Stay in the OS all the way through the end, for as long as you can stand it (sorta). Work NOLA into that as training race, using the outdoor options in the plan to add cycling and running volume, as well as the swim guidance to add swimming.
In the next week or so you'll be able to self-administer your plans yourself. We'll have available:
12wk IM plan
General Prep 1 (weeks 1-4 of our 20wk plan)
Gen Prep 2 (weeks 5-8 of our 20wk plan)
You can then see how you'll be able to make a 12, 16, or 20wk plan depending on how you stack those tools above. Short answer, don't worry about it now, we'll have all of that sorted out by the time you need it.
Been sidelined since 19 Dec with a stress fracture in right foot, 2nd metatarsal. Finally cleared by docs to run (I've been playing it very safe).
Ready to jump back into an OSP and I've set mine up to terminate 13 June, thus I'll be jumping in at week 4 of a 20 week season. I selected INTERMEDIATE version just because I've been out of action for so long. This will be my second crack at an OSP, last year being my first. Giving myself 2 weeks off after OSP then planning on jumping in to IMWI training.
Race Planning
Planning on the following races: White Lake Half (1 May) White Lake Sprint (2 May) IM FL 70.3 (16 May), local sprint (fun race) June, might do some bike racing in July, then nothing until Sept. If all goes well at IM FL 70.3 I will be signing up for IMWI Sept 12. IM FL 70.3 is my B+ race, IMWI would be my A race. Planning on Marine Corps Marathon on 31 Oct as well, mainly just to see my buddy in Wash DC.
Tested my FTP today on my road bike. Happy that my FTP hasn't dropped precipitously (280W +/- 5%). We'll see how the running goes after not running for a while.
Just would appreciate a sanity check of my OSP/IM training plan to see if it's reasonable.
Thanks Coach, your last comment "don't worry we'll get you through it", or thereabouts, was exactly what I needed to hear. Just want to make sure I don't keep my nose down too long, look up and realize I've screwed everything up! I will sit tight and finish out the OS for now, it's all good.
RnP- Looking for feedback on plans for the year. I will be riding a century in the mountains on 5/16 as a fun ride more than anything with a co-worker that has never completed a ride of that distance so it should be fairly laid back as far as pace and effort. Then I have Kansas 70.3 on 6/6 as an A race followed by a 3 week vacation and then Boulder 70.3 on 8/8. Originally Boulder was a B/C race for me but since the trainer that I worked with that initially talked me into triathlon particiapating it is now an A race (I really want to kick his butt in this one). After that I have some other stuff going on that will all pretty much be treated as C/fun stuff since it is all stacked up on the calendar (HH100 9/28, HM on 9/6 and an Olympic on 10/2). The season planning tool shows that I should exit the OS on 2/28 or 3/7 and start the HIM plan, I have seen some posts that differ on this and suggest starting the HIM training 5-6 weeks out, how should I plan this out. FYI- currently on beginner plan and Kansas will be my first tri at this distance
Looking at the 2.0 stuff. Am I supposed to stick with what I am doing or change to a 20 week plan for CDA? Intermediate of course. was just following along to do the 12 week plan. Do i even need to update to 2.0? Not sure what to do.
I'm doing the London Marathon on 25 April and I'm using the Marathon Run Hack doc for the runs. Having moved my FTP from 257 to 296w over the 14 weeks of the November O/S that I did I want to maintain those gains or even keep improving. For that reason I have continued to do the O/S bike workouts, but cut down the volume, so for example last week in addition to the 3 runs I did:
Bike 1 2x15' at FTP, 10' at 85%, 60' in total Bike 2 4x(5x30"/30" (2')) 20' at 85%, 60' in total Bike 3 3x10' (4') at FTP, 2x3' (2) at 110%, 2x15' (2') at 85%, 90' in total
I was expecting to carry on doing something similar, based off the O/S workouts. Is that too much to be going on with in conjunction with the 3 runs? Should I cut a bike ride? Looking for guidance.........
