I ran today. it has been 13 days since I last ran.. and I had no IT pain, it has turned off cool here and I must say I grumble as most of you know. tights, long sleeves and red gloves to match my red IM visor. met up with two of my fav GFs, whom I haven't seen since about May I believe. my running mentor and another gal. anyways.... we walked on the mile for 90" and also every so often we walked 5'.. (one is 65 and with hip pain on Galloway plan for Dallas marathon) but actual running was under a 10:30 pace.. so my zone 1 actually. we ran a few and stopped back in at my car and I changed from tights into shorts in the bathroom (happened to have some in the car but no short sleeved top) and continued on with me trying Raw Revolution, some sort of bar thing with flax seeds and no sugar and no gluten.. yep I am back on that.. chocolate raisin was the flavor as I am tired of Gus and the like.. but I did refresh myself with Coconut Water which I really do like.. no added sugar in that either and good on potassium, etc. Well I ran them back to their car and with the walking//??? I was at 9.7 miles.. my how the miles slip by when chatting and laughing.. taking it back to my car with plenty of walk breaks honestly, and I did cover 14.5 miles, yes with walking but still Time on my Feet. felt so good to be running again and my IPOD had died so no music but our leaves are turning and now the air temp was quite nice in shorts. Blue skies and no wind made for a perfect day (when it got warm!!)..
and every time I run, I analyze what is it about running that is so different from cycling or swimming, what is it about a Runner's High that is so unique. I love cycling and get a different afterglow but there is just something about running that gets you. solo or social, it doesn't matter, I really do LOVE to run! but I also love my bike.. I dunno.
** and if you remember, Kitima.. "mustang sally" was playing from one of the frat houses at IMWI so I uploaded it and Tom?? now my IPOD is plugged into my Mac but it just says "connected, eject before disconnecting" but there is no icon on the top right and in ITUNES my little IPOD icon did not appear either.. so I uploaded 3 new songs to listen to tomorrow and although on the computer I can't get the IPOD to show me the music!! Dynamite by T. Cruz (Kitima) would be good for leg drills, Mustang Sally by A. Strong would be good running up hill!, and 2012 by J. Sean is the type of song I like to turn on right out of my car to start celebrating that I am running! m
Back at the track ... 4 x 1000s at 6:40/mi pace, 2 x 1000 at 6:00/mi pace, 4 x 200 at 5:48/mi pace. No longer feeling uncoordinated during the fast stuff, and maintaining form late into sets. Shuffled home at easy heart rate, and dove into a massive Ginger Soy beef and veggie stirfry ... a preemptive strike against a week of pastries and coq au vin in France next week!
Interested to hear about other runners' cooldown protocols ... my track is a 15' run from home, so i normally finish off with a cooldown run by z1 HR (instead of Easy Pace). Others?
Cooldown, yes I normally walk it in to my car, I really like about a mile walk but def a 1/2 mile walk and then I do my stretching/core etc, normally right from my car looking for a grassy spot or covered pavilion while eating an apple or other fruit. I dont' normally run from my house but if so, then walk and etc in my garage! my closest track is 25' drive away so nice on yours being close!! m
Cooldown - I usually walk 2 to 3 minutes then i have a 5 minute stretch routine I do in the middle of the road in front of my house (dead end road and no traffic).
Today I found out why I haven't used my DeadMill in 9 months.... :-( Pouring rain and 50* outside forced me down into the PC to suffer. The first 2 miles were tourture. Managed to finish 60 minutes with 7.3 on the odometer. No rTSS 'cuz WKO doesnt know how far I ran.
Does anyone know how to edit WKO+ workouts so that my Garmin deadmill data has distance? I cant seem to find any way to do that.
Better weather for tomorrw. Just a few more runs before MDI in 11 days. Hoping to re-qualify for Boston. If I don't make the cut, I'm OK - I qualified at Sugarloaf in May.
Longest run yet in the comeback. Got in 7.4 miles in a little over 54 minutes. Threw in 10 min. at MP and 2X5' @ HMP (they killed me). Do not have the endurance back at all yet. After the 4 to 5 mile mark or 30 min. in or so I can tell the body isn't used to going this long yet or maybe not this intensity at that distance. I think the body is still run doown quite a bit from the chemo..
Dave my cool down is usually 5 or so minutes at the end of the runs at LRP, then when home I try to just walk around the yard a little too cool down a little more so there isn't too much dripage of the sweat everywhere in the house. (Doris always appreciates that)
Marianne: Thanks for the song reco's! I've not run with headphones in over 5 years, but there's always a song ringing in head. It's typically something from Van Halen (or Van Haggar depending on the album). I like Mustang Sally better...
