@Patty, nice to see someone call it Ralph's, as that's what I do (old skool) and I get strange looks from the locals . Here's what I suggest:
Load up the 12wk HIM plan (coming soon, in like minutes) to end on Ralph's. Use this as your guide for the next 4-5wks.
Take an easy week or two after the race. Call it your transition.
Your options then are:
In a good mental place and don't want/need to do HIM volume yet?
Repeat probably the last 4-6wks of the OS plan, until 10-12wks out from Vineman, then
Load up the 12wk HIM plan to end on Vineman and use that as your guide.
DONE with the OS, want to do some longer stuff, not so much with the total inteval focus, etc?
Load up the 20wk HIM plan to end on Vineman. However, you're fitness, upon exiting the OS and after Ralph's will be beyond what the plan will have scheduled for you in the first 1-8wks. But you can use that those first 8wks as a guide, asking us for ideas how to tweak, modify things according to how you feel.
Then, get back on the formal HIM plan 10-12wks out from Vineman.
Throughout, look for local race and fun training opportunities to occupy your head. Bottomline is you do NOT need to be training "for" Vineman, mentally, until...May 15? June 1? A bunch of local knuckleheads are doing the race and, rather than listen to my advice, are already doing 3-4hr z2 rides for a HIM in friggin' July. Stoopid.
WF is the race you want to do with a group of guys. Rent an RV or camp, and think mid-life crisis spring break. I camp HUGE, with trailer, steaks, beer, wine, etc. The race is a total afterthought
Thanks! This is exactly what I needed to know. In between Ralph's and Vineman, I've also signed up for the Wine Country Century in May with possibly a trip to Humboldt County for the Tour of the Unknown Coast (100K). So, I've got some fun stuff in the works!
Hmm, before Endurance Nation, I think was in the knucklehead group - now I'm much wiser and have seen the error of the knucklehead ways My husband and I were just discussing how, "before", we'd be out riding 4-5 hrs in the rain....
I'm trying to plan my training for this year. If I do the 20 week off-season plan would I then do the 12wk IM plan or the 20wk IM plan? What's the difference between the 2?
I'm trying to plan my training for this year. If I do the 20 week off-season plan would I then do the 12wk IM plan or the 20wk IM plan? What's the difference between the 2?
Chris - You would follow the 12 week plan, only using Gen Prep blocks if needed. Please see the Season Planning Toolkit (and other resources) here in the wiki.
I sent a note to the coaches, but now found this thread! Did IMKY last year and followed the 9 month "season" plan. Took a month or two off and have been working out biking and running and planned on doing the 9 month again (been away for a while and noticed several things have changed). My question is what should I be doing? My A race is IMAZ and my B race is a 1/2 man July 18th. Should I do the 20 week Out of season, do the 1/2, and into 20 week IM plan? I was planning on starting the Out of Season plan 3/1. Any help suggestions would be great.
I'm trying to plan my training for this year. If I do the 20 week off-season plan would I then do the 12wk IM plan or the 20wk IM plan? What's the difference between the 2?
Chris - You would follow the 12 week plan, only using Gen Prep blocks if needed. Please see the Season Planning Toolkit (and other resources) here in the wiki.
Thanks P. Working back 32 weeks from my next planned race I would need to start the out-season plan in 8 weeks. So I need some sort of filler plan for the next 8 weeks. Can you put something in my training plan.
During General Prep weeks will Mon and Fri's continue to be rest days? I am trying to schedule massage appointments and would like to know if there are some days duing the week fit better than others in the training plan. I will start 2 weeks transition tomorrow, then 4 weeks General Prep, and then start a 12 week IM plan.
I'm trying to plan my training for this year. If I do the 20 week off-season plan would I then do the 12wk IM plan or the 20wk IM plan? What's the difference between the 2?
Chris - You would follow the 12 week plan, only using Gen Prep blocks if needed. Please see the Season Planning Toolkit (and other resources) here in the wiki.
Thanks P. Working back 32 weeks from my next planned race I would need to start the out-season plan in 8 weeks. So I need some sort of filler plan for the next 8 weeks. Can you put something in my training plan.
CK -
You can do it yourself under Training Plan 2.0 Beta. I suggest doing the first 8 weeks of the OS now, then regrouping...the more OS the better!
