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 What sets EN athletes drastically apart from other athletes is the ability to know to race. You're putting in the training and doing a fantastic job of posting your information with the team to discuss but as you wind down your training in the next couple weeks you need to put your head in a space to have the 4Keys down pat. Even if you have been with EN for awhile, there is always something to learn or something you can teach to help someone else's race experience.

Not to reinvent the wheel here is a mixture of coaches perspective and a couple other race captains:

X - Race day is about execution NOT fitness

Theme for this week is important.  Start visualizing your upcoming RR2 and Race Day in terms of simply Executing your Fitness:

The majority of athletes on race day are fitness-focused (look at my T-shirt, look at my abs/veins/etc, look at how fast I can go in the first hour of the bike, etc.). They think of race day as the application of their fitness to the course, the distance. They are wrong. Race day is about the application of sound execution skills to a long day. Your fitness is just along for the ride. Through our observation of many, many races we can tell you that fully 90% of athletes out there do not understand this and do not know how to execute properly. For the Endurance Nation athlete then, race day is largely an exercise is doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing!

Easy to read/comprehend the above, difficult to actually apply on race day, when you feel rested, invincible with adrenaline and the best you have felt during the entire training cycle.  So important to start thinking and scripting this concept now.


Prepare your mental game. In so doing, remember there will be cumulative fatigue building throughout race day.  So important to follow your plan, race your race and prepare for THE LINE.  

EVERYTHING before The Line is simply about creating conditions for success for when the Line comes to you.

  1. A successful race = a good run. There is no such thing as a good bike followed by bad run, period. In our world, if you showed up with solid run fitness, had a "good" bike and a poor run, we will ALWAYS assume you messed up your bike pacing unless you are missing a limb or are in the ICU with an intestinal parasite.

  2. If you think you can ride faster than we're telling you, prove it by running well off the bike first (preferably not attempted for the first time on race day!).

  3. Ride your "should" bike split vs your "could" bike split. YourCould split is what you tell Timmy you could ride on a good day, when you're out together for your Saturday ride. If you say you "could ride a 5:50," your Should split is likely 6:00 and defined as the bike split that yields a good run (see #1 above).

  4. Don't be a Caboose, be an Engine! Ironman in general, but especially the bike leg, is an exercise in consistency. You don't need straight-A's to win your day, you only have to show up with your C game to be at the head of the class. If you find yourself doing the opposite of everyone else, you're doing the right thing. Lots of people passing you in the first 40 miles of the bike? Everyone else sprinting out of T2? These folks are making your race day easier by showing you what not to do; it's up to you to resist the urge to join in!

  5. Think you made the mistake of riding too easy? You now have 26 miles to fix that mistake. Make the mistake of riding too hard? That mistake now has 26 miles to express itself, to the tune of X miles at 17-18' walking pace vs X miles at 8-10' running pace. Do the math. How is that nice bike split going to look as you are walking/shuffling the last 10 miles of the run adding another hour and forty minutes to your overall finish time?


* TEAM DINNER: Please make sure you have signed up for the team dinner 

Usual place: Crowne Plaza July 20th 

*** If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out - BIBS are out and a quick course change - make sure to check your email!*** 



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    Following Friday's crash got in 30' on Saturday.  Knee hurt and it was hard to keep power above .7 so just did some .6-.6 riding and shut it down.  Got in a 52' open water swim on Sunday.  I was hoping for a 2nd swim but the road rash on the shoulder took a beating in the wetsuit.  Hoping I can get in the pool end of the week as I still have a few open gashes.

    Feeling good considering and in to the final big week.
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    @Gordon Cherwoniak keep fighting, can't imagine how much that must suck ... just keep your "eye on the ball" to use a Navy term ... patch it up and keep going. Admire your toughness ... 

    Me, getting ready for some mountain riding in CO this weekend (kinda off plan with blessing from Coach) but will be a good confidence boost for me heading to LP ... if I can handle the altitude. 

