I don't know how you continue to overlook this flagrant violation by Strauss of the Euro Cyclist Code. I'm referring to the Johnny Depp head covering thing he's done for years, with the doo rag knot and "I'm faster than you" banner protruding from behind the helmet. Sure, he's shortened it over the years and there's no longer a skull and cross bones on it, but it's still there. If he insists on wearing under helmet protection (and let's face it, he needs to) then it ought to be a skull cap only- light in the summer months, heavier in cooler months.
Marco Pantani was famous for his doo-rag. While I want to knock Rich for wearing it (i'd prefer a short brimmed cycling cap) he gets a pass because of that technicality.
I've submitted a waiver request to the Code Enforcement Board due to my pre-existing condition of having no hair, at all, to help with the collection of sweat. FYI, I have:
A short brimmed hat but it's a little too tight/my grape is too big and gives me a headache. Not a valid excuse, I know, but there you go.
Another hat, acquired from the BMC tent at the ToC Stage 1 expo while talking to Hincappie's brother/relative/at least he had Hincappie on his nametag about possibly using them vs Capo for EN cycling kit. Hat is even red, white and black, goes well with the EN kit. But the material is hydrophobic and just sheds sweat.
A head cooler skullcap dealio from Desoto that seems to work well...maybe I'll pick up another couple of these.
59. The Euro Cyclist shall own a sizeable parrot and will ensure that he is seen walking around photo shoots with it perched either upon his casually outstretched index finger or upon his shoulder. Hair should be slicked back for maximal effect. The parrot should either be white or it should contain three (3) or more colors found within the World cup stripes. One must always smile when pictured with the parrot. The parrot should speak fluent Italian. In certain cases it is deemed advisable that the Euro Cyclist possess, in place of a parrot, SEVERAL young pumas.
Good news, as Sonny and Riley have been asking for a pet parrot...
I got a new road bike a couple of weeks ago (only had a tri bike the past 7 or so years) and went through this same process in another thread. Good stuff below and this is what I have learned so far . . . . .
Carrying stuff (total streamline like we learn in EN):
- I have a tube, 2 x cO2, tire iron, inflator, two allen wrenches in a ziplock baggie that goes in my center rear cycling jersey pocket.
- Bar, couple of gels, etc. in my left jersey pocket
- Phone, credit card and cash in a ziplock in my right jersey pocket
- 24 oz. bottles in my seat and down tube cages
- When I am done, left over nutrition and tube ziplock simply go into my helmet and are there when I am ready to go next time.
Enough for 2 -3 hour ride and plenty of room in left and right pockets to add fuel, jacket, arm warmers, etc., if needed. No need for Bento Box or saddle bag. Dan Socie would be proud of me! And I don't even notice the stuff in my jersey as I am riding. I thought that might be an issue but it isn't.
If I am going to do some sort of long day tour that Al mentioned below, then I would need to rethink this a bit. But since 99.9% for my rides are not tours . . . . .
- Capo gear is frigging expensive and the cut is for you little peeps.
- Most people (at least in my area) don't dress to the cycling code and because I do . . . I look sharp. Again, Dan Socie would be proud.
- 5" high socks make me look like a dork! Sorry, Dan.
- NO Ironman clothing on a roadie ride.
- White cycling shoes look sweet.
- Full kit or black cycling shorts and a jersey. And bibs RULE!
- For bricks, I like my DeSoto Forza tri shorts if I brick when I am not doing it at home. But off my road bike at home I simply do a quick wordrobe change into running shorts and a running shirt.
- If you have a tri bike (which you do), no to the aerobars on the road bike. Now that I have ridden my road bike for awhile I just love being up in the hoods, on the bar, etc. Even on the flats! I think you will find the same thing.
"tube, 2 x cO2, tire iron, inflator, two allen wrenches in a ziplock baggie that goes in my center rear cycling jersey pocket." Check. Lose the ziplock
"Bar, couple of gels, etc. in my left jersey pocket" Check. Lose the gels. 1 bar will do.
