Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

Week 10 Bike Thread


I had to modify today (Sunday) due to traveling with family in an apartment and time available outside.  I will run today’s run tomorrow (Monday) and, opted instead to do next Tues brick this morning starting with the run  - reverse brick.  So will run tomorrow (Mon), do Sat run on I missed on Tues (30 mins) and be back on track Wed….

 Was very tough to do these 4 X Z5 intervals on the heels of yesterday and having done the run first…….. but did hit all targets…..  

Entire workout (224 watts):

    Duration:           1:00:49

    Work:                816 kJ

    TSS:                  78.9 (intensity factor 0.886)

    Norm Power:    248

    Distance:          19.106 mi

                              Min      Max     Avg

    Power:              0          409      224      watts

    Cadence:          40        117      84        rpm

Good luck out there this week peeps!!



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    Well done Shaughn. It is Tuesday in my OS  world:

    10' warmup



    5' cooldown

    Felt Saturdays wokout in the legs still.




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    Got the ride done before work today. Changed things up a little after Sat's ride. I decided to do 10 mins of Z3 after my warm up before the Z5 stuff. It worked out ok. Legs felt looser heading into that 1st set.

    53:48 0.888
    10': 0.816
    4x2.5': 1.174, 1.170, 1.171, 1.198
    10': 0.841
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    I kept telling myself that I would settle into these this week. It just doesn't seem that 10 minutes of work should be so hard, but it is. It has to be good for us, right?

    15' warmup
    4 x 2.5' @ 312(1.25), 308(1.23), 305(1.22), and 299(1.2)
    25' @ .867

    Planning on doing a short trail run after work today.
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    Holy crap that was hard. I also foolishly thought it would not be that bad after taking yesterday off. Seemed harder than a 2x20. Could barely run after which pretty much never happens. They were are 382, 371,361 then one minute at 359 and dropping so i took a 30 second break, summoned the demons and did the remaining one thirty at 393.
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    Posted By Chris G on 04 Jan 2011 06:41 AM

    summoned the demons and did the remaining one thirty at 393.

    Yeah--there has been a lot of summoning of demons recently.   You really do play those mental games to get this work done.


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    Great stuff here..feeling better with this stuff than last week. 4x2.5 as 380, 378, 376, 380, then 30' at .87. Bummer I have to start this marathon hack and start hurting even more. Nice work all!
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    Nice job guys. I found this week to be not quite as challenging as last week. In otherwords I didn't think I was going to die until the 4th interval instead of last week it was the 3rd. I also wasn't shaking when I got off the bike this week.

    I have a love/hate relationship with V02 work. It is by far the hardest workouts of the year for me and for that reason I hate the pain at times, however it is also the block of training that I typically benefit from the most so I love to see the results after suffering for about 6 weeks.

    The 25' with a few strides felt great.
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    120% is 269W for me. Today wasn't quite as strong as last Tuesday, but my problem is starting the 2:30 timer when I begin ramping up rather than waiting until I reach the target.
    18' warmup
    4 x 2:30 @ 264W, 270W, 267W, 270W
    22' @ 182W, 88RPM, IF .81
    Total bike 60', TSS 73.9
    17' Z1 run incl 5x strides, TSS 19.1
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    Tough wko - although my AVHR for the 2.5' repeats don't get quite into the Z5, I'm hitting some pretty high numbers getting the AVHR up into the Z4. I figure my HR has about a 30" lag between hammering and seeing it rise. The recovery has about a 15" lag for it to drop. So, overall, I met the intent and did some Z3 intervals at the back end to get an even hour in.

    Run felt good @Z1 and actually got in some strides. Time to rest up for tomorrow's early run wko. Need to get it done before the kids and their mom's line up at the bus stop at 0630 and watch a crazy man run 200m and 400m repeats up and down the road like his hair is on fire! image

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    Got mine done this morning and it didn't feel any easier to me. Haven't downloaded the file yet but I did use an ERG file. I did get through all four without faltering. Once again, I found the 85% very hard. I did 10 minutes and then went for a 20 minute run with a few strides. The run felt good.

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    I had to do the "morning person" thing today due to taking a bike repair class Tues. evenings this month. It wasn't too bad. After being up about 15 minutes I was ready to hit it. I did a 15 min warm-up to give myself some extra wake-up time. Used my inhaler again pre-workout. Then I was very pleased to hit the 2x2.5's in 207, 208, 208, 208. My target was 207. When I however downloaded the data to WKO+, that software had me at different average power for the intervals than the Garmin display and software did. Garmin said my second interval average power was 204! Grr! I think I'm having some technical issues. I've noticed that all of my power files have random drops down to speed=0, even while the power and cadence numbers stay high. Sometimes the power drops to 0 to, with cadence still normal. I'm wondering if it is due to electronic interference. I'm going to experiment with turning some electronics off and see if there is signal interference. In the mean time I'm taking credit for 208!  I'm going to do the brick run on Thursdays instead of Tuesdays this month until my class is over.

    It seems like every workout I can hit a number that is 1-2 watts higher in these intervals. I like that trend and hope it continues!

