What it takes... April 2011
Hi ladies!
I can't even say I've been lurking bc I don't get email updates... but things at work the last few weeks have been totally nutty and then, all of a sudden (although not really that unexpectedly), the well dried up. As I suspected, once my bureau chief met with the chairman's office our schedule got adjusted (my chief wanted the item on the May meeting agenda; the chairman's office said maybe it would go on June). Totally bizarre that I was preparing the item, etc, knowing no one up the ladder had actually approved what we wanted to do - but I guess that's how things get done here... you prepare for the possibility you'll get a green light. Whatever. Not complaining because it made the days go so much faster.
Have plantar fasciitis. Have had 3 liquid steroid shots. Not sure what else can be done. Saw a chiro yesterday who suggested it may not be PF at all, just a weak foot structure (causing the arch to collapse)... I'll be seeing an ART and Graston person next week as well as meeting with Ken Mierke (Evolution Running, referred to in Born to Run) to be sure that I'm running properly...
So, no running for me... Not since the last test (which I opted to not do). I've scratched lots of races and will scratch 2 more (one this weekend) this spring. Bummer, but that's life I guess. It could be so much worse. I'll probably get in the pool Sunday since I can't run/don't want to run (last week I tried 5 and it hurt.)
Things with Mike are still good... so that's a plus. 2 months and counting now. His kids have spring break in 2 weeks and we're gonna hit a B&B the first weekend, which should be fun!
@Penny - glad to hear your surgery went well. Hope you've recovered and are seeing clearly! Good luck with car shopping.
Sorry to hear about the foot issues. I hope the ART/Gastron person can help you out. WRT Ken, um......I have some sorta prior experience with him, and.....hmmmm I'll just say please be careful and don't get too invested in working with him.
I HIGHLY recommend however that you consider contacting Jay Dichary (not sure I spelled that right) at the UVA Sports Lab for gait analysis. Those folks know what they are doing. http://www.uvaendurosport.com/
Oh- and very happy to hear things are going well with Mike- you deserve to be happy!
I guess I took too much time off bc of work and other craziness bc I can't find my way around the forums any more. I had a good bike test last night (another bump - yay) and wanted to see how the other Jan OS'ers are doing and can't find where the group discussions are... help.
anyway, work is quiet once again.
personal life is okay. I was started to withdraw (as my usual) in part bc the no weekends bc he has his kids is tough... really tough. I'm not sure if I can handle the fact that most parties or events I'm invited to (or want to host) I'll be solo. With close friends, I can handle being alone, but at the same time, I want him to be withme and meet my friends. Every weekend forever is tough to swallow. Even when I do meet the kids my friends have "grown up" parties (or when kids are okay, all the kids are under 4- so his girls would be bored out of their skulls). I don't know. It's selfish. But we talked about it. So nice that he's so open and communicative. We'll see what happens. come summer and IMWI training it will actually work out perfectly as I'll be a non-entity on Fr and Sat nights to get ready for the brutal rides/bricks... but I'm not always training. But other than that, it's good. we're keeping lines of communication open and I'm happy.
What isn't so good is that my heat pump/compressor is dead. I need to get estimates... that will set me back a lot of cash. Ugh! And this after I got the bill and wire instructions for my post IM vacation (a 2 week African safari) which will be crazy expensive but so so so so so amazing!
foot has been achy. haven't even tried to run a step in a week. already had 3 shots. ugh. will see the ART guy Thursday. Looking forward to seeing what he does and hearing what his suggestions are. I'll probably go get a pair of superfeet inserts in the meantime. I really am hesitant to get custom orthotics, I want to strengthen my foot, not become reliant on those to be comfortable. We'll see. But so glad the bike test showed improvement. Up 10 more to 167 (I started OS at 147), which is cool. I did it on the drainer and compartmentalized it into 5' increments. I stayed in aero for the first 15' then sat up to bring it home... I can't believe I got through the second 20, I was pretty wiped out after the first. More amazing is I did better the second set. I was such a mess when it was done and laying in bed at the end of the day my quads were weak. So, I know I didn't leave anything on the bike.
how is everyone else?
I guess we are all swamped.
