Home New Member [First Month]

Paige Boldt 2020 Official Coach Thread [PlanEN]

Paige -

Here's your personal Coach Thread, as promised. This is where you'll return to post all your "coach" questions as responses; I'll see them and reply. This first post is here to guide you through your first year on EN, so you can always come back here.

As you'll see in this forum, I handle all manner of edits and changes. So post away, know that I reply here usually M/W/F each week.

Power User Tip: Click the Star icon by the Title of this thread to subscribe, and you'll get email updates when I do reply.

Coach Notes

Your Races

  • Rim to Rim to Rim Ultra (Oct 23)

Your Notes

Collegiate runner, had been training for Olympic Trials marathon in 2016-2018, ran 60:30 10 mile, 1:19 1/2 marathon and 17:15 5K. Then suffered significant injuries during 2017-2020 (had a major coaching change, major life changes, etc). Started biking more in 2020 and learned I love to bike! I also have a swimming background in high school. I did a cycling Everest this past summer as well as a 200 miler. Planning to do R2R2R in Oct 2020 then transition to Triathalons in 2021.

I work as a PA, so I have 13 hour shifts several days per week, which can sometimes limit training. Usually work 3 days per week, but sometimes more so I have to change my workouts to fit my work schedule. I have had very specific training in the past, which I really enjoyed. Somewhat interested in higher level coaching/plan for 2021 triathlon season since I like a lot of details in my training plan.

Season Outline

These are your recommended training plans, including the date you should start each one (sometimes you won't complete a full plan but transition to another one). You can change your plans on Final Surge by clicking on Training Plans / My Plans. Learn more about each plan on the Training Plan Central Page.

>> Last updated by Coach on September 8, 2020

  • On 8/4/2020  Load the  -- UltraRun 50k Plan, Balanced [12 Weeks] to end on  10/26/2020  [  12 weeks  ]
  • On 10/27/2020 Load the  -- Post Marathon / Half Marathon Plan (2wks)  to end on  11/9/2020   [  2  weeks  ]
  • On 11/10/2020 Load the  -- Durability Balanced Plan 1 (9 months out) -- 4 weeks  to end on  12/7/2020   [  4  weeks  ]
  • On 12/8/2020  Load the    Durability Balanced Plan 2 (8 months out) -- 4 weeks  to end on  1/4/2021   [  4  weeks  ]
  • On 1/5/2021  Load the    OutSeason for Triathletes (Bike Focus) Plan, 14wks to end on  4/12/2021   [  14 weeks  ]

Training Plan Support in Your First Month

You can connect with @matt limbert as needed in your first month to get dialed in with your training plans and data. You can set up a call with him online here: https://calendly.com/new-member-phone-call/1 and he'll be on this thread shortly!

Your Homework

Tell Me Your Season Goals

  • What will make you consider this season a success?
  • What's your biggest limiter right now?

** The Athlete Roadmap Videos & Start Learning **

Join Coach Patrick for a walkthrough of the Endurance Nation Athlete experience to learn more about how our system works to help you achieve your personal best. You'll want to watch the Phase One Structure videos -- there are four -- to get completely up to speed!

Every month we hold live events as part of our commitment to make you just as smart as you are fit. Feel free to visit our Coach Lesson page and our Office Hours page to find the next opportunity to connect with Coach Patrick and your Teammates.

Contact Points

As part of your journey to becoming a Self Coached Triathlete inside TeamEN, we are prepared to give you excellent support for your first 90 days. Our goal is to transition you from live, in-person support to using our digital resources and the Team to help you continue your progress as you execute your Three Year Plan.

These are all the key points in your first year where we must talk. Please remember to include your phone number.

  • Welcome Call in Week One (set it up here)
  • Training Plan Call in Week Two to talk about your season (set it up here)
  • End of Trial Call -- We review your experience & Unlock Year One / Race Execution for you (set it up here)
  • End of Season Call -- We review your year & Strategize for your End of Year Gap and Year Two (TBD in this Coach Thread)


  • Coach Questions - Right here in this thread. Always reply to this same thread, it keeps a record for us as we evolve together!
  • General Questions - Simple stuff can go to the General Discussion Forum for the Team to answer. For example, Best Bike? How to improve run cadence? How to flip turn?
  • Need Help? - Please check the EN Help Site first!
  • Admin Questions - Billing or orders or whatnot? Use the red chat button at the bottom of the Members Site (not forums) or email us here.
  • Specific Questions about a Race or Power, etc? - You can post those into the General Discussion Forum and set the title or tags for that topic. Race questions to the Racing Forum, etc. Not sure where to post? Put it in the General Discussion forum and we will sort it out. Whatever you do, PLEASE ask your questions!!

