Halfway there!
As we begin week 10, it's hard to believe that we are halfway through the Outseason! We have done so much work already, and have tons more ahead of us. I, for one, am really enjoying having 2 rest days a week. I will miss that during Ironman training.
Welcome to our new group members! We are glad to have you.
How was the weekend for everyone? I got through Saturday's bike just fine, but I found it challenging, er, make that impossible, to do the longest run interval yesterday. I ended up doing more half mile intervals but totally tanked on the 1.5 mile one. Will have to work on that.
How is everyone else doing?
After a miserable week last week, I managed to get in a short ride on Saturday and Sunday's run earning a couple Team Tundra points. The legs are feeling a bit tired today. I don't know if that is due to not traing for 5 days or from putting up the Christmas lights yesterday. Spent the weekend cranking up the holiday cheer. Lights up, two trees up and decorated, some presents wrapped.
Next in the list, eat the cookies my wife bakes. This is definitely not going to help the battle of the bulge, which I am currently losing. I need to up my accountability to the Body Comp group. With the travel, holidays and illness I have been going steadily backwards.
Like Kristen said, 10 more weeks to go. Time to focus for the final push.
Hope everyone has a good week!
The Saturday bike last week was REALLY hard!.... 2(14 +4 @FTP), 2(4+4) Z5, 2(15+2@85%).... the leggs just couldn't hold the 4 min z5 stuff... only able to push it for 2 min.... I see we get to do more this week.... fun fun
Hey Pete, I think we should all add cookie eating into our weekly plans. I challenge any of you to match my FTP on that!
Mark, I looked at that workout on Saturday and actually thought "I can't do that". Motivation was low on Saturday. I got it together, though, and got it done. It was tough!
Trying to work back into the plan this week. Hit the bike hard this morning, or maybe it hit me. The 30/30's felt really good and managed to crank through them at 260+ watts. The 85%, though was another story. Constantly found myself dogging-it down around 70%. I keep telling myself it is just because of the lay-off and things will improve during the rest of the week. However, I really think it is that 30/30's crushed me.
Regardless, I managed to get the work done and tomorrow is another day!
Good luck all!
I had a crummy week in terms of staying focused last week. This week I'm back on track and hitting the workout targets. As a first time power user and a complete convert it is so much fun to see my wattage going up daily! I am really focused on staying AWAY from the COOKIES and losing weight before the season starts. I need to get baking done but am avoiding it since I know it will involve taste testing and since the only other people in the house right now are celiac and gluten intolerant who do you think will be the only taste tester???? Yeah...big fat me.....not happening.
So, when I finally pull the trigger and buy my treadmill this week (never had one.....hate running on them but I've had enough of running in Minnesota winters) how do ya'll track this? Do you use the Garmin for HR only? The treadmill I'm purchasing has HR with a strap...but I doubt I can upload it to WKO...just looking for some insight to the evil treadmill world...
Sheryl I cannot help as far as insight to the evil treadmill world other then do your best to stay away from them
. As far as week nine, the only thing I have to say is "...week 7, week 8, week 10, week 11...". I am real cheap, took the kids to Disneyland, one hotel room, two beds, seven bodies. I actually did bring workout clothes...not sure why. I hope I am still part of the team
. Todays 30/30s kicked my butt, I am scared for tomorrow but back on track.
Pete, right now I'm diggin' the gingerbread cookies and iced sugar cookies, but am open to any.
I've lost most hope of losing weight until January 1, but will be happy if I can not gain any. There are several Christmas parties looming...
Sheryl, I'm not sure which Garmin you have, but I think you can purchase a footpod for most of them that tracks distance and, maybe, pace. I have a Garmin 405 but haven't bothered with the footpod; I just don't record anything in WKO on treadmill days.
Tom, of course you are still in the group! I'll bet your kids loved the trip to Disney.
I scrambled this week's schedule a little, so I did my run today. I kind of like the short, hard intervals, but my legs sure are tired tonight!
Anyone here do back to back bike days? My legs feel like cement posts tonight after this morning's 30/30's and run. I never get to run with gals I have been running with for 8 years and would like to switch around and run with them on Thursday and Saturdays. If I wait till tomorrow afternoon to do Thursday's bike, would that maybe work Or too much biking close together?
Someone you worked with died??? How did that happen? OK....after reading your post, I need to quit whining. I have been on unemployment since May and I have had trouble talking myself into some of these workouts. You are right...seize the day....
Oh, Lynne, I'm sorry to hear that. Really makes me think about how lucky I am, though. Maybe tomorrow's workout doesn't look so bad after all.
Just posted this over in the women's forum but I ended up joining the local SNAP fitness rather than buy a treadmill. With the insurance kickback it was just a more economical solution. Only downside is driving over but it's really only about 5 blocks and when the weather isn't 35,568,235 degrees below zero I can bike it over.
I didn't know how to work the treadmill and had some issues and went at a much higher pace than Z5 but now I know what to do next time...can't hurt me I guess.
Tomorrow....more 30/30's. Fun Fun Fun.
Did okay with today's intervals. Missed pace by about 2 sec on the last one but was under for all the rest.
