Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

Week 2 run thread



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    Posted By Joe Hallatschek on 13 Nov 2010 11:04 AM

    Here is a question for one of our "Wicked Smart Members". I did Sunday's run wko today because of scheduling issues. During today's run during daylight, I was able to look at my AVHR and compare to my pace. Basically, I ran in my Z4 HR zones, but was running at my Z5 pace.

    So here is the question, if I disregard the HR zone per posting above (from Matt) and can run at Z5 for the wko, should I?

    I guess I would answer this the same way. Go by pace, the prescribed pace. I think your're questioning the pace because you were paying attention to HR. You will see folks going harder or faster in their workouts. I do so sometimes but know it's a calculated risk. I also feel confident enough in my ability to listen to my body. All I can say is to proceed with extreme caution. You can cook yourself. Sometimes it won't manifest itself right away.

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    A little over 7 miles for the 50 minutes this morning and the 2X1.5miles was not too bad at all. The 2nd one at the mile mark I was saying ok lets just get done with this but aftert the 4 minute rest period after I cranked out a 6:30 mile to finish up.

    Week 2 in the books folks!!!
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    2 out of 20 done! 36F at start but it felt great with the sun coming up. I ran a new route just because. I'm really looking forward to the rest day tomorrow.

    54:45 7.00 mi
    .5 mi IF 1.01
    1 mi IF 1.01
    1 mi IF 1.02

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    Just did 2 x 2.4km reps with ave pace 3:47 out and 3:42 back.

    rTSS of 80 for the session.

    Wet, wet, wet in the UK today.

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    I'm having trouble holding to my Z4 pace of 6:51 when running on roads. Even with the Garmin I run a bit too fast. At least once I'm on the treadmill I'll be able to dial in the exact pace.
    10' warmup
    .5m @ 6:24 (NGP 6:19), cadence 92, HR 159
    1m @ 6:45 (NGP 6:08, this leg is uphill), cadence 90, HR 165
    1m @ 6:29 (NGP 6:42), cadence 90, HR 166
    8:15 @ 7:04 (NGP 6:57), cadence 88, HR 160
    Total 46', TSS 62.6
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    Did the 2x1.5 mile run at the fire staion pain cave/bedroom treadmill again today 8:47/8:47 I think the treadmill accuracy is a little off but the models are consistent as are the paces I can go on the precor 954i are all the same. (thanks DMFD).
    Nice job everybody!
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    Posted By Dan Gilliatt on 14 Nov 2010 11:01 AM

    Did the 2x1.5 mile run at the fire staion pain cave/bedroom treadmill again today 8:47/8:47 I think the treadmill accuracy is a little off but the models are consistent as are the paces I can go on the precor 954i are all the same. (thanks DMFD).

    Nice job everybody!

    Yes there's no telling what pace the ancient fire station treadmill really has one running at.

    I am off today so ran outside but felt pretty tired.  I was about 10 seconds/mile off my goal pace for all of the intervals.  I ended up with about 7.5 miles total.  On duty tomorrow and looking forward to a "rest" day.  

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    WoW!  Everyone is getting it done!

    Good run for me as well this morning!


    Keep 'em coming guys!



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    Yes there's no telling what pace the ancient fire station treadmill really has one running at.

    I am off today so ran outside but felt pretty tired.  I was about 10 seconds/mile off my goal pace for all of the intervals.  I ended up with about 7.5 miles total.  On duty tomorrow and looking forward to a "rest" day.  

    We've been pretty lucky we have two treadmills (5-6 on duty), the new one is a precor 954i it is a basic gym quality nice treadmill. Our little fitness center in the town where I live has a bunch of these as well so I am consistent to say the least. Plus it goes up to 12 mph as opposed to 10. I have another dude assigned w/ me who coached some collegiate track/CC when our training div purchased the treadmill, them and the maintenance division came to us two to ask us for input.....and actually took our advice!
    Our other one is a lifefitness but I never use it now that we have the new one.
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    Got it done this morning. 2x1.5 miles @ 6:31 and 6:26 pace. 6:26 is my TP. Ran a total of 6 miles in 44 minutes. 

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    Got it done....very tired today. Very happy not to be swimming!
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    Week 2 in the books

    Z4 = 7:05; Z3 = 7:14

    0.5 @ 6:58

    2x1 @ 7:02; 7:01

    Plus 1.2 @ 7:11

    Total 46:38 @ 7:52 (0.9) 5.9 miles

    I miss my 14 milers.....

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    Nice work Matt and Steven
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    Great day for a run in Kansas City. My left hamstring was a little tight so I'll need to look up some good stretches in the wiki for tomorrow. Got in the 1/2 mile and 2x1 mi repeats at Z4. Hit the pacing and felt pretty good. It was much hillier here in KC vs. Winnipeg, so my NGP should be even faster. I will need to look at that when I get back to my home laptop once I download the data.
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    good news/bad news type today. bad news is that I held back under the z4/TP targets. Good news is that I was able to creep up pretty close to it, monitorring the hamstring. Still had a great workout, just failed to push thru to the target. Hammy stills seems to tighten up with anything under 7:20, so I kept it right at 7:20, with no consequences. Got another PT visit tomorrow to work on it some more.

    So, let me ask you this...is it a 'FAIL' if I don't hit those targets even though I felt like I was working my butt off?