@Becky: Take care of that food. And, find a GREAT person for your gait analysis. I'm working with one now. Makes all the difference in the world. It is good to be thinking things through and talking things through with Mike.
@Nemo: HI!
Things are CRAZY! Worked a tri expo last Friday and Saturday. And, got to go to the pro dinner. Sat with Karen Smyers. She was cool. Spent some time talking with Chris Lieto. Pics with DeBoom. Got to talk to Bozzone. I'm not a big "pro" follower, but it is a lot of fun to talk to these guys. We got to spend a lot of today with Lieto and have an event with him tonight. Working the Lonestar 70.3 in Galveston Friday and Saturday and hoping to volunteer/observe in the med tents on Sunday.
The eyes are doing better each day. Getting used to the mono-vision. Working out has not happened. I worked out last Monday and pushed it so much I was sore until Thursday. I will lift tomorrow, run Thursday, lift Friday and, hopefully, get a little run in on Sunday. I haven't been logging my food, but my weight has dropped a little. :-)
I ended up getting the Volvo C70. Love it!
Got to see CoachP Saturday night at the IMTX camp. Sounds like it was a good camp. John's training is going well. He is already talking about signing up for IMTX 2012.
I am so far off from where I was this time last year, physically, as well as mentally. Praying I can pull it out and pull off IMLOU this year, since it is my redemption tour from last year's goggle debaucle! And, I've gained almost 20 lbs. since last year!
Penny, sorry to hear about the client. If she wouldn't even talk to you, you probably don't want to work with her anyway! HER loss! Glad your boss is supportive, though. So glad to hear what a cool vibe it is, working with those pros. I am so jealous!
Becky, sorry to hear you are still having foot issues, my dear! My empathy to you! Glad things are still good w/Mike, but sorry to hear about the weekend issue. You mentioned "every weekend forever is tough to swallow". How old are his kids? Perhaps you could plan some Mike and kids time, before training gets real crazy this summer. Go out to eat and/or to a movie or something. That way you get time w/him, yet spend time w/the kids and get to know them and vice versa. Perhaps things will work out that he might be able to give you a Fri. or Sat. night once in awhile. Just throwing out ideas. And, if his kids are old enough, forever might not be as long as you think! Once they are teenagers, (and old enough to go out on their own, if they aren't already) they won't want to hang out w/Dad all night!
This has been a really weird year for me. I joined EN last Sept. and felt such a strong vibe with everyone racing, and lots of posting. I was on the forums all of the time, and followed my training protocol atleast 95% of the time. This year I've had lots of personal issues going on, injuries, tweaking my training, finding that not so many of the Chicas are on here this year, not following forums near as closely as last year, and finding that even on F.B., everyone seems to be in hiatus...Very strange. Missing it and everyone!
Also, got chosen in lottery, for the 2012 Marathon Des Sable. Training for it is doable, the race is doable. I've been emailing back and forth with Ted Archer, 16th place in 2007, wrote a book, "Carved By God, Cursed By the Devil", regarding his race experience. Ted says it's doable. My problem is it is expensive as hell, and I'm stressed about all of the work I have to do to fund raise, in order to go. I plan to run it for charity. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity. However, don't know that I have the time and wherewithal to do all that is required, to try to raise $8-9K. So, I'm wavering on that. Doesn't help w/the stress.
Doing Indy Mini Marathon in a few weeks. I did a half last Sunday, and it was relentless hills, with 25-35 mph sustained winds, with gusts up to 46 mph, and we ran straight into them, while going uphill! I"m exhausted from that! Like running in a tornado or a hurricane!
Don't mean to sound like Debbie Downer here, but this is my life right now...Hoping it will improve soon. Hopefully everyone else is doing well, training hard, and in good health and a good headspace. If you're lurking, please say hi, and let us know how your life is going right now. I know I could use a friendly howdy, and sounds like Becky could too! Virtual hugs to all!
Hi everyone, sounds like life is dealing many of us a tough year. I haven't had access to the forums all of this time and didn't even realize it until I finally tried to log on a couple of days ago (glad it's fixed now!). My father had a huge health scare in January (that he still hasn't recovered from) so my brother (also an EN member) and I who both live in NY have been spending a lot of time in Hawaii helping my Mom. Add to that major job changes and added responsibilities that have also come my way in the past few months and I use the word "retired" a LOT these days as a cover for my lack of training and total "out of shapeness".
