Home OutSeason (December '09)

Week 3 Dec OS

 How many other Dec OS are in week 3?

I know many of us  started on different weeks and I'm just trying to gauge participation levels.

Week 3 people - what did everyone think of 3 x 10 @95-100% today?



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    I'm in Week 3 of Dec OS. All rides are on trainer now. 3x10 were tough, I missed my FTP by 3 watts on the 3rd interval so not too bad. Legs are barking right now.

    New bike coming this Saturday! Might have to brave the cold...

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    Hi all,

    3 x 10 was very tough! I don't have a powermeter but had to push hard to keep my HR in target range. I do have a couple of questions though. I'm a long time runner but new to triathlon and especially the bike. It seems that in order to keep my HR in target zone I have to push a high gear even though my cadence drops somewhat. It seems that in an easier gear, no matter how fast I pedal my HR stays in my z2 range (130's). [Should note that all of this in on cyclops mag trainer - I live in PA after all... ;-)]

    The rub is that my left knee hurts and I think it's from pushing these hard gears. Pain is over or just above patella so I suspect it's my quadriceps tendon due to quad fatigue. It started last week on my Tuesday Workout #2 easy run and is bad enough tonight that I didn't even attempt the 25 min easy run. Just RICE in prep for tomorrow.

    So is this pain normal for a beginning cyclist? Also, how much time should I put between my tuesday bike and run? My job is such that workouts are easier in the evening. Otherwise the RICE during the day might be enough to get in an evening run.

    Sorry for the long post! I'm really excited about joining you all in this EN venture and look forward to tapping into the collective energy and expertise.

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    Hi John, Hi Paul, glad to have company in Dec OS week 3.

    @Paul, Some of these questions might be answered better if you were to break them out into smaller questions and post them in different places.
    Not sure about the HR, maybe more of a general training question.
    You might want to post about the knee in the medical forum, they're pretty good about helping people there.
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    Thanks Cary. I'll re-post elsewhere too. I'm pretty sure that I know what to do about the pain, I'm just not sure if it's normal or if I'm doing something wrong. As for the HR, I may just need to break the piggybank and buy a powermeter.

    So do you do the Tuesday run soon after the bike intervals or much later?

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    @paul I end up doing the run later as I'm just getting used to the morning workout thing. I'm a night owl, but I'm working very hard at getting to bed earlier and getting my sessions done in the AM so I don't have to worry about something (like say - life) getting in the way in the evening when I would have normally done the session.

    I'm still trying to get a handle on budgeting my morning time and I haven't left myself enough time to do the run right off of the bike on Tuesday. Maybe next week.

    I'm on a borrowed PM - hoping the stars will align in the next few weeks to put an order in for my own ANT+ PM - it really make the workout easier - you know exactly what you have to do and do it.

    When are you dong your runs?
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    Hi Cary:

    Also doing week 3 this week. Got a late start to it so I had to do some catch up last week. The 3 x was tough today but i managed to push through the workout. Unfoertunately I hae to be at my desk at 6:15 in the morning and ended up working until 7:30 tonight so it was a long day followed by hitting the bike and run tonight back to back. Hopefully get a quicker start on the workout tomorrow so it doesn't go so late. Morning would be nice but hthere ain't no way that I'm crawling out at 4 in the morning!
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    @ All...I am doing week 3 also. 

    @Paul...something I have noticed (being a HR guy and NOT having a power meter yet either) is that getting my HR up high enough early in the morning and on the trainer is quite challenging.  It is no problem in the afternoon.  Until I get a power meter, I am using a 'percieved' effort mental gauge.  FT (If I understand it correctly - and someone please correct me if I am wrong) is what you can crank out in 40 minutes, so, I use THAT as a guage until my HR gets up and going early in the morning...which usually takes me through the first workout.  Another trick that I have been using is speed on the trainer.  It seems to me that speed should be a constant, non-changing metric on the trainer for the most part, so, 22 mph is 22 mph morning, noon, & night, so I have been using that to help me hold a constant effort throughout the intervals.

    I have noticed EN treats heart rate like a 'lagging' indicator, which it is, so, I am exploring other options until I bow up and buy a power meter - which will hopefully be right after Christmas.

    Hope this helps...and it 'correct'.

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    I am also on week 3 of Off Season.  I have taken the same stance on training as Steve.  I am holding out on the power meter so far until I get more info.  Using speed on my trainer for now.

    Anyone have any good suggestions for training bike videos that can break up the bordom of tv commercials?


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    I am also on week 3, but instead of the prescribed Tuesday workout I did the power hack project test which was 5' all out then a 20' TT.  It was absolutely brutal.  After the 5' at a NP of 324 I thought my tongue was going to fall out, then after the 20'TT I thought my legs were going to fall off.  What we do to get faster and actually pay for this punishment.

    Looking forward to the run today at lunchtime.

