Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

Nov OS Week 1 VDOT: Did you puke?



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    After a cold 3 miler this morning I ended up with 21:42. Like my bike test, not my best work but consistent with where my head is right now. Even though I've lost 3 VDOT points for a 43, this is a good starting point to build back up. It's a long way to IMWI 2011.

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    Using a race result from last week:


    5k 21:55.

    Data tool gives me a 45. First run other than 2x 4 easy runs/wk in about 3 months after calf injuries sidelined me again this year. Will stay with the the freq easy runs for another month and then start up the OS run program.

    Happy with result given lack of running but more than 2mins off best time prior to injuries. Hope to stay injury free and get back there and faster this year.





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    VDOT test this morning on the treadmill. Don’t think I warmed up well or maybe just not used to a truly constant pace. 7.5 mph at a 2% incline for a 24:48 or call it a 39 VDOT. I did have a hard time of it and had to hang on at the end. However, avg BPM were:

    Mile 1: 157
    Mile 2: 171
    Mile 3: 176
    Mile 3-3.1: 177
    Total workout: 165 (all figures from WKO+)

    I am thinking I will go with a LTHR of 171 given that I tried this test 2 weeks ago outside and did 25:25 (37/38 VDOT) with a total workout avg HR of 171. I have done several “fast” runs since that test two weeks ago and am coming off a period of relative inactivity so don’t think going with a VDOT of 39 and LTHR of 171 is crazy? Happy to hear any feedback on that… Also, I am just going off the VDOT table in Daniels’ book – assume that is the right source?

    This Big Slow Mover is looking forward to getting faster…
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    My turn...

    did not have high expectations for this run test. haven't been running too much lately.

    chilly 48*, raining hard. was on call and working last night til 1am. good news was that my calf pain wasn't bothering me so much.

    used our meadow trail/path as opposed to the HS track. the trail is the only flat piece of land around other than the track.

    screwed up the mile splits but got the 5k.  calf pain came back with about 1/2 mile to go, slowed me down for a few seconds, then it eased up enough for me to resume the hard effort.


    avgHR 180

    maxHR 189

    avgPace 6:36

    maxPace 6:10

    vDot 48.4

    not sure what that means, but I have a feeling I'm gonna find out pretty soon.

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    Asnwered one of my own questions... after inputting info into data tool I see that VDOT is calculated for me... 38.6... was wondering how people were geting so precise withtheir VDOTs image
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    You know you're in trouble when you're dry heaving in the warm-up (3pm cookies were a bad idea) - anyways ran 19:36, vDot 50.9 - so overall lower vDot than last year's start and off PR (19:14 at end of OS), FTP up slightly from start of last year (234 from 220, last year's peak was 263 before IMLP) but hopefully big gains to come in both disciplines!
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    Posted By Joe Priore on 03 Nov 2010 04:38 PM

    3pm cookies were a bad idea

    Joe, I couldn't disagee with you more.  Cookies are never a bad idea.  image


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    So I had this scheduled for this morning and I failed to get out of bed.  The short story is I came up with more excuses that Chris G did for the bike test.  So I sucked it up and hit the treadmill after work. 

    No puking here but felt it with a couple minutes left.  The 2 people at the gym were probably happy that I kept things down.  In the end I may have left 15-20 second on the table but not much more.  I was a little more conservative in my pacing after blowing up on the bike.

    29:05 for a vdot of 32.  Thats down 4 points from last year's high, but again 9 weeks off and13 lbs will have an effect.

    The mile splits were 9:34 ; 9:31; 9:10 and 0:52 on the final .1

    Week one test are in the books now its time to get to work.



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    Did my VDOT on the local indoor track today. Shoes' footpod aren't quite calibrated, so I don't hav mile by mile splits, but the first half was almost exactly on 10 min, and I picked up 3 seconds in the second half. 17 laps on this particular track... thought I was going to completely blow my cookies on laps 13-15, but the cute group of ~20 year old blondes walking around the track in sync doing little squats from time to time were - alas - not treated to that particular spectacle.

    19:57, VDOT 49.8.

    About 24 seconds slower than my best last summer. A little frustrating, but perfectly normal I suppose!

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    No I didn't puke. I hadn't thought of the consequences of using an outdoor course, but I did it anyway. I live about 2 miles from a local summer 5K course. Laced up the Nike LunaRacers and off I went. First mile in 6:14, second in 6:16, third in 6:07 and finished at 5:26 pace. VDOT 52.3
    Duration: 19:13
    Work: n/a
    rTSS: 38.8 (1.06)
    NGP: 6:11 (260.5 m/min)
    VI: n/a
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: -0.53%
    Distance: 3.096 mi
    Elevation Gain: 479 ft
    Elevation Loss: 485 ft
    Grade: -0.0 % (-6 ft)
    Min Max Avg
    Heart Rate: 160 179 167 bpm
    Speed: 4:40 14:12 6:09 min/mi
    Altitude: 606 741 699 ft
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    OK so after my 5k PR 2 weeks ago of 20:34 I post a whopping 22:10 this morning.  The 5k race was run @10am sunny, upper 50s and the test was done@7am upper 40s, windy/rainy. The courses are different, but not almost 2 mins. I'm wondering which I should go with?  Ego says faster result, but.... 

