patrick The 24hr break is important for my feet I'm finding out at this point. It's tough to make that work with kids schedule but I'll do my best. When the weather gets nicer it will be easier to manage that.
During the next four weeks how do I get up to 100 miles doing only 3 rides? That comes out to 26+MPH...I'm not you! lol
Should I be adding rides during week more than what's listed on the OS plan or making the 3 rides longer?
The body comp has come up a bit in weight as the challenge ended at Xmas. It's weight that NEEDED to come back on though. I was seriously struggling with dehydration and lack of calories for my workouts. I'm back up to about 220 and the weight has been consistent with eating and training. It will start to come back off now that the training is scheduled and I can get into a regular routine that can fuel my body the correct way. I'm figuring about 215 for race day with the extra muscle I've added at this point.
I think 215 is a good, healthy number for you like you said. Nothing wrong with stressing your body back-and-forth with some games, but we also have to make sure it has enough fuel to be strong during your workouts. If anything, make 100% sure that you nail the recovery bit after every workout. Go away for that chocolate milk or that protein shake as it sets the tone for the rest of your day.
Getting to 100 miles isn’t rocket science, you just have to write more. So either that’s longer is the individual sessions or adding a fourth one. My first suggestion is to add that fourth work out on Friday as an easy spin. Something like 45 minutes to an hour that you can do maybe while the kids are sleeping? It’s less work it’s just a free 18 miles on your schedule.
The other option is to extend some of the other weekly workouts but the longer warm up or steady after the main set. I don’t know how much availability you have to train during the week so I want to be respectful of that. Assuming we’re talking about five hours, with a 2 to 2 1/2 hour ride on the weekend. So we’re trying to solve to 90 minute rides or three won our rides during the week.
Let me know which of the two options you think is best.
Getting to 100 miles isn’t rocket science, you just have to write more. So either that’s longer is the individual sessions or adding a fourth one. My first suggestion is to add that fourth work out on Friday as an easy spin. Something like 45 minutes to an hour that you can do maybe while the kids are sleeping? It’s less work it’s just a free 18 miles on your schedule.
The other option is to extend some of the other weekly workouts but the longer warm up or steady after the main set. I don’t know how much availability you have to train during the week so I want to be respectful of that. Assuming we’re talking about five hours, with a 2 to 2 1/2 hour ride on the weekend. So we’re trying to solve to 90 minute rides or three won our rides during the week.
Let me know which of the two options you think is best.
@Coach Patrick I didn't realize I was "allowed" to do that. I'll start immediately getting up there. I had been wondering if I was riding enough as it was so I'm glad to hear you saying that.
Should I still limit my long ride to 2.5hrs?
I had to push my testing to next week as I was out of town all this week. Still got some really solid rides/runs in but no way I could test.
Got some rides and run/walks in. I'm trying to find the right combination of inserts/sneakers for my feet. It's very strange...to say the least. But am maintaining the level of discomfort with the addition of walk/runs so I think there is some progress there oddly enough.
I didn't get the long ride in over the weekend...mostly because I suck. But I have tomorrow off from work so I've plugged it in for then.
Let me know if you need my TP credentials again or if you still have them.
I will watch the video tonight as I have some time after my ride.
Ps, I've never walked so much in my life.
perspective. Two steps forward one step back isn’t just about line dancing.
those rides are key in terms of your aerobic conditioning so let's try to be as consistents as possible.
Any updates on cross training? Is the elliptical machine an option? Wondering how close to running we can get you.
Also, did you ever get that night splint?
I'm actually not sure what's worse...the fact you know the rhythm to line dancing or that I had no idea that was it.
I was going to post last night but then had a call from mom....we're outside, can we come in? Got distracted and never got back to it.
Lots of updates!
1) Yes, I missed the long ride and I'll do better at that. I'll also update the spreadsheet we have with more information on completed workouts. So far that ride is the only one I've missed, been doing everything else.
II) They don't have an elliptical but I have one at my local YMCA I can try out before the workout begins. I have orientation on Saturday for the cross training and will get more info then. I might do the first couple days without the elliptical just to see what it's like and how taxing it will be. I don't want to start with the elliptical and not finish the workouts on my first and second day. I will report back with that.
C) I do have one of the socks and have been wearing it.
