Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

Week 7 Run

 Had to mix and match for this week...got the 4 X 1m done today on the hamster wheel after work

4 X 1m @ 6:40 with 1% grade, took 3: 30 rest

Forgot to bring my Zoot recovery tights to work, so the legs are feeling like mush right now



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    Hayes- I wish we were neighbors! We would be perfectly matched training partners.

    I felt like QUADZILLA today on the track. My Quads are sore from Sundays 14 mile hilly run.  All I felt the whole time was my Quads- such a strange sensation when I normally feel just light and no pain or anything at all. I held back and just got them done . MY Z4 is 6:32 and I never quite hit it. I felt relaxed in my upper body and breathing in control but my LEGS uuuggh!

    4 x 1 mile as 6:42, 6:42, 6:40 and 6:35 with 400 recovery.

    As per Chris G- check the box and move on.


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    I leave for NorCal for 10 days on Friday, where I'll be without my bike for that whole time (). I'm doing back-to-back-to-back bike workouts today, tomorrow and Thursday.

    When I'm in NorCal, I'll be totally run-focused. Hope the weather holds (I hate running in the rain).

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    4x1mile completely broke up b/c of calls. Ended up somewhere between 5:50 and 5:45/mile. Only thing special was being interrupted 3x during it.
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    4 x 1 mile in 17degrees with 13mph wind. Ugh. 6:36, 6:15, 6:20, 6:19 and 1 frozen face. Way to get it done Team!!!!!!!!
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    I opted for the treadmill this morning. Just too darn cold out. Legs felt better today. 4 x 1 mile at 5:58, 5:54, 5:44, and 5:37. Now if I can figure out how to take some of this new found speed outside.
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    Snow on ground = footing too uncertain for threshold work = time to get re-acclimated to the dreadmill. At least today, unlike Sunday's dreadmill session, I managed to do the entire Z3 portion without needing a break in the middle.

    10' warmup
    3x1m (4') @ Z4 9.1MPH cadence 91-92 HR 160-162
    17' @ Z3 8.9MPH cadence 90 HR 164
    Total run time 60' rTSS 83
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    Yeah, I'm unfortunately in that snow/ice crowd still. With more coming today. It'll be a lunchtime cruise at the gym.
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    Posted By Patrick McCrann on 15 Dec 2010 07:07 AM

    4 x 1 mile in 17degrees with 13mph wind. Ugh. 6:36, 6:15, 6:20, 6:19 and 1 frozen face. Way to get it done Team!!!!!!!!


    WOW, way to lead...................!

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    @ Rob and Dan,  damn fast splits their brothers!  Way to get it done and nail it!!

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    I think I'm in the running for the coldest run today. It was about 18 this morning on the track! My legs were dead from the 2x20's yesterday. Wondered how I would make it through. Decided to just aim for the bare minimum pace (7:36) instead of the 7:20's that I have been able to knock out lately. Weather didn't feel too bad because I dressed to the hilt, but I wish I had a balaclava. Got the 4x1's done. 7:35, 7:34, 7:29, 9:24 (?!?!) Whoops - added an extra lap onto that last one. I was so tired I forgot how to count!
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    Great run today in 9 degree F with the wind chill. Lots of snow on the street but not too slippery. I made this run a "could" pace run in prep for nest week. The consistency of quality workouts is really paying off.

    1 mile in 8:40, IF: 1.115
    1 mile in 8:23, IF: 1.12
    1 mile in 8:38, IF: 1.119
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    Today really caught up with me plus starting a sinus infection.....antibiotics on board...love the horse pill Augmentin.....

    Ten min wu
    3x30 strides
    3 x 1 mile repeats: 7:22, 7:11, 7:01
    15 min cd but I couldn't hang at my HMP image..... oh well 6 miles and done

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    Ran outside this morning in 5 degrees. Not too windy though. 6 miles with 3x1@ 6:32, 6:17, 6:11. Had to cut it short this morning. Supposed to do 4x1. Feeling good except for a little tightness in my right achilles.