"Phone, credit card and cash in a ziplock in my right jersey pocket" Check. But put these is the zip lock not your tools.
"24 oz. bottles in my seat and down tube cages" Check. 20oz will do btw. Water only. unless you doing a hundy.
"When I am done, left over nutrition and tube ziplock simply go into my helmet and are there when I am ready to go next time." Check. Check.
John Stark you are quick study and you have lots potential. Well done. Sniff...so proud
Tools: I actually have a container of sorts that is ziploc baggie shaped for tire changing tools. I pondered going to that, but as per Rich's point a while back, that's an essential assortment of equipment that you would hate to forget. And given that I want that with me bar none, on every ride, I have just settled for *small* saddle bag, so it's one less thing to think about. (that counts as streamlining, right? less thought??)
But I have taken to carrying everything else in them jersey pockets. You are right, it's not so bad.
Check - no aero bars, no ironman stuff. (no tri related apparel whatsoever, actually). I miss the aero position, especially into headwinds, but I'll survive.
And sometimes for bricks I will do a clothes change too. But if not, I am sure to wear shorts that are a bit longer and at a super fast glance might be able to pass as real cycling shorts. Because work works I do have the ability to do super fast (at least to people who are standing still).
Bibs? I get you on the concept, but hells no am I going to undress if I ever need to pee. Chicas just can't "hang it over the fance."
sorry, but there were various offenses mentioned to the yet to be published running code & the tri dork...
lycra shorts on a run are only allowed on the track AND you better be going very fast or jumping over hurdles.
brick runs in lycra shorts out in public (i.e. not on the track) is just wrong..., put some shorts over those that are as long as your lycra bike shorts.
the only exception to this is for female runners, but the lycra shorts have to be super short on the run (i.e. not on the bike), NO long lycra shorts on the run.
In an extra pro move, I upgraded the Ziploc bag to the Rapha essentials case. Genius. I've taken to using it as my regular purse, too. I just steal the detachable wrist strap from another clutch, and I am real world fashionable -- with bonus C02 and tire levers, because you never know when you'll need them.
@Julia: Was out on a ride yesterday wearing my bibs and a cycling jersey and hit a local "bike friendly" stop and used the out house. Didn't want to take off my jersey in the confined out house in case the stuff in my jersey fell out and into the toilet (or even on the floor). So took it off before I entered. Needless to say, I now "get it" why, as a female, you don't wanna wear bibs.
Also, I will be in SoCal in a couple of week. Let's hook up and ride. And please post a pic of your new ride.
@Beth - That is a very cool item. I have been looking for a non-ziplock holder myself. But $55 is a bit outta my price range.
I bet you look quite stylish when you break out your stuff to change your flat.
@ John: Yes! I have been meaning to take photos. There is actually one that I kind of like but it was taken by a pro at my last race, so I might see if I can post that too.
I'm asking for a ruling on the Rapha case from D Socie. Red flags everywhere on this one. It makes too much sense and reeks of practicality. Like a bento box. It's probably going to be disallowed.
I'm guessing he's going to insist that all the items are just crammed in the jersey, ad hoc, as if to say, hey, I don't really care, I'm a novelist and organization is beneath me. It's simply not cool and my mom's family is from France and my grandfather rode the Tour. Smoking.
I think the Rapha case make sense and is certainly better than the alternative, which is your shit in a ziplock bag. I've thought about putting everything in a Crown Royal bag in my jersey pocket :-)
I argue for the pro-ness of the Rapha case, becase carrying cycling levers and C02 when I go out for dinner is just pro -- I can rescue poor roadies distress -- in a cocktail dress and heels.