During General Prep weeks will Mon and Fri's continue to be rest days? I am trying to schedule massage appointments and would like to know if there are some days duing the week fit better than others in the training plan. I will start 2 weeks transition tomorrow, then 4 weeks General Prep, and then start a 12 week IM plan.
George -
Go to the trainnig plan 2.0 beta tab in your plan and you can drop the plan into your account now and see for yourself! ahhh, technology.
I sent a note to the coaches, but now found this thread! Did IMKY last year and followed the 9 month "season" plan. Took a month or two off and have been working out biking and running and planned on doing the 9 month again (been away for a while and noticed several things have changed). My question is what should I be doing? My A race is IMAZ and my B race is a 1/2 man July 18th. Should I do the 20 week Out of season, do the 1/2, and into 20 week IM plan? I was planning on starting the Out of Season plan 3/1. Any help suggestions would be great.
Tim -
Thanks for posting this over here, we prefer this to email. I would do OS for 14 weeks, then last 6 weeks of HIM plan. Recover 2 weeks, then either:
* Go Gen Prep phases until you start last 12 weeks to race.
* Repeat first 8 weeks of OS in some flavor (if you liked it / did well) and then go to Race Prep for last 12.
January OS finished week 8 testing, jumping into 8 week HIM beginner tomorrow with April 25 race date. Assuming I start with week 13 in HIM plan, volume kick is signifiicant but just wanted to be sure this is correct.
I found out this week that you can't hide when you have the data.
This was my firt time ever doing an FTP test - always LTHR tests before. After killing myself for almost an hour, I found my ftp to be 151 indoors. Sort of disappointing - I was expecting more around 200 based on what the power numbers said on the exercise bike at the club. But I have a feeling that my new powertap is a little more accurate. Hopefully, it'll be higher outside when I finally get to ride outside. The power numbers jumped around a lot more than I thought - I guess I need to ride steadier (I thought I was, but it sure wasn't the case). My LTHR actually went up from my test the week of 1/11, but who knows what that means.
I have a data question - on my first 20 min interval, norm power and avg power are the same (151) - how can this be if it jumped around so much - going from 28 to 213. The VI was 1 - I guess you'd expect that if NP and avg power are the same, but it doesn't make sense with all of the jumping around the power did during the interval. If I figure out the first question, then I'll knpw the answer to the second. I'm trying to apply the knowledge I got form the power webinar, and this was confusing.
The run side was even less encouraging. Went from a vdot of 28 to 26. Interestingly, my average HR during the test increased. So if I had been training by HR, I would believe I'd made some pretty good progress. I did do the test at around 1:00 PM this time as opposed to 9:00 AM, and it was a different course (but both are flat). Maybe that had something to do with it. I may try this again next week as well, but doing testing two weeks in a row is probably not the best idea.
I'm wondering if I should be moving to V02 MAX training since my running hasn't improved much and my FTP clearly has room for improvement. I have six weeks until I switch to race prep for Vineman, somaybe I'd be better off sticking with the longer FTP intevals. The last fact which may be relevant is that I started the OS a week late because I was sick with a sinus infection - so I didn't get the full time on the FTP program.
I was trying to switch to the beta 2.0 plan but am not sure what to do. I started the outseason in November and am doing IM Canada. Do I extend my outseason? If so how? The season planning tool for the amount of weeks I have left keeps me in the outseason with no transition or general prep but I think that assumes I am starting training now, not 17 weeks ago. What do you suggest I do to get on the beta 2.0 for where I am at right now? Thanks!
I was trying to switch to the beta 2.0 plan but am not sure what to do. I started the outseason in November and am doing IM Canada. Do I extend my outseason? If so how? The season planning tool for the amount of weeks I have left keeps me in the outseason with no transition or general prep but I think that assumes I am starting training now, not 17 weeks ago. What do you suggest I do to get on the beta 2.0 for where I am at right now? Thanks!
Carie -
I would suggest you train up for a half iron early in your season, say May/June as your A race. Then you can transition over to the full IM block. Is that an option?
January OS finished week 8 testing, jumping into 8 week HIM beginner tomorrow with April 25 race date. Assuming I start with week 13 in HIM plan, volume kick is signifiicant but just wanted to be sure this is correct.
Yes, this is correct. Try to "ease" into the new volume as much as possible based on your current level of fatigue/fitness. See the self coached resources just added to the wiki here where you can confirm dates with the planning tool and see what warning signs to look out for.