    I'm still too big for this sport but I'm making huge strides. Got my swim in tonight, felt good ... the posts convinced me to go with full wetsuit ... might order the gen ii Maverick ... haven't decided yet. 

    Happy training ... see y'all soon, I arrive the 16th to get in some on-course riding in ... anyone else get there early?

    keep up the hard work ... 

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    @Gordon Cherwoniak maybe some tegaderm on your shoulder if you want to swim with the wetsuit?  Glad you are feeling good despite the crash!  Heal up!

    Rode Sat, Sun, yesterday per a training tweak from Coach P.  5 hours/brick, 4500y/4 hours, 3 hours.  I thought I would die yesterday. Seriously angry saddle sores and pain in my shoulders and mid upper back like I've never had before.  I just wanted the frick off my bike!  I had a massage scheduled post ride yesterday and it was painful.  He worked out a lot of the tightness though.  Getting a fit tweak on the saddle and possibly bars before the rr.  Massages are scheduled for next week, before I leave for LP and post race.  My legs are pretty trashed, so since I rode instead of swim yesterday I *may* delay my 2 hour run to tomorrow.  The lake is right out my door, but its the 4th, so yeah...don't want to get run over by a jet ski.  We shall see.  

    Happy 4th everyone!

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    Signed up for the dinner....

    Yesterday was an easy swim recovery day....

    Today my watch died halfway thru my swim, then my PM battery died right before my ride, then my HR only recorded half of the first interval..... Do you know how hard it is to motivate yourself to do intervals when you know you wont be able to record them???  The watch was an anomaly for some reason it did not take the charge last night... The PM battery had been replaced recently and did not last nearly as long as prior batteries...

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    @Gordon Cherwoniak - been away from the forums for a few days... heal p and hoping it's not too serious
    @tim cronk - if it;'s not on strava, it didn't happen!

    Signed up for team dinner. 

    more to come.. 
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    edited July 5, 2017 10:09AM
    Week's report from last week. My lowest TSS week in a while, first one under 1000 TSS. 
    I lost one bike due to rain thunderstorms on Friday. Plan was to OWS in the AM, which I did and then do my APB ride on Friday since I was doing my RR ride on Sunday. I did take the bike out in race setup on Saturday for a short spin to ensure everything was working right. First time mounting a disc wheel I picked up off a FB group last year set up with the Conti TT Tires & latex tube. 

    Highlights of the week were a strong 18+ mile run on Thursday. I'm not gonna lie and say I felt "great" after that run, but I will say that at the end I felt like I could do more and I did not feel as trashed as usual the rest of the day.

    Sunday's RR ride, felt like a disaster. I rode with my new Giro Aerohead helmet and it was hot. If I haven't mentioned it, it was REALLY hot.. Did I mention it was Hot??? 
    Ride was only 98 miles and executed on some unfamiliar roads, some familiar. Had to drop the twins at a LAX clinic at Vassar, so rode from there. 

    If I had to guess, I probably should have been more hydrated. I think for the 1st half of the ride hydration was good, but the 2nd half when it was hotter, should have been more.. 

    here's the file.. https://www.strava.com/dashboard?feed_type=my_activity

    one more big week to go before we taper... 
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    woop woop woop...(thats verves talking).... @Scotty54 Scott Dinhofer....yes it has been hot....I'm feeling like a mixed bag of fitness...my run pace is nowhere what it has been in the past..but that said I ran a solidly stong 18 last thursday...and then another dozen yesterday after walking/standing in sun at Parade all morning...two hot but decent rides on the weekend...75+run on Sat & 56 on Sunday...Monday I finally got in the wetsuit and in the open water...1.5miles @ 1:40/100 pace...and then today 2miles at 1:36/100yd pace...gotta love the wetsuit and salt water....I'm off to lake placid today for my final RR stuff...looks like one day will be a washout...but Thursday & Friday should suffice.....Keep on Keepin on Everyone....remind myself to sign up for the dinner.
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    Kind of limping in to the home stretch, literally this week. Only two runs done so far 40' on Tuesday and another 40' today.  The knee hurt a bit after the Tuesday so shut things down doing nothing on Wednesday.  I'm still debating a long run this week but just focused on the 6 hour ride tomorrow (day off) with 2-4 the following day. I'll try a brick one day.  If I feel good I'll squeeze in the 120'- 140' run on Sunday but it most likely will be a 60-90', so shorter run.