Sheryl, just to clarify it was the baby that died not my colleague. Upset about the baby but would be really upset if I lost that particular colleague as he's a good friend.
Tom (Nelson)
That is so sad. So sorry to hear that a baby was lost. Hope they find some comfort.
The trainer does kinda hurt but honestly....I'm starting to have a little love hate relationship with it.....As Tony Horton says....."I hate it.....but I love it...."
30/30's....ahhhhhh....I did the main set but fell short of the hour. It was painful...I think because I didn't understand the treadmill last night my legs were dead today. My big accomplishment was getting the intervals done early and then getting lots of work done during the day.....
Nice Tony reference Sheryl! "Bring it!"
I've been feeling pretty strong this week, hitting my numbers and pacings well...
But with another brutal Saturday ride coming up, I'm anxious and excited at the same time...
Hang tough everyone!
Just did my Thursday workout today because, man, I needed a day off yesterday! I did a half-marathon on Sunday, so I'm just now fully back into the swing of things. Today was my first indoor workout of the season! It rained, and I didn't feel like being cold and wet today, so I opted for the trainer and some good music. Indoor workouts are tougher than I remember!
In Nov OS but did exact same thing: 1/2 marathon sunday (Vegas), legs sucking on Tuesday, moderate showing on Wed run, day off and just killed my Thursday bike this AM. Sat Bike-Run should be fun
I did my Sun run today since I'm planning to ride to San Diego (from Long Beach) tomorrow. Pouring rain this morning so thought I was going to be sentenced to the treadmill, but it broke just in time and I was able to get in 11.5mi with a buddy of mine who's training for his first mary. Glad to be done and hoping the rain is gone by tomorrow morning for my ride!
Hope everyone's week is going well!
Just finished that evil bike workout
. That z5 set between the FTP and 85% sets is a KILLER!... at least for me. It is pouring here in SF so am gonna just bag the run. 25 min in pouring rain just ain't worth it....either that or I am just a complete wimp
Hope everyone has survived week 10 intact!
Due to my vacation this past week I loaded it up with the run workouts and have a load of bike workouts to do this week. I do not know how you folks in hot, humid environments train and race in that stuff. I did OK for a couple of my outdoor runs in Key West, but on the morning when the temp was 87 and humidity was 96% I got to the last 1/4 mile on the last mile repeat and COULD NOT hold it. I simply stopped. I was drenched with moisture, dying of the heat, wishing I had some Gatorade or Nuun with me, and seriously could not believe how horrible I felt. That was truly the worst of it though. All other runs were fine, the two I did indoors on the hotel TM seemed easy compared to that. I guess living in dry, high Denver has made me soft! I grew up in humid DC for crying out loud....
The bike work this week is going to be really hard. Last Friday before we left I did the first of that crazy stuff with the Z5 for 4 mins that Mark and Frank are talking about. I never thought 4 minutes was that long of a time period. Holy cow was I wrong. That is some hard work!!
OK, I think we IMSGres are inside of 20 weeks until that event...how can that be?
Week 10 Done! Solid 2 hours on the bike Sat night followed by 30 min brick. Right back at it Sunday morning with a 2 x 1/2 mile and 2 x 1 mile @ ~7:10. Decided to add on another 1/2 hour reverse brick on the bike. Legs are fried.
Time to celebrate my son's 10th birthday.
p.s. Welcome back Olivia, we missed you!
It sounds like everyone is doing great, and my virtual hat is off to those of you who add on some extra to already tough days. I had a really tough week, motivation-wise. The holidays always do that to me - I want to shop, and play, and eat, and drink...not go to work, diet, and have some really tough workouts.
I got all my EN work done, but there was some pouting involved. I promise to have an attitude adjustment in time for Tuesday's workout!
Welcome back, Olivia! Sorry the humidity is hard for you. Some summer mornings here running outside feels like running through a sheet of water. You sweat and sweat but no real cooling is achieved. Like all things, I suppose we just get used to it.
Have a great Sunday, team. Let's get ready for week 11!
We'll I nailed the workouts despite my initial plan to only make it a run week. Luckily the stationary bikes provided what I needed to sneak the bike workouts in. I really like the shorter intervals mentally. I've learned through the many years of interval training that it helps immensely to break the workout session down into smaller sections (not just physically as listed but mentally). Never approach the workout initially thinking I've got to do a dozen 30/30's or six 400's. It's too much to bite off and then it becomes easy to get discouraged. I've found it most helpful to just take one interval at a time. You can't run or bike the first interval if you're thinking about the next interval or the next several. Just focus on what you're doing now and complete it. Stay focused in the moment. Deal with one thing at a time and then relish the recovery. If you break it down into chuncks you can mentally digest it. Then, repeat.
Good to be back with the team. Good luck in week 11!!
I'm tired this week. I guess it's reentry from vacation or something.
Oh! Thought of ALL of you this AM when my iPod shuffled itself to Bon Jovi "Livin on a Prayer." You know the one...
"oooooh, we're half way there"....and the best lines of the song:
We've got to hold on, ready or not
You live for the fight when that's all that you've got
Yesssss!! That seemed SO appropriate for us!