RnP-in week 2 of IM St G intermediate plan, going o.k. Mardi Gras marathon in 2 weeks 2/28. Hoping to run a 3:50-same pace as the last marathon I ran. The finish time is really not important, so I can train through this if that is what I should do. We travel on Friday 2/26 and return on 3/1. How do I adjust week 3 and 4 Thanks sheryl leonard-schneck
Coach, I've been in Advanced Jan OS and just now getting to plan my season. I've got 34 weeks from start of OS to My A race (IMLO), which actually works out perfectly with 20 OS+12RP+2transition=34 weeks! However, I want to do a half Ironman on May 1st, which is week 17 of the OS. Here is my problem I'm struggling with, should I skip the HIM and finish the OS plan strong because I know that I'll be missing weeks 4 and most of 5 of my Race Prep (wedding and Honeymoon). OR should I go ahead and do the HIM and if so, when should I stop the OS and pick up another plan....and what plan should I pick up? Thanks, Chad
hi coaches! I'm checking out the new beta - and selected the part for changes : it lists me on week 7 (which is what the Jan OS group is), in actuality I'm on week 5 for the bike and week 2 for the run. I'd like the same end date (5/23) - from which I'll do 1 week of transition and race Eagleman HIM after a few weeks of general training. I don't know how I can back up to week 5. Thanks! (oh, and thanks for the schedule advice, I will likely reconfigure my schedule cutting my races after Timberman to get my head in the game for IMFL).
While I see and am heeding the warnings about any long races during the 12 week build up to IM Moo, is it OK to do a sprint distance race 6 weeks prior? Seems like the recovery required is pretty minimal and the cost is more likely trying to do the race and then add the rest of the volume that would otherwise be planned for that day.
Been sidelined since 19 Dec with a stress fracture in right foot, 2nd metatarsal. Finally cleared by docs to run (I've been playing it very safe).
Ready to jump back into an OSP and I've set mine up to terminate 13 June, thus I'll be jumping in at week 4 of a 20 week season. I selected INTERMEDIATE version just because I've been out of action for so long. This will be my second crack at an OSP, last year being my first. Giving myself 2 weeks off after OSP then planning on jumping in to IMWI training.
Race Planning
Planning on the following races: White Lake Half (1 May) White Lake Sprint (2 May) IM FL 70.3 (16 May), local sprint (fun race) June, might do some bike racing in July, then nothing until Sept. If all goes well at IM FL 70.3 I will be signing up for IMWI Sept 12. IM FL 70.3 is my B+ race, IMWI would be my A race. Planning on Marine Corps Marathon on 31 Oct as well, mainly just to see my buddy in Wash DC.
Tested my FTP today on my road bike. Happy that my FTP hasn't dropped precipitously (280W +/- 5%). We'll see how the running goes after not running for a while.
Just would appreciate a sanity check of my OSP/IM training plan to see if it's reasonable.
James -
Looks pretty solid to me, just the usual note to be ready to flex if your foot / body demands more time to ramp up. That's great news on the bike FTP! The half in early May could be tough as it's close to the end of the VO2 part of the OS plans (8 ftp / 6 vo2 / 6 ftp-ish), so you might be trying to add volume to a pretty intense phase, fyi. Otherwise looks great!
Posted By Heather La Freniere on 15 Feb 2010 06:51 PM
Thanks Coach, your last comment "don't worry we'll get you through it", or thereabouts, was exactly what I needed to hear. Just want to make sure I don't keep my nose down too long, look up and realize I've screwed everything up! I will sit tight and finish out the OS for now, it's all good.
RnP- Looking for feedback on plans for the year. I will be riding a century in the mountains on 5/16 as a fun ride more than anything with a co-worker that has never completed a ride of that distance so it should be fairly laid back as far as pace and effort. Then I have Kansas 70.3 on 6/6 as an A race followed by a 3 week vacation and then Boulder 70.3 on 8/8. Originally Boulder was a B/C race for me but since the trainer that I worked with that initially talked me into triathlon particiapating it is now an A race (I really want to kick his butt in this one). After that I have some other stuff going on that will all pretty much be treated as C/fun stuff since it is all stacked up on the calendar (HH100 9/28, HM on 9/6 and an Olympic on 10/2). The season planning tool shows that I should exit the OS on 2/28 or 3/7 and start the HIM plan, I have seen some posts that differ on this and suggest starting the HIM training 5-6 weeks out, how should I plan this out. FYI- currently on beginner plan and Kansas will be my first tri at this distance
I think if you really want to dominate boulder 70.3 and you can get some training in during vacation, then stay in OS as long as possible until 6 weeks out from Kansas. Don't want to put the volume on too early, and that century should be a great way to get time in the saddle early in the year with minimal pressure. If you can't give up the first A race, and want to do two of them, then go early OS exit with 1 week transition to HIM, knowing that you'll take more time on vacation prior to second HIM. Becuase I said so.