    No swimming yet as I'm still healing up some road rash. 
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    Hey Team, sorry I've been so quiet. I've been keeping up with all your training, but just haven't had much to add to the online mix. I did finally get in a real week of IM training last week (just under 1,100 TSS). Sadly, it left me pretty fatigued, and then my knee flared up again on Monday. So, I've taken it pretty easy this week. If my knee will allow it, I will treat my body like a South Padre vacation rental this weekend, then start shutting things down. The PMC says I'm slightly undertrained . . . for a 70.3, so I stopped looking at that thing. I'll still be able to race a respectable swim (1:05 or better) and a decent bike (sub-6), then will just enjoy the run and take what it will give.  Already got my bike and nutritional stuff together,  got some quality sun to ease the race-day burn and started running barefoot in my race shoes to toughen them up. I expect some great things from this team and can't wait to watch all that awesomeness unfold around me.  Finish strong and smart. 
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    Great training everyone.  It is motivating to hear what everyone is doing.  

    My life was a bit turned upside down last week.  Long trip to Asia, followed by a heavy/early workout on Saturday, and then a trip to the beach on Sunday/Monday.  Finished last week at just under 14 hours, with 42 miles of running.  Overall, it was below what the schedule called for, but I was pleased to stay on track given the heavy travel schedule.

    This week, I am on track with everything on the schedule - two swims, VO2 max cycling, long run and interval run. My long run (16 miles) went well.  Almost hit every mile at a descending pace.   The pace was only a 9:25, but that is basically where my TRP is.  My VO2/interval run was only five miles, but it felt good.  

    Tomorrow, I am going to do my long RR swim in the pool.  There are thunderstorms forecast for Saturday morning, and that would keep me out of my local pool and unable to swim at the beach.  

    I am targeting a 112-mile ride on Saturday and a 5-hour ride on Sunday.  Hoping my bike is finally buttoned down.  Last week, I bought some PVC tubing for my aerobar hydration system.  The configuration I had in place was an inch or two short; therefore, I had to essentially stop pedaling as I leaned forward to drink.  I added four inches to the drinking tube, and hope it is a bit too long so that I have the option to cut it back.

    Overall, I feel good and am ready to tackle my first full-distance IM.  I am swimming better than I ever have (but I am still a non-swimmer, and this is my biggest limiter).  Compared to last year, I feel much slower on the bike, but my five-hour power level compares well to my long rides in 2016.  My legs are cooked, so my runs are slower than I would like but I am quite happy to be injury free after putting in heavy volume over the past several months.  

    I am hoping to get my race plan written over the next few days.  It will give me peace of mind, and help me figure out what I still need to accomplish over the next two weeks.

    As for the team dinner, I am heading up to LP on Thursday the 20th after a 10 am work meeting in NYC.  With luck, I will make it to dinner on time.  

    Looking forward to hearing how everyone's big weekend goes.  
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    Tired...Did a 2mile open water RR swim on Wednesday morning...drove to LP...yesterday was 100miles on the course..ugh..wow...tough climbing...awesome descent into Keene (40mph in hoods...maybe on race day I will be ready to stay aero)...followed up with short run...only 30 min. its all I wanted...hot day...today I went single loop...tomorrow I hope to get in a RR swim maybe run a little of the run course...and tie a bow...
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    Did the long run on Wednesday (on a very flat trail) at mid day in the heat.  While it went well for me during, my knee was very grumpy later on and into yesterday.  No workouts yesterday due to the knee, but did get the tweaks on the bike (a three hour adventure with travel time!) so I am hoping for a less painful ride tomorrow.  

    Swam 2500 today in my sim pants (SLOW!) today.and felt the knee a  bit, so kicked even less than usual, which isn't much.  OY.  

