Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

Week 7 Run



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    Posted By Beverly Richardson on 15 Dec 2010 09:52 AM

    Weather didn't feel too bad because I dressed to the hilt, but I wish I had a balaclava. 

    I wear a Quick Clava from Seirus.  You can wear it just as a hat, or pull down the clava.  Great for running, skiing, and sledding.  And it's a bit more stylish than a normal balaclava.


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    Good rub tonight at a balmy 18 degrees. Glad I went and bought one of those baklava things tonight. This cold is good mental training
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    Got  the 4 X 1 mile done, it was sub 20 degree, windy, hilly and had sore and tired legs from prior workouts.  Oh it was fun !!   Intervals were 7:01, 6:59, 6:42 and 6:30.  9 miles done in 1:07:00.

    Good mentall six pack training.     Very thankful to have my compression pants after this one to get me through the afternoon at work.

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     pretty damn cold this morning.  Real feel of 5 degrees.  I ended up running 3x1mi @ 7:00.  Felt pretty good until I got in the house and realized I was supposed to run 4!  


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    Great run yesterday...even if it started like @!#%. First time out on the road (vs. track) which was a nice change of pace. Had to cut the run a bit short because of work. Pushing into "could" this week on bike and run and backing off Sat (to norm workout) in prep for testing next week.

    3x1 @ ~7:30 (IF 1.06)
    Total time 45:27 5.4 miles @ 8:29 (IF 0.88)
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    @Chris - Yes, WKO+ is the norm software that people use to get the TSS, rTSS, TSB, etc. (There are alternatives, but if you are a Windows person, don't mess around and just use WKO+.)

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    Posted By Beverly Richardson on 15 Dec 2010 12:08 PM

    @Matt - 5 degrees!

    @Elly - 9 degrees!


    And I thought it was getting cold when the temp dipped below 70 here in Austin!! 


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    Ok this week officially sux. Fnally feeling better enough to run hard. Snow/ice means no running outside here in WV. Tried that before here and it was a disaster. Even better that the new very nice treadmills here only go up to 8.0 mph which is a 7:30 pace. Thats the freaking warm up pace i use at home. Tried to do the intervals as a big incline but that just felt like a lower leg injury waiting to happen. So did a boring 10k on it early to find out that the thing i am here for is cancelled due to the snow. Its a couple of inches. Its a joke that this is the Mountaineer state. Besides freaking everyone here drives 4wd trucks. So it will only get better when they close the apt and i am stuck here.

    T sum up the week i have done a couple of easy runs and about 30 minutes on the bike with one 20 at .87. Not exactly what i had in mind.
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    Did the run yesterday on dreadmill. Didn't feel upto going out in 18F and wind. @patrick got to give it to you for going out in this weather.
    3x1 mi went by pretty quick went 7:18, 7:18 , 7:03 . Felt the z3 stuff was a lot harder to maintain than before.

    Quick question, does anyone else feel they need more hydration on the treadmill. Last couple of runs indoors feel like I am dehydrated towards the end and suffering , very different than when I was running in nov outside. Even doing a simple sweat test earlier in the week confirmed I need to up the hydration, just curious if anyone else noticed it changes from outdoors to indoors
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    So, I ran on the treadmill last night for the  4x1mile:

    Pace Avg HR

    #1 6:31 153

    #2 6:33 155

    #3 6:40 157

    #4 6:42 160

    The gym seriously needs to install some fans, I was really overheating on the last two miles and I had to back off the pace as my HR was spiking up to the high 160's. I NEVER get my HR up that high when running on the track.

    I'm not sure if I should start out a bit slower for the first couple miles to be able to maintain pace, but have a HR that is below my Z4, or just use HR since that is all I have when I run outside, which is most of the time.


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    Posted By Chris G on 16 Dec 2010 09:00 AM

    Ok this week officially sux. Fnally feeling better enough to run hard. Snow/ice means no running outside here in WV. Tried that before here and it was a disaster. Even better that the new very nice treadmills here only go up to 8.0 mph which is a 7:30 pace. Thats the freaking warm up pace i use at home. Tried to do the intervals as a big incline but that just felt like a lower leg injury waiting to happen. So did a boring 10k on it early to find out that the thing i am here for is cancelled due to the snow. Its a couple of inches. Its a joke that this is the Mountaineer state. Besides freaking everyone here drives 4wd trucks. So it will only get better when they close the apt and i am stuck here.

    T sum up the week i have done a couple of easy runs and about 30 minutes on the bike with one 20 at .87. Not exactly what i had in mind.


    I used to hate when I was traveling for work and actually had the time to workout and the motivation but hotel gym equipment was broken or not available.  So frustrating!

    At this point thought a easy day/day off is might be more valuable than a hard workout with the test coming next week.

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     I have one thing to say about yesterday's run -- Yuck!

    After having an absolutely FABULOUS run on Saturday (switched with Sunday to avoid the rain), I was looking forward to the run (3x1mi).  I had to do it on the treadmill, but I wasn't too worried about that.  I've managed to avoid the shin pains I used to get on the TM, and I like how I can just bang out the workouts.

    So last night ... yeah, no.  I bailed after the first interval.  It felt like I was finished with the entire workout -- I was just that beat!  

    Not thrilled at all, but this was the only the second bad run I've had since starting the OS.  So I guess I can live with it.  But this weekend and next's week's test had better be AWESOME!!!

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    My 3x1 was on the treadmill at a 1% grade and it has never felt so easy.  I thought something was wrong with the calibration.  





    I did tomorrow's workout today and again it felt very doable (home treadmill vs the Y one yesterday) even at a 2% grade.  I don't know whose legs these are but I sure hope they're still around for testing next week.  If the ice melts by Wednesday I'm looking forward to a great 5K.  

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    Posted By Matt Ancona on 16 Dec 2010 12:35 PM
    Posted By Chris G on 16 Dec 2010 09:00 AM

    Ok this week officially sux. Fnally feeling better enough to run hard. Snow/ice means no running outside here in WV. Tried that before here and it was a disaster. Even better that the new very nice treadmills here only go up to 8.0 mph which is a 7:30 pace. Thats the freaking warm up pace i use at home. Tried to do the intervals as a big incline but that just felt like a lower leg injury waiting to happen. So did a boring 10k on it early to find out that the thing i am here for is cancelled due to the snow. Its a couple of inches. Its a joke that this is the Mountaineer state. Besides freaking everyone here drives 4wd trucks. So it will only get better when they close the apt and i am stuck here.

    T sum up the week i have done a couple of easy runs and about 30 minutes on the bike with one 20 at .87. Not exactly what i had in mind.


    I used to hate when I was traveling for work and actually had the time to workout and the motivation but hotel gym equipment was broken or not available.  So frustrating!

    At this point thought a easy day/day off is might be more valuable than a hard workout with the test coming next week.

    So naturally I ended up doing another easy run later in the morning killing time before the flight 

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