I found out this week that you can't hide when you have the data.
This was my firt time ever doing an FTP test - always LTHR tests before. After killing myself for almost an hour, I found my ftp to be 151 indoors. Sort of disappointing - I was expecting more around 200 based on what the power numbers said on the exercise bike at the club. But I have a feeling that my new powertap is a little more accurate. Hopefully, it'll be higher outside when I finally get to ride outside. The power numbers jumped around a lot more than I thought - I guess I need to ride steadier (I thought I was, but it sure wasn't the case). My LTHR actually went up from my test the week of 1/11, but who knows what that means.
I have a data question - on my first 20 min interval, norm power and avg power are the same (151) - how can this be if it jumped around so much - going from 28 to 213. The VI was 1 - I guess you'd expect that if NP and avg power are the same, but it doesn't make sense with all of the jumping around the power did during the interval. If I figure out the first question, then I'll knpw the answer to the second. I'm trying to apply the knowledge I got form the power webinar, and this was confusing.
The run side was even less encouraging. Went from a vdot of 28 to 26. Interestingly, my average HR during the test increased. So if I had been training by HR, I would believe I'd made some pretty good progress. I did do the test at around 1:00 PM this time as opposed to 9:00 AM, and it was a different course (but both are flat). Maybe that had something to do with it. I may try this again next week as well, but doing testing two weeks in a row is probably not the best idea.
I'm wondering if I should be moving to V02 MAX training since my running hasn't improved much and my FTP clearly has room for improvement. I have six weeks until I switch to race prep for Vineman, somaybe I'd be better off sticking with the longer FTP intevals. The last fact which may be relevant is that I started the OS a week late because I was sick with a sinus infection - so I didn't get the full time on the FTP program.
@ ;Bob -- The numbers are on your side; don't hide from them! NP and AP are almost always the same on the trainer. AP doesn't mean that you rode 150W from 0:00 to 20:00, just that over the course of your ride you were just that consistent with your effort. You'd almost have to go out of your way to have a substantially different NP and AP on the trainer. Don't sweat the actual numbers, it's what they translate to in terms of speed on the road (mph) that really matter!
As for the run, who knows what's up. I suggest you:
continue trainnig at your current vDOT of 28.
skip the VO2 block and go right to week 15 of the OS for the bike workouts (you might have to review the run stuff a little more closely). This will keep you on FTP work with a "taste" of 30/30s on the saturday ride.
Also, keep an eye on overall recovery, you might want to take a week at the end of the OS before you start the Vineman work...
Wow, I feel like I really need to sit down and read this entire thread one day as I'm sure there is a ton of great advice. Unfortunately I'm on my lunch break at work and can't read it all right now... so as per my specific questions;
My rough season outlook is Ironman Kansas 70.3 in June and IMWI in Sept. but I'm hoping to get a few B, C races in if possible just for fun. I've already been advised against racing in the 8-10 weeks prior to IMWI, however what are your thoughts on the following:
The benefit/risk of doing a season opener prior to KS 70.3? I'm in Iowa where the earliest Tris aren't until late May, a few friends are trying to persuade me to do Bluff Creek triathlon (sprint or oly) on May 23rd, 2 weeks prior to Kansas.
One week after Kansas is the Hyvee Triathlon (olympic) which is one of my favorite races of the year. I will most likely be there either way to support my friends and to watch the ITU race, but how horrible of an idea is it to consider doing an Olympic one week after a half even if it's entirely just for fun? For the record, this does not sound like a smart idea to me.
I should qualify that while I want to do well at Kansas, it is definitely not as important to me as IMWI. In terms of recovery, I was up and doing recovery workouts within the week of my last HIM and cross-training within a few days after my marathon, the following weekend I actually felt pretty decent.
I just qualified for Kona (and it feels great) at IM Malaysia on 27-February. I am planning 4 weeks of downtime to rest/recover then I will have 28 weeks to Kona. I am wondering how to best use this time (i.e. 16 weeks of outseason then 12 weeks IM Plan).
Hi Coaches - I have a macro question, but created a separate thread for it so I could get feedback from the rest of the team as well - I'd appreciate it if you could wander over here and give your feedback. Thanks!
I found out this week that you can't hide when you have the data.