But, I hope to take my bike out of the travel case it's been sitting in all winter once the snow in the NE promises to stay away and get in some running as well. Forget the swimming...don't like to do it. So no IM's on the calendar in the forseeable future, but just wanted to check in and say hi!
I have a half marathon on the calendar tomorrow. No race goals other than to finish the race as healthy as I started it. I don't want to risk any more calf problems with the weather finally turning around! This has been one very long and cold winter and I'm looking forward to enjoying biking & running OUTSIDE!!!! I'm also looking forward to watching Paris-Roubaix tomorrow- that race should be amazing!
Hope all of you are doing well!
Carie, sorry to hear that your Dad is still not recovered. Good that you and your brother can help your Mom. Hope your Dad improves.
Nemo, glad to hear you have a race, and you are taking it easy. I can't wait to get outside too! Enough of winter, already!
I will have to Tivo the Paris-Roubaix race!
Hoping to get outside on my bike this weekend. Had hoped for today, but it is currently raining.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Glad you are getting some runs in! Hope the eyes are doing better! Glad you are having weight loss success.
This recent blood pressure scare has me getting VERY serious about losing weight. I need to anyways, for IMLOU. But, b.p. is the final straw, to get me serious about it.
Hey everyone!!! I have been so off the forums for a couple of months. It doesn't help to have the I-Phone app now (I love love love it) but it means I just grab my work out and head out the door and then I'm selfish all day not giving encouragement!!! Sorry!!!
So...I have to make a hard hard decision in the next couple of days. I am signed up for IMTX but really didn't hit the training like I should. I know I could probably slog through the bike, the swim will be no problem. The run will be awful. Top that off with not losing weight, heat and wind. I'm seriously considering dropping and just focus on weight loss and basic improvement to my speed. Do a couple of 1/2 IM's this summer with the daughter and IF things go well, I reach my goal weight, I will sign up for IM WI or IM LP for 2012. Thoughts???
I can make all kinds of excuses but I see all of you putting on your big girl panties and getting it done so really...no excuses. I let the horrible winter, some depression, starting to commute 100 miles a day get in the way. Husband is looking for another job and I wish I was one of those gals who just waits to see what happens but I start living in the new place in my head the minute he has an interview. Seattle just dropped off the face of the earth but he had one interview with L L Bean in Freeport, ME and is hoping to hear back this week. Based on the ad, he is perfect for the position. Anyway...I ramble. Some advice? I did a terrible effort at a 1/2 Mary three weeks ago. I was nearly 3 hours. Do I just boot camp it up for the next four weeks and face the music? HELP HELP HELP....Selfish of me, I know, when I haven't been giving back to the nation. Sorry....going forward now...no looking back.
Have a great week all!!
Hi Ladies!
So nice to hear from you... but I'm sorry to read that so many of us are pretty beat up after a crazy winter - health, weather, jobs, etc, etc...
@Barbara - you're not alone... I'm feeling less of the vibe here too, and it didn't help that I got crazy busy at work for about a month, when my foot blew up... so my motivation was low. Instead of checking in to see how great everyone was doing with their OS I just sort of hold up so I'd stop being the downer I was going through the break up with Dan in Jan.
So, like you bc of the fasciitis, my training is messed up, my weight is up... and I'm just really bummed that in the last year my weight keeps creeping. I look back at the summer of 09 (and pictures) and I am amazed the shape I was in and want so much to be back there and am trying to figure out what's changed... and, sadly, what's changed is EN. Even last season when I was back at it I didn't get there - and I think it's because I wasn't running the way I used to run (as far as weekly mileage). I'm sure dating Dan and going out more often and drinking wine more often contributed... as did starting the season up after injury and surgery didn't help... heck in the summer of 09 I was a marathon running machine - so I was always running 30-40 miles a week on top of the other tri training and I was happy... single, yes, but happy. Now I can't run at all and my thighs are cottage cheese and I can't remember what my abs looked like... boo... not where I want to be to start the season!
