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P90X, Core--Who Is Doing What?



  • I know many of you are doing this stuff.. and I'm almost almost at my off season break (before Jan OS)... curious how you're liking it.  And curious if I should think about it since I really wouldn't even want to think about starting P90X until Dec - then OS in January?  Could I do both P90X and OS?  It looks like P90 is an every day sort of thing...

    I also wonder about the space needed... I'm not an at home work out person... small condo, cats, downstairs neighbor... not to mention a gym I pay for but rarely use... do they have downloadable workouts to put on my iPod?  I'm guessing not...

    I do miss strength training (and doing anything other than S-B-R).  During OS last year I did manage to make it into the gym about once a week for a total body circuit... My A race isn't until Moo so my training won't be ON til mid-June... but I know how important OS is.  I'm so torn.  I really want to give myself some time off... and do something different for a while...

    Ugh... I've just learned the hard way that late season races are really really hard...

    Your thoughts?

  • Peeking into the rabbit hole, ladies...

    P90x doesn't have (what I like to call) 'cue cards' for their workouts (I even contacted them about it). But, if you email me (salexand652@gmail.com), I've done my own conversion into a word document for Ab ripper, back/chest and arms/shoulders; with snapshots of the moves.

    Idea, you could possibly load these docs into google docs and bring up the web browser on your smart phone while at the gym. Or just print them out and follow them that way.

    As it's been mentioned here, personally, I wouldn't do any P90x leg-based workout AND the OS at the same time. Just my $.02.
  • My P90X came with a book. I use that when I don't want to find the DVD.


    You can NOT do all of P90X and the OS. You can do the upper body workouts, abs, stretching, yoga and OS, but I would not recommend any of the others. Personal experience here. Also- the cardio is a lot of jumping, not good for apartment/ condo living.
  • thanks, Scott and Michele... sounds like no P90X for me this year... maybe next off season. But I will be adding some strength and plyo back into my routine when the time is right...
  • Posted By Becky Hirselj on 10 Nov 2010 02:27 PM

    thanks, Scott and Michele... sounds like no P90X for me this year... maybe next off season. But I will be adding some strength and plyo back into my routine when the time is right...

    Be careful of the post -IM elation. I always want to sign up for this and that, get into that and this. One is on a high. Give it a month or two and--pfffft--and motivation and brain space is at a minimum for ANYTHING! Take your time getting back on the horse.


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