This was my firt time ever doing an FTP test - always LTHR tests before. After killing myself for almost an hour, I found my ftp to be 151 indoors. Sort of disappointing - I was expecting more around 200 based on what the power numbers said on the exercise bike at the club. But I have a feeling that my new powertap is a little more accurate. Hopefully, it'll be higher outside when I finally get to ride outside. The power numbers jumped around a lot more than I thought - I guess I need to ride steadier (I thought I was, but it sure wasn't the case). My LTHR actually went up from my test the week of 1/11, but who knows what that means.
I have a data question - on my first 20 min interval, norm power and avg power are the same (151) - how can this be if it jumped around so much - going from 28 to 213. The VI was 1 - I guess you'd expect that if NP and avg power are the same, but it doesn't make sense with all of the jumping around the power did during the interval. If I figure out the first question, then I'll knpw the answer to the second. I'm trying to apply the knowledge I got form the power webinar, and this was confusing.
The run side was even less encouraging. Went from a vdot of 28 to 26. Interestingly, my average HR during the test increased. So if I had been training by HR, I would believe I'd made some pretty good progress. I did do the test at around 1:00 PM this time as opposed to 9:00 AM, and it was a different course (but both are flat). Maybe that had something to do with it. I may try this again next week as well, but doing testing two weeks in a row is probably not the best idea.
I'm wondering if I should be moving to V02 MAX training since my running hasn't improved much and my FTP clearly has room for improvement. I have six weeks until I switch to race prep for Vineman, somaybe I'd be better off sticking with the longer FTP intevals. The last fact which may be relevant is that I started the OS a week late because I was sick with a sinus infection - so I didn't get the full time on the FTP program.
@ ;Bob -- The numbers are on your side; don't hide from them! NP and AP are almost always the same on the trainer. AP doesn't mean that you rode 150W from 0:00 to 20:00, just that over the course of your ride you were just that consistent with your effort. You'd almost have to go out of your way to have a substantially different NP and AP on the trainer. Don't sweat the actual numbers, it's what they translate to in terms of speed on the road (mph) that really matter!
As for the run, who knows what's up. I suggest you:
continue trainnig at your current vDOT of 28.
skip the VO2 block and go right to week 15 of the OS for the bike workouts (you might have to review the run stuff a little more closely). This will keep you on FTP work with a "taste" of 30/30s on the saturday ride.
Also, keep an eye on overall recovery, you might want to take a week at the end of the OS before you start the Vineman work...
Wasn't sure what you meant about rethinking the run stuff. Should I use what is in week 15 of the plan when I skip ahead for the bike? Or do I need to do something else? Taking a transistion week in between OS and vineman prep sounds like a plan (OS work gets hard after a while) - I see a transition week on the season plan - I assume there is someplace that tells me what to do that week - or is it really a do whatever I feel like week? I thought about doing testing, but then I see week one of the HIM plan has testing.
Still don't get the power numbers. If I read the definitions in the power webinar, it would seem almost impossible to have NP and AP be the same if my power is jumping all over the place given the high weighting for higher power when calculating NP. But I'm not sure it really matters.
I'm back from a 2 week trip to Argentina. Before I left, I was on week 15 of OS but did very little of that weeks' workouts. So here's my plan for the rest of the season with IMMoo being the A race:
1. Start back up with week 15 OS...which would have me finishing OS on 4/11. I want to stay in OS for as long as possible to drive my FTP and Vdot up.
2. After OS ends, roll right into Basic Prep starting 4/12.
3. Begin Race Prep on 6/21 as per the Season planning tool. I may take a week or 2 transition between Basic Prep and Race Prep, but will start Race Prep on 6/21 for sure.
I found out this week that you can't hide when you have the data.
This was my firt time ever doing an FTP test - always LTHR tests before. After killing myself for almost an hour, I found my ftp to be 151 indoors. Sort of disappointing - I was expecting more around 200 based on what the power numbers said on the exercise bike at the club. But I have a feeling that my new powertap is a little more accurate. Hopefully, it'll be higher outside when I finally get to ride outside. The power numbers jumped around a lot more than I thought - I guess I need to ride steadier (I thought I was, but it sure wasn't the case). My LTHR actually went up from my test the week of 1/11, but who knows what that means.