I like Rich's Crown Royal bag idea. Here's my roadie plan:
Small saddle bag with: spare tube, multi-tool (I claim I can fix just about any mechanical except a broken crank...which if I ever did it would be framed and put on my wall), levers, patch kit (I'll explain in a minute), and $1 to use as an emergency tire boot
Jersey pockets: phone, credit card, $$, and map on post it if I don't know where I'm going in baggie, food (powder or bar), and mini-pump. If it's a long ride, I will usually carry a second tube as well
As you can tell, I've got a bit of a tire repair fetish. My experience is that flats often come in 3s, and when they do, you're screwed if you've only got a couple of CO2s. On group rides this is particularly problematic, because someone invariably gets a huge blowout which requires a new tube, doesn't bring any CO2, or just forgets to bring anything. In those cases, I'm ready to pitch in and feel smug about having the ability to fix and inflate at least 8 or more flats on any ride. Any more than 8 and I'll just ride the dang rim home.
I break most of the other roadie rules. I'm too cheap to match up my kit all the time, and cycling clothes are just too expensive IMHO. I've got 2-3 wool jersies that I love to wear in the spring/fall, though. White shoes get too dirty and I don't want to spend my spare time cleaning up shoes. I lose sunglasses like crazy too, so I stick with the $10 Ironman brand ones (oopsy...there's another broken rule) they have at Wal Mart. My helmet isn't very fancy either since I got it free when I bought my tri bike.
I found this nice, faux-leather wallet from Genuine Innovation at a LBS for $24.99. Will hold a tube, two O2, tire iron, a couple of allen wrenchs and an inflator (just the top - don't need the lower part for threaded cartridges), no problem.
Bibs? I get you on the concept, but hells no am I going to undress if I ever need to pee. Chicas just can't "hang it over the fance."
Well, as a chica... have to offer a divergent opinion... Once I went to bibs, it's amazing how irritated I get when I have to ride in shorts. Yes, annoying in the middle of winter when I have to take off a bunch of layers to pee, but well worth it.
So any of you that are thinking you can't wear bibs because you're a girl.. not necessarily true. And while I absolutely can't speak for anyone who is.. um... well-endowed, at least for us A-cups I swear there's no fit issue there either.
You make it sound like it's only annoying in the middle of winter with all the layers. You still have to take stuff off if you have even one layer, and with all the stuff I am now toting around in my jersey pockets because I am becoming a roadie and not a tri geek, I then have to make sure none of it drops on the revolting floor of wherever I am making my pit stop. (and HEAVEN forbid if it's in the bushes!).
So even in summer - you take your jersey on and off and its not a problem?
Yes, I take my jersey on and off. Depending on where I am stopping, I may be able to drape it over a door or something. When I have not much in my pockets, no prob. Long rides where I have half of my possesions in my jersey I have had it fall on the floor on occasion. Honestly, usually I hold it in my teeth if it's not too heavy, but since having to put caps on 3 of my front teeth after a crash I'm a little more sketched about doing that as I can't afford more dental work. On more remote (ok, maybe not _THAT_ remote...) rides where I'm peeing on the side of the road I stick jersey on my bike or hang it on a bush. Looks really great if I get caught because basically , in the middle of summer with no base layer on there is a split-second where I'm bare except for the sport bra.
I'm asking for a ruling on the Rapha case from D Socie. Red flags everywhere on this one. It makes too much sense and reeks of practicality. Like a bento box. It's probably going to be disallowed.
I've been trying to hold me tougne mainly because Beth has a great sense of style and the ladies get a pass on most everything. Now if it was a Soigneur branded bag (bento purse?) I would be encouraging everyone to buy one but since it's Rapha then I can't approve.
Best to stick with a ziplock to avoid ridicule and humilation from your riding partners. Crown Royal bag would be bad @ss though. Totally approve.
ok. Since my birthday is in August I am going to have to make a note to ask for a cycling bib, as well as a bag, I mean bottle, of crown royal. I'm not convinced I am going to like the bib, but I am willing to give it a shot. I guess I can put everything in my bag of crown and then hold that in my teeth. I only have one cap on my teeth so far...
85 roadie rules to live by:
well, I made it all the way to rule #42 and then upon seeing rule #42, I gave up.