Looking at the 2.0 stuff. Am I supposed to stick with what I am doing or change to a 20 week plan for CDA? Intermediate of course. was just following along to do the 12 week plan. Do i even need to update to 2.0? Not sure what to do.
EVeryone updates to 2.0. You use the season planning tool to identify when you want to transition (12 weeks is the default), and then you can use 2.0 to actuallly implement your plan!
I'm doing the London Marathon on 25 April and I'm using the Marathon Run Hack doc for the runs. Having moved my FTP from 257 to 296w over the 14 weeks of the November O/S that I did I want to maintain those gains or even keep improving. For that reason I have continued to do the O/S bike workouts, but cut down the volume, so for example last week in addition to the 3 runs I did:
Bike 1 2x15' at FTP, 10' at 85%, 60' in total
Bike 2 4x(5x30"/30" (2')) 20' at 85%, 60' in total
Bike 3 3x10' (4') at FTP, 2x3' (2) at 110%, 2x15' (2') at 85%, 90' in total
I was expecting to carry on doing something similar, based off the O/S workouts. Is that too much to be going on with in conjunction with the 3 runs? Should I cut a bike ride? Looking for guidance.........
I think you will need to really cut those bike back more. Do the 2 x 15' in like 40 or 45 mins, not 60, etc. You can probably shave off another hour of exercise by tightening up the bike...that might be enought. But....BUT...taking a slight step back with your FTP would not be the end of the world if you run fitness came up a bit and body comp got dialed in. Your body is like water; it will find it's optimal path to fitness...will you listen?
Posted By Sheryl Leonard-Schneck on 16 Feb 2010 10:56 AM
RnP-in week 2 of IM St G intermediate plan, going o.k. Mardi Gras marathon in 2 weeks 2/28. Hoping to run a 3:50-same pace as the last marathon I ran. The finish time is really not important, so I can train through this if that is what I should do. We travel on Friday 2/26 and return on 3/1. How do I adjust week 3 and 4
sheryl leonard-schneck
The marathon isn't hard on you until after the 2.5 hour's how you handle that next 1.5 that matter. So pace well. Be smart. Stay hydrated. Run steady. Recovery for the next 72 hours is critical, including a light massage. Stay active, even if lightly. NO RUNNING FOR AT LEAST 10 days. Then easy back into it. Time to stary swimming!!!
Coach, I've been in Advanced Jan OS and just now getting to plan my season. I've got 34 weeks from start of OS to My A race (IMLO), which actually works out perfectly with 20 OS+12RP+2transition=34 weeks!
However, I want to do a half Ironman on May 1st, which is week 17 of the OS.
Here is my problem I'm struggling with, should I skip the HIM and finish the OS plan strong because I know that I'll be missing weeks 4 and most of 5 of my Race Prep (wedding and Honeymoon).
OR should I go ahead and do the HIM and if so, when should I stop the OS and pick up another plan....and what plan should I pick up?
Chad -
do the HIM for the sure, you'll be ready to "get out". I would race it, then take 2 weeks of transition. Then you have maybe 14 or 15 weeks...we'll have a "general prep 1" or "2" option out there, both 4 week blocks, you can pick the one you want and do that for the "extra" weeks....OR put in a volume pop like a big week (see wiki).
I'm checking out the new beta - and selected the part for changes : it lists me on week 7 (which is what the Jan OS group is), in actuality I'm on week 5 for the bike and week 2 for the run. I'd like the same end date (5/23) - from which I'll do 1 week of transition and race Eagleman HIM after a few weeks of general training. I don't know how I can back up to week 5. Thanks! (oh, and thanks for the schedule advice, I will likely reconfigure my schedule cutting my races after Timberman to get my head in the game for IMFL).
BH -
If you click on "change my plan" you should be able to change the end date back two weeks to where you want...let me know if you can't by emailing and we'll hook you up from there! Good call on the post timberman plans...jamming too much in there could prove to be, well, too much!