I have a data question - on my first 20 min interval, norm power and avg power are the same (151) - how can this be if it jumped around so much - going from 28 to 213. The VI was 1 - I guess you'd expect that if NP and avg power are the same, but it doesn't make sense with all of the jumping around the power did during the interval. If I figure out the first question, then I'll knpw the answer to the second. I'm trying to apply the knowledge I got form the power webinar, and this was confusing.
The run side was even less encouraging. Went from a vdot of 28 to 26. Interestingly, my average HR during the test increased. So if I had been training by HR, I would believe I'd made some pretty good progress. I did do the test at around 1:00 PM this time as opposed to 9:00 AM, and it was a different course (but both are flat). Maybe that had something to do with it. I may try this again next week as well, but doing testing two weeks in a row is probably not the best idea.
I'm wondering if I should be moving to V02 MAX training since my running hasn't improved much and my FTP clearly has room for improvement. I have six weeks until I switch to race prep for Vineman, somaybe I'd be better off sticking with the longer FTP intevals. The last fact which may be relevant is that I started the OS a week late because I was sick with a sinus infection - so I didn't get the full time on the FTP program.
@ ;Bob -- The numbers are on your side; don't hide from them! NP and AP are almost always the same on the trainer. AP doesn't mean that you rode 150W from 0:00 to 20:00, just that over the course of your ride you were just that consistent with your effort. You'd almost have to go out of your way to have a substantially different NP and AP on the trainer. Don't sweat the actual numbers, it's what they translate to in terms of speed on the road (mph) that really matter!
As for the run, who knows what's up. I suggest you:
continue trainnig at your current vDOT of 28.
skip the VO2 block and go right to week 15 of the OS for the bike workouts (you might have to review the run stuff a little more closely). This will keep you on FTP work with a "taste" of 30/30s on the saturday ride.
Also, keep an eye on overall recovery, you might want to take a week at the end of the OS before you start the Vineman work...
Wasn't sure what you meant about rethinking the run stuff. Should I use what is in week 15 of the plan when I skip ahead for the bike? Or do I need to do something else? Taking a transistion week in between OS and vineman prep sounds like a plan (OS work gets hard after a while) - I see a transition week on the season plan - I assume there is someplace that tells me what to do that week - or is it really a do whatever I feel like week? I thought about doing testing, but then I see week one of the HIM plan has testing.
Still don't get the power numbers. If I read the definitions in the power webinar, it would seem almost impossible to have NP and AP be the same if my power is jumping all over the place given the high weighting for higher power when calculating NP. But I'm not sure it really matters.
A couple more thoughts. Maybe it would make sense to do the V02 max work for a few weeks and then switch back for the last 3-4 weeks? Or maybe sort of combine the two strategies for 3-4 weeks? But maybe these would defeat the purpose of both strategies and I'd accomplish nothing - that would be bad. I think I'm just getting tired of the long FTP intervals.
Would training up for a HIM for 12 weeks then IM for 12 weeks be preferrable over 4 extra weeks of outseason then 20 weeks of IM training?
Carrie, I would say yes. I think 24wks of continues OS in route to an IM would equal burnout. You'll be more than fit enough to roll into the last 12wks of the HIM plan and then transition to the IM plan.
I just qualified for Kona (and it feels great) at IM Malaysia on 27-February. I am planning 4 weeks of downtime to rest/recover then I will have 28 weeks to Kona. I am wondering how to best use this time (i.e. 16 weeks of outseason then 12 weeks IM Plan).
Hey Cort,
Congrats! I know you've been chasing that one for a loonnggg time and that's a HUGE accomplishment for a not-small guy in the heat. AWESOME!!
Take your four weeks and then let's talk about it. IOW, no reason for you to be talking to us and us to be talking to you right now, or at least for a few more weeks. Just chill and ping us again when you're ready to start training again.
Again, congrats (and don't forget to post a race report )
@Kitima, welcome back! Can't wait to see the pics (hint)! Plan looks fine, but think you should only take 1x transition week between GenPrep and Race Prep you're fine starting Race Prep on 6/21, but I've always told people racing IMWI to shift mental gears toward training for IMWI for, like, July 5th, after holiday. If you're planning to come out to the WI camp that would be a great gear change activitiy for you.
I found out this week that you can't hide when you have the data.
