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Running Socks?

 Any suggestions for great running socks?  

I don't think I'm that particular.  I've worn the Costco cotton super-specials for years and years and have had no issues.  Just bought my latest batch and had nothing but misery.  A bunch of blisters, a couple black toenails, and the realization that I need to do something quickly.

So, any suggestions for great running socks?  




  • Tom, I picked up a free pair of Wigwams at Eagleman last year and gave them a go. Yeah I know never do anything new on race day but damn! No blisters, nothing. They are really thin, wick away water. I run in nothing else now. Only get the thin, non-padded ones but you will not be sorry. My opinion of course.
  • @ Tom - A pushy vendor got me to buy a pair of Thorlo Thin Cushion Coolmax socks back in '06 at the Burlington Marathon expo.... I was skeptical but I figured I'd give em a try.... well, 5 years and over 8,000 miles later I still run in them exclusively (well,not the first pair) . I like the cushion bottoms and the thin tops for ventilation. I wear crew and mini crew - size 12-14. Fit great, never had a blister, ever ....YMMV
  • Tom,

    For long runs, I'm an Injinji guy - the toe socks.  Blisters are a thing of the past, except for the most technical trail courses.

    I just bought some RoadRunnerSports Drymax socks - and they are, in fact, very dry.


  • During winter and cooler runs, I have worn Drymax socks  for several years now.  During the summer, for pure running, Injinji toe socks are the best I have ever worn.  The Injinji socks absolutely prevent blisters and feel great.  Within seconds of putting them on I completely forget about them - which is always the goal for any socks and/or shoes.

    For biking and triathlons I stick with Icebreaker socks .  They are comfortable both on the bike and on the road.

  •  My favorites:

    1. Balega Enduro: http://www.trisports.com/balega-unisex-enduroquartersock.html

    2. Wrightsock Coolmesh: http://www.trisports.com/wrdolacoquru.html


    I used to be a Thorlo guy but they actually changed their manufacturing a couple of years ago and the quality went down.

  • I agree with Tucker. Love my wigwams for sure.
  • Wright-Sock Anti-Blister Double Layer Running sock. It's this double layer thing that I like. But if it's really hot, I reach for the pair of WigWam Ultimax socks I got at Eagleman a few years ago.

    I also really liked the pairs of Drymax socks I bought at a marathon expo many years ago for those super hot days- they really do wick the sweat away. But they are all stretched out now and I haven't found another pair.

    On race day, I'll usually sport my "lucky" colorful socks by Sock Guy.
  • I either wear Wrightsocks or nothing. Last summer I converted my SO to Wrightsocks as well. The socks he was wearing previously gave him hot spots. So far he's loving the Wrightsocks.

    We prefer the Double Layer COOLMESH® Lo Quarter Running Socks version...
  • Thanks for these great posts. I'm buying socks today!

    @brenda/Tucker. Any particular model? http://www.trisports.com/wigwam.html. Seem to be a few varieties.
    @Mike. Ordered some Injinji socks. Look great for everyday running. Not sure about T1 time getting them on though!
    @steve, for Thorlo, does the thickness create issues for shoe size? Do the shoes feel tight with the thicker socks?
    @Nemo, are the Wright socks really thick also?

  • I run in feets low profile socks for anything over ten miles. In the winter I wear woolmax socks. A little bit more money but well worth it.
    No socks when 50 degree's and above as long as the run is under 10 miles.
  • Wright Sock Cool Mesh and Running II double layer socks! Been wearing them for years.

  • @ Tom - Haven't changed my shoes (Asics 2xxx) or size (12) since long before the Thorlo's and have not had an issue with thickness/fit. But as usuall, n=1 may not mean a lot to different feet in different shoes......
  • Posted By Tom Glynn on 06 Mar 2011 09:55 AM

    Thanks for these great posts. I'm buying socks today!

    @brenda/Tucker. Any particular model? http://www.trisports.com/wigwam.html. Seem to be a few varieties.

    @Mike. Ordered some Injinji socks. Look great for everyday running. Not sure about T1 time getting them on though!