For short or last minute questions, we recommend you use the Red Chat Icon on the main Members website.

We have also organized a complete chart of the best ways to contact us online here.

Your First Month on the Team

You have quite a few things to do when you start up. There are instructions on the top of the website, but you can review them under Resources / Trial Member Welcome.

Your First Year Inside Endurance Nation

This will be unlocked after your trial expires.

Looking forward to working with you this year,

~ Coach P



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    Paige, Super cool to have you with us! R2R2R let's do it! We have a couple other athletes tackling it too! I love that you are already posting workouts in Final Surge

    Here or here are several posts from some of the other athletes on the team. If your "tag" the author with @name they will respond. They are super cool and would be happy to help. I'm sure you have already read plenty on the preparation for something so epic, and here a chance to chat with a few folks if you want to ask more detailed questions.

    Let's get after it! 👊

    If any questions you have getting started - schedule a call with me here.

    Talk you you soon,

    Matt, EN Training Plan Coordinator

    Things to do:

    #1 Respond below

    Post a comment below or give me an 😀, 👍️ or a short GTG. Let me know you are subscribed and will respond back via email. Let's get the conversation started!

    #2 Subscribe to your Coach Thread.

    Subscribe to your Coach Thread and get an email when we respond. Your Coach Thread is the best way to get a hold of us. Click on the star. It will turn solid red

    How to subscribe screen capture:


    #3 How to use your Coach Thread 

    This is totally up to you. You can post a lot or very little. You post. We answer. We find it is helpful for you and us, if you post a weekly update once you get started. Pick a day. Any day that works for you. Many athletes pick Sunday to summarize the week. Others pick Friday to end the work week and get ready for the weekend. Choose something works for you. Comment on how you felt this week, what went well, and what you want to work on for next week. Its good accountability and helps you keep you on track for your goals. After a couple of posts, you can decide on what the level of interaction works best for you!

    We would love to get some updates on how your R2R2R prep is going and get a post on your experience afterwards!

    #4 Consider downloading the Final Surge App

    The app makes it waaaayyyy easier to post comments.

    This will help you (and us) make sure you are doing the RIGHT amount of work. As Olympic trials contender, we know you can do a lot of work. You also commented that this is a strength and a weakness. Making and tracking some simple post workout comments can help you (and us) catch little things before they become big things!

    To make comments, select the activity and click on the "pencil" icon to tap "how I felt" or "perceived effort." Just a quick note goes a long way.

    Download Final Surge | Mobile Apps Here

    #5 Quick Start Guide

    Here is the reference guide on how to read the workouts, abbreviations and lingo.

    #6 Customize your workouts in Final Surge

    You can wait on this one. After R2R2R we can work in a 5k test to really dial in your pacing. I expect you will have a lot of pacing experience and that will be your best guide as you prepare for R2R2R. Remember this is an option. You will eventually do bike and run test. We will use your average power (or heart rate) for a 20' time trial to set you customized workout zones. Once you customize them, the workouts will say 20' @ (135-145 heart rate) or 20' @(100- 110 Watts) vs. 20' @ Zone 2.  We can do the same thing for the run. Once you do a 5k race we can use your average pace or heart rate to establish run zones too!

    #7 Connect with the rest of the team in our GroupMe chat

    We use GroupME for group chat and communication within the team. This is where our athletes ask and answer questions or share a cool picture of their run or post their run streak numbers.

    We would love to have your voice and experience in there ·    Run Group [Join Here]

    Download the GroupMe is an app and see what the Team is talking about. Pro tip: You can subscribe to these channels and mute the alerts. There is a lot of activity here and the alerts can get overwhelming. 😂


    ·        EN Live 24/7  [Join Here]

    ·        Run Group [Join Here]

    ·        Zwift Chat [Join Here]

    ·        Events  [Join Here]

    ·        Race Groups [Join Here]

    #8 See the big picture and explore ways to get smarter

    See the big picture. Join Coach Patrick for a walkthrough of the Endurance Nation Athlete experience to learn more about how our system works to help you achieve your personal best. You'll want to watch the Phase One Structure videos -- there are four -- to get completely up to speed!