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    I did my bike yesterday due to a crazy schedule today. I am doing an important presentation in Denver today. I hit it well. And then this morning I did the 25 min run.

    I am tired since Friday I did my Thu workout due to craziness at home. So no days off since last Friday. I will get my next day off this coming Friday. I don't recommended this..
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    Bike went well....

    WU for ten minutes to get loose than

    4x2.5= 228, 232, 231, 238

    30 minutes at .88

    Total workout was 1:03, TSS 88 IF .91

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    Just like last week, when the 2.5/2.5 sets are the main focus of the workout they don't feel too bad.  353 is my 120% and I did 354, 353, 350, 358, then 21 minutes at .85.   


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    I too thought i'd settle into these better this week. Although a little better this week (didn't cave till 4th one 2 minutes in) I still am really struggling as I never have before. These didn't seem to be like this last year, but then again my FTP wasn't this high yet either, so I'm reaching points I've never been before. Still making me contemplate the FTP went down a little with the 10 day layoff. We'll see how the rest of the week goes but it can get a little disappointing when you don't hit all the intervals when normally I always can push my body to that next level and get it.

    Oh and the easy peasy run after sucked today too. still felt out of it from the bike.

    Interval 1 = 329 (1.2)
    Interval 2 = 329 (1.2)
    Interval 3 = 324 (1.18)
    Interval 4 = 312 (1.14)
    final part of ride = .84
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    RPE was the same for me on the intervals (f'ing hard). Maybe the Z3 stuff felt a tad more manageable today, but still hugging the bottom end of the range like my 6 year-old hugs candy...

    Target: 323
    4X2.5s: 326, 322, 323, 332

    1X27: 216w (.802)
    Total Bike: 1:00:07, 244w (.908)

    Swapped the run for playing tennis with my wife tonight, I'm sure that option is in the fine print somewhere in my training plan, just haven't found it yet image
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    Posted By Art Zaske on 04 Jan 2011 02:52 PM

    Swapped the run for playing tennis with my wife tonight, I'm sure that option is in the fine print somewhere in my training plan, just haven't found it yet

    It's in the SAU supplement.

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    Posted By Matt Sullivan on 04 Jan 2011 02:56 PM
    Posted By Art Zaske on 04 Jan 2011 02:52 PM

    Swapped the run for playing tennis with my wife tonight, I'm sure that option is in the fine print somewhere in my training plan, just haven't found it yet

    It's in the SAU supplement.

    Ah right. I knew it.


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    Those were pretty darn hard for me too. I had hoped that the last couple of days off the bike would make them easier...not so. Looking at my file, I can see the first one is pretty "flat" at the top, and then the rest are more "U" shaped, i.e., started out fine, maybe a few watts high, then fell a few W below target, then summoned the demon to finish them with the "lap average" above that magic 300 mark. Also funny is how the recovery power right after each one just gets lower and lower.... After about 5 min of recovery from the last one, though, I felt pretty good. My 85% mark is 212, and I did a nice 22 min at a very flat 223.

    Still messing with my position, and it is a tighter hip angle, so I do find myself "cheating" and sitting up a bit during these VO2max intervals in order to max the V of O2. :-) Am I a bad person for that?

    4 x 2.5 @ 307, 303, 305, 302
    1 x 22 @ 223 (IF 0.89)

    I ran outside (20 degrees but clear and breezy). Kept it easy, but it really felt good...maybe because I didn't have to work that hard. :-)
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    Posted By Carl Noftsger on 04 Jan 2011 11:45 AM

    Bike went well....

    WU for ten minutes to get loose than

    4x2.5= 228, 232, 231, 238

    30 minutes at .88

    Total workout was 1:03, TSS 88 IF .91


    Hey Carl - this is pretty good since you were nursing a very sore knee. You'll feel it tonight I'm sure!   image

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    Tuesday bike & trans run... done.

    Bring on the Wed run.
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    At this point in O/S it seems the day off is a tease, being just enough to take the edge off but not really give me much recovery. Given yesterday was a rest day today was harder than I anticipated. Another ERG file workout so had not choice but to get my 4x2.5's done at 335w. Some pretty good yelling and cursing to myself to get through the 4th one. As bad as those 2:30's were the 30' @ 86% (240w) I did was a pretty miserable half hour. My HR during that 30' was nearly what it was during the 2:30's. Was very cold in the basement today so never turned on the fan. BIG mistake. Should've gotten off the bike to turn it on but never did as I didn't want to interrupt the ride. Felt uncomfortably warm. Contemplated pushing the run to later in the day but figured something would come up at work and give me an excuse to bag the run. Jumped on the mill for an easy 25' run that actually felt pretty good once the legs stopped trembling.

    One thing I've noticed as this 0/S has progressed is how much harder the 85% stuff is feeling. First 8 weeks the main work was obviously tough but could get through the 85% pretty comfortably. Now taking quite a bit of physical and mental effort to get it done. I think the only part of these rides that doesn't hurt is the warm-up.
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    What a difference 2 days off makes. Got the hard stuff done then went 30' @ 85% and ran 4 miles off the bike. Nice workout.