    Doing the swim/bike/run RR tomorrow.  Per Patrick, taking Sunday off as I got those miles in Monday of this week.  Looking forward to doing some packing for LP as I have family coming in town for 5 days next Thursday and a party to host on Saturday.  Much to the hubby's dismay I have housecleaners coming.  I warned him last year I'd be doing it! Between wanting to clean everything I've ignored while training, having guests in town and taper...that is a crazy deep cleaning madness lol.  

    Good skill to all of us getting the RR done tomorrow!

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    The big week is over.  1194 TSS & 25 hours of work.  The last 72 hours feel like a groundhog day of making bottles, pumping tires, handling nutrition, etc. etc.

    I had to finish each ride over the last 3 days inside on the trainer for weather.  Friday I had a hard time hitting target power.  Not sure if it's because I'm weaker than I thought, fear of long rides over the following 2 days or what.  

    Also between 90-100' into both the Fri & Sat ride my lower back started acting up to the point I needed ibuprofen.  Some time on the inversion table before todays ride seemed to loosen it up.  LP climbs should help with position changes. 

    I now know how my body doesn't handle my nutrition plan in heat/humidity very well.  I'm praying for a chamber of commerce day on the 23rd.

    Just signed up for the team dinner.  

    I hope everyone recovers from all the work you've been doing, I'm off to stress over my bike & gear lists for the next few days before drop off with TBT.

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    @Scott Renick What was you body not handling for the nutrition in the heat/humidity? While we don't want to make huge changes at this point maybe there is something we can adjust rather than just hoping for cool weather.

    Having said that the weather has been only getting up the the low and mid 70's in LP with lots of rain.  Having said that in 2015 is was a little warmer and in the days following it pushed in to the high 80's.  So not super hot even by my standards it's enough to start affecting your race.

    My workouts were mostly skipped this weekend, just icing and trying to manage my knee.  Got on the bike briefly one day but it hurt so did not want to do any further damage.  I guess I'm going in to LP with the fitness I have, missing the last RR run it not ideal but I'd rather toe the line on the 23rd rather than complete the RR and flame out.
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    Hey do you guys think its too late to start training for the Ironman Run?  Just kidding , but I am still living in denial... I did actually run 1 mile on the TM today and it felt good, I built up to it thru the week with a 1/2 mile then 3/4 mile run.... May try 2 miles tomorrow... So I still cannot say whether or not I will run or not at IMLP... Swam 20k and Biked 260miles for the week...Taper time...
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    so glad THATs over!
    Big Week, just shy of 1400 TSS
    3 big swims (2 OWS)
    3 bikes, 2 strong 5 hr plus rides in a mini Camp i did with @Brad Marcus in the Berkshires... Thursday we hammered from our NY Northern Burbs to his lake house in the Berkshires, Friday, we waited out the rain with runs & swims, then got in a short 30 mile ride, Saturday we did a 5.5 hr 100 mile hammerfest... we ran every day and with a push from Brad I lopped off three runs at paces I couldn't imagine in the context of the biking we were doing, 4.5/7.4/11 miles.. all at sub 8 min/mi paces.. .
    Now to stay healthy, thin & focused for the next two weeks.. wishing all a great taper!
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    Finished the week at just under 20 hours.  Swam a slow but comfortable 3.8 km swim on Friday.  (Feel like I finally know how to swim long distances with some degree of comfort.) Did a quick 3-mile treadmill run after work Friday evening, a 2.5-mile brick run in the heat on Saturday and then a hilly 5.8-miler last night.  The last run felt really good despite the weekend bike volume.  Rode 107 miles with my brother on Saturday (and frustratingly had a work issue come up that interrupted my ride several times with long phone calls and follow up emails.  :-(. ). Passed out Saturday before I set my alarm and I slept until 7:30 am on Sunday; thus my last long ride started late and was just 61 miles.  