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    Go with faster result ... It was 2 weeks ago
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    I was happy to increase my VDOT from 43 last time to 46 this time. Average pace for the 5k was 6:50 / mi. I ran outside today and had a challenging first mile into about a 15-20 mph wind. The remaining 2.1 miles were a combination of winds, but still very tough. I definitely felt pretty bad for the last 1/4 mile and the stomach was starting to feel bad.

    Overall, I pushed it to the limit and don't feel like I could have given any more.

    If work is speed entering the body, then I worked very hard and plenty of speed entering today. The upcoming workouts will put more speed in there for sure.
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    Posted By Matt Ancona on 02 Nov 2010 02:59 PM

    Thanks Matt, I'm sure it will.

    I guess I'm getting old and relucant to change as I liked the old system (i.e. 2.0/3.0) as it was so much easier.  Now with multiple threads in different forums, groups, the data tool, twitter, facebook, and the dashboard ( I still don't get the dashboard btw), it is overwhelming and frustrating just trying to keep up.

    I know RnP have their hands full and wont look at this, but my vote would be one thread per week and the data tool, thats it.


    I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't quite know where to post.  Forums, groups, dashboards...I don't know where I am half the time.  

    Anyway, I had to change my week around a little, so I will be testing tomorrow.  The last time I ran a 5K for time was at least 10 years ago.  


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    Yeah...Houston we have a problem.

    I was excited for the test all day. I had my course all planned. It had some hills, but I run on them all the time. I modified the course a bit from several months ago to eliminate some of the hills (or so I thought). In hindsight that decision proved to be rather unfortunate. The goal was to break 20 min, I've never done it...but I was determined!! I've been around 20:30 in a sprint tri early in the season..I should be faster now.

    Anyway...work which is normally not a problem was freakishly busy. I planned to be home by 4pm with plenty of light. Got home at 5:30 with light going away. Rushed to get my refletive gear as skipping or delaying was not an option. Got out there and warmed up. Weather was perfect. 50 degrees.

    Mile 1 is almost all flat with a slight downgrade early on followed by a slight incline towards the end. Historically I've not really run intervals or time trials around my haus...the inclines make a difference, even light ones. Mile 1 - 6:15. yippee. By the end of this mile I notice my RPE is a touch higher than I expected. Pushed through.

    Mile 2 has a slight decline followed by a false flat that really sucks. Pace really comes down if you don't watch it. I really noticed my RPE up there and my HR was really really high. I was beginning to get concerned. I felt like I was starting to hyperventilate. Not good. Mile 2 - 6:45. "yeeeeeaaaaaah...we have sort of a problem here."

    Mile 3 starts with about a 3% incline for about a quarter mile. then there is a descent for a tenth of a mile and then an actual hill of about 6%, but pretty short. After that it is all flat or descending. I figured I'd crush the hills and finish downhill!! Great plan!! Anyway, I get to mile 3 and hit the initial hill. not too steep but long. My lungs are about to explode. My HR is off the charts...literally. I've never seen it that high...ever. I look down and my pace is like 7:05. At this time I realize this test aint gonna cut it and I think about stopping...but I push through. If nothing else this is a great workout and I am learning about pacing. I crest the hill and gain a little speed.

    At this point I make another unfortunate decision. I decided to turn off my course to avoid the final hill. I figured I could follow the modified course in the future, no big deal. Fewer hills is better for this, right?! Anyway, I make the turn and keep pushing. I'm abouyt ready to die at this point. I see my next turn coming to basically make big circle in my neighborhood. I make the turn and to my surprise there is a hill...shit! I crest the hill and come face to face with a dead end. As we all know...we are at our most intelligent when exerting ourselves to the max. Proving that fact...I made a wrong turn in my own neighborhood. That killed it. Garmin does not like turn arounds. I was falling apart. I believe I uttered something to the effect of "you f*cking dumbas*" and stopped. Yes, it was an excuse...but it was a damned convenient one.

    "Crash and burn huh Maverick?"
    "Slider.......you stink."

    The good news...I know what my vdot is. I did not need this test. sub 20 with hills is too fast for me. Nobody has ever in all my 6'2, 200lb glory accused me of being a runner. My current plan is get my bike workout in tomorrow morning. It will be major suckage with only 12hrs recovery from this run. But then I plan to redo the 5k on Saturday morning. That will provide more recovery.