Quatro) I had a last minute opportunity to get some PT on Tuesday and they did a 1hr assessment and found all sorts of problems with my leg/glute muscles not firing and not engaging properly which is causing nerve damage to my feet. I go back tomorrow for some more testing and learn how to fix these issues. He said if I can run...then run. But if I'm in serious pain after then I'm not helping myself. He doesn't think PF is the issue and the fallen arch is just a symptom of what's not working properly. He's encouraged as he's seen this before and had the person up and going in just a couple weeks of being back to full running.
5) The walk/run has been just fine. I did learn yesterday that until I get this foot issue straightened out that my Newtons are BIG TIME OUT! I could barely walk after. I'm going to try one other combination tomorrow of shoes/inserts to see how that feels. And based off that I'll use a certain combination until PT gets me going in the right direction. I feel I could do more than what's prescribed but don't want to go too crazy with it until PT has me sorted out.
I think that's it...
That PT assessment is very interesting...it’s entirely possible that you can see some good things from improving that part of your kinetic chain. Keep me posted.
Did you notice my number system from the last message? Now you're going back to look aren't you...
1) PT has been going really well! We've narrowed down some issues but yesterday I really perplexed him. We did a running text where he hooks up some measuring devices to my legs and has me go run. It takes all sorts of measurements and puts them in a report. Screen shots will be at the bottom of this message. He was hoping for some very asymmetrical problem that would make it easier to get back to normalcy but that wasn't the case. He was actually very impressed with the results of the test.
2) Feet are getting better and better. Some days you'd never know I had an issue and some days they still hurt quite a bit. But the fact that I'm at the point of them not hurting at all some days is a good sign.
3) This FIT class I'm doing is HARDCORE. I'm crushed after each session of it...thankfully the soreness is going away as the week progresses but definitely feeling it!
2 — have they checked you for a leg length discrepancy? It’s not a perfect science without an X ray but would be interesting to know.
Tres — start adding notes to your tp.com schedule...rating your leg happiness so maybe we can find a pattern!!!
I think we were posting at the same time...
A) Yea, I've been trying to slow my cadence down with longer strides. Early in the stages of trying to diagnose my issues he was curious to know if all the strides I was taking was wearing me out faster...? So mental note of trying to up my cadence. I don't think I've EVER measured my cadence for running...I just went out and did it until the ART guy said to try less steps...but longer strides.
2) I've never had an actual X-ray done for leg discrepancy but when I've gone for chiro or ART work they notice one is longer than the other...but that doesn't mean anything since it can be hip/pelvis position, etc.
一到十) Will start doing that today!
Forgot to post all of this info...
Part of the FIT class I'm doing it takes some measurements...not sure how scientific they are with the % of body fat but it is what it is.
I'm embarrassed and ashamed...to be honest. But don't want to hide the fact that I'm heavier than I thought I was.
As of 11/11 -
Weight: 237.4
Fat: 21.4%
BMI: 27.4 (BMI has been a joke for a long time...I'm not thin anymore but I'm certainly not .6 away from being obese)
This is printed in 3 locations in my place.
I'm not sure what type of schedule you'll come up with but if it helps I'd be willing to take Friday's off when I have the boys to get in long training rides. Not sure if that's an option or not but I'd save my time off just for that.
Just a thought.
Weigh in this morning.
I did workout this morning and feel like I'm over the hump...but still sluggish. Will update the spreadsheet with information.
Total Changes:
Week 3:
Weight: 232
Fat %: 19.7
BMI: 26.8
Week 2:
Week 1:
Weight: 237.4
Fat %: 21.4
BMI: 27.4
Feeling like I'm completely healthy again and going strong! Got in a 2.5hr ride on Friday and will have time this weekend to get another one in. My goal was to get at least 2 - 2hr rides, 2- 2.5hr, and 2 - 3hr rides before the new year so I should be good with that schedule.
The weight is coming off and I'm feeling better about myself too.
Total Changes:
Week 4:
Week 3:
Weight: 232
Fat %: 19.7
BMI: 26.8
Week 2:
Week 1:
Weight: 237.4
Fat %: 21.4
BMI: 27.4
Oh, I'm excited...but I'll keep it to a minimum. I'm just excited about training in general and the progress it's making. I haven't been this excited to train since IMLP13 so it's very refreshing and I feel like the drive is coming back. Granted we are 7 months away and that's a lot of training hours still to complete but to be where I'm at compared to where I was 2 months ago is a massive difference.
Another 2.5hr ride in the books over the weekend. I'm continuing with PT twice and week and the feet are getting better. I've been putting in TP the status of my feet when they are really bad.
Not sure how much you're looking at the data in TP but I noticed the zones are all off for the bike. I'll have to fix that.