    This was was the first week that training seemed to be getting in the way of all my parenting and work responsibilities.  I have a long list of things to do at work and that list has only been getting longer the past four weeks.  My backyard is starting to look like I live in a foreclosed property.  My house was completely turned upside yesterday as I was getting my son ready to go to camp next week. So my LR and DR were filled with all of his camp gear and my water bottles, Garmin devices, shoes, bike helmet etc.  

    Woke up this morning and stretched.  My hips are getting very tight from cycling in the aero-position and I can feel tension on my left IT band when I run.  I will focus on stretching and healing up for the next two weeks.  

    I am looking forward to this taper.  
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    Wow, nice work everyone!  @Scott Dinhofer, @Mike Roberts and @Scott Renick that's a hell of a TSS! I was able to get 275 miles of bike in and a solid swim this weekend.  Tweaked/cramped my calf running last week that scared the heck out of me, so I eased off on running and I'm trying to nurse the calf back - I think it's OK and I'll try to run a bit this week. Everyone is getting those over use injuries... Just got to get the the start healthy at this point!  
    Ice bath was huge yesterday.
    @tim cronk I've got a feeling I will see you on the run course... - ahead of me :)
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    Nice job team - been keeping up with a lot of your training volumes on Strava and very impressive. @Scott Renick I too had some issues with the recent heat...was actually more the humidity that got to me after a long time in the saddle. After Saturdays bike of ~100 miles I was definitely dehydrated and realized I should have stopped a 3rd or 4th time to grab more water to supplement the IM concentrate of carbo-pro and EFS. There are limited stops where I bike but should have done a better job as I was hurting when finally done.

    @Patrick Marsh I feel you man...I didn't get father of the year this weekend myself. Have 4 kids 10 and under and try to get out super early so can be there for everything but doesn't always go according to plan. At least the hard part is over at this point and weekend demands become a bit more "normal" :-)

    Last year I was a lot more banged up at this point. I had a lingering issue in left achilles that prevented me from running any longer than 6 miles for final month plus of training. Thankfully it didn't show up this season so hoping for a stronger run!

    Taper time!!
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    @tim cronk It's never too late, well...  Depending on where you are you could just run one lap.  Although you would have to run around 11 miles if you went all the way to the turn around and then skipped the out and back by the pub.  If you ran out to river road and flipped it around you could get in closer to 10K then DQ yourself. 
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    @Gordon Cherwoniak too much sweet made my stomach not want to keep working at a couple of points.  More water & salt will balance it out.  I didn't have ideal RR conditions for perfect plan execution without adding even more stops.  Living off the course aid stations (a takeaway for improvement from my last IM) will be an improvement.

    @tim cronk the way I see it the only choice you have as a good teammate is to run the entire course at zone 0.5 pace so that the few EN people that might pass you get a psychological boost thinking holy crap I'm passing TC.

    "Patrick Marsh" & "Arthur Paterson"  Add me to the neglectful parent/spouse club.  My girls are happy that race day is close and the taper is on. 

    I've got the same goals at @Scott Dinhofer re: health & weight.  I could still stand to lose 1lb and am hoping to not do something stupid to hurt myself in the next 2 weeks.

    @peter lautenslager heal up!
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    edited July 10, 2017 5:51PM
    Question for this group- How many of you supplement with Salt  such as SCaps or Base?  which and how ...I have used Scaps in the past...but didn't have a strategy...I'm thinking 1 per hour on the run.....Has anyone used Base...I see they have that on course...similar? Thoughts?

    Finished my week in LP with a shortened swim ...I miss caculated the buoys...didn't go all the way to the end...and I was just going out and back...so I guess I got lost chukl.

    I guess my only ask for race day is no rain...I don't mind rain...but can't fathom the Keene descent in the rain...

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    @Joseph LombardiI have used both.  Dosage depends on the rest of your nutrition plan, I will use them in LP for sure. 

    Saltcap pills are much easier to pop on the bike.  I only started with base when handed it at IM LOU a while back.  I do like it for the run because you can take as little or much as you need and, as weird as I might be, tasting a little salt after hours of gel, bloks, etc. is a welcome change up for me.

