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JOS 2020 - Bike Week TWO - The discomfort Zone



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    Thursday. Done.

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    I forgot to take my pretty Zwift photo, but got it done. I increased my FTP setting by 5 watts and during the wko, I increased effort by 1% every minute for the last 10 after the step ups.

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    This week got a little crazy with family stuff on Tuesday and work on Wednesday. Finally got my Tuesday ride in today. Had a good workout. Juggling the rest of the week around to do what I can.

    2 x 15' as 3 min ramp up then increase by 5 watts every 2 minutes.

    Here is what my Zwift workout looked like:

    1st 15' started at 180 and built to 220. Average power was 208 from the workout.

    2nd 15' started at 220 and built to 255. Average power was 243 from the workout.

    Continued riding after the workout to spin out the legs.

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    After eating mass quantities at a company conference in Orlando all week it was great to be back on the bike. I had to do Tuesday's workout first thing Monday morning before I left for Orlando and got in today's workout this evening after I returned. Did 3 x 10 @ 93% FTP with no issues.

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    Thursday sweet spot done and dusted! Increased to 105% of ftp. Harder but doable. Definetly getting into the swing of things. I think it's time to SWAG my ftp a little higher. Currenly 148w. Thinking 155w. Not a huge change just a little. Feel like Goldie Locks trying to find the right chair. Saw an EN jersey pass me like I was standing still!

    THere's some great stuff being wrote about. I am so glad to be back. Tomorrows going to be a challenge. LOngest run for me in a LONG time and on the TM to boot.

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    edited January 17, 2020 10:12AM

    did the L3 sweet spot intervals this at 0515 this morning. woke up somewhere in the 2nd interval.

    Held 0.94 & 0.98 for them - went for the constant steady approach rather than ramping it (I'm going off the Final Surge descriptions)

    Another WKO chalked off!

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    @Bill Eckert for the win!!! you should volunteer to help transcribe the full OS files!!

    Great work @Angus Whitfield and @Jacklyn Moore strong work @Paul Hough - you might need to up your numbers temporarily as you are still highly oxygenated from being at supah high altitude on Kili!

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    so Just finished 2hrs on the turbo @ L3

    started to bite at the end! Took the risk of leaving the level 4 interval to the end (risk, because interruptions from the kids get more frequent the longer the ride goes on)

    Rode at 0.83 for the 85’ long section, then 1.01 for the 10’ interval.

    knocked back a caffeine gel at about 1hr 30, which was probably responsible for the strong finish

    don’t have a smart trainer, and mixed the cadence up a lot through the ride, so pleased with a 1.00 variability index for each of the intervals.

    have a good ride y’all!

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    Completed the bike workouts this week. Thursday's ride was certainly challenging - I'm still getting used to the trainer being in erg mode. That thing is relentless. Need to remember Rule #5 of the Velominati.

    For today's ride, I joined the BMTR Fundo. While the Zwift rides are more motivating, I have found that it makes it difficult to talk myself back down to zone 2 while trying to keep with a group of other riders.

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    Saturday bike done. Started with the 90 min erg workout below with 75 mins at 70%. Then I took a 10 min break before time trialing the Villes sur Auzon-Monieux, a 12 mile moderate climb in Southern France followed by a couple of downhill miles. That was a 62 min sufferfest. I took a pic of my laptop so you can see what it looks like to ride with Rouvy.

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    Missed the mid week FTP session with work travel. I thought of squeezing it in Friday but just let it go.

    92' in today and an overall strong workout. Power metre still not functioning properly so today 45' around .85 based on cadence, gearing and HR, 10' FTP then 10' @ .85.

    Mentally I did not think I had this in me today when I started but just kept chunking 5' of .85 work out to 45'.

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    Way to get it done @Gordon Cherwoniak

    I had one of those mornings where motivation was low and after 5 min of warm-up I felt like climbing off the bike. I did, 2 hr and 25 min later 😂

    Today was a grind, plain and simple. I broke the workout into 15 min increments, my mind seemed capable of handling that today.

    ~90 min at .82 IF, then 10 min at 1.0, then final 40 min at .72.

    Great Week 2 everyone!