Dave: My cool-down is 10 minutes of really easy running, but being mindful to not have my slouchy, schlumpy run form when I'm running slow or tired. Then drink some water or recovery food (depending on length of run). Then quick stretch of calves and hips.
Trent: Nice run! The effects of chemo certainly do linger---not a bad thing for making sure every single cancer cell is anhilated; just not the best thing for running your tempo paces. Good to see you're being so patient with yourself.
So I've been wearing my Vibram FF's at work...Dan, wasn't that you that posted how your run has improved and injuries have been non-existant with wearing the VFF's just at work? Between that and the run drills I do feel like I'm much lighter on my feet when running. My patients think the shoes are funny---the diabetic ones with multiple toe amputations joke about how Vibram should make 4 or 3 or 2 finger shoes.
Dan, Trent, et al: Good work. I was thinking about all of you this morning on my run. You guys are all helping me everyday. Glad to be on the road with ya and thanks for continuing to post. I love seeing your progress.
Ran 45:44 this morning. Not much intensity. Think I am fatiguing a bit. Ran 9:40's and it felt pretty easy but not much oomph in my stride. So far this week my rTSS is 341 which is higher than the last two weeks and it is only Thursday! Taking next two days off to recover and then do my first vDot test in over a year at a local 5k event on Sunday. This should be interesting.
As far as recovery . . . I end my runs 5 blocks from my house so I walk/meander home and that takes about 5 minutes. Maybe some light stretching and then my recovery shake. If my runs are 10 miles or longer I add an ice bath to the mix.
Keep it going bro. Great thread, gives me motivation to get out and run. I'll be going again today, just easy laps on the track while my athletes suffer!
6 miles today 3 at HMP, wore too much clothing and suffered for it at the end. Tried out a new route that apparently is right downwind of a pig farm. Pretty day though.
FYI - Went and took a BodPod test today to get my updated body comp info. Since May 12th I have lost 15.2 pounds (24+ since February)! Of that 15.2, 14 pounds was pure body fat and my body fat percentage went down 4.5%. My overall weight is 203.1. The lowest it has been in close to 20 years. Still have some work to do but I am jazzed. Goal is sub-200 by end of the year and 190 by IM AZ next year.
The weight loss is nothing but free speed on the run. At least I am told that. We shall see.
@Steve: wish my taper was a 7:25! Good work, you're ready to crush it.
@John: 5 days down baby. That's a first since 1997. And, my knee feels the same as it did before I started this week. I know I haven't putting any intensity in, but my goal is to hit 5 to 6 days/wk until my OS starts in Jan and then hit the intensity. Plus, I'm working on my metabolic efficiency with my "good" diet sans some beer a few nights a week working aerobically for the run, I'll start the bike next week with maybe one session of hard work per week so I don't lose what I worked for all last season. Goal: Pain free running with some real time gains, increase my ftp but more importantly, loose 15lbs. Work it people!!!!
At the end of a long day - 140 mile comute each way with an 8 hour workday between, I finally got out for a run. Mostly to sweep the cobwebs off my brain. Running at night usually does that for me. Not so much tonight. I feel like I am getting all stressed out about training, OS, new PT, EN newbie.... I even started to stress about the wife inviting the entire extended family to stay with us in Lake Placid. That's like 9 months away! What I really should be focused on is my next marathon in 8 days.
Sorry for the rant......
Anyway - today was 7 miles @ 8:51, all Z1/Z2. Felt good to run but I really didnt have the head to get the 30 minutes of tempo. Sunday will be my last long run - 16 miles @ 8:25.
Started OS this Monday, so did today's 60 minutes of bike followed by 15 minutes of a run brick at Z2/Z3. Been awhile since I did a brick workout, as I had my last tri of the season in August and have been prepping for a half marathon next Sunday. Man, that was tough! Felt good to push it though. Gonna extend tomorrow's 45 min run to about 1:10 (2/3rd of my goal time of 1:50), then do a combo of OS/tapering for the half marathon next week. Woot!
I am getting things ready for my first 5k vDot test in over a year tomorrow. I am actually nervous and was joking with my wife about how many gels I should carry for the run!
I am hoping to do 25:00 (8:03's), but I am not holding my breath. 2009 I was running 7:30's.