This was my firt time ever doing an FTP test - always LTHR tests before. After killing myself for almost an hour, I found my ftp to be 151 indoors. Sort of disappointing - I was expecting more around 200 based on what the power numbers said on the exercise bike at the club. But I have a feeling that my new powertap is a little more accurate. Hopefully, it'll be higher outside when I finally get to ride outside. The power numbers jumped around a lot more than I thought - I guess I need to ride steadier (I thought I was, but it sure wasn't the case). My LTHR actually went up from my test the week of 1/11, but who knows what that means.
I have a data question - on my first 20 min interval, norm power and avg power are the same (151) - how can this be if it jumped around so much - going from 28 to 213. The VI was 1 - I guess you'd expect that if NP and avg power are the same, but it doesn't make sense with all of the jumping around the power did during the interval. If I figure out the first question, then I'll knpw the answer to the second. I'm trying to apply the knowledge I got form the power webinar, and this was confusing.
The run side was even less encouraging. Went from a vdot of 28 to 26. Interestingly, my average HR during the test increased. So if I had been training by HR, I would believe I'd made some pretty good progress. I did do the test at around 1:00 PM this time as opposed to 9:00 AM, and it was a different course (but both are flat). Maybe that had something to do with it. I may try this again next week as well, but doing testing two weeks in a row is probably not the best idea.
I'm wondering if I should be moving to V02 MAX training since my running hasn't improved much and my FTP clearly has room for improvement. I have six weeks until I switch to race prep for Vineman, somaybe I'd be better off sticking with the longer FTP intevals. The last fact which may be relevant is that I started the OS a week late because I was sick with a sinus infection - so I didn't get the full time on the FTP program.
@ ;Bob -- The numbers are on your side; don't hide from them! NP and AP are almost always the same on the trainer. AP doesn't mean that you rode 150W from 0:00 to 20:00, just that over the course of your ride you were just that consistent with your effort. You'd almost have to go out of your way to have a substantially different NP and AP on the trainer. Don't sweat the actual numbers, it's what they translate to in terms of speed on the road (mph) that really matter!
As for the run, who knows what's up. I suggest you:
continue trainnig at your current vDOT of 28.
skip the VO2 block and go right to week 15 of the OS for the bike workouts (you might have to review the run stuff a little more closely). This will keep you on FTP work with a "taste" of 30/30s on the saturday ride.
Also, keep an eye on overall recovery, you might want to take a week at the end of the OS before you start the Vineman work...
Wasn't sure what you meant about rethinking the run stuff. Should I use what is in week 15 of the plan when I skip ahead for the bike? Or do I need to do something else? Taking a transistion week in between OS and vineman prep sounds like a plan (OS work gets hard after a while) - I see a transition week on the season plan - I assume there is someplace that tells me what to do that week - or is it really a do whatever I feel like week? I thought about doing testing, but then I see week one of the HIM plan has testing.
Still don't get the power numbers. If I read the definitions in the power webinar, it would seem almost impossible to have NP and AP be the same if my power is jumping all over the place given the high weighting for higher power when calculating NP. But I'm not sure it really matters.
A couple more thoughts. Maybe it would make sense to do the V02 max work for a few weeks and then switch back for the last 3-4 weeks? Or maybe sort of combine the two strategies for 3-4 weeks? But maybe these would defeat the purpose of both strategies and I'd accomplish nothing - that would be bad. I think I'm just getting tired of the long FTP intervals.
Bob - With so much to gain on the FTP, that's where the biggest bang for your buck is; but if you are burning out, change can be good. You can try and abbreviated VO2 block, say 4 weeks then 4 weeks to close out OS on the FTP side. I guess worst case is you get tired and need to back down a bit to bounce back for the year...nothing ventured...
@Patty, nice to see someone call it Ralph's, as that's what I do (old skool) and I get strange looks from the locals
. Here's what I suggest:
WF is the race you want to do with a group of guys. Rent an RV or camp, and think mid-life crisis spring break. I camp HUGE, with trailer, steaks, beer, wine, etc. The race is a total afterthought
@Barb = head out of a$$. Check!
Thanks! This is exactly what I needed to know. In between Ralph's and Vineman, I've also signed up for the Wine Country Century in May with possibly a trip to Humboldt County for the Tour of the Unknown Coast (100K). So, I've got some fun stuff in the works!
Hmm, before Endurance Nation, I think was in the knucklehead group - now I'm much wiser and have seen the error of the knucklehead ways My husband and I were just discussing how, "before", we'd be out riding 4-5 hrs in the rain....