How's your back - wow, when it rains it pours... so hugs to you. hang in there!
As for Mike's kids - they're 11 and 15. So, old enough, but he LIKES the weekends with them and I understand that - that's his only time to see them. Granted some nights one or the other will have a sleepover or whatever, but I don't think he'd willingly give up a weekend night with them unless it was something really important to me (i.e., IMWI - we had a talk about that). I haven't met the kids yet. He and his ex have a 6 month rule - no significant other introductions until the couple has been together 6 months. I think that's a good rule. Although I may be meeting them sooner... potentially in 2 weeks (only because we'd planned a dinner party at his place to meet my friends thinking the kids would be on spring break, but they may be getting back Fri night or Sat afternoon). If I don't meet them in April I'll be meeting them at the 5 month mark, the first weekend in June, when we go to WV for Mike's first marathon.
@Carie - sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he's doing much better! And, as you may have just read, you're not alone in dealing with the off season out-of-shapeness...
@Nemo - how was the half mary? hope you did great. heck, I didn't even realize you were running again - so glad to hear it! I can't wait to be biking outside... almost did it this past Sunday but I stayed out too late Saturday with a friend I haven't seen in ages, we drank too much wine, and I missed the group start time. Generally speaking bc of the Mike-kid situation, I'll be a weekend widow and able to make those rides (meeting in G-town and heading out to River Road and beyond... your favorite)
@Sheryl - hugs to you. I've missed hearing from you! Do you like the new job in spite of the commute? I know you were really excited about it. When is IMTX? 4 weeks? That's a tough decision. So many things to think about... but it sounds to me like your heart isn't in it. I worry that if you try you'll get injured or have a bad day and then your head will be in a worse place. On the other hand, I worry that if you scratch it to focus on other things (weight loss, shorter distances) you might let the disappointment (the "quitting factor") get to you and keep you from really working it all out and getting back to you. Only you can decide... and you have to own the decision. Do what YOU want and what's best for you. I've scratched every race I registered for this spring because of my foot and it ate me up inside, but I know that had I run in any one of them I would have set my healing back and it wasn't worth it. I'm lucky that my first A race isn't til June and I am still hopeful I can get my act together in time to do the HIM... and my A++ isn't til September. So I have some time. But I am feeling overwhelmed by where I think I should be (weight, speed, training) but I'm not. It's destructive. Trying to get my head in a good place is hard sometimes...
@all the chicas - hugs all around!
Things with Mike are very good. His kids go on spring break Fri night so we're heading to a B&B in MD on Saturday... which should be really nice. Probably go hiking while we're there. Things with work are back to being annoyingly slow. My power on the bike is improving. My running is non-existent (but I did have an ART/graston session last week and have 2 more this week - he's hopefuly that 4-10 sessions will do the trick; I also met with Ken Mierke for a gait analysis and running coaching session; very interesting and I think I know why I have PF, based on how I was forefoot striking with my left foot - the heel was way up in the air). So, for the most part, I'm happy to say I'm good. What I'm not happy about (my weight) I'm gonna start working on... I can't help the job... so I'm not letting it get me down!
So quiet here! Nemo, any issues from the run?
Becky, life sounds sweet! Hope they continue to stay positive!
I still have no decision on Texas. I will probably make the call after this weekend so that family can make other plans. I feel sad but I need to live to race another day emotionally and somehow just focusing on weight loss for a while really appeals to me.
Hope you are all doing well. You all sound so very busy!
Very quiet around here.
We were on vacation in Palau for 2 weeks of scuba diving. Came back 10 days ago, but playing catch up at work was priority #1. This is my first return to the forums in a month. So I am hitting "Mark as Read" and moving on. This thread is short, so I have looked it over.
@Becky - there are tradeoffs in every relationship. I have seen Max's daughter in person exactly ONCE in over 10 years. Seen her on Skype ONCE. Talked to her on the phone ONCE. She is now 20 and in college, but loyal to her mother like a dog (and I mean that in the derogatory fashion it is stated). He used to leave every other week to spend his non clinical week with her. Fine, but don't expect me to be waiting at the door with your pipe and slippers when you return. My life continued and I fit him in where I could. He got it. I didn't rant and rave or whine. But I didn't sit at home and pine for his return. It is really hard for both of you. Do not think that it is always an EASY choice for him, but it will usually be the right choice.