Mile 1 = 7:58 - Was a local race with lots of people and had to run around a ton of people this first mile. Goal pace per mile pace was 8:03 and was feeling good.
Mile 2 = 7:44 - After watching the Kona race yesterday online, I started thinking I should "take a risk" and decided to push it a bit more. Felt hard to be running this fast and wasn't sure if I could hold on to the end.
Mile 3 = 7:43 - Last half mile I was starting to fade. I put my head down and said to myself over and over, "WTGU, WTGU, WTGU." Ended with no kick but didn't slow down either.
Time - 24:14
rTSS - 48.9 (IF = 1.059)
NGP - 7:48
Elevation gain - 209 ft
Elevation loss - 224 ft
Overall, better than I anticipated! Was a good baseline day for the next few months of run training.
@John - good work. Doing your 5k in a real race is awesome - lots of competitive energy to feed on.
My last long run before MDI next sunday. The distance was 16 miles run as a race sim. My previous long runs were 20 and 24 the past 2 weekends so this wasnt too tough.
First 2 miles in Z1, next 3 in Z2 and the last 11 all upper Z3. Overall time 2:08, pace @ 8:00 with a strong negative split - 1st half @ 8:11, 2nd half @ 7:50. Felt strong to the end, could have kept sub 8 for next 6 miles, maybe more.
rTSS = 213.9 IF = 0.946
Final taper: Monday - core Tuesday - 8 tempo Thursday - 6 easy Saturday - 3 easy
@John ... Awesome job brother, glad to help you get to the end without slowing down. Way to get it done and oh yeah enjoy the new paces.
I had a real breakthrough run this morning as I went with the pre OS plan of 3x4' (4') @ TP. I'm going to hold out from telling my paces so Chris G. Will not know what he needs to beat come first week of Nov. OS 5k test. All I'm going to say is I'm busting my a$$ way harder than i have ever before and I'm planning on leaving the old drillbit in the dust
I did my first trail run in a while today - 5 miles. I think Tuesday will be my vDot test. Should be interesting since I'm not feeling like I'm in the best shape, and certainly not for speed.
@ Steve West - Looking forward to seeing you rock 26.2 next weekend! Hay is in the barn, baby!
@Trent, I think we should do a pool to see who can come closest to your mystery speed. Like an office football pool.
Tonight my legs don't even feel like I ran a 5k TT today. I am actually surprised and happy I am doing so well after 3 weeks of frequency running. However, this will be my last week in Phase 1 of the Daniels Z1/Z2 run program. Let's see how my legs feel after 3 weeks in phase 2 intervals.
Back at it tomorrow. Gotta try and keep up with Mr. Forbes!
Did a 40 minute MP tempo run today and nailed it. (That is my old MP after OS last year) It felt a little tougher than MP should but still got it done and a real boost to letting me know that my hard freaking work on the comeback is starting to pay off a little and the run is finally coming around and my lungs don't feel like they are coming out of my chest even at LRP.
Nice job, gang! I'm feeling inspired to try and run everyday---even if it's just for 10-15 minutes.
I ran today. it has been 13 days since I last ran.. and I had no IT pain, it has turned off cool here and I must say I grumble as most of you know. tights, long sleeves and red gloves to match my red IM visor. met up with two of my fav GFs, whom I haven't seen since about May I believe. my running mentor and another gal. anyways.... we walked on the mile for 90" and also every so often we walked 5'.. (one is 65 and with hip pain on Galloway plan for Dallas marathon) but actual running was under a 10:30 pace.. so my zone 1 actually. we ran a few and stopped back in at my car and I changed from tights into shorts in the bathroom (happened to have some in the car but no short sleeved top) and continued on with me trying Raw Revolution, some sort of bar thing with flax seeds and no sugar and no gluten.. yep I am back on that.. chocolate raisin was the flavor as I am tired of Gus and the like.. but I did refresh myself with Coconut Water which I really do like.. no added sugar in that either and good on potassium, etc. Well I ran them back to their car and with the walking//??? I was at 9.7 miles.. my how the miles slip by when chatting and laughing.. taking it back to my car with plenty of walk breaks honestly, and I did cover 14.5 miles, yes with walking but still Time on my Feet. felt so good to be running again and my IPOD had died so no music but our leaves are turning and now the air temp was quite nice in shorts. Blue skies and no wind made for a perfect day (when it got warm!!)..
and every time I run, I analyze what is it about running that is so different from cycling or swimming, what is it about a Runner's High that is so unique. I love cycling and get a different afterglow but there is just something about running that gets you. solo or social, it doesn't matter, I really do LOVE to run! but I also love my bike.. I dunno.
