EN Dashboard Do Over Project 👷
@John Stark @Janyne Kizer @Rory Gumina And ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO PLAY ALONG! @Clark Mitchell , etc.
💥 Time to go to town on the Dashboard!!!! 💥
- Current Dashboard here
Set Goals for the the Dashboard Process
- Find examples
- Outline resources
- Create action plan
- Execute!
The point of the "dashboard" is meant to be a central hub for things Endurance Nation. In the discussion for forum updates, we talked about options from "making the forum homepage be the dashboard" to creating a new "simple/cleaner" page that is our landing page. Or perhaps it's a "personal page" that has their threads, stats, whatever. This is where it gets exciting.
Just some food for thought...Endurance Nation is composed of a few elements that are distributed:
- Training Plans: Live on Final Surge
- Forum: Lives in cloud on Vanilla
- Chat: Lives in GroupMe
- Learning Content: Lives inside DNN / Members site.
- Billing / Member Roles: Lives inside DNN / Members site
I think our next best option is to set up a call to connect. Here's a doodle poll for those of you interested: https://doodle.com/poll/y8n4ibfgb48swpc5
Thanks in advance!
~ Coach P
I am at the EN Moab Camp and will chat with the cool kids here and get some collective input. More soon.
I'm traveling next week so I have limited availability. I'll Doodle but definitely feel free to meet without me.
@Coach Patrick I picked times in the doodle.
You’ve been Doodled.
Okay kids!!! Looks like Sunday March 31st is the first best time that 5/6 of us can connect!
Here is the details, please put it on your calendars!!!
In the meantime, if you have any sites / places we should look, please post them or be ready to speak on them when we start!
Topic: EN Dashboard Do Over
Time: Mar 31, 2019 8:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Oh my gosh! I completely forgot about the meeting tonight! I am so sorry!
Sorry @Coach Patrick and Team ... I didn't see this till now ... #doodleloser
Rory's EN Dashboard (DB) Comments:
P and I had a good chat. Not sure I added much value but he will be posting a mock up of what it may look like and have folks comment on it. More soon.
Thanks @John Stark and @Coach Patrick !
Call Notes: Patrick & @John Stark On 03/31/2019
Finally done...sorry this took so long peeps...
Dashboard Roles:
Basic Recommendations
Dashboard Area:
In Forums:
Main Recommendations
You can see this on the Demo Dashboard page here: http://members.endurancenation.us/Community/DashboardDemo.aspx
Feedback? Thoughts?
What did we get right?
What did we get wrong and should we consider?
Add navigation bar for the website (/members.endurancenation.us) to the forum (endurancenation.vanillacommunities.com)?
I know this is a big ask but... Is there any way that search could encompass both sites?
There are some GroupMe widgets available. I'm not a programmer, nor do I play one on TV. I don't know if they would work for EN or not: https://www.co-funded.com/www.groupme.com/page/widgets
Good question about new members. New members forum thread? Maybe divide by month or year so it's not a neverending thread (or maybe we do want it to be a neverending thread, who knows?)
i like it
Compiling Thoughts Here...
Voted Up:
Not Possible:
What do you think about that Final Surge social wall?
~ Coach P
FS Social Wall seems similar to Forums and GroupMe ... gives us yet another place to interact ... which seems redundant and dilutive to me.
I originally thought automatically sharing latest FS completed wko's to the Dashboard would be better than the former Strava feed ... but re-thinking ... prob best to let us share wko's when & where we want to ...
@Rory Gumina I think that either FS or Strava feed is good. @Coach Patrick , do you mean that the actual Janyne did a 1 hour run, Rory did a super fast swim would be in the FS feed or just Janyne posting a picture of her running shoes and Rory posting a photo of tropical paradise? Right now the FS feed is mostly instagram-like.
@Coach Patrick Thanks for adding the nav to the forums page. The members welcome thread sounds good.
Regarding search, I'll mess with Google Custom Search a bit and see what I can come up with (https://cse.google.com/) -- nothing to see here. probably because it password protected. it was worth a shot!The FS feed is your workout, as captured in FS, that you can "share out" kind of like the strava feed.I think it's important to remember that some of the folks on the Team don't use the GroupMe chats, so this could be a place to be social that "fits" for some folks. But I don't know about adding our own content around it....
@Janyne Kizer @Rory Gumina @Al Truscott @Francis Picard
New naVigation available on the desktop....need to work on mobile. What do you think?
Overall, I really like it! It's very straightforward and it's easy to find stuff. 👍️
Is the wiki still a thing or is that going away?
Looks good! ... Two questions:
*click not call the Dashboard
I think that the red menu is the Vanilla Communities menu and the blue one an menu for all things Team EN.
The login thing is probably because you are switching between domains (vanillacommunities.com/endurancenation.us). Maybe a "keep folks logged on for 18 hours" sort of thing could be implemented so that people only have to authenticate once per sleep?
great idea that banner, no need to change tab etc
Love the new navigation!!!
haven't poked around on it.. I did notice that clicking the EN logo used to bring me to the dashboard, now i have to find it in a drop down on the blue bar...
I’ll check the link to the Members site and yes, @scott dinhofer good call on making dashboard more prominent....likely first link.
~ Coach P
Okay, added The Dashboard to the blue nav so it's there...and @Rory Gumina you should Be able to click over there now no issues! 👍
Love the prominence of the Dashboard link! And yes no problem clicking over now ... nice @Coach Patrick !
I LOVE the Dashboard link! I know it’s silly, but having to open two pages to access all content was sometimes a (laziness) roadblock for me. This is great!