    The bad news...I hate cracking. I REALLY HATE IT!!! I will be pissed until I hit this test.

    Anyway, over my entire course there is almost zero elevation gain or loss...but its rolling. everything I go down, I also have to go up. I need to find something flat. I need a track, I don't know where an open one is....must...find...track.
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     I can't even figure out how to quote someone without appearing in their quote!

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    After 2 weeks totally off, I was mentally ready for the 5k test, physically not so. My goal was 7:30 pace, I went 7:32. garmin said I failed, but I gave it all I had. Mile 1-7:05, 2-7:49, 3-7:36. Wow, what 2 weeks off will do to your fitness. VDOT down 2 points.
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    vdot=40. paces were 7:57, 7:43 then 7:32 with an overall time of 24:05. definitely need to add some run fitness in order to get some speed back. lowest number since 8/2008 when we used to do 10k tests. at one point in my life for about 2 weeks i actually liked to run---i need to find that place again. no place to go but UP!!
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    Ok Team – my 5K test is in the books: Time = 21:29 | LTHR = 186 | vDot = 47.5

    NovOS 5K vDot Test:
    Duration: 21:29
    Work: n/a
    rTSS: 44.7 (1.082)
    NGP: 6:43 (239.4 m/min)
    VI: n/a
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: 7.38%
    Distance: 3.193 mi
    Elevation Gain: 0 ft
    Elevation Loss: 0 ft
    Grade: 0.0 % (0 ft)
    Min Max Avg
    Heart Rate: 139 196 186 bpm
    Cadence: 50 100 91 rpm
    Speed: 0 12.9 8.8 mph
    Pace 4:39 0:00 6:50 min/mi
    Altitude: 152 152 152 ft

    Went to the U Maine track under the lights after work today. Air temp 35* when I left home, 32* on return. Started with a relatively short warm-up – 4 laps, gradually accelerating by feel, to a hard run for the last full lap. Figured I’d be good to go so I walked for 2 minutes – likely a mistake to recover that long, 1 minute would have been better and kept me in check the first test lap.

    Start the test and hit the gas. By 200 meters I knew I went too fast. By 400 I was on unsustainable pace of 6:03 and was forced to back down or blow up all together. Second mile I dialed in to a pace I thought I could cling to at 6:52. My third mile became excruciatingly difficult – eyes closed most of the way – pace slipping to 6:59. Final half lap felt flat – no kick. It took all I had just to not slow down any more but was surprised to find my pace slightly faster the last 200 at 6:48.

    No vomit, but had some snot in my moustache and slobber on my shirt. Walked back to start line for water and decided to finish the 60 minutes running easy(er). Did 16 more laps (4.14 miles) in 33:53. I was surprised my 8:50 pace at the start crept faster as I recovered. By the end of lap 16 my average pace was down to 8:14. Total workout (WU, MS, CD) 63 minutes, 8.3 miles.

    Mile 1 - 6:24 ~ HR=183 ~ IF=1.161 ~ Cad=93
    Mile 2 - 6:49 ~ HR=186 ~ IF=1.067 ~ Cad=91
    Mile 3 - 6:58 ~ HR=187 ~ IF=1.041 ~ Cad=89
    Mile 3.2- 1:18 ~ HR=188 ~ IF=1.038 ~ Cad=90 (6:48)

    Awesome test. My previous vDot value of 44 was based on my recent Boston qualifying pace @ 3:32:57. I thought a 5K effort would be slightly higher but I never expected it to be 48! It also bumped my HR zones a bit to places that have always been too painful to do for long. I guess I have to find a new level of misery to hit and hold my shinny new vDot/LTHR numbers. Wahooeeeee!

    Run Strong my friends, Run Strong
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    Posted By Steven West on 03 Nov 2010 10:17 PM

    Ok Team – my 5K test is in the books: Time = 21:29 | LTHR = 186 | vDot = 47.5

    ! It also bumped my HR zones a bit to places that have always been too painful to do for long. I guess I have to find a new level of misery to hit and hold my shinny new vDot/LTHR numbers. Wahooeeeee!


    OOOHHH only wait till later on when you really start improving and then the first few workouts after the test with the new paces puts the heart to new levels it never knew was possible.

    Nice job on the test and keep it up.  Nice when you do what's not expected.

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    Mile 1- 5:59

    Mile 2- 6:18

    Mile 3- 6:15

    0.1- :37

    Total  19:09  Vdot 52.2   LTHR 176



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    Am I the only dork having issue with calling a 5K HRavg your LTHR? I guess I should just consider this the EN version of LTHR. Maybe I am missing something?