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    You fools running outside are crazy!!! Actually wish I could join you but am not running in this weather with a stroller and my daughter so to the gym we go. 3 x 1mi for us INT folks.

    1st @ 7:12
    2nd @ 7:03
    3rd @ 7:01

    Felt really good. Probably could have done another mile but thought the better.
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    @Matt - 5 degrees!

    @Elly - 9 degrees!

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    Got up to run. Got on the treadmill. Warmed up--still exhausted from Tuesday's workout. Got off treadmill and took a nap. I will get at it after work. I just didn't have any energy at 5:00 this morning.
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    Posted By Beverly Richardson on 15 Dec 2010 12:08 PM

    @Matt - 5 degrees!

    @Elly - 9 degrees!


    It's all about how you dress . . . for the most part.

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    Felt a lot better today than yesterday. Maybe that's just because (even though I'm not all that fast), I'm still basically a runner. We'll see. Ice everywhere here...today worse than yesterday. grrr. So off to the indoor track.

    6:25 ---> mad at myself on this one because I let myself get distracted by my iPod on one of my early laps and lost ~ 10 sec.

    Kinda looking forward to next week's 5K. Last time was just barely under 20. Think I should be a bit faster this time.
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    I'm impressed by how many of you can run in the cold. I've always been a wimp when it comes to the cold and after heat acclimating and racing in the heat this summer/fall, I'm even less inclined to go outside. Not sure I will ever run outside again when it is below 15.

    I slept very little last night thanks to a teething daughter and so I was not very motivated to do the run today. Like usual though, I said I would not skip it and would do the warm.

    About 10' in I felt great and actually the best I have felt in the last 24 hours, so I kept going. 1 and 2 intervals at 6:00 and felt very comfortable and I never broke a 5-4 breathing pattern, so I went against my better judgement and kicked it up to 5:52 for the 3 and 4. They were more challenging but never too hard. The legs are definitely coming back and now I just have to get the body comp back in line.

    Also, I noticed today that the lowest my TSB had been in the last 11 weeks is 0.8 with it sticking around 5 or so for the majority of the OS. I'm pretty sure that other then when I was injured I have never been at a positive TSB for so long. Last year I would have worried and starting doing more, but this year I'm ok wiht it and going to stay the course.
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    3X1 on treadmill @ Z4 (8:23) and then did about 20 minutes @ Z3 (8:39)... as others have said, that Z3 at the end felt alot harder than the 3X1... just a shade under 7 miles for 60 minutes.
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    My hip has been bugging me, so I only did the Sunday run last week, and missed the Tuesday 45min run yesterday. Going to give it a go for the 4x1mile tonight, haven't decided if it will be at the track or on the 'mill at the gym...not too cold here in Vancouver right now, but it could be pouring down pretty heavily this evening. I had this hip pain last year and got over it, it's pretty frustrating since I feel that I have made some real speed gains this year while coaching my school's xc running team, and with the OS plan for the first 5 weeks. Now, for the last couple of weeks any running leaves me limping around.
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    Tough 4 X 1s for me today. Still fighting a sinus/cough so was tough to hit all four. Started to struggle on 3 and just barely hit the target on interval but did get it done.


    Very fast times out there today team!


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    Missed the run today due to the stomach flu that has me laid up the past 2 days. Luckily I hit the Tues bike on Mon due to travel and didn't miss that one.

    I'm going to hit the normal Thurs bike tomorrow and get back on track for this weekend and ready for next week's testing.

    Stomach flu sucks!!
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    Every workout is very difficult right now. I didn't bounce back from last week's "could" rides like I had hoped. Still somehow managing to get through just about all of them though. Woke before 5am to run but then wimped out when I saw the temps outside. Instead hit the mill at work this afternoon. Legs still pretty fatigued. Only thing that got me through these was being on the mill, setting the speed for my 4x1's @ 7:41, holding on and then people watching in between staring at the time wishing it would go faster. I actually don't remember much of the last 20' of this run as I was focussed on repeating to myself "just hold on, it's only X minutes more" . Finished with the legs absolute mush. One more day until another rest day.
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    Posted By Matt Ancona on 15 Dec 2010 02:46 PM

    Also, I noticed today that the lowest my TSB had been in the last 11 weeks is 0.8 with it sticking around 5 or so for the majority of the OS. I'm pretty sure that other then when I was injured I have never been at a positive TSB for so long. Last year I would have worried and starting doing more, but this year I'm ok wiht it and going to stay the course.