** and if you remember, Kitima.. "mustang sally" was playing from one of the frat houses at IMWI so I uploaded it and Tom?? now my IPOD is plugged into my Mac but it just says "connected, eject before disconnecting" but there is no icon on the top right and in ITUNES my little IPOD icon did not appear either.. so I uploaded 3 new songs to listen to tomorrow and although on the computer I can't get the IPOD to show me the music!! Dynamite by T. Cruz (Kitima) would be good for leg drills, Mustang Sally by A. Strong would be good running up hill!, and 2012 by J. Sean is the type of song I like to turn on right out of my car to start celebrating that I am running! m
Interested to hear about other runners' cooldown protocols ... my track is a 15' run from home, so i normally finish off with a cooldown run by z1 HR (instead of Easy Pace). Others?
Cooldown - I usually walk 2 to 3 minutes then i have a 5 minute stretch routine I do in the middle of the road in front of my house (dead end road and no traffic).
Today I found out why I haven't used my DeadMill in 9 months.... :-( Pouring rain and 50* outside forced me down into the PC to suffer. The first 2 miles were tourture. Managed to finish 60 minutes with 7.3 on the odometer. No rTSS 'cuz WKO doesnt know how far I ran.
Does anyone know how to edit WKO+ workouts so that my Garmin deadmill data has distance? I cant seem to find any way to do that.
Better weather for tomorrw. Just a few more runs before MDI in 11 days. Hoping to re-qualify for Boston. If I don't make the cut, I'm OK - I qualified at Sugarloaf in May.
Run Strong
Dave my cool down is usually 5 or so minutes at the end of the runs at LRP, then when home I try to just walk around the yard a little too cool down a little more so there isn't too much dripage of the sweat everywhere in the house. (Doris always appreciates that)
Dave: My cool-down is 10 minutes of really easy running, but being mindful to not have my slouchy, schlumpy run form when I'm running slow or tired. Then drink some water or recovery food (depending on length of run). Then quick stretch of calves and hips.
Trent: Nice run! The effects of chemo certainly do linger---not a bad thing for making sure every single cancer cell is anhilated; just not the best thing for running your tempo paces.
So I've been wearing my Vibram FF's at work...Dan, wasn't that you that posted how your run has improved and injuries have been non-existant with wearing the VFF's just at work? Between that and the run drills I do feel like I'm much lighter on my feet when running. My patients think the shoes are funny---the diabetic ones with multiple toe amputations joke about how Vibram should make 4 or 3 or 2 finger shoes.
Dan, Trent, et al: Good work. I was thinking about all of you this morning on my run. You guys are all helping me everyday. Glad to be on the road with ya and thanks for continuing to post. I love seeing your progress.
Ran 45:44 this morning. Not much intensity. Think I am fatiguing a bit. Ran 9:40's and it felt pretty easy but not much oomph in my stride. So far this week my rTSS is 341 which is higher than the last two weeks and it is only Thursday! Taking next two days off to recover and then do my first vDot test in over a year at a local 5k event on Sunday. This should be interesting.
As far as recovery . . . I end my runs 5 blocks from my house so I walk/meander home and that takes about 5 minutes. Maybe some light stretching and then my recovery shake. If my runs are 10 miles or longer I add an ice bath to the mix.
Rock on everyone!
Keep it going bro. Great thread, gives me motivation to get out and run. I'll be going again today, just easy laps on the track while my athletes suffer!
Excellent job Christy. John, I'm up to day 4 now.... 5 will complete it tomorrow for the week.
@ Dan - WOOHOO! Mr. Mojo rising!
@ Christy - way to go
FYI - Went and took a BodPod test today to get my updated body comp info. Since May 12th I have lost 15.2 pounds (24+ since February)! Of that 15.2, 14 pounds was pure body fat and my body fat percentage went down 4.5%. My overall weight is 203.1. The lowest it has been in close to 20 years. Still have some work to do but I am jazzed. Goal is sub-200 by end of the year and 190 by IM AZ next year.
The weight loss is nothing but free speed on the run. At least I am told that. We shall see.
@Steve: wish my taper was a 7:25! Good work, you're ready to crush it.