Chris - You would follow the 12 week plan, only using Gen Prep blocks if needed. Please see the Season Planning Toolkit (and other resources) here in the wiki.
I sent a note to the coaches, but now found this thread! Did IMKY last year and followed the 9 month "season" plan. Took a month or two off and have been working out biking and running and planned on doing the 9 month again (been away for a while and noticed several things have changed). My question is what should I be doing? My A race is IMAZ and my B race is a 1/2 man July 18th. Should I do the 20 week Out of season, do the 1/2, and into 20 week IM plan? I was planning on starting the Out of Season plan 3/1. Any help suggestions would be great.
Thanks P. Working back 32 weeks from my next planned race I would need to start the out-season plan in 8 weeks. So I need some sort of filler plan for the next 8 weeks. Can you put something in my training plan.
During General Prep weeks will Mon and Fri's continue to be rest days? I am trying to schedule massage
appointments and would like to know if there are some days duing the week fit better than others in the training plan. I will start 2 weeks transition tomorrow, then 4 weeks General Prep, and then start a 12 week IM plan.
CK -
You can do it yourself under Training Plan 2.0 Beta. I suggest doing the first 8 weeks of the OS now, then regrouping...the more OS the better!
George -
Go to the trainnig plan 2.0 beta tab in your plan and you can drop the plan into your account now and see for yourself! ahhh, technology.
Tim -
Thanks for posting this over here, we prefer this to email. I would do OS for 14 weeks, then last 6 weeks of HIM plan. Recover 2 weeks, then either:
* Go Gen Prep phases until you start last 12 weeks to race.
* Repeat first 8 weeks of OS in some flavor (if you liked it / did well) and then go to Race Prep for last 12.
You have plenty of time to decide...
January OS finished week 8 testing, jumping into 8 week HIM beginner tomorrow with April 25 race date. Assuming I start with week 13 in HIM plan, volume kick is signifiicant but just wanted to be sure this is correct.
This was my firt time ever doing an FTP test - always LTHR tests before. After killing myself for almost an hour, I found my ftp to be 151 indoors. Sort of disappointing - I was expecting more around 200 based on what the power numbers said on the exercise bike at the club. But I have a feeling that my new powertap is a little more accurate. Hopefully, it'll be higher outside when I finally get to ride outside. The power numbers jumped around a lot more than I thought - I guess I need to ride steadier (I thought I was, but it sure wasn't the case). My LTHR actually went up from my test the week of 1/11, but who knows what that means.
I have a data question - on my first 20 min interval, norm power and avg power are the same (151) - how can this be if it jumped around so much - going from 28 to 213. The VI was 1 - I guess you'd expect that if NP and avg power are the same, but it doesn't make sense with all of the jumping around the power did during the interval. If I figure out the first question, then I'll knpw the answer to the second. I'm trying to apply the knowledge I got form the power webinar, and this was confusing.
The run side was even less encouraging. Went from a vdot of 28 to 26. Interestingly, my average HR during the test increased. So if I had been training by HR, I would believe I'd made some pretty good progress. I did do the test at around 1:00 PM this time as opposed to 9:00 AM, and it was a different course (but both are flat). Maybe that had something to do with it. I may try this again next week as well, but doing testing two weeks in a row is probably not the best idea.
I'm wondering if I should be moving to V02 MAX training since my running hasn't improved much and my FTP clearly has room for improvement. I have six weeks until I switch to race prep for Vineman, somaybe I'd be better off sticking with the longer FTP intevals. The last fact which may be relevant is that I started the OS a week late because I was sick with a sinus infection - so I didn't get the full time on the FTP program.
Carie -
I would suggest you train up for a half iron early in your season, say May/June as your A race. Then you can transition over to the full IM block. Is that an option?
Yes, this is correct. Try to "ease" into the new volume as much as possible based on your current level of fatigue/fitness. See the self coached resources just added to the wiki here where you can confirm dates with the planning tool and see what warning signs to look out for.
@ ;Bob -- The numbers are on your side; don't hide from them!
NP and AP are almost always the same on the trainer. AP doesn't mean that you rode 150W from 0:00 to 20:00, just that over the course of your ride you were just that consistent with your effort. You'd almost have to go out of your way to have a substantially different NP and AP on the trainer.
