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Bonus Ironman Slots (3) Up for Grabs...

Folks, Iron Man has a new promotion for the TRI club program. For every 10 members that we have register at a particular race, they give us one free entry. The entry can only be used for an Iron Man, in the same calendar year, that is not sold out.

As of now, we have three such entries thanks to the high participation rate for Ironman St George. 🎉

This Means any Iron Man is open to you that is not sold out.

In an earlier post I requested some input on what topics you could "lead" a conversation on, and several of you have reached back out.

Those of you who have get first dibs...so @Todd Glass and @Gordon Cherwoniak thanks for stepping up. Speak up by 2/14 or we pass it on.

Those of you who haven't opted in to a topic, there's still time...hint, hint!

~ Coach P



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