While I see and am heeding the warnings about any long races during the 12 week build up to IM Moo, is it OK to do a sprint distance race 6 weeks prior? Seems like the recovery required is pretty minimal and the cost is more likely trying to do the race and then add the rest of the volume that would otherwise be planned for that day.
sure, that's fine...just be safe out there and check the season planning tool to see if you'll need to adjust the race sim!
First race up in my long season is CDA, and I'm trying to figure out how to juggle OS work between now and 10 weeks out, when I will start a slightly shortened IM program. I started the OS in Mid-Dec, and took two 10 day chunks out for skiing early Jan and early Feb, putting me at about week 8 or 9. Also, I'm now in week 4 of the VO2 Power Clinic. So I should be testing this week, but I won't; i'll just bump up my VDOT run paces a very small amount.
So what I intend to do for the next 8 weeks is: first two weeks, finish the Power Clinic for the bike, and do OS weeks 9 & 10 for VO2 run work. Then, the next two weeks, keep going with weeks 11&12 for run, and start a 6 week block of FTP work on the bike (weeks 14-20?), switching to run FTP work for the final 4 weeks. And, I've started swimming this week, and will slowly build that over the next 6 weeks.
Does this plan make sense? Is there any trigger in the Power Clinic 5/20 test which would tell me if I should put in a mini-block of VO2 work on the bike?
I'm not worried (yet) about the second half of my season; I'll just see what I need to get ready for Kona sometime in the middle of July, likewise, I'll wait until 10-14 days after that race to see what I need for AZ.
I'm doing the London Marathon on 25 April and I'm using the Marathon Run Hack doc for the runs. Having moved my FTP from 257 to 296w over the 14 weeks of the November O/S that I did I want to maintain those gains or even keep improving. For that reason I have continued to do the O/S bike workouts, but cut down the volume, so for example last week in addition to the 3 runs I did:
Bike 1 2x15' at FTP, 10' at 85%, 60' in total
Bike 2 4x(5x30"/30" (2')) 20' at 85%, 60' in total
Bike 3 3x10' (4') at FTP, 2x3' (2) at 110%, 2x15' (2') at 85%, 90' in total
I was expecting to carry on doing something similar, based off the O/S workouts. Is that too much to be going on with in conjunction with the 3 runs? Should I cut a bike ride? Looking for guidance.........
I think you will need to really cut those bike back more. Do the 2 x 15' in like 40 or 45 mins, not 60, etc. You can probably shave off another hour of exercise by tightening up the bike...that might be enought. But....BUT...taking a slight step back with your FTP would not be the end of the world if you run fitness came up a bit and body comp got dialed in. Your body is like water; it will find it's optimal path to fitness...will you listen?
Believe me, I'm listening! I tried 3 x12 yesterday at FTP, and my legs stopped pedaling about 3' into the third set. Couldn't persuade them to do anything more! I'll look to shave that time down on the bike by 45-60' and promise not to stress about a watt or two loss on the FTP.
Thanks! I got it and pushed myself to a different end date (even though I know that one won't stick because of my firat big race).
As I try to meld this all together and learn my way around the EN home page and all the amazing tools and information I've discovered I have a few more questions. So, please bear with me as I work on my plan of attack:
the thread re when to transition out of OS says we can exit OS and jump into the last 4 weeks of HIM training to be ready, which is what I plan to do to get ready for Eagleman 6/13... but does that mean we should (1) skip transition altogether, (2) exit OS, do a 1 week transition, then do the last 4 weeks of HIM training, or (3) exit OS, do the last 4 weeks of HIM, and then do transition before general prep?
Along similar lines, I've got a second HIM, Timberman, that falls on the cusp of general prep and race prep (for IMFL): (1) will general prep get me ready for the HIM (I don't know what general prep will entail) or (2) should I exit general prep to do 4 weeks of HIM training like I did out of OS (if not 4, how many weeks should I do)?
When Timberman is behind me I'll be in full on IM race prep mode - no transition or anything, right?
thanks! This is fun...but I hope I'm not driving you nuts!