    1) 124.9% ~ 72.7% feeling strong
    2) 120.5% ~ 66.8% getting tough
    3) 120.0% ~ 62.0% suffering really shows
    4) 121.0% ~ 42.9% counting seconds from the start

    30' @ 174w (0.851)

    Total Bike 1:05:09 @ 184w (0.896)

    Deadmill Run - 4 miles @ 8:21 in 33:25
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    Got mine done early this morning. Didn't go quite as planned. I skied hard for the first time on Sunday for 2 hours, so thinking the legs were still a bit fried. Hit all the watt goals, but had to break the 3rd and 4th reps into 1/1 and 1.5/1.5 vs. straight 2.5/2.5. Didn't have time to run. Nice job all!
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    As I've stated in prior posts, for some reason the VO2 workouts are easier for me than the FTP intervals.  My 120% is 305 watts, today my 2.5's were:  328, 325, 321, 318   My rest periods are between 70-75%  My 1 X 30' was @ 90%

    I know I'm over shooting my projected watts but I'm not crushing myself or suffering terribally by doing so.  My 27' brick run felt great afterward.

    Is there another reason why I should not continue to push these as I am, as long as they do not impact workouts down the road?

    I think one thing it does tell me is that I need a higher FTP.  

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    I'm doing the sufferfest revolver instead and turning them into Vo2m sets for motivation and then riding longer to round out the hour. Pretty much slayed myself last night. Don't have the details at work just the summary.

    Entire workout (212 watts):

    Duration: 1:04:35 (1:05:23)

    Work: 822 kJ

    TSS: 92 (intensity factor 0.928)

    Norm Power: 241

    VI: 1.14

    Distance: 19.866 mi

    Trying to reach 800Kj on each ride now to help with the waist line as well. So a few more secondary goals of each ride. (800KJ and IF .9 or better)


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    Did the wko yesterday (Tuesday).  Felt okay throughout.

    For me, 120% is ~ 255w.  I've been doing the "work" segments at > 260w ... is this okay or should I tone it down?

     Entire workout (171 watts):

        Duration:      59:59

        Work:          616 kJ

        TSS:           74.6 (intensity factor 0.867)

        Norm Power:    190

        VI:            1.11

        Pw:HR:          n/a

        Pa:HR:          n/a

        Distance:      24.873 km

                            Min    Max    Avg

        Power:           0    304    171     watts

        Cadence:      10    101    83     rpm

        Speed:         0    40.5    24.9     kph

        Pace             1:29    0:00    2:25     min/km

        Crank Torque:    0    70.2    19.6     N-m

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    Posted By Alessandro Commodari on 05 Jan 2011 11:22 AM

    For me, 120% is ~ 255w.  I've been doing the "work" segments at > 260w ... is this okay or should I tone it down?

    In Coach Rich's overachieving wiki post, he seemed to indicate that anything up to 5% over a prescribed interval zone effort was sort of ok. Granted that was in the context of 95-100% FTP work, but seems the same would hold true for VO2. The above puts you a little over 2% so would think that is ok. I do all of my bike work on real course videos on my CT... the variety of grades helps me pay attention, but it is a little harder to hit a specific number (For me I think that is a good thing as it is a tad more realistic than a dead flat CT course or exact same trainer resistance, but other prefer ERg files to take the mental equation out of it during the outseason, but I digress...).

    In mine I have gone as high as 123% and don't (yet) feel as though that is materially digging a hole vis-a-vis the 120% level. I suppose the governing thought should be "are you hitting at least 120% on all of the intervals?" Given the 5% variance, you would not want to go above 265W on any given interval. It stands to reason that there is an implicit "error zone" around any given % of FTP workout as any given person's tested FTP is at varying degrees of representation of there "true" FTP at any given time. That is not a license to do what you want, but supoprts the notion that there is no magic to the exact number of 120.0% of tested FTP.


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    A somewhat related question...

    I've seen several posts in which people have their highest numbers for the first interval (some greatly above 120%), and drop from there. I've been aiming to hit 120% for the first interval, and either hold that or increase through the next intervals. Should we be killing ourselves and risk not making 120% for the last interval, or hold to the 120% and give what we can at the end?
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    Posted By Daniela Williams on 05 Jan 2011 12:46 PM

    A somewhat related question...

    I've seen several posts in which people have their highest numbers for the first interval (some greatly above 120%), and drop from there. I've been aiming to hit 120% for the first interval, and either hold that or increase through the next intervals. Should we be killing ourselves and risk not making 120% for the last interval, or hold to the 120% and give what we can at the end?

    From everything I have seen and read here, hold 120 for all. No need, indeed probably not a great idea, to go above that for any of them. I really don't intent this to sound snarky in any way, but it now seems pretty clear to me that if RnP thought it was a good idea, they would have written 3X2.5 @120%, 1X2.5 @ "as much as you can"

    As an aside, it seems to me if you get all the VO2 intervals done at 120% for  these 6 weeks of VO2 work, you are a hero.

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