    @steve, for Thorlo, does the thickness create issues for shoe size? Do the shoes feel tight with the thicker socks?

    @Nemo, are the Wright socks really thick also?

    Don't try Injinji socks for a tri unless you want to spend 10 minutes in transition putting them on.

    The Wright Socks aren't that thick.  The double layers are pretty thin.  The double layers can also cause some issues putting them on if your feet are wet if the layers aren't lined up properly (they feel bunched up when they're like that).

  • I love the DryMax ones, and also Bal-ga for a more 'cushy' feel. I have also heard Swiftwicks are awesome...they will be my next experiment.
  • @Tom, I go with either of the first two.  The low-cut Ironman socks.  They are nice and thin and won't run in anything else now.  Hope they work for you as well.

  • I've been using the Wigwam low-cut Ironman socks Tucker and others have mentioned. Used them at Eagleman last year in 95 degree heat. Feet and shoes were soaked, but no issues with blisters (had this problem before in hot running). Same thing a few months later in the Chicago Tri.

    If I was looking for something new, I'd probably try a few of the different suggestions noted above. I'm sure certain types will work better for some then others. Report back on your findings.....image
  • Thanks everyone! Bought about a dozen pair, four different kinds. As J.T. says, give me a week or two and I'll report back, hopefully with happier feet.

  • @Tom - please DO report back, as I am about to make a sock purchase myself!
  • I used the Wright coolmax double-layer running socks for quite a long time, but still got blisters on long runs.
    2 years ago I switched to the Sugoi R+R short socks and haven't looked back. Doesn't hurt that I get 50% off of Sugoi stuff either!
  • Merino wool socks... warm when you want them to be, cool when you're roasting. I can run in pretty much anything though!
  • Sort of answering a question you didn't ask (one of my specialities) but my $.02 is that while I can see socks causing blister problems, black toenails seem more likely to be caused by shoes that are a touch small (which can become a problem as runs get longer and/or hotter because feet tend to swell more).


    Of course I suppose subtly thicker socks could be enough to push you over the edge and cause "almost too small shoes" to become "too small shoes".


    Not sure if you've changed anything with your shoes (e.g. you got new ones that are the same size but are subtly smaller because of manufacturing differences) or if something has changed with your regular ones (e.g. they're getting old), but just throwing another thought out there.
  •  WOW!  Funny how we were just talking about your COTTON socks a couple of weeks ago and how you had never had issues.



    Wigwams are what I have been using for years.  FoMo carries them all the time.

  • @Craig,

    good point re damaged toenails. I have had these shoes (Brooks Ravenna) for the last couple of years, I think. Once I find a shoe I like, I tend to stick with it. Always had a size 10, but it may be worthwhile at least trying on a 10.5.


  • Tangent alert!!!
    Speaking of toenails, I've had a few on my right foot that needed some extra 'prodding' to come off. So I went to a podiatrist yesterday, expecting him to dig around and pull them out. Well, he ended up charging me $120 for a 2-toe non-pedicure toenail clipping. Needless to say, I'm a little upset about spending that $$$.

    Back on topic now.
  • nobody mentioned smartwool...i always got hamburger feet till i switched to smartwool, not no blisters ever....although i am curious to try wright now that everyone says they're great.
  • Love my Smartwool socks too- but I consider those winter running gear. I think I'd get too hot in them during a summer run.
  • I use Balgas for both running and biking. Bought them on line to lower the cost. I really like them, and they are pretty durable in terms of being able to be washed all the time and maintain their physical cheracteristics for a long time.
  • Just got my Injinji socks yesterday. Looked like a Dr. Seuss and had to laugh but they are very comfortable and I like them. More testing on these and a few other styles still due in, but so far I'm a happy camper.
  • Smartwool just came out with some toe socks as well. I'd like them to be a bit higher, like a half-crew so rocks don't get inside on trail runs. But they might be a good option for long, cold runs on pavement.
  • I am using Balga Hidden Dry socks now. I really miss defeet socks, but after their factory burned down they never really recovered. I still have my "sperm" socks for special occasions.
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