Al, all looks good. I wouldn't recommend a mini-block of Vo2 work on the bike, other than what we've already ready put into your schedule. Finally, I'd recommend April 1 or 15th as dates to "officially" start training for IMCDA. IOW, lots and lots of fast stuff until then, but on those dates you're locked into your aerobars with your IM hat on.
the thread re when to transition out of OS says we can exit OS and jump into the last 4 weeks of HIM training to be ready, which is what I plan to do to get ready for Eagleman 6/13... but does that mean we should (1) skip transition altogether, (2) exit OS, do a 1 week transition, then do the last 4 weeks of HIM training, or (3) exit OS, do the last 4 weeks of HIM, and then do transition before general prep? I think this is a personal call. If you plan to take the OS all the way out until 4wks from your race, there's not that much room there for a transition there. Me, I would go from the OS to the HIM plan and then stand down hard for 1-2wks after the HIM, reseting my head for the second half of the season.
Along similar lines, I've got a second HIM, Timberman, that falls on the cusp of general prep and race prep (for IMFL): (1) will general prep get me ready for the HIM (I don't know what general prep will entail) or (2) should I exit general prep to do 4 weeks of HIM training like I did out of OS (if not 4, how many weeks should I do)? You should by then be in the IM plan and just insert Timberman into that training plan. Go to the TrainMap/Start Station/Download and download the "Self-Coaching Manual" I wrote a while ago. I lay out how to insert A, B, anc C HIM into IM training plans.
When Timberman is behind me I'll be in full on IM race prep mode - no transition or anything, right? The resource above will give you guidance for how to do that.
thanks! This is fun...but I hope I'm not driving you nuts!
Okay, I truly am trying to figure this out, but... I'm doing Muncie Endurathon HIM on July 10th, and IMLOU on August 29th. My outseason is November, which ends March 21st, I believe. Am running Indy Mini, which I have already read how to just up my distance for that. So, do I move to Gen. Prep or HIM after OS? When would I have my transition week? My head is spinning right now, trying to figure this out! Of course, fatigue isn't helping...
Okay, I truly am trying to figure this out, but...
I'm doing Muncie Endurathon HIM on July 10th, and IMLOU on August 29th. My outseason is November, which ends March 21st, I believe. Am running Indy Mini, which I have already read how to just up my distance for that. So, do I move to Gen. Prep or HIM after OS? When would I have my transition week? My head is spinning right now, trying to figure this out! Of course, fatigue isn't helping...
Hey Barbara,
Have you used the Season Planning Tool yet? Might be a good idea to use that tool to lay out your season, take a screen shot of that and park it here for us to look at it. Easier for you and for us.
P does a great job of laying out a bunch of "if you're doing this then do that" scenarios, but the short answer is that with IMLou as your A-race, you'll definitely want to be in the IM plan, not the HIM plan, and then just insert Muncie into that IM training plan.
Quick question- finally sat down to map out the year and have a week off to play with.
So when it comes to sneaking in a big tri week- I know the usual answer is 6-8 weeks out but where should I be thinking in regards to the race rehearsals?? cool to go for it the week before the first RR??
@Heather, recommend you:
You can then see how you'll be able to make a 12, 16, or 20wk plan depending on how you stack those tools above. Short answer, don't worry about it now, we'll have all of that sorted out by the time you need it.
Back in the game and itching to go to work.
Been sidelined since 19 Dec with a stress fracture in right foot, 2nd metatarsal. Finally cleared by docs to run (I've been playing it very safe).
Ready to jump back into an OSP and I've set mine up to terminate 13 June, thus I'll be jumping in at week 4 of a 20 week season. I selected INTERMEDIATE version just because I've been out of action for so long. This will be my second crack at an OSP, last year being my first. Giving myself 2 weeks off after OSP then planning on jumping in to IMWI training.
Race Planning
Planning on the following races: White Lake Half (1 May) White Lake Sprint (2 May) IM FL 70.3 (16 May), local sprint (fun race) June, might do some bike racing in July, then nothing until Sept. If all goes well at IM FL 70.3 I will be signing up for IMWI Sept 12. IM FL 70.3 is my B+ race, IMWI would be my A race. Planning on Marine Corps Marathon on 31 Oct as well, mainly just to see my buddy in Wash DC.
Tested my FTP today on my road bike. Happy that my FTP hasn't dropped precipitously (280W +/- 5%). We'll see how the running goes after not running for a while.
