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Creating a Public "Zwift with Endurance Nation" Page...

Team -

Given our presence on Le Zwift, I think it makes sense to promote what we are doing to the larger TRI and Cycling Communities.

My thought is that was we would have a page on the site with instructions on how to find our rides, how to connect with us on Discord, how to join TeamEN on Zwift Power, etc.

I am looking for one or two folks to help me "flesh out" what's on that page and filling it in....so please reply here.

For the Fall / Winter I can see the following items...

  • - HangOn Ride (whether it's us or those other folks)
  • - Saturday ABP Ride (West Coast)
  • - Sunday ABP (East Coast)
  • - Tuesday / Thursday Race Club Channel (tbd by races).
  • What do you think?


  • Connecting peeps via the digital world is the way forward.....

  • I like it. I think that covers it. I know some of you do Freight Train Fridays. In addition, you may want to look into Team Runs via Zwift as well for folks who will be stuck in doors putting in run miles and want to break up the monotony of treadmill runs.

  • If you are looking to bring more people to the team and to the sport, I would add a "no drop ride" for beginners and others that might feel intimidated by high pace racing.

  • It looks like this is primarily to publicize EN generated events, with a side channel to alert the world when we gang up in a race? So I assume it is NOT intended to replace the internal GroupMe chat on Zwift Events, where we can make plans together about when we are showing up?

    My interest in Saturday ABP rides will probably re-commence in October...

  • @Al Truscott - exactly...this is meant to be a page that we could link to FROM Zwift events...just to say learn more about the ride, how to connect, and about EN as well. I think what we do on Zwift in the winter is very unique, it's a resource that would be beneficial to many athletes...

  • Looks like there is a Fearless Beginners Race—Women Only—every Sunday at 10:05 a.m. That might be a good one to publicize and get some of the EN women into racing.

  • I think this is great idea. I also agree with @Jorge Duque that Zwift can be intimidating in it's own right, but Zwift inside this team is ripe with very strong riders and can be humbling. That is great for motivation, mojo, etc. but to attract new riders we should be clear what all the rides are and offer a "no drop" option or something slower and very inclusive. I would sure be willing to take my turn in leading something like this or organizing it if we think it is a good idea. We could use this opportunity to help them understand how fast they are GOING to be if they just stick with us!

  • I like the thought of an outside page. Would we open up discord to the public? It certainly enhances the experience but wasn’t sure the thoughts there.

    My other thought is once we post this, we need to be locked in to having whatever we say we will. Putting a few forward we know are solid would be a better step to draw and retain folks than offer a bunch of events and provide a so so expierence.

  • I agree with @Scott Giljum -- we can't say No Drop Sunday Night Love In Ride and have no one show up...

    We could have a weekly "recovery ride" session that's like a "Chat and Chill" session / social hour to catch up on all things training, etc.

    In season that would be a Friday...where would it go in the OS? Thoughts?

  • If we put that type of ride in the OS, I would say stick with Friday. Easy ride after the hard work Thursday and set up a good weekend of work. Either that or Monday (though I like Monday off personally), as a spin out the soreness from the weekend type of ride.

  • I may have derailed this thread with my suggestion of adding another type of ride to what EN is already doing with Zwift. @Coach Patrick brought this idea up because he was recognizing what awesome things this team has already created with Zwift. You can find some type of ride almost any day with the schedule the way it is. I also know that on the Saturday ABP we usually end up with different levels of riders and break in to groups as the ride goes on. We stay connected on Discord and serve different needs that way. I know other rides are that way also. Most of us probably have plenty of training in a week and are not looking to add another ride. I do think it is worth trying to send the message that this is good for everyone regardless if you think you're not super fast. With that said, Friday is a good day to do a lighter spin. There would also be the question of East Coast/West Coast timing. Friday Freight Train was well attended last fall and wasn't too much of a hammer fest was it?

  • Okay, kids, I want to bring this back up as we have to Start pulling something together in time for the Fall.

    There are two types of rides on Zwift:

    • the first is just racing, and having fun. This would be on you and you can use the GroupMe EN Zwift Events channel to connect.
    • The second is a curated ride, where we do some leading to get folks connected and to do more. This requires leadership and engagement.

    Curated Rides Requirements (including application):

    • We need at least two people who can "lead" the ride (good for coverage). If you are interested in being a Zwift Ride Leader for EN, please complete this form here.
    • You will need to be on the Mobile App to Text the Group.
    • You should be comfortable using Discord in case a "group chat" is preferred via texting (depends on the ride).

    Proposed Rides:

    These are all obviously open to interpretation and your interest, but I wanted to give some structure to this process.

    • Saturday ABP ride for the Bike Focused OS plans.
    • Sunday ABP ride for the Run Focused OS plans.
    • Friday Freight Train for the bike volume folks.
    • Ride & Chat - A recovery spin / conversational ride. Beginner friendly.
    • Tron Bike Quest - A billy goat ride for folks looking to accumulate elevation? Doesn't have to be hard effort.