    I know you know this, but TSB is basically just comparing what you did this last week compared to the last 6 or so...but it's also normalized to your thresholds.  If you were doing absolutely nothing different than what's in the plan for the last 6 weeks, then it would have to be negative (a little) because the workouts have been getting longer.

    But you (a) were doing some extra stuff a few weeks ago [like a marathon....] and (b) adjusted your thresholds.  Mathematically, raising the threshold pace/power has the effect of giving you fewer TSS points for the same workout.  So both of those things contribute to your slightly positive TSB at the moment (i.e., slightly "less stress" now than previously).  This should not be the norm for people on the whole at this stage of the program.

    I keep track of TSB, but artifacts like this are something that make me take it only so seriously.


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    Great weather today with little or no wind. I knew I was lucky compared to my team-mates up north, so I pushed it to see where I really am before the test next week. I ran at a high Z4 AVHR and pushed into my Z5 pace (less than 7:14/mi):

    3X1mi @ 6:49, 6:42, and 6:32.

    Probably overdid it, but since the "could bike" seems to have worked, I thought I'd try it on the run. So far, so good. Time to get conservative and not screw up next week's tests!

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    Posted By William Jenks on 15 Dec 2010 06:26 PM
    Posted By Matt Ancona on 15 Dec 2010 02:46 PM

    Also, I noticed today that the lowest my TSB had been in the last 11 weeks is 0.8 with it sticking around 5 or so for the majority of the OS. I'm pretty sure that other then when I was injured I have never been at a positive TSB for so long. Last year I would have worried and starting doing more, but this year I'm ok wiht it and going to stay the course.

    I know you know this, but TSB is basically just comparing what you did this last week compared to the last 6 or so...but it's also normalized to your thresholds.  If you were doing absolutely nothing different than what's in the plan for the last 6 weeks, then it would have to be negative (a little) because the workouts have been getting longer.

    But you (a) were doing some extra stuff a few weeks ago [like a marathon....] and (b) adjusted your thresholds.  Mathematically, raising the threshold pace/power has the effect of giving you fewer TSS points for the same workout.  So both of those things contribute to your slightly positive TSB at the moment (i.e., slightly "less stress" now than previously).  This should not be the norm for people on the whole at this stage of the program.

    I keep track of TSB, but artifacts like this are something that make me take it only so seriously.


    Thanks William, i guess that short like 26.2 miller in early November might have something to do with it.  I completely agree and it just took me a few years to get this through my head and stop trying to always see every chart showing "improvement".

    I know my FTP and VDOT are slowly creeping back up, so I'll stay the course.


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     First,   @Matt, @William - what do you use to get these fancy TSB/TSS/etc numbers? And can I find some background on this in the Wiki or something?  (Gone looking now)   Or is this feedback from training software like WKO+ ?


    Second,   Today's run....3x1mi  7:05,7:05,7:05.   Then 20' z3 steady stuff.  Still can't believe that I'm doing these run workouts.  So much, that I still get scared before doing them!  I never would have even attempted this on my own.


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    Great run today! Was 1 degree for yesterday's brick, and by the end my eyelids were trying to freeze together. Felt warm out this morning at 17 degrees. The past few runs have been below 10 degrees, so I ended up overdressing this morning and got a bit warm.

    Fastest 1 mile repeats for OS. Considering the trail conditions were a bit icy in spots, I'm happy.

    7:24, 7:24, 7:22, 7:34
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    Still haven't been forced to the treadmill. 3x1: 6:58, 6:56, 6:55 for a total of 5.55 in 42:30 (w/ Riley for the last mile)
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