@John: 5 days down baby. That's a first since 1997. And, my knee feels the same as it did before I started this week. I know I haven't putting any intensity in, but my goal is to hit 5 to 6 days/wk until my OS starts in Jan and then hit the intensity. Plus, I'm working on my metabolic efficiency with my "good" diet sans some beer a few nights a week working aerobically for the run, I'll start the bike next week with maybe one session of hard work per week so I don't lose what I worked for all last season. Goal: Pain free running with some real time gains, increase my ftp but more importantly, loose 15lbs. Work it people!!!!
Sorry for the rant......
Anyway - today was 7 miles @ 8:51, all Z1/Z2. Felt good to run but I really didnt have the head to get the 30 minutes of tempo. Sunday will be my last long run - 16 miles @ 8:25.
Started OS this Monday, so did today's 60 minutes of bike followed by 15 minutes of a run brick at Z2/Z3. Been awhile since I did a brick workout, as I had my last tri of the season in August and have been prepping for a half marathon next Sunday. Man, that was tough! Felt good to push it though. Gonna extend tomorrow's 45 min run to about 1:10 (2/3rd of my goal time of 1:50), then do a combo of OS/tapering for the half marathon next week. Woot!
A lot of great mojo out there folks! you're all awesome! I did my 6th day in a row today!
@Dan - WOOHOO!! Mojo, baby!
I am getting things ready for my first 5k vDot test in over a year tomorrow. I am actually nervous and was joking with my wife about how many gels I should carry for the run!
I am hoping to do 25:00 (8:03's), but I am not holding my breath. 2009 I was running 7:30's.
This is gonna hurt! Lord help me.
Rock it! I'm in your corner pal, you'll be fast! Find a downhill run!
5k vDot done! 24:14, or 7:48 minute miles.
Mile 1 = 7:58 - Was a local race with lots of people and had to run around a ton of people this first mile. Goal pace per mile pace was 8:03 and was feeling good.
Mile 2 = 7:44 - After watching the Kona race yesterday online, I started thinking I should "take a risk" and decided to push it a bit more. Felt hard to be running this fast and wasn't sure if I could hold on to the end.
Mile 3 = 7:43 - Last half mile I was starting to fade. I put my head down and said to myself over and over, "WTGU, WTGU, WTGU." Ended with no kick but didn't slow down either.
Time - 24:14
rTSS - 48.9 (IF = 1.059)
NGP - 7:48
Elevation gain - 209 ft
Elevation loss - 224 ft
Overall, better than I anticipated! Was a good baseline day for the next few months of run training.
Ended this week 390 rTSS. WOOHOO!
My last long run before MDI next sunday. The distance was 16 miles run as a race sim. My previous long runs were 20 and 24 the past 2 weekends so this wasnt too tough.
First 2 miles in Z1, next 3 in Z2 and the last 11 all upper Z3. Overall time 2:08, pace @ 8:00 with a strong negative split - 1st half @ 8:11, 2nd half @ 7:50. Felt strong to the end, could have kept sub 8 for next 6 miles, maybe more.
rTSS = 213.9
IF = 0.946
Final taper:
Monday - core
Tuesday - 8 tempo
Thursday - 6 easy
Saturday - 3 easy
Run Strong
I had a real breakthrough run this morning as I went with the pre OS plan of 3x4' (4') @ TP. I'm going to hold out from telling my paces so Chris G. Will not know what he needs to beat come first week of Nov. OS 5k test. All I'm going to say is I'm busting my a$$ way harder than i have ever before and I'm planning on leaving the old drillbit in the dust
@John: way to go man! I should've tried something like that for the day we had but it was a family day today. Keep hammering everyone.
Nice job exceeding expectations on the 5k. Have fun with the run zones!
Nice work John & Trent!
Good job everyone and thanks for the kudos.
@ Steve West - Looking forward to seeing you rock 26.2 next weekend! Hay is in the barn, baby!
@Trent, I think we should do a pool to see who can come closest to your mystery speed.
Like an office football pool. 
Tonight my legs don't even feel like I ran a 5k TT today. I am actually surprised and happy I am doing so well after 3 weeks of frequency running. However, this will be my last week in Phase 1 of the Daniels Z1/Z2 run program. Let's see how my legs feel after 3 weeks in phase 2 intervals.
Back at it tomorrow. Gotta try and keep up with Mr. Forbes!
Rock on everyone!
Nice work John Stark! Beautiful negtive splits and faster than your goal. Awesome!
Lookout for Trent! I can't wait to see what you do in a few weeks. Something tells me it's gonna be good!
Keep up the good work fellas!!!