    Other note, I need to recal my Polar rs400sd. It has me going a lil quicker than I actually am. It'll be more accurate by the time I retest. Might not look like an improvement when I retest. So, if I get similar results on Test 1 and Test 2, then I've gotten faster since Test 1 was reading a little fast. I'm not too caught up in this....as long as my race times improve, ya know?!
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    Yay! Week 2 is in the books.


    I had some concerns about today's run because of yesterday's century. The whole ride was done at 75% FTP, a little bit above the planned 72%. What happened was wind! Around mile 70, there was a ferocious wind that stayed with us for the next hour or so. It was quite disheartening to ride at 80% FTP with a speed of only 6.5 mph on basically level ground. My wife didn't like the feeling of having her bike seem to move 1 or 2 feet when there was a gust. Still it was a fun ride.


    More SAU points were earned when I accompanied her to the pool this morning. My swim is much slower than EN good so I did a short workout with a focus on technique. We are very spoiled here in Southern California. It was sunny and over 60 degrees swimming. When I started the run home back from the pool, it was getting close to 70. I programmed my Garmin 310XT with a seven step workout: an "open" warm up; 1/2 mile; 3 minute open; 1 mile; 4 minute; repeat the 1 mile; and finally another open. The challenge is that the run was on a net uphill route with traffic lights. I managed to be just about on pace for all three.


    I am definitely looking forward to a rest day Monday! I feel a little bad about abandoning my Monday morning riding partners but the OS seems like it will be worth it.


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    Did another 5K this morning in place of the 2x1.5mi repeats. This one was supporting the UVA triathlon club so I really wanted to turn out to support them. Can't imagine doing triathlon on a student budget! Very small turnout meant that around mile 1 I passed a couple of girls to take the lead! I was quite psyched. However with 1 mile to go I got a side stitch. Crap, expletive, expletive. I looked around and #2 girl was only 10 seconds behind. I really didn't want to give up 1st place, so I decided to HTFU and just push the pace in spite of it. It was only a mile of pain after all. My time was about 40 seconds slower than last week on the same course, but I think was very good mental training! Lesson learned - wait til after the 5K for the latte!

    avg pace was 10 seconds faster than threshold pace. Avg HR was 173 (out of 183 max) so I'm not sure this is z4 training. Might be more z5. Rich says race as much as I want though, so I'm going with it. Next up probably the local Turkey Trot.

    Later went mountain biking for the first time in a decade. 1.5 hours and it was fun!
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    Well I ran a local 10k today instead of the prescribed workout. It was really local, like across the street local. Rode my bike over to register my wife and I and then we headed to the start line. Were running a little late so we ended up getting stuck about in the 2nd-3rd row. Way too far up front. Started off way too hot as well. Pacing needs some work. Ran the 1st mile in 6:25ish or so. Hit the 5k distance at around 7:13ish pace which is about TP so I got the work in. Problem is that then the uphill section started and my earlier ridiculous pace came back to bite my ass. Ended up averaging around 7:30 for the whole race. PR!!! Well it has to be as I have never run a 10k before. Good practice for next week's half in Philly. Pacing will be much better and course much flatter.
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    Way to go everyone! I'm finally back to doin the workouts on the right day. The 2 x 1.5 went well today as I held back to stay at my target pace fo he first and the second felt comfortable as well.
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    It has been a good week of workouts. Last Sunday was suffering as I was tired. Today I was worried that the pace for the 2x1.5 miles would be too much. It was easier. I must be getting better. I have swallowed the kool-aid.
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    OK, thanks to all you guys and gals. Life threw me a curve and I wouldn't have gotten out tonight if I didn't know you were watching. :-) Ended up running in the dark.

    Pressed for time, and it getting colder, and worried I'd have trouble getting back up to speed if I took the break I did my 2 x 1.5 as 3 mi straight.

    7.8 mi total in 59.5 min (about 1 min stoppage time in that)
    3 mi main set @ 6:46 (TP=6:51)

    After the post Main Set rest, I was right... didn't quite get back to that HMP, but I'll call it good anyway. Accountability is good.

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    Like Tucker I ran a local 10K today too. Had my choice of two with starts less than 1.5 mi from home so did the one that supported the local high school rather than the for profit Boca group. Changed course from two years ago so constant rolling hills rather than monster climb. Still tough. First in AG and I didn't run well or even break an hour. Was bummed but course per Garmin was 6.34 and I have another stupid bad cold. I keep seeing babies with RSV and then getting the adult version. The cost of being a pediatrician at times.

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    What a great day for a run!  I had my best run of the outseason and definitely my best run since doing the Disney 1/2 marathon at the beginning of October.  Legs are definitely ready for a day off though!  :-)

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    Ran this morning and it was cold. Haven't downloaded data yet, but felt ok. Need lots of stretching tomorrow
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    Sitting on my butt all weekend at a conferance didn't help when I finally got the chance to get out yesterday afternoon.  Took a while to loosen up, worked hard to get the 2 X 1.5's at pace.   Totally spent at end of 50 minutes, 7 miles.   Pretty sore today, looking forward to getting to the gym and do a lot of stretching at lunchtime today.

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    Week2 done.
    Did 0.5 @6:30
    #1 1mi @7:20
    #2 1mi @7:35

    Need to use the foam roller to stretch out the IBT
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    A liitle late but did my Sunday run, 2x800, 1x1600 at TP of 8:22 total run time was 22:34 2.60 miles, I did the main set only,
    First 800 avg 8:06
    2nd avg 8:15
    The 1600 avg was 8:23

    Great cool fall day out there in the midwest.
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