Vacation was too short and work was super busy last week. This week started average and is now running to slow. I glad for a few days of breathing room. Max left yesterday to go to Australia. His dad is having heart problems. Hope all goes well there.
I am finishing up Jan OS next week before I take a rest week and start the HIM plan with 8 weeks to go before my race. Not worried about it.
@Sheryl- the move is not decided yet. Ugh! As for IMTX- you have had so many disappointments, if you know you are not ready, don't beat your self up. Step aside and work on your focus for 2012.
@Penny, MY DREAM CAR!!!! My friend got one when she and her husband were out of work. I was SOOO jealous...
Three more days and I'll make a decision on Ironman Texas
Oddly enough, after a huge gap in contact, my husband got a call back from Amazon for a third interview with the hiring manager. So we are looking at Seattle or Maine....L L Bean hasn't called back after the first interview but it would be his first choice so that he and his father could buy a sailboat together. I love Maine, I've only been to Portland and Wenatchee on the west coast so it's hard to know if I would like it. Seems to rain a lot. When do people ride outside???? Any insight would be great!
Whatchall doin for the weekend? Other than training?? My family is headed to Illinois to see my husband's family. They will be there for a few weeks before heading back to Maine. I have to stay here and get a project at work done. Someone asked about my new job. I love the people, I really like the guy who hired me. He is so much like my husband personality wise, it's scary. Rule 10 of taking new job though. If you know that you will not know who your boss will be because they haven't hired him or her...maybe take a step back. My new boss, who they hired after me, is a challenge. He is all about 5 S and Lean and not so much about acting like a controller. If I had known what he was like, I would have pushed for his job. I am neck deep in the tax return for 8 entities and 7 owners with no tax experience. He has no tax experience. I'm sure the guys at Deloitte think I'm dumber than a bag of hammers. But what's not to love about hard work and a good challenge. All in all, a good job. I'll be sad to leave if husband gets a different job.
Do good this weekend!! Thanks for all the great support!
OK enough about me
Sheryl- Pacific Northwest is beautiful. More moderate in temp generally than Maine. We visited there a few years ago and Joe said "I see we've found your place" because of all the coffee shops, organic everything, and everyone dressed in Title 9 outfits. I must admit, I fit in immediately and could probably live there- but it wouldn't be Joe's first choice- he needs more hanggliding and surfing opportunities that don't require so much rubber protection.
Nemo, sounds like you arrived back home safely?? So glad you were ok and your trip was hopefully uneventful from a weather perspective!!
I officially pulled the plug on IMTX today. I just let things go this training period and today am coming down with something....cold, flu, something and that was the last straw. it was like I wasn't supposed to do this one. OK..so i'm good with this decision and honestly, my husband is ecstatic!!! He is over the moon because he was unselfishly not telling me that what he really wanted to do was go out to Maine with his dad that week. I'm so glad it worked out this way because now he, our oldest daughter and her boyfriend and his dad can all go out to Maine together and he will get to see the camp where our daughter is going to work all summer!
Hope all are safe and tucking in for the night. Have a great week. Wow...I feel such a burden lifted!!
For those visiting family and friends for Easter travel safe! And happy racing to everyone!
Sheryl, what a bummer! But I'm sure you are making the right decision (although a very hard one). Those choices are never easy.
GiGi- UGH! A whole year? I simply can't imagine your frustration. I hope you can recover well and be back strong and ready to race again next year.
And yes, Sheryl, we returned home safe and sound. We drove due west from Nags Head, NC to Raleigh/Durham on Saturday night during all the storms that hit down here- basically crossing the path of 3 of the major supercells that dusted up several of the tornadoes. Somehow we timed things just right and punched through the storms without being hit by the biggest parts of them. It was a pretty crazy drive as we listened to the radio, watched the radar on my phone, and kept shoes, jacket, and camera at the ready in the event we needed to drive the car into a ditch and run for cover.