I don't know how you continue to overlook this flagrant violation by Strauss of the Euro Cyclist Code. I'm referring to the Johnny Depp head covering thing he's done for years, with the doo rag knot and "I'm faster than you" banner protruding from behind the helmet. Sure, he's shortened it over the years and there's no longer a skull and cross bones on it, but it's still there. If he insists on wearing under helmet protection (and let's face it, he needs to) then it ought to be a skull cap only- light in the summer months, heavier in cooler months.
I move for sanction. But that's me, Mr. Vegas.
As I recall, the bald Pantini's nickname was "The Pirate".
So Coach Pirate it is.
I've submitted a waiver request to the Code Enforcement Board due to my pre-existing condition of having no hair, at all, to help with the collection of sweat. FYI, I have:
59. The Euro Cyclist shall own a sizeable parrot and will ensure that
he is seen walking around photo shoots with it perched either upon his
casually outstretched index finger or upon his shoulder. Hair should
be slicked back for maximal effect. The parrot should either be white
or it should contain three (3) or more colors found within the World
cup stripes. One must always smile when pictured with the parrot. The
parrot should speak fluent Italian. In certain cases it is deemed
advisable that the Euro Cyclist possess, in place of a parrot, SEVERAL
young pumas.
Good news, as Sonny and Riley have been asking for a pet parrot...
I got a new road bike a couple of weeks ago (only had a tri bike the past 7 or so years) and went through this same process in another thread. Good stuff below and this is what I have learned so far . . . . .
Carrying stuff (total streamline like we learn in EN):
- I have a tube, 2 x cO2, tire iron, inflator, two allen wrenches in a ziplock baggie that goes in my center rear cycling jersey pocket.
- Bar, couple of gels, etc. in my left jersey pocket
- Phone, credit card and cash in a ziplock in my right jersey pocket
- 24 oz. bottles in my seat and down tube cages
- When I am done, left over nutrition and tube ziplock simply go into my helmet and are there when I am ready to go next time.
Enough for 2 -3 hour ride and plenty of room in left and right pockets to add fuel, jacket, arm warmers, etc., if needed. No need for Bento Box or saddle bag. Dan Socie would be proud of me! And I don't even notice the stuff in my jersey as I am riding. I thought that might be an issue but it isn't.
If I am going to do some sort of long day tour that Al mentioned below, then I would need to rethink this a bit. But since 99.9% for my rides are not tours . . . . .
- Capo gear is frigging expensive and the cut is for you little peeps.
Again, Dan Socie would be proud.
- Most people (at least in my area) don't dress to the cycling code and because I do . . . I look sharp.
- 5" high socks make me look like a dork! Sorry, Dan.
- NO Ironman clothing on a roadie ride.
- White cycling shoes look sweet.
- Full kit or black cycling shorts and a jersey. And bibs RULE!
- For bricks, I like my DeSoto Forza tri shorts if I brick when I am not doing it at home. But off my road bike at home I simply do a quick wordrobe change into running shorts and a running shirt.
- If you have a tri bike (which you do), no to the aerobars on the road bike. Now that I have ridden my road bike for awhile I just love being up in the hoods, on the bar, etc. Even on the flats! I think you will find the same thing.
Hope this helps and enjoy your new ride.
Check. Lose the ziplock
"Bar, couple of gels, etc. in my left jersey pocket"
Check. Lose the gels. 1 bar will do.
"Phone, credit card and cash in a ziplock in my right jersey pocket"
Check. But put these is the zip lock not your tools.
"24 oz. bottles in my seat and down tube cages"
Check. 20oz will do btw. Water only. unless you doing a hundy.
"When I am done, left over nutrition and tube ziplock simply go into my helmet and are there when I am ready to go next time."
Check. Check.
John Stark you are quick study and you have lots potential. Well done. Sniff...so proud
ok I gotta see the 60 second head shave video.
@ John:
Tools: I actually have a container of sorts that is ziploc baggie shaped for tire changing tools. I pondered going to that, but as