Home OutSeason (December '09)

Week 3 Dec OS



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    @Dan - There may be a thread in the EN 3.0 forums on time management - if you post a question like that in the general training forum you'l get more eyeballs and better answers - Also, FWIW- I'm still new here but I'm drinking the koolaid - if it says do 2 x 20 test, i do a 2 x 20 test.

    @Michael - Welcome to Dec OS. You question is probably better served being in the General training questions area of the forum.
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    @Michael - I'd 2nd what Cary said about asking coach, however, IMO if you miss a workout its gone, forget it and don't try to catch-up, it'll usually lead to a training overload at the wrong time. Loads of time to go so a few missed workouts aint going to have any impact whatsoever. Mebbe use it to earn some SAU points?! :-)

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    Cary, no doubt, I'm there with you on the koolaid.  Im just a bit anxious to man up!

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    @Michael - Yes, if you miss the workout, just move on. The OS program is pretty well-tested and structured so you will likely overtrain or get hurt if you try to add missed workouts to subsequent days. I asked this question of Coach Rich last year and that is the answer he gave. Good luck

    As far as fathers time management, I am just learning that too. My first born son is 5 weeks old and I am on Week 3 of OS. My wife is a saint so she understands that working out makes for a happier dad. But in the end, the thing that suffers is sleep. No way around it. Just need to set performance expectations accordingly.


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    Monday - supposed to be an easy day but just had my assed kicked during my 1:1 swim coach session! I was carrying over some fatigue from the weekend (and last weeks probably) and my legs were like lead, just what you need when your stroke is being scrutinized. If only I could forget swimming until later in the season!

    Need to work on my catch & I'm not following through all the way past my hip; I do but only when I'm fresh - need to slow down and get max ROI from each stroke. All good fun - speaking of fun, starting the psyching-up process already for my power clinic test tomorrow, what'll it be, Metallica or Linkin Park to get me thru?  Me thinks i'll be able to find a 5min long metallica track.............

    Go 'til you blow !   

    Have a great week folks!

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    Thanks everone for the feedback.

    @John- Congrats on the new son. Tough time to train with a newborn in the house but you get the daily rewards from having him there!
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    Thanks for the suggestion on the bike fit but I just recently had a proper fitting. Glad to report that the pain has subsided... RICE works! Good luck to everyone on your Tuesday bike!
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