    Feel free to submit other ride options as well...thanks Team!!!

    ~ Coach P

  • Be happy to lead whatever gets left out once you have your list of leaders.....if there is a gap.


  • @Coach Patrick I filled out the form. I noticed an error on the form I think. Saturday AM EST is listed twice. My assumption is the second one should be PST.

  • Folks...here are the 5 awesome people who have offered to LEAD a ride on Zwift this Fall...you can still do it online here: https://goo.gl/forms/PPqDSNHNINVRTv6L2

    @Al Truscott

    @Brenda Ross

    @Shelly-Ann Sinclair

    @Sid Wavrin

    @Simon Shurey

    We have to L:EAD from the front if we are going to grow this...who else is in?

  • edited October 16, 2018 9:41PM

    @Coach Patrick I’m patiently waiting for the high speed internet we were promised by Gov Cuomo. I’d love to lead some Zwift rides, but right now my slow (but at least it’s expensive) cellular internet won’t let me operate the Zwift mobile app and/or Discord while I’m Zwifting. We’ve been promised Verizon Fios, if not this fall, then by spring. I’ll be on board as soon as it happens. BTW, what’s this “Netflix” thing everyone is talking about?

  • Appears someone named "KMF" also made a submission....

  • I'm scurred. Never lead a ride before. Hope I do not fook it up.

  • OK... Better late than never. I would like to continue to lead the Sunday 8:00 AM Eastern ride, however it should not be called an ABP ride. It has become to be known of as the KoM and Sprint Jersey ride. Cruise and Crush has a nice ring as well since the climbs are Z6 and the sprints are Z93847

  • @Brian Hagan "...and the sprints are Z93847" Zip Code search reveals:


  • @Coach P What did you think of crushing the mountain you did? Before Zwift I took a Coughlin wko in the Computrainer Software and did Hill repeats. If we were to ever do a group wko, that would be the best way to keep everyone together. For example, climb alp de Zwift for 15’ Z4 then descend for a 4’ recovery. 

  • @Brian Hagan I liked it but I was riding 4.7 and my guess is we'd be all over at some point anyway.

    I wonder what a double draft "pacer" ride would be like.

    IOW, if your FTP is 3.0, and I ride at 3.5...you could draft off me but you'd be at 3.0 to 3.5...that would be pretty challenging yet doable...

  • Ok kids, I have created a shared google doc where you should be able to edit the name of the leads (image to follow, link is here).

    1. We have two SET rides of SAT AM HangOn and SUN AM Jersey Chase.
    2. Then there is a tentative Friday Freight Train Ride and a Tentative Friday Detox Ride (many of you could Sign up to lead that).
    3. We have a "recommended" set of rides as well that folks should consider checking out at the end.

    Some of you might want to put in a West Coast Saturday Ride? I don't know...let me know here.

    Please note, that we share leads among 2-3 folks so there can be some coordination.

    Once this is done, I can try to make a ride (or two) official on Zwift as well...and yes, we'll also give you some training.

    Please contribute by Monday 11/5, thanks!

    ~ Coach P

  • @Coach Patrick I think that last winter either @Al Truscott or myself (and many others) were around for an 8:00 Pacific ABP type ride. I would intend to be doing that type of ride again this winter at around that time of day. I don't know that it needs to be anything official, but I will sure put it out there and would hope for some company.

  • Yes @Sid Wavrin I’d often join you guys for that ride, or at least part of it. Did we do it on Saturdays? I would def be in for that one. Either Saturday or Sunday.

  • edited November 2, 2018 5:44PM

    @Sid Wavrin Definitely need a Pacific ride that is either at 7 or 8 am. Last year @Al Truscott posted some and so between all of us there should be a group ride on Saturdays.

    @Alicia Chase perhaps we can rally some women for the ladies races.

  • Yes @Sheila Leard that would be fun. While I can’t do the racing volume the guys do, maybe a shorter race every two weeks would be good. Also, it would be nice for our ABP rides if we could do Zwift’s “workout mode”, where the riders all stay together in a bunch regardless of their individual speed. That way, everyone can make the effort they have on any given day, but still ride with the team (and not have to change settings to weight dope, or other shenanigans:) I’ll look into that, probably has to be a Zwift-sanctioned event.

  • @Alicia Chase and @Sheila Leard It would be great to have the option to do the Sat. bike focused ABP as @Coach Patrick has it written in workout mode where all riders regardless of W/kg stay together. That would I'm sure have to be setup through Zwift. If it was a public event (not sure if that's at all possible) it would be interesting to see how much participation we would get from outside EN. It's a pretty long WKO. ( 21/2 hrs.? )I haven't really noticed many options for events that long.

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