Home Group Discussion-OutSeason November 2010

Week 10 Bike Thread



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    Thursdays workout done today:

    10' warmup(181)

    4x2.5  (318/320/320/324)with 2.5 easy(182/184/186/180)


    5' cooldown(186)

    Friday will be doing the Saturday advanced workout. All I can think of is what one of the early TDF riders said about the course designers "Murderers"

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    Tuesday brick done today. The VO2 intervals went much better than last week, but the brick run was brutal. 

    4 x 2.5/2.5 @ 223, 226, 229, 232. (117%, 120%, 121%, 123%)

    15' @ 156, IF: 0.824

    Wednesday's workout is tommorow! 

    Best wishes,


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    Flipped Tuesday and Wednesday
    325, 325, 327, 320

    then 22 minutes at .87 234NP.

    I made some slight position adjustments and I think they helped quite a bit though the proof will come Saturday.

    Duration: 54:46
    Work: 770 kJ
    TSS: 82.1 (intensity factor 0.953)
    Norm Power: 254
    VI: 1.08
    Pw:HR: n/a
    Pa:HR: n/a
    Distance: 24.326 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 423 235 watts
    Cadence: 35 127 86 rpm
    Speed: 0 33.8 26.6 mph
    Pace 1:47 0:00 2:15 min/mi
    Hub Torque: 0 16 6 lb-in
    Crank Torque: 0 728 229 lb-in

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    4x2.5/4x2.5 also here.

    395 (1.23 IF), 394 (1.23), 386 (1.20) and 393 (1.22).

    Total of 55 mins with the whole session at .88 IF.

    That was painful; but at least no pukey.  And the .80 work seemed pretty easy after those 1.20 IF intervals.

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    I missed Tuesday do to not being ready in the AM to crank. I was going to do it in the evening, but the wife had different ideas. Should I just do it on Friday? And maybe flip flop the Saturday and Sunday workouts?
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    I do almost all OS workouts on my computrainer wih erg files but this morning I decided to just do it on my own.

    Target is 342 and intervals were 349, 345, 339, 350.

    15' @ 245 after that and my legs felt surprisingly good so since tomorrow is a rest day a set of 8 tabia (sp?) intervals sounded like a good idea. That hurt!
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    Posted By Bob Arsenault on 05 Jan 2011 06:01 AM

    As I've stated in prior posts, for some reason the VO2 workouts are easier for me than the FTP intervals.  My 120% is 305 watts, today my 2.5's were:  328, 325, 321, 318   My rest periods are between 70-75%  My 1 X 30' was @ 90%

    I know I'm over shooting my projected watts but I'm not crushing myself or suffering terribally by doing so.  My 27' brick run felt great afterward.

    Is there another reason why I should not continue to push these as I am, as long as they do not impact workouts down the road?

    I think one thing it does tell me is that I need a higher FTP.  


    if you were going above 120% on an accurate FTP, I would respond that you should not be going over the prescribed range -  120% is intended to train v02 max, but higher intensities do not achieve the intended adaptations.   Of course, if you're looking at an inaccurate FTP to begin, then that all gets tossed out the window.    Could you retest FTP on your Saturday bike?    

    One tweak you might consider - if you are still finding the 2.5m intervals to be 'not terribly crushing' - would be to increase the duration of the intervals to 3, 4 + minutes (coming to the same total of work as prescribed in the session), or decrease the recovery interval


    2.5s work /  2.5s  recover


    2.5 work / 2 recover or

    2.5 work / 1.5 recover.  


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    120% is 269W for me. Hit the targets today, but geez those 2.5's are hard work!
    18' warmup
    4 x 2.5' @ 273W, 274W, 272W, 274W
    22' @ 187W, 89RPM, IF .84
    Total bike 60', TSS 79.4
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    Wow: those 2.5's are hard. When I was done this morning my head was spinning. I hit my targets, but boy did that hurt.
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    thurs bike, done. bring on the rest day.

    now...eggs/bacon/grits (it's a southern thing)/chocolate milk. Then...off to get my Quarq/Joule up and running on my bike!

    @Bob - I would add to what Dave said to ya. Only because I just finished memorizing Training and Racing with a Power Meter, that this vO2Max phase might be your strength on your 'Power Profile', and the FTP workouts might be where you have more room for improvement. From what I understand, there are very few out there that have reached their potential in each section ranging from Neuromuscular to Endurance. Just a thought, my .02 worth, keep the change.

    Good job to all. I'm very excited about getting humbled by the new power meter.