Don't sweat the actual numbers, it's what they translate to in terms of speed on the road (mph) that really matter!
As for the run, who knows what's up. I suggest you:
Also, keep an eye on overall recovery, you might want to take a week at the end of the OS before you start the Vineman work...
Wow, I feel like I really need to sit down and read this entire thread one day as I'm sure there is a ton of great advice. Unfortunately I'm on my lunch break at work and can't read it all right now... so as per my specific questions;
My rough season outlook is Ironman Kansas 70.3 in June and IMWI in Sept. but I'm hoping to get a few B, C races in if possible just for fun. I've already been advised against racing in the 8-10 weeks prior to IMWI, however what are your thoughts on the following:
I should qualify that while I want to do well at Kansas, it is definitely not as important to me as IMWI. In terms of recovery, I was up and doing recovery workouts within the week of my last HIM and cross-training within a few days after my marathon, the following weekend I actually felt pretty decent.
I just qualified for Kona (and it feels great) at IM Malaysia on 27-February. I am planning 4 weeks of downtime to rest/recover then I will have 28 weeks to Kona. I am wondering how to best use this time (i.e. 16 weeks of outseason then 12 weeks IM Plan).
Hi Coaches - I have a macro question, but created a separate thread for it so I could get feedback from the rest of the team as well - I'd appreciate it if you could wander over here and give your feedback. Thanks!
Wasn't sure what you meant about rethinking the run stuff. Should I use what is in week 15 of the plan when I skip ahead for the bike? Or do I need to do something else? Taking a transistion week in between OS and vineman prep sounds like a plan (OS work gets hard after a while) - I see a transition week on the season plan - I assume there is someplace that tells me what to do that week - or is it really a do whatever I feel like week? I thought about doing testing, but then I see week one of the HIM plan has testing.
Still don't get the power numbers. If I read the definitions in the power webinar, it would seem almost impossible to have NP and AP be the same if my power is jumping all over the place given the high weighting for higher power when calculating NP. But I'm not sure it really matters.
Dear RnP,
I'm back from a 2 week trip to Argentina. Before I left, I was on week 15 of OS but did very little of that weeks' workouts. So here's my plan for the rest of the season with IMMoo being the A race:
1. Start back up with week 15 OS...which would have me finishing OS on 4/11. I want to stay in OS for as long as possible to drive my FTP and Vdot up.
2. After OS ends, roll right into Basic Prep starting 4/12.
3. Begin Race Prep on 6/21 as per the Season planning tool. I may take a week or 2 transition between Basic Prep and Race Prep, but will start Race Prep on 6/21 for sure.
What do you guys think?
Would training up for a HIM for 12 weeks then IM for 12 weeks be preferrable over 4 extra weeks of outseason then 20 weeks of IM training?
A couple more thoughts. Maybe it would make sense to do the V02 max work for a few weeks and then switch back for the last 3-4 weeks? Or maybe sort of combine the two strategies for 3-4 weeks? But maybe these would defeat the purpose of both strategies and I'd accomplish nothing - that would be bad. I think I'm just getting tired of the long FTP intervals.
Carrie, I would say yes. I think 24wks of continues OS in route to an IM would equal burnout. You'll be more than fit enough to roll into the last 12wks of the HIM plan and then transition to the IM plan.
Hey Cort,
Congrats! I know you've been chasing that one for a loonnggg time and that's a HUGE accomplishment for a not-small guy in the heat. AWESOME!!
Take your four weeks and then let's talk about it. IOW, no reason for you to be talking to us and us to be talking to you right now, or at least for a few more weeks. Just chill and ping us again when you're ready to start training again.
Again, congrats (and don't forget to post a race report
@Kitima, welcome back! Can't wait to see the pics (hint)! Plan looks fine, but think you should only take 1x transition week between GenPrep and Race Prep you're fine starting Race Prep on 6/21, but I've always told people racing IMWI to shift mental gears toward training for IMWI for, like, July 5th, after holiday. If you're planning to come out to the WI camp that would be a great gear change activitiy for you.
Bob - With so much to gain on the FTP, that's where the biggest bang for your buck is; but if you are burning out, change can be good. You can try and abbreviated VO2 block, say 4 weeks then 4 weeks to close out OS on the FTP side. I guess worst case is you get tired and need to back down a bit to bounce back for the year...nothing ventured...