What would make us do something so crazy? Well, ok, I've always wanted to see a tornadoe so to be honest I'm a bit of a nut anyway. But the real motivation was to see my Great Niece, Tifa for the first time. She's 3 months old and this is the first chance we've had to see her (she was in the hospital with a bad infection for 2 weeks- long story- all is OK). Here's a pic, what a doll baby!
@Gina, so sorry to learn of your injury! I've watched the healing process through EN this past year and from what I can see it takes time and much patience. Hoping you are a fast healer!!!
@Nemo...that baby is soooooo cute and the great aunt is soooo cute too!!! You look great together!! Have fun with a new niece! How fun!
Thanks for the encouragement on letting go of IMTX. Nearly a week post decision, it was the right thing to do. I'm getting on the bike tonight with no drudgery thoughts. Just happy to ride and enjoy the effort!!!
Take care all! Cannot tell you how ready I am for winter to be over here in Minnesota!
@ Nemo, that is one cute peanut! I'm glad she is home and doing better.
@ Michele, no more scuba pics? It looks like you had an awesome time.
@ Sheryl, I'm glad you seem at peace with the decision about not doing IMTX. It seems a bit unfair to ask someone to plan so far in advance for one race, one day. I definitely felt that pressure last year doing my first IM. I hope you can enjoy the rest of the summer just doing what you like because it's fun!
I just realized that I have a RR to do this weekend! That means my race is in 6 weeks!!! I have not been on my tri bike since Sept. and have done exactly 1 ride outside this year. I may be in over my head on this one. I have a 1/2 mary next weekend as well. It all sounded good when I planned my season. Now that all of this is upon us, maybe not so much.
Crazy things going on at work, lots of management changes. It makes for a bit of unrest. One of our managers was just diagnosed with lung cancer. It breaks my heart as she is such a great person. 1 year away from retirement. She has a great attitude and will fight for sure.
I had a great time out on the Boston Marathon course. It was a great race this year. It was cool to see it as a spectator rather than a participant. It was nice to meet some other EN peeps as well. Renewed my resolve to qualify again.
I have been reading the books written by Dean Karnazes (sp?). That man is a machine. 4.5 hours of sleep per night? 50 marathons in 50 days? WOW. Trying to wrap my head around what the human body is capable of, just not sure if my body would be capable of some of those things.
Let me try and catch up with everyone:
@Carly: You'll do great! Just keep up the training.
@Nemo: What a cutie!
@Sheryl: I'm glad you let go of IMTX. It was sounding like that was the best decision for you and your family. But, I would have loved to met you in person. What is the news on the job situation?
@Gigi: At least you know what is wrong and can get it fixed. Sounds like a year off may be a good thing mentally as well as physically.
@Michele: Pics or it didn't happen!
@Becky: Glad things are going well with Mike. Sounds like things are good all around for you.
Work is still crazy busy. School is wrapping up for the semester. Just one more exam next week then I'm done. I did catch 13 students cheating on an assignment so will have some academic hearings to deal with. The rule is you cheat, you fail the class. So stoopid for a 25 point assignment.
I've started running more - which is really nice. I'm thinking of doing a sprint or two over the summer. Just something to keep me motivated. I am looking forward to NYC marathon and am really enjoying the running again.
We are gearing up for IMTX at work. We are the title sponsor and will be working the expo, attending the dinner, etc. There is a big announcement coming out May 11 so there is lots of work around that - at least by marketing and others. They aren't telling us how the launch is going to be handled, but we know what it is. I'm not allowed to talk about it yet. Yes, it is killing me not to tell you guys.
But, they've threatened to shoot me if I do. 
I'll be glad when IMTX is over for multiple reasons. We'll be over the hump at work and all the stuff around it. And, John's training will be over. Honestly, I'm getting tired of the 4AM alarms. Just a couple of more weeks. . . .
Sheryl- I am glad that you are at peace with the decision and that it worked out even better for your family I do not know HOW you could train for IMTX in MN!
Penny- Can't wait to hear what else is in store. Bummer about the students, but some people just do not want to put in the effort to think.
Gigi- Sounds like you may have been having pain for a bit and finally received an answer. Pain is draining. And the whole "want" to race thing is part of the reason to IM every other year. I can not get excited for it every year. Too much work.