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    @Mancona- I was considering the same thing this morning but opted for an erg file after all. I think I may just ride on Saturday.

    Got mine done today and the first 2.5 felt great! The second was harder and I struggled on the last two. I made the last one a 1.5/1. I only rested about 20 seconds though. I then rode 10 minutes at 85%. The 85% actually felt better today than on any of the other VO2 days, so that's good. Ready for a rest day before Saturday's cruel and unusual workout.

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    I struggled a bit this morning, mostly due to lack of recovery time between yesterday’s run and this morning’s early session.  Something about turning that kind of wattage at 5:30 a.m. that really puts me outside of my comfort zone.


    For the me, the last Z5 and the Z3 session were really tough.  Glad it’s over.  Good luck today all!


    Needed 335W or better on the 2.5’s:


    Z5 - 1

    Duration:               2:31

        Distance:          1.103 mi

                                  Min     Max    Avg

        Power:              271     389     341     watts


    Z5 - 2

        Duration:           2:32

        Distance:          1.119 mi

                                  Min     Max    Avg

        Power:              236     414     343     watts


    Z5 - 3

        Duration:           2:33

        Distance:          1.113 mi

                                  Min     Max    Avg

        Power:              255     375     341     watts


    Z5 - 4

        Duration:           2:31

        Distance:          1.13 mi

                                  Min     Max    Avg

        Power:              316     379     347     watts



        Duration:           16:24

        TSS:                  20.3 (intensity factor 0.861)

        Norm Power:    241

        Distance:          5.484 mi

                                  Min     Max    Avg

        Power:              0         275     239     watts


    Entire workout (230 watts):

        Duration:           56:47

        TSS:                  77.4 (intensity factor 0.908)

        Norm Power:    254

        Distance:          18.572 mi

                                  Min     Max    Avg

        Power:              0         414     230     watts

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    Posted By Scott Alexander on 05 Jan 2011 10:00 PM

    4x2.5/4x2.5 also here.

    395 (1.23 IF), 394 (1.23), 386 (1.20) and 393 (1.22).

    Total of 55 mins with the whole session at .88 IF.

    That was painful; but at least no pukey.  And the .80 work seemed pretty easy after those 1.20 IF intervals.


    Holy Crap that's some wattage bro!

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    Warmed-up for ten minutes with the first 10 minutes at <.50 IF. Tired! F$%& it! Come on you pansy! Get mad! Turned the pedals with as much anger as I could muster (and I am rarely angry). Target is 323: <br />
    320 (channelling the band Styx: "I'm [fading] away..."
    319 (I thought I was just lighting it up here... even thought to myself "you should hold back..nah.. go for it" doh!)

    Done. No Z3. I'm a puddle.
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    Wow nice to see we are all in the same boat. It was a struggle fest for me but I released the McCrackin, so I thought. Warmed up for approx 10 minutes nice and easy but with some spin ups. Then off we went. My target is 220-230, I like that range.

    230 (hurt from the get go), 231 ( Oh mama let me get this one), 229 (Jesus please take the wheel), 227 (felt good and with 30 sec left got lightheaded and the quads were spasming. Have to say I liked it).

    Then went 31 min at Z3 at 0.86 IF

    Entire workout 1:00:13 IF .896

    Had a PBJ sandwhich on Ezekial bread (mmmmm) then....

    sat in the hot tub, ahhhh. We then swam 2500 yards. I'm now going to sleep and eat. I am craving cherry doughnut holes and chocolate milk.

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    35 and sunny?  Perfect weather for an outside ride!  It's only an hour, how cold can you get?  Well I was feeling fine but the PT didn't care for the cold and died after about 5 minutes.  I came home after 30 so I could do the intervals with power.  

    With a 353 target, I did 352, 351, 351, 360 without much trouble.  The 15 minute run was a breeze. 

    I am doing Sunday's run tomorrow, and Saturday's bike on Sunday.  

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    Today was hard, but finally got the HR up on the last two 2.5'. The Z3 sets I did after went okay.

    I'm doing Saturday's wko tomorrow because I have a 10mile race on Sunday. So, it's going to be a way early morning. My math has this as a 2' 25" in the IM plan. I may just do the run brick after work.

    This has become a fairly strange lifestyle waking up that early. I'm ready for lunch at like 0930 !
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    Got the ride done after work. 'First time doing V02 work and hitting 120% for an interval. I'm hoping to do it for all the intervals next week.