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    I'm in week 3 too..3x10 was tough indeed. I set the Compu-trainer to 305 watts and just held on at 88-90 rpm...WOW!!! had every fan in the shop on HIGH!!! Was able to get the easy run in directly after...good thing it was Z1. Had a great w/o outside today on the run but my legs are toast....One big difference from my last IM training is that I am really focused on the trainer and I am really feeling it. I think the next round of testing should be very interesting.

    I will be traveling next week for Christmas and have managed to find a spot for my trainer and my bike during my travels image

    Long & Strong!!!! EN LIVES
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    Hey Dec OS Team-

    Weather is driving this Houstonian inside. 3 x 10' with power about 15w below my outside FTP. Heartrate and perceived exertion seemed about right, ie not particularly comfortable . Anyone else adjusting outdoor test results to indoor workouts?  I'm not crazy about doing a separate indoor 2 x 20 Test right now!

    Runs are going great. The faster pace of the intervals results in a more natural stride for me. The pace targets seem easier to hold than the bike work. I need to keep myself under control to execute the workput as written. On the bike, a threshold workout is clearly uncomfortable.  Heading to Tucson next week. Will not be taking my bike, so I'll do a couple of easy one hour runs instead. The run intervals will be canyon climbs... I can't wait!

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    hay gang, in the dec. outseason and have a question... where are you seeing 3x10 workout? tuesday is 2x12 and today is 2x10 but I dont see a 3x10 anywhere, also i am in the advanced plan. sorry about no caps as my 3 year old thought it would be fun to pry off my shift key[script removed]

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    Posted By Jeff Kelley on 17 Dec 2009 11:28 AM

    hay gang, in the dec. outseason and have a question... where are you seeing 3x10 workout? tuesday is 2x12 and today is 2x10 but I dont see a 3x10 anywhere, also i am in the advanced plan. sorry about no caps as my 3 year old thought it would be fun to pry off my shift key[script removed]

     I'm on the intermediate plan (3 x 10 Tu - 2 x 10 Th). Are you on the Basic or Advanced?

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    @ Jeff

    LOL...I thought I was crazy!  I am on the advanced and I don't have that 3x10 either...I am just glad you wrote that because I have been looking everywhere for that workout and I thought I was losing my mind!

    I guess we just don't have that one!  I tell you what though...that 2x12' with extra z3 was hard enough for me!


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    I’m on the advanced, maybe it’s advanced light?? Anyway all I got is 2x?? for the bike, have 3x1 for the run though. One other thing, when you are doing the intervals for the last 3 or so minutes are you able to stay in the aero bars or are you sitting up or are you out of the seat with your tongue about to get caught in the chain? I cant seem to finish them without getting out of the seat and hammering it.

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    Dec OS Peeps,

    We have a LOT of snow and cold temps, so like a lot of others I have been inside for a few weeks now. I feel like things are getting little easier but the longer distance intervals 2x 1/2m and 1x 1m last week and this week really hurt. As for the bike, I finishing all sets but I am leaving one HUGE puddle under my bike. My wfie is also starting to complain about the stink on the longer days. I tell her that its a small price to pay to get faster.
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    Posted By John Culberson on 16 Dec 2009 10:30 PM

    Hey Dec OS Team-

    Weather is driving this Houstonian inside. 3 x 10' with power about 15w below my outside FTP. Heartrate and perceived exertion seemed about right, ie not particularly comfortable . Anyone else adjusting outdoor test results to indoor workouts?  I'm not crazy about doing a separate indoor 2 x 20 Test right now!

    Runs are going great. The faster pace of the intervals results in a more natural stride for me. The pace targets seem easier to hold than the bike work. I need to keep myself under control to execute the workput as written. On the bike, a threshold workout is clearly uncomfortable.  Heading to Tucson next week. Will not be taking my bike, so I'll do a couple of easy one hour runs instead. The run intervals will be canyon climbs... I can't wait!

    I have two different FTPs that I use, both derived from a test. My indoor FTP is a full 20 watts lower than my outdoor FTP. Seems like a lot but it is just hard to push so hard inside. 


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    Thnx John. My inside/outside FTP differential is probably close to 20w also. I may have held back a bit on my outdoor test,  my instincts told me that every extra watt would cause additional pain in the cave... over and over again :-)

    I tested full aero and try to stay aero through the entire interval. I think that changing it up may be a good idea. Dave Scott always emphasized variable gearing, positions, and cadence. I just always seem to fall naturally into a pattern/habit/obcessive-compulsive ritual! Thats probably why I watch Lance drop Jan Ullrich in the Pyrenees from a 2001 VHS over and over.

    Come to think of it, IM race day is a lot of over-and over

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    Hello Dec OS members,  I just joined EN for try of something new and structured as I'm new to the sport.  The email I recieved brought me to this group.  I see that everyone has started Dec OS, I will be starting week 1 Monday, anyone else?  I don't want to waste everyone's time talking about workouts you've already completed, I'll probably bug you anyway!  I'm on my 5th week of a semi structured bike focus and Monday actually fits into to another FTP test for me.  I've been laying low with my running due to knee problems, but it is time to bang the rust out.  Looking forward to sharing the training with you all, now that I know that there are people doing some of the same things.