Carly- I am guessing you are not riding on Saturday. Too cold and rainy (for me anyway). I am thinking I will head out tomorrow morning. It will be cold, but sunny at least! SO sad about your co -worker.
Nemo- You look happy and thinner than usual. Watching the food you eat is working for you- not that you were ever in danger of being overweight!
So I am considering doing 2 HIM with 2 weeks in between. The first as a warm up for the 2nd. Of course I haven't checked to see if registration is open for the first, and I am already registered for the 2nd. I have been thinking about different types of goals for tri. I am not big into racing, I like training. But I was considering that maybe more racing, closer together might be a neat challenge. You don't even want to know what I am considering for 2012!
@Nemo, I love looking at that picture of you and the baby!! So so cute!
@Penny, Ugh...cheating. I hate it. Hope that isn't too stressful for you. I had to laugh at the 4AM reference. Archie said exactly the same thing about my alarm. He was worried every day that I left to drive to swimming at 4. Worried that I would hit a deer or fall asleep. I would love to meet you!!! Hopefully I will get down soon.
Since I'm back in a 1/2 IM outseason with no HUGE biking on the weekend I went to Weekend Warrior at Core Exercise Studio and OMW!!! I can even pick anything up off the floor today. So shocking how quickly the toning is lost when you are only biking, running and swimming.
I agree on training for early season IM in Minnesota. If I went into the winter uber fit, do you think it's possible???? I just hate the trainer but a lot of that is my lack of weight loss and fitness. Would love your thoughts.
Happy Easter to all of you!!
@Sheryl: It is just a different kind of training. Our bodies can't always stay in shape for everything. I think mixing it up is good. Since I haven't done an IM, I will leave it for others to give you guidance on that. You could just move to Texas where you can train outside year round. :-)
@Sheryl: It is just a different kind of training. Our bodies can't always stay in shape for everything. I think mixing it up is good. Since I haven't done an IM, I will leave it for others to give you guidance on that. You could just move to Texas where you can train outside year round. :-)
Hi Ladies!
Sorry I haven't checked in in a while - and there's so much going on.
@Nemo - what an angel. glad you had a good trip!
@Gigi - so sorry to hear about your injury and that you won't be at WI. Rest up!
@Sheryl - sounds like you made the right decision re: TX. Own it and move in (which it sounds like you're doing).
@Michele - welcome back. Glad you and Max had a wonderful trip. Thanks for your thoughts re: kids.
Umm... I'm sure I'm missing lots of folks...
I'm dealing with my first ever serious bout of allergies and it's killing me. Dry coughing, head feeling puffy, eyes itchy. Not really sleeping because of watery eyes and ears popping. It's been totally annoying. Despite all of that I did get out to ride yesterday (potentially bad bc of the pollen, but I have a hilly racecoming up in less than a month not to mention a trip to WI over Memorial Day weekend... which, to be honest, I'm more worried about than the OLY).
Mike's kids were out of town last weekend so we went to a B&B on Sat night. The drive down and back was fun. Lots of talking... some of it was hard stuff, but okay. This past Fri night they came back and because we'd planned a get together with my friends assuming they'd still be gone I met them 3 months ahead of schedule. It went okay... but the evening was tough for me because it was very, very obvious I was third in line. I should be and I know that, but it was a bitter pill... we barely spoke all afternoon/night. Then I helped clean up, and said my goodbyes before the kids got ready for bed. Still processing that. I think it'll be okay as I don't think this summer there will be much overlap as I'll be in full training mode... but at the end of the day I have to figure out if I'm okay with this. I'm jealous of them and potentially they're jealous of me... and I am quite certain everything I say and do will go back to mom... it's really a strange feeling.
Still dealing with PF, but the ART/Graston is helping. The doc is optimistic that I can do Eagleman (I asked if I'd be able to start running by June, to get ready for WI and he responded that I;m farther ahead than I think). He actually told me I could try to run on it, which I did yesterday. Wasn't pain free and I was limping much more noticeably than I had been before the run after but today I woke up and it was like it was pre-run. So, we'll see. I may DNF Columbia or run/walk (mostly walk) the 10k. Who knows.