    Point of reference for LTHR being everything read from Daniels, Pfitzinger, McMillan, Hudson, etc. (i.e., the running books). These folks generally refer to more to LT as a pace/HR closer to 15K to HM pace (for the pointy end -- a pace you can hold for 1 hour). I believe the EN protocol uses Daniel's tables for the E/M/T/I/R paces so the LTHR doesn't really come into play as much.

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    1st run test ever under my belt...not bad for an old man that runs 3 miles every other week...had to take it outside to a track because fighting a cold all week and I'm sure germs and SR's would not have been appreciated in gym

    Time 24:27 Pace 7:53 vDot 39 LTHR 178

    Mile 1 Time 7:43 LTHR 174
    Mile 2 Time 8:01 LTHR 179
    Mile 3 Time 7:52 LTHR 182
    Last .11 Time :50 Pace 7:48 LTHR 186

    BTW...did not puke or close to it so I guess I didn't push hard enough; but why do my legs feel like jello today much like Tuesday after bike test?

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    Posted By Chris Martin on 03 Nov 2010 08:41 PM

     I can't even figure out how to quote someone without appearing in their quote!


    Keep practicing, we have all made that mistake.  Make sure there are a few lines between your text and the text you are quoting.

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    So did my Vdot test this afternoon. I am not happy at all with the result. Low 40s, driving rain, 15+mph winds not the ideal conditions to test in but others tested in crap weather so I had to do it as I am not sure when my next open date would be.

    So I geared up and drove to a local track so I would have a nice flat course where I can repeat over and over. Out of the car and as I went through the gate i stepped right into a puddle. So right away my right foot was soaked. Lovely. As I complained about that I stepped in another puddle with my left foot. Not a good start. 3 lap warm up and felt pretty decent. I had adjusted the watch to just show distance and HR so I wouldn't know how fast I was going as in the past when I had seen 6:20 mile splits I panicked and thought "I can't go that fast" and promptly slowed down.

    So I just started running. Felt ok going out. Glanced at the watch a couple times to see HR but other than that I just cruised. Cruised appears to be the optimal word. Not sure what happened but ran a 20:55 for a Vdot of 47. Ugh. Average pace of 6:44. Was hoping for 6:30ish. Looking at my HR of 176 I am thinking I didn't push hard enough. My first mile was 6:40 which is slower than usual for me. maybe better paced but I had more at the end. Left a lot on the table. We'll see what happens on the next test. But I am not happy with the result. Happy I did it in less than ideal conditions so I have that going for me.
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    A good YouTube clip - Why do you run?


    Contains some awesome clips - Trevor Dunbar, Joanie, Dathan, Pre, amongst others and ends with Haile

    Trying to gain some mojo for my VDOT test tomorrow. Will have to be on the TM (hate that). Snow and 20-30 mph winds tomorrow morning.

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    Army PFT yesterday morning for vdot test. Legs felt tired before starting and definitely felt like I was working. 2 miles in 16:42, ave pace 8:21, for dot of 35.6. Highest since starting EN but still a about 2.2 points below lifetime best. I did max the run portion of the score though as I only had to break 17 at my ageimage Next up for testing will be run portion of Christmas Biathlon

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    Still haven't done this test yet: I threw out my back Tue night. Chiro on Wed. He fixed me up pretty good. I am thinking that I will do the test on Sunday.
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    Posted By Tucker McKeever on 04 Nov 2010 05:31 PM

    So did my Vdot test this afternoon. I am not happy at all with the result. Low 40s, driving rain, 15+mph winds not the ideal conditions to test in but others tested in crap weather so I had to do it as I am not sure when my next open date would be.

    So I geared up and drove to a local track so I would have a nice flat course where I can repeat over and over. Out of the car and as I went through the gate i stepped right into a puddle. So right away my right foot was soaked. Lovely. As I complained about that I stepped in another puddle with my left foot. Not a good start. 3 lap warm up and felt pretty decent. I had adjusted the watch to just show distance and HR so I wouldn't know how fast I was going as in the past when I had seen 6:20 mile splits I panicked and thought "I can't go that fast" and promptly slowed down.

    So I just started running. Felt ok going out. Glanced at the watch a couple times to see HR but other than that I just cruised. Cruised appears to be the optimal word. Not sure what happened but ran a 20:55 for a Vdot of 47. Ugh. Average pace of 6:44. Was hoping for 6:30ish. Looking at my HR of 176 I am thinking I didn't push hard enough. My first mile was 6:40 which is slower than usual for me. maybe better paced but I had more at the end. Left a lot on the table. We'll see what happens on the next test. But I am not happy with the result. Happy I did it in less than ideal conditions so I have that going for me.

    3 lap warmup in those conditions?  I ran at a similar temp, but no rain, did almost 3 miles to warmup, and still didn't feel ready.  I would have pulled something with only 3 laps!  

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