    51:12 0.903
    4x2.5: 1.222, 1.185, 1.187, 1.197
    19:15: 0.826

    Took Riley for a run after: 21:35 2.46 mi
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    Was is just last week I couldn't hardly make 120%? Now I'm rockin it at
    Target: 207
    4x(2.5') @ 209, 212, 211, 213
    then 15' (2') 12' z3 @ IF .85

    I love my power meter! It is so cool to see the work workin.
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     Put a fork in me....Doing Sufferfest revolver again tonight 15 X 1/1 all between 122-128%

    14' @ 90% to round it out was awful...


    Entire workout (220 watts):

    Duration:   1:01:19 (1:02:18)

    Work:       808 kJ

    TSS:       91.6 (intensity factor 0.95)

    Norm Power: 247

    VI:         1.12

    Pw:HR:       n/a

    Pa:HR:       n/a

    Distance:   19.427 mi


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    I'm with Art today. Just the main set. Target is 300 W. 312, 308, 305, 299.
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    That was crazy hard, got it done.
    4 x2.5
    325, 322, 324, 318
    I then got off the bike and about fell down. Looking forward to a rest day

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    Mine was much better than Tuesday. Did 10 minutes of @ 88% before I hit the VO2 set. Got through 2.5 all four times this time: 277/278/280/278 on a target of 276, so pretty much dead on. Finished up with 2 more sets of 10' @ 87% and 86%. Felt pretty good. Enjoy your day off folks...I'm going skiing for 2-3 hours on the self created "Birkebeiner Hack".

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    What an awesome pile of Watts being generated in the Haus today! Nice work everyone.....

    Legs feeling thick today after my oops yesterday doubling all the Z5 intervals then rounding it out to 10 miles.

    Did about 15’ warm up and decided it wasn’t going to get easier with more procrastinating so I hit the button and got to work. It is easy to see looking at my numbers that the first 2 went great…. But then started slipping in both the hard and the easy stuff……

    1) 123.4% - 74.7% Looks strong but I’m struggling
    2) 123.4% - 71.2% took all I had to hang on, suffering
    3) 121.5% - 61.0% Not able to keep it, no good gears, no way out
    4) 118.5% - 53.7% Started looking at the second hand at 0:35 in…..

    Finished the workout with 30’ @ 175w (0.854)

    Total workout 1:09:49 @ 183w (0.891)

    At least this time I was able to count to 4 without making a mistake!
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     @steve "Started looking at the second hand at 0:35 in…" I've been there many times, nice job gutting it out! 

    @team nice work laying down the work! 

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    It was one of those days, finally. The belated Christmas present I ordered in November finally arrived: The buzzilion mitochondria! I'm supposed to aim for 302 watts. Today it was 314, 313, 327 and 341. Finished off the hour at 260. Easy. Best 1, 5, 20 and 60 min watts ever. "Today I had no chain."
    Entire workout (250 watts):
    Duration: 1:00:44
    Work: 908 kJ
    TSS: 107.1 (intensity factor 1.035)
    Norm Power: 261
    VI: 1.04
    Pw:HR: 7.53%
    Pa:HR: 15.67%
    Distance: 21.997 mi
    Min Max Avg
    Power: 0 442 250 watts
    Heart Rate: 33 159 137 bpm
    Cadence: 13 115 88 rpm
    Speed: 0 28.5 21.7 mph
    Pace 2:06 0:00 2:46 min/mi
    Hub Torque: 0 11 6 lb-in
    Crank Torque: 0 379 241 lb-in

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    That didn't suck as bad as before. Still very hard for the last couple, but I think maybe I'm starting to come around a little.

    300 W target.
    2.5s at 311, 310, 310, 303

    25 min straight at 213 W

    Trying to get the head around Saturday's upcoming sufferfest.
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    @Brian - I think you've got a new FTP in you! Nice work.

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    Someone else said it in another thread, but I never saw the Wk 10 Saturday workout until they just mentioned it. Now I'm scared!

    2x20' (4') and 4 x 2.5/2.5? In the same session? YOWZA!

    Is that correct? 

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    Posted By Scott Alexander on 07 Jan 2011 09:07 AM

    Someone else said it in another thread, but I never saw the Wk 10 Saturday workout until they just mentioned it. Now I'm scared!

    2x20' (4') and 4 x 2.5/2.5? In the same session? YOWZA!

    Is that correct? 

    Key for me is going to be quality recovery today and I will also maybe breakdown and introduce some caffiene during this one......


    Should make the Sunday outing interesting as well.

    Let's get the mojo meter going for this one gang,

    Attached link will have a new meaning during tomorrow's session:


    Goodluck  - make it happen!


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