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    After reading all the posting today about all the work getting done I had to stop and make myself a recovery drink. HUGE work all around here! 💪🔥👊

    HangOn ride work for me this morning:

    Congratulations all!

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    In Vermont so I am limited on training. Ran 2.5 miles this AM outside in 4F weather, skied a little and then did a skin up the mountain. Total TSS for the day around 140. Snowing in VT!!! ⛷️

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    What is everyone doing for running in the BF plan? Mine only has cycling and core/strength in Final Surge.

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    edited January 19, 2020 2:34AM

    @Gary Lewis I've loaded the BF OS and it has several runs during the week and a long run on Sunday. Wednesday is usually an interval day but there's short runs with strides on Tuesday and Thursday (low priority). (I loaded the image below inadvertently and don't know how to delete it.😁)

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    @Gary Lewis - are you doing a tri plan or a cycling plan? I think you made the same mistake I did when I first loaded my plan. there is now a Cycling ONLY plan for cyclists.

    you need to reset your FS account and choose the "2020 OutSeason® for Triathletes, Bike Focused, All Abilities, 14 Weeks" plan!

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    Thank you @scott dinhofer that was the problem.

    From: scott dinhofer
    Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2020 7:58 PM
    To: Gary Lewis
    Subject: Re: [Endurance Nation Community] JOS 2020 - Bike Week TWO - The discomfort Zone

    [Endurance Nation Community]
    scott dinhofer mentioned you in JOS 2020 - Bike Week TWO - The discomfort Zone

    @Gary Lewis - are you doing a tri plan or a cycling plan? I think you made the same mistake I did when I first loaded my plan. there is now a Cycling ONLY plan for cyclists.

    you need to reset your FS account and choose the "2020 OutSeason® for Triathletes, Bike Focused, All Abilities, 14 Weeks" plan!

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    edited January 19, 2020 7:30PM

    I've shifted my plan by a couple of days (to move the Sat/Sun WO's to Thurs/Fri) so I'll be doing the W3 Tues WO today. The step WO that @Bill Eckert showed above looked interesting, but being the inherently lazy sort that I am, I decided to try to build it using the "warm up" blocks in Zwift that allow you to ramp power up/down during each block, so I've come up with this. I'll give it a try today and see how I like it.

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    edited January 19, 2020 8:57PM

    Assisted by some “work things,” I took Thu and Fri off to rest my hamstring with plans to throw-down some solid bike TSS Sat->Tues with all runs to go by feel. Started Sat with Thurs SS with 2 x 18’ @ IF .87. Ran an easy transition 30’ at crazy slow (Zn 1) and it went pretty well. Today, I increased the work to 80’ @ IF .90. That required some focused effort, which was provided by watching Marco “The Pirate” Pantani drop Armstrong during the 2000 TdF. He was working a lot harder than I was! I was weight doping my way up Le Alpe toward a Tron bike while Armstrong was (apparently) just doping his way to another Tour win! Heading out the door for a 3 to 6 mi run at TRP depending on feel.

    @John Katsoudas Great idea... I will try to get around to that.

    @Jeff Phillips Great motivational behavior, I need to be more like you on “off” days

    @Shaughn Simmons You got something I need... endurance. Then again, work works

    @wendy Sounds like you are learning to balance (challenging but controlled)workouts in Erg, and the motivation provided by Zwift. Letting loose for a while and then backing down is an effective training technique (ie CnC)

    @Angus Whitfield @Gordon Cherwoniak @Paul Hough You are gettin’ it done

    @scott dinhofer The skiing will be good for your hamstrings... and more fun than a yoga mat.

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    A good Week 2 in the books. I'm doing the RF so I only have 3 rides for the week. Finished the week with the Cruise n Crush ride , had a VI of 1.23 and enjoyed all the heavy breathing 🤣 ! Looking forward to seeing what Week 3 brings!!

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    OK, so using the "warm up" blocks to create steady ramps in the 10' intervals worked out really well for me. Solid WO overall. First block felt "easy", second was "steady", and third felt like work but never got brutal. I could definitely bump the start and finish wattage for each block by 10 watts next time.

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