Just would appreciate a sanity check of my OSP/IM training plan to see if it's reasonable.
Thanks Coach, your last comment "don't worry we'll get you through it", or thereabouts, was exactly what I needed to hear. Just want to make sure I don't keep my nose down too long, look up and realize I've screwed everything up! I will sit tight and finish out the OS for now, it's all good.
Looking at the 2.0 stuff. Am I supposed to stick with what I am doing or change to a 20 week plan for CDA? Intermediate of course. was just following along to do the 12 week plan. Do i even need to update to 2.0? Not sure what to do.
Bike 1 2x15' at FTP, 10' at 85%, 60' in total
Bike 2 4x(5x30"/30" (2')) 20' at 85%, 60' in total
Bike 3 3x10' (4') at FTP, 2x3' (2) at 110%, 2x15' (2') at 85%, 90' in total
I was expecting to carry on doing something similar, based off the O/S workouts. Is that too much to be going on with in conjunction with the 3 runs? Should I cut a bike ride? Looking for guidance.........
sheryl leonard-schneck
However, I want to do a half Ironman on May 1st, which is week 17 of the OS.
Here is my problem I'm struggling with, should I skip the HIM and finish the OS plan strong because I know that I'll be missing weeks 4 and most of 5 of my Race Prep (wedding and Honeymoon).
OR should I go ahead and do the HIM and if so, when should I stop the OS and pick up another plan....and what plan should I pick up?
I'm checking out the new beta - and selected the part for changes : it lists me on week 7 (which is what the Jan OS group is), in actuality I'm on week 5 for the bike and week 2 for the run. I'd like the same end date (5/23) - from which I'll do 1 week of transition and race Eagleman HIM after a few weeks of general training. I don't know how I can back up to week 5. Thanks! (oh, and thanks for the schedule advice, I will likely reconfigure my schedule cutting my races after Timberman to get my head in the game for IMFL).
While I see and am heeding the warnings about any long races during the 12 week build up to IM Moo, is it OK to do a sprint distance race 6 weeks prior? Seems like the recovery required is pretty minimal and the cost is more likely trying to do the race and then add the rest of the volume that would otherwise be planned for that day.
James -
Looks pretty solid to me, just the usual note to be ready to flex if your foot / body demands more time to ramp up. That's great news on the bike FTP! The half in early May could be tough as it's close to the end of the VO2 part of the OS plans (8 ftp / 6 vo2 / 6 ftp-ish), so you might be trying to add volume to a pretty intense phase, fyi. Otherwise looks great!
Good to have you back!
sweet.....we got you!
I think if you really want to dominate boulder 70.3 and you can get some training in during vacation, then stay in OS as long as possible until 6 weeks out from Kansas. Don't want to put the volume on too early, and that century should be a great way to get time in the saddle early in the year with minimal pressure. If you can't give up the first A race, and want to do two of them, then go early OS exit with 1 week transition to HIM, knowing that you'll take more time on vacation prior to second HIM. Becuase I said so.

EVeryone updates to 2.0. You use the season planning tool to identify when you want to transition (12 weeks is the default), and then you can use 2.0 to actuallly implement your plan!
I think you will need to really cut those bike back more. Do the 2 x 15' in like 40 or 45 mins, not 60, etc. You can probably shave off another hour of exercise by tightening up the bike...that might be enought. But....BUT...taking a slight step back with your FTP would not be the end of the world if you run fitness came up a bit and body comp got dialed in. Your body is like water; it will find it's optimal path to fitness...will you listen?
The marathon isn't hard on you until after the 2.5 hour's how you handle that next 1.5 that matter. So pace well. Be smart. Stay hydrated. Run steady. Recovery for the next 72 hours is critical, including a light massage. Stay active, even if lightly. NO RUNNING FOR AT LEAST 10 days. Then easy back into it. Time to stary swimming!!!
Chad -
do the HIM for the sure, you'll be ready to "get out". I would race it, then take 2 weeks of transition. Then you have maybe 14 or 15 weeks...we'll have a "general prep 1" or "2" option out there, both 4 week blocks, you can pick the one you want and do that for the "extra" weeks....OR put in a volume pop like a big week (see wiki).
So much much work!