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    Posted By Dan Forbes on 17 Dec 2009 09:39 PM

    Hello Dec OS members,  I just joined EN for try of something new and structured as I'm new to the sport.  The email I recieved brought me to this group.  I see that everyone has started Dec OS, I will be starting week 1 Monday, anyone else?  I don't want to waste everyone's time talking about workouts you've already completed, I'll probably bug you anyway!  I'm on my 5th week of a semi structured bike focus and Monday actually fits into to another FTP test for me.  I've been laying low with my running due to knee problems, but it is time to bang the rust out.  Looking forward to sharing the training with you all, now that I know that there are people doing some of the same things.



    No worries Dan. Welcome to the Dec OS group.

    There aren't a whole lot of us compared to Oct, Nov and the upcoming January group, so we'll have to support each other regardless of which week we're all on.

    Good Luck with your FTP test. I would recommend reading the week 1 threads in the Nov. Group about pacing yourself for the test.



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    Do you guys and gals post your daily workouts with times/watts/paces?  Just looking to see how you motivate each other and what typically goes on here.  thanks everyone. 

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    Yeah, I have tongue hanging awfully low as well at the end of those longer intervals!  I come out of the aero bars some times, but I try to stay in there.  I saw somewhere else in the Haus that the coaches commented that it isn't a big deal during this OS if you spend a little more time on your drops instead of in aero...as long as you get in aero and stay in aero the moment you get back outside.  I don't remember where I saw that, but, it was a little bit of a free-ing comment.

    Hope that helps Jeff

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    @Dan we haven't been so far. Check out what the Oct and Nov groups do. Feel free to start something up.
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    late to say hello - also in Week 3 of Dec. OS but had a bit of a "recovery" week last week while I was away. I'm actually repeating the O/S plan after starting it in November but due to my schedule for next year, made more sense to extend it out further.

    My saturday rides are actually doing an indoor computrainer racing series which basically equates to doing an equivalent of a bike test every week - not particularly fun but a heck of a workout. Will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow after a week of recovery

    have a great weekend folks and be safe out there!


    p.s. - waiting for my iBike to arrive and will have some better power numbers.  I've been using my Kurt Kinetic power meter and can't download any power data so I've been "guestimating" to this point.

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    Hi Paul, just read your post about the pain, did you have a recent bike fit?  sometimes after a fit, your body takes a lot of time to adapt, plus being on a trainer in a fixed position for a while pushing big gears takes its toll.

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    Cary, has there ever been a thread for time management?  for fathers or anyone for that matter and what has worked?  I used to get up at 4:30am last year and hated it because I had to do another session in the PM and felt I had to go to bed sweaty to get enough rest... after a month or so of that, you feel as though you really have no life.  But I guess that's why we EN then, to work hard at shorter amounts of time.  Anyway, just babbling on I guess...

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    Sunday, just finished week 2 on Advanced Plan - good week, feel that the running is coming on a ton now and enjoying getting out there - few knee niggles but seem to go away pretty quickly and have started icing my knees as a precaution. Chilly run this morning, rained yesterday and then big freeze overnight leaving pavements an ice-rink, stuck to some trails instead and got 'er done.

    Looking forward to starting week 3 tomorrow - have a 1:1 swim coaching session Monday to see where I'm at now, good ROI -will be questioning the that' point of diminishing returns' with the swimming; do 4 sessions a week at present but considering I've only been swimming 2 mths it had to be done!

    Tuesday I'm planning on doing the Power Clinic test, kinda expecting a skewed number but we'll see.

    Looks like Xmas day has fallen kind for us all what with xmas day on rest day, hopefully get in a full week.

    @Dan - so, how'd your tests go?! Its only pain dude! 

    Will report back with some numbers and progress in the week.



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    Dave,  I will do them on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Just did some ice climbing for the first time this season... only 2 laps but my body hurts.  I'll check back in tuesday with my bike result.  It is a new test for me, usually I follow the protocol from coggan's book for ftp you only have to ride hard for 20!, the one from EN scares me some!  Running, well, if my knee holds up, it still won't be fast, but I'm itchy to get running again.

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    no training vids, but I have some Seinfeld dvd's that work, also if you have Amercian Flyers, the 3 race scenes work out to about 10 minutes or so of some training without boredom... hey, maybe that can be a suggestion, get some training vids on the EN website for members!!!

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    Question from a noob. What is the proper way to deal with missed workouts? In the past if I have missed a day on my planned workouts (pre EN) I would complete the workout the following day along with that days. Didn't kill me too bad especially at this time of year when it was long , slow miles in a base period. With the EN focus on intensity it seems that this would be more difficult to do if all of the zones are correct and I could be affecting couple of days in the future by overloading one day? I know, the proper way is don't miss the workouts but when the in-laws are at the house waiting at this time of year you can burn a lot of SAU's to squeeze in a workoutMy wonderful wife already tolerates my training so you can't push it too far!

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