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Weight and body composition issues and plan, am I OK?



  • Mike, that would be great, thanks! Also found this thread today on another blog, thought it was interesting: http://mnmlist.com/eating-less-to-be-lighter/

  • On the topic of eating less and better:

    last summer I read Michael Pollan's The Omnivores Dilemma, no specific advice about diet but it really caused me to consider what kind of food I was putting in my mouth and the value of it.

    If you haven't read it, I highly recommend giving it a look.
  • If you want to get get really depressed, check out those  'Eat This, Not That' books.  I found that most of the things that I liked when eating out had like 80g of fat.  I knew they were bad, but not that bad.  It also gives suggestions on what to eat at many popular places.  Its a real eye opener.




  • I'm in process reading Racing Weight by Fitzgerald. One aspect that seemed to take a weight off my mind is that he sets a # for OS weight. He figures that we can set an upper limit of OS weight at 8% above optimal race weight. Now, what is optimal race weight? Optimal race weight is the best weight that we put out our best combined wattage, run pace and swim pace#'s. My goal isn't to discuss that so much but to say that if you have a # in you head that is your best weight to race then add 8% to that as your UPPER limit to allow your body to go to during this OS.

    My best weight, so far, has been 180 lbs. Therefore I get 8% more or 14.4 lbs to add as an upper limit for my OS weight or 194.4 lbs. I'm there. Therefore I started to watch my eating a little better to not gain any more but the real magic is that I am no longer kicking myself for being fat (yes, I have issues with body image from being a former 31% bf guy). It allowed me some peace of mind knowing that I am OK with my weight right where it is. Whew.

    Also, he has a scale of hunger where you grade how you feel to determine if you are really ready to eat or are eating as comfort, out of boredome, etc. 1 is Stuff full feeling and 10 is ravenous...ready to chew an arm off hungry. 5 is around Snack hungry (sort of like what I feel like when I am early to a holiday party and just milling around tasting all the appetizers). 7 is when you are really hungry (my 5 may be off as I do not have the book in front of me). So, if you just feel like snacking...you aren't hungry. Chew gum, clean the house, oil your bike chain, have sex...something other than eat.

    In closing, it looks like I wil have the freshest breath, cleanest house, best maintained bike and fastest running wife after reading this book :-).
  • Posted By Vince Hoffart on 18 Dec 2009 12:36 PM

    In closing, it looks like I wil have the freshest breath, cleanest house, best maintained bike and fastest running wife after reading this book :-).


    Oh no, you didn't just say that. image LMAO.

  • Vince- you crack me up!!!! I'm NOT letting Joe read that book!
  • Sorry Coach...my tourette's syndrome kicked in!

  • Twenty years from now there will be a best-selling book - and the secret will be .......less intake and higher activity = magic weight loss ! My guess is that most of the EN gang don't lack for activity - I'm 6' - just hit 50 - and raced IMFL (slow) @ 200#, during my training I got as low as 192 which was my weight @ age 17 -(which is where all of us want to return to!) - my problem has been, and continues to be the intake side of the equation - I'm also reading the book in hopes that it motivates me - I would be a happy camper if I could get into the 180's - I have also found that chewing gum keeps me from stuffing my face - however I have been lectured about chewing gum at the wrong time ......speaking to 300 people, televised meetings, etc - Catholic guilt .....as chewing gum got the old ruler across the knuckles
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