BH -
If you click on "change my plan" you should be able to change the end date back two weeks to where you want...let me know if you can't by emailing and we'll hook you up from there! Good call on the post timberman plans...jamming too much in there could prove to be, well, too much!
sure, that's fine...just be safe out there and check the season planning tool to see if you'll need to adjust the race sim!
got it-watch out water here I come
RnP -
First race up in my long season is CDA, and I'm trying to figure out how to juggle OS work between now and 10 weeks out, when I will start a slightly shortened IM program. I started the OS in Mid-Dec, and took two 10 day chunks out for skiing early Jan and early Feb, putting me at about week 8 or 9. Also, I'm now in week 4 of the VO2 Power Clinic. So I should be testing this week, but I won't; i'll just bump up my VDOT run paces a very small amount.
So what I intend to do for the next 8 weeks is: first two weeks, finish the Power Clinic for the bike, and do OS weeks 9 & 10 for VO2 run work. Then, the next two weeks, keep going with weeks 11&12 for run, and start a 6 week block of FTP work on the bike (weeks 14-20?), switching to run FTP work for the final 4 weeks. And, I've started swimming this week, and will slowly build that over the next 6 weeks.
Does this plan make sense? Is there any trigger in the Power Clinic 5/20 test which would tell me if I should put in a mini-block of VO2 work on the bike?
I'm not worried (yet) about the second half of my season; I'll just see what I need to get ready for Kona sometime in the middle of July, likewise, I'll wait until 10-14 days after that race to see what I need for AZ.
Believe me, I'm listening! I tried 3 x12 yesterday at FTP, and my legs stopped pedaling about 3' into the third set. Couldn't persuade them to do anything more! I'll look to shave that time down on the bike by 45-60' and promise not to stress about a watt or two loss on the FTP.
To be honest that's just what I needed to hear!
Thanks! I got it and pushed myself to a different end date (even though I know that one won't stick because of my firat big race).
As I try to meld this all together and learn my way around the EN home page and all the amazing tools and information I've discovered I have a few more questions. So, please bear with me as I work on my plan of attack:
the thread re when to transition out of OS says we can exit OS and jump into the last 4 weeks of HIM training to be ready, which is what I plan to do to get ready for Eagleman 6/13... but does that mean we should (1) skip transition altogether, (2) exit OS, do a 1 week transition, then do the last 4 weeks of HIM training, or (3) exit OS, do the last 4 weeks of HIM, and then do transition before general prep?
Along similar lines, I've got a second HIM, Timberman, that falls on the cusp of general prep and race prep (for IMFL): (1) will general prep get me ready for the HIM (I don't know what general prep will entail) or (2) should I exit general prep to do 4 weeks of HIM training like I did out of OS (if not 4, how many weeks should I do)?
When Timberman is behind me I'll be in full on IM race prep mode - no transition or anything, right?
thanks! This is fun...but I hope I'm not driving you nuts!
Al, all looks good. I wouldn't recommend a mini-block of Vo2 work on the bike, other than what we've already ready put into your schedule. Finally, I'd recommend April 1 or 15th as dates to "officially" start training for IMCDA. IOW, lots and lots of fast stuff until then, but on those dates you're locked into your aerobars with your IM hat on.
@Jonathan, big gains to be made by bike fit. Don't forget to pursue that route also
Noted, I had a pretty good one at the beginning of last year, but I'll schedule in another for post marathon/transtion to tri training month.
I'm doing Muncie Endurathon HIM on July 10th, and IMLOU on August 29th. My outseason is November, which ends March 21st, I believe. Am running Indy Mini, which I have already read how to just up my distance for that. So, do I move to Gen. Prep or HIM after OS? When would I have my transition week? My head is spinning right now, trying to figure this out! Of course, fatigue isn't helping...
Hey Barbara,
Have you used the Season Planning Tool yet? Might be a good idea to use that tool to lay out your season, take a screen shot of that and park it here for us to look at it. Easier for you and for us.
P does a great job of laying out a bunch of "if you're doing this then do that" scenarios, but the short answer is that with IMLou as your A-race, you'll definitely want to be in the IM plan, not the HIM plan, and then just insert Muncie into that IM training plan.
So when it comes to sneaking in a big tri week- I know the usual answer is 6-8 weeks out but where should I be thinking in regards to the race rehearsals?? cool to go for it the week before the first RR??