During an interval. for example 30 minutes. I'm at 200w in Z3. Nearing the end of the interval I'll creep up into Z4 for the same power. Do I drop the power and stay in Z3 or let it go into Z4 for the remaining minute(s)?
I knew emotions played a factor in how your body responds but it's amazing to see what happens to your HR when you're training and you get emotional. During the long rides I find myself thinking about race day and the experience with Pops and I can feel my HR climbing up and out of the zones I'm suppose to be in. Once noticed I change my thought pattern and down it comes. Very interesting!
Below is a SS of what I have left scheduled based on what you gave me. Not sure what you want me doing after that...
The outseason starts on January 8 and you can find that training program on our site under than my plan section, I would suggest you load the intermediate bike focused out season plan. Let me know if you need more help with that!
I've added the JOS to my calendar. @Kristin Kandiel helped me get it setup and gave me the run down of it and how it works.
Reading through all 14 weeks I saw that there is only optional swimming until a certain point and if your race is less than 8 weeks out. Do you think I should start swimming earlier because I'm not just swimming...I'm pulling a boat!
Sorry for the long drought in responding. Been a bit crazy here with holidays and then we lost two family members in the same day...lots of travel and with that missed several workouts.
My final numbers are in for the challenge. Of which I got all my money back because I crushed the goal.
Final numbers:
Weight: 212.6
Fat %: 13.6
BMI: 24.6
Weight: 24.8
Fat %: 7.8
BMI: 2.8
The feet were getting worse and worse so I've mixed up my daily routine for rolling, stretching, etc and that's helped enormously. I'm going to stay on this routine and see if my progress continues.
I've had to move workouts around quite a bit to make sure I get everything in and with that has come some fatigue...big time. I wasn't getting enough rest between hard/long workouts and they started to suffer. As was evident in my 30/20 ride last wednesday where I couldn't even get out of the first set. I was Z4 for just the warmup. I decided to fold that workout and battle another day. Not sure if that was the right call but I felt like I needed to.
I added a day off (yesterday) before the 30/20 and that made huge difference in the ride. Yet, still getting all my workouts in.
Here is a SS of my TP account since the beginning of the OS. I'm pleased with the amount of training I'm getting in and I feel like they are all quality workouts and I'm hitting the marks as you desire in the notes.
Thanks for the update and info. My thoughts for you:
- 20 miles a week right now is FINE so continue that for sure...and try to go every other day running or keep the runs short and as close to 24 hours apart as you can,.
- Keep that bike rolling...it would be nice to see you around 100 miles in the next four weeks, especially if we are capping the runs.
- 500 TSS is a good baseline. Ideally by March you are closer to 650...as part of the progression.
How is the body comp going!?~ Coach P
The 24hr break is important for my feet I'm finding out at this point. It's tough to make that work with kids schedule but I'll do my best. When the weather gets nicer it will be easier to manage that.
During the next four weeks how do I get up to 100 miles doing only 3 rides? That comes out to 26+MPH...I'm not you! lol
Should I be adding rides during week more than what's listed on the OS plan or making the 3 rides longer?
The body comp has come up a bit in weight as the challenge ended at Xmas. It's weight that NEEDED to come back on though. I was seriously struggling with dehydration and lack of calories for my workouts. I'm back up to about 220 and the weight has been consistent with eating and training. It will start to come back off now that the training is scheduled and I can get into a regular routine that can fuel my body the correct way. I'm figuring about 215 for race day with the extra muscle I've added at this point.
Any guidance is appreciated.
My first suggestion is to add that fourth work out on Friday as an easy spin. Something like 45 minutes to an hour that you can do maybe while the kids are sleeping? It’s less work it’s just a free 18 miles on your schedule.
Let me know which of the two options you think is best.
I didn't realize I was "allowed" to do that. I'll start immediately getting up there. I had been wondering if I was riding enough as it was so I'm glad to hear you saying that.
Should I still limit my long ride to 2.5hrs?
I had to push my testing to next week as I was out of town all this week. Still got some really solid rides/runs in but no way I could test.
Sorry man, I usually have to turn people DOWN for the miles.
Not used to folks following the instructions.
Have a great weekend!!
~ Coach P
I'm following your instruction to the T! If you want more time on the bike and/or run then you'll need to tell me.
FTP tonight...went from 278 to 291 and a max HR of 985!
So...the FTP is correct but the HR might be a little off...
Happy with my gains over the last 2 months!