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    @Joseph Lombardi I've also used both more salt stick caps.  For me at 220-230 lbs I need more water as I just don't consume all the liquid I need from Gatorade, nor do I try.  So the hotter it is I tend to utilize a little more salt as water consumption goes up.  I'll even take one or two on the bike if needed.

    What amount of salt are you getting from your nutrition per hour now, gatoade, bars, gels, blocks?  Look at the ride and run.  Salt caps have 341 mg of salt and 21 of potassium.  Base has a few other things in it 290 sodium, 442 chloride, 3 calcuim, 12 magnesuim and 2.6 potassium.  The wiki notes 1000mg of sodium per hour from all sources. I think Al quotes a range.

    The base was in a little tube which allows you to regulate more where scaps you get what you get.

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    Well my weekend was  frustrating ... registered and planned to ride an event in the Colorado Rockies as my big weekend push toward LP ... Triple Bypass it was called ... 10,000 feet of climbing at altitude and 120 miles ... been planning since February ... lodging, equipment, travel, planing ... after I got there, the ride was CANCELLED due to fires ... UGH ... so made up my own work in the Rockies ... just bummed didn't get to do the entire ride, it was beautiful!

    I am a flatlander so doing anything above 1,500 feet is "straining" lol ... I stayed at 8,500 feet, ran and biked between 8-10K feet all weekend ... instead of the ride on Saturday I did a long stretch out 20 miles, all uphill, came screaming back ... then did repeat ladders for a few hours, out and up 4 miles, back, then 3, 2, 4, 3, 2 at altitude. Not as many miles as I had hoped but got some good work in during a frustrating period.

    Ran an hour up there one afternoon ... struggled, lungs were burning, proud I put myself through that.

    Drove back Sunday for 9 hours then went out for a 5K run at 90F/55% humidity ... negative split ... satisfied.

    My swim is ready, bike I am more comfortable with than a month ago, run/walk shall I call it, my goal is simple, finish the race.  

    Low pressure, I think I am ready.  Heading to LP a week early to ride some on the course and see how I feel. 

    Look forward to seeing all of you soon.

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    The final week is over and as they say the hay is in the barn.  Finished my final week at 1488 TSS, 174 CTL, 12k swim yds, 305 bike miles and 45 running miles.  The next 12 days will be managing a smart taper and staying on top of body comp.  As excited as I am about racing, I'm sad the big training has come to an end.  I'm one that truly loves the journey as much if not more than the destination.  I feel great and as a quasi veteran of this sport, feeling great 12 days out is a good thing
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    See you all in Placid!
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    @DS- wow just wow... no pressure but expecting really big things here :-)

    @MT- bummer about the CO trip but riding is riding and you made the best of it... practice the Keene descent a few times when you get to LP early... 

    @GC- being smart as always... BTW there is noway I will run 1/4 or 1/2 then DNF , its all or nothing... just still in denial at the moment

    Sodium Discussion - I usually don't bother since I am consuming so much thru gels and sport drink... After mile 18 on the run when I switch to coke is when I will supplement with a couple salt stick or base salt to make up for low sodium in coke... I found I don't really care fore those base salt tubes, find them awkward and have not closed the lid properly and lost the contents several times..

    Taper smart, less is more !

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    Excited for my first Ironman at lake placid. Coming off a solid Race Rehearsal weekend. Thanks @Michael Nardone for all your help and motivation along the way. I look forward to meeting everyone next weekend and getting tips and pointers from all!
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    For us first-timers, what is the itinerary once we arrive in Lake Placid?  Here is broadly what I think my plan should be: 

    - Thursday: Drive up to the Adirondacks, check into the hotel and go to the Team dinner
    - Friday: Four Keys talk in the morning, final testing of our equipment (wet-suit, bike, etc.).  Generally enjoy the Lake Placid area during the afternoon/evening.  
    - Saturday: Rack our bikes and set up transition bags in the morning, do mandatory athlete briefing and then rest up during the afternoon/evening
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