    Coach Patrick has designed a Season Roadmap for you. The progression of workouts will get you fitter and prepare you physically to race but, getting smarter about training and race execution is what sets Endurance Nation apart from other programs. Here you have access to Coach Patrick (11x Kona qualifier), a library of his Coach Lessons, and the experience of hundreds of other athletes across all age groups - willing to share their advice and what has worked (or not) for them. We would love to have your experience and voice in those forums too.

    Explore the Forums

    All these topics are covered in our forums: Want to know the best equipment to buy? Where to stay for your race? How to triage you week of training when you have to travel for work? How to ride hills efficiently? How manage your power and heart rate on a hot day? You name it the Team can help you and make you a smarter athlete. There is free speed out there just by being smarter at how you play the game.

    Search our Race Forum for race plans and race reports. Learn from the shared experience of the entire Team

    Read the General Training Discussions and get training tips and execution advice from other TeamEN veterans.

    Learn how to race like veteran. Dial in your race execution using EN race guidance

    #9 Smart Trainer Integration

    If have a Smart Trainer we can talk you through our Zwift workouts or where to find us online.

    #10 Whew. You made it.

    You don't have to do it all a once but, we would love it if you responded below. I'm here talk you through all of the above. I would love to hear from you.


    EN Training Plan Coordinator

  • Options

    @matt limbert - I am in the forums! Brenda got me in with the work around. I am using Final Surge and have started adding some comments to use that as my new training log. Thanks for your time!

    I see on the plan for my 50 miler I still have a decent amount of cycling (few days per week). I haven't been doing as much riding lately, should I add this back in to make sure I don't completely loose bike fitness through the ultra training?

  • Options

    Also, @Coach Patrick, I forgot to mention that Rob is planning to do the following races next year - I am not sure if I should coordinate with him, since it may help with travel time but still curious which races you think would be best suited for me. I agree that I would like to do a 70.3 to practice transitions, etc since this is all new to me and would want to be competitive for the A race.

    Rob plans to race 70.3 at Steelhead on June 27, 2021; Ironman Mont Tremblant Aug 22, 2021 and Ironman Maryland Sept 18

  • Options

    @Paige Boldt - Thanks for the update. I was going to ask but wasn't 100% sure what the plan would be. Having someone else there on the journey definitely makes things better...unless they are a total stress case (or you are!). I like the connection of Steelhead and IM Mont Tremblant.

    Not too concerned about Steelhead, but really like your chances at IMMT. The bike is hilly (esp in town) and the run course suits a real runner (hilly in first bit, then flat...two out and backs). Plus the timing for August is great...plenty of time outside to prep, etc. IF you can do those...we do those! 👍

    So, for the short term work, we are durability focused which is a fair amount of easier running. The only time we want you running fast right now is on Wednesdays. So on those days, RPE that session (or the day it falls) and have fun.

    The other days, we need to use your HRM as a cap and really keep you locked in. I am not worried about HR on the hiking portions (of your repeats / loops), its there to keep you locked in on the other "easy" days. Those need to be easy...like 7:45 to 8:00 pace...you can do the math on the corresponding HR. Don't kill me. 😨

    I mentioned that I'd have some follow up questions...here goes:

    • Can you share out where some of these stress fractures have been? What are the "hot spots" I should be worried about?
    • What strength work do you typically do to stay on point?
    • Will you be able to do some of the hard bikes during the week? Or will you be using the bikes as recovery mode?
    • What and how much are you eating and drinking on the longer runs?


    ~ Coach P

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    Yeah, I think having the races line up with Rob may be good, so I will plan on those. Rob and I talked about whether it would be good to have the same race vs try to sherpa/support for each other. For logistics, syncing up training and traveling makes the most sense. Looks like IMMT is only Tier 4, so I will likely try to register for that then in the next week to ensure I get in! Rob mentioned we get a EN discount?

    For injuries - In college when I had female athlete triad - I had 3 tibial stress fractures and 1 metatarsal. This was 2007-2011. Then 2011-2017 I had no stress fractures. I gained 20lbs and was seeing a running specific dietician. That was a game changer and I had consistent training and PR'ed in every distance in 2016. Then in 2017, I went through a lot of stressors and this is the year I changed to have coaching with Dathan Ritzenhein so there were a lot of variables that changed. This was also tibial stress fracture but I think I ran on the stress fracture for a month thinking it was tendonitis and then one run it turned into a full fracture where I couldn't even walk- it was also proximal (high) tibial fracture so I had to wear a long leg cast for 3 months non weight bearing.

    Then in 2018 after healing, I had a freak ATV accident and flipped an ATV, resulted in 2 major shoulder surgeries which derailed training most of 2018. Then in 2019, I think because of gait changes due to shoulder/arm swing, I tore my hamstring with an avulsion fracture off the pelvis where the hamstring inserts. This was a 6+ month rehab. During this time, I underwent extensive gait analysis and PT to correct shoulder swing and unilateral instabilities. Also realized each time I got injured since 2017 I would force training in an attempt to run a fast qualifier for the 2020 trials but this led to recurrent injuries as you can see.

    Hot spots to watch for - I tend to have high pain tolerance, so if I say something hurts or I feel it this is usually a red flag. I am learning to take a few days off or get on the bike even if I think its nothing just to be safe. I think the tri plan with more time biking and swimming will help. I had no injuries while biking 200+ miles per week this past summer.

    Another hot spot - for full disclosure is weight. My ideal racing weight is 137-142; this is the weight I maintained in 2014-2016 and raced well at this weight. Since my injuries, I had been heavier trying to find the balance of not getting too obsessed with weight. I was 160 in 2019 at the highest. I have slowly been getting back to race weight; I am 146 now consistently, but by Ironman 2021 I want to be back to 137-142 range. I like my coach to be aware of this just for accountability that I don't get under 137.

    Weight training - I recently bought a triathlon weight training specific book and am trying to use that to help guide my weight training and lifts. That is a goal of mine during off season is to start establishing regular lifting and be more specific there. I tend to lift 1-2 days per week, a lot of body weight exercises, stability and unilateral exercises (bosu balls, band work, etc). I know I need to do more back and upper body for next year. With my running background, I do planks most days but probably should add in some push ups after R2R2R. My shoulder is sometimes weaker or neglected since my 2 surgeries so I don't want that to be a problem during the swim. I also have a PT guy I have worked with for several years, he often gives me tweaks in my weight training based on what is flared or weaknesses he assesses.

    For biking, I think I just need to get my trainer set up and start shifting in the mornings. I would ride a lot more. I like the idea of using biking as a hard day given I won't need to run 530 pace during R2R2R so I'd rather thrash my quads with hills and stairs and trails then midweek do higher intensity bike day to help prevent injuries. Not sure what the best approach is to be honest. So I will try to get my trainer set up this weekend and then maybe try a few morning Zwift group rides. Rob said the team is pretty active on those.

    For nutrition during my long runs, I have been doing GenUCan, I continually sip on that during the run every 10-15 minutes then every 30-45 minutes I have either a 1/2 cliff bar or 3 cliff blocks/chews. That seems to sit well while running low intensity. At "aid stations" or what I mimic as fill stations I tend to guzzle some water with a sodium tab. When I everested and did my 200 miler, I used skratch, but GenUCan seems to sit better for me when I run.

    Sorry this is so long - thanks for your time :)

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    @Paige Boldt This was all super helpful and it really gives us a more complete picture of as an athlete. It is also great to hear you are objective and mindful of your own strengths and weaknesses. You guys have been doing a ton of great work and are right on track. These will most likely be some of your biggest weeks in preparation. Please remember to plan for the extra rest and maintenance work (foam rolling and stretching etc) that is usually the first thing to go once you get tired. You are getting plenty of power and strength work on the weekend, so your idea of the mid-week bike is a great idea. Zwift is a great option, you can always find a race or workout and get a quality session in 1-1.5 hrs. As for your nutrition and hydration, you guys have done enough longer workouts that you should be able to really dial this in. It is very personal and finding the combination of carbs and hydration is key. While you might not be going as fast, you will be going longer so a variety of carb sources including real food is good. Nuun is also a possible option for the hydration too, but you will have to find the calories in bars, blocks, gels, or real food. Share your fueling and hydration plan in the Ultra chat or tag Tim Cronk, Peter Noyes, Gabe Peterson in a forum post. My understand of R2R2R is that it is equal parts fitness and nutrition/hydration. As for IM MT, we don't have a discount. After last year's craziness, I'm sure Rob has all the best insight on reading the fine print for cancellation and refund policies. We would love to get an update on your fitness, nutrition/hydration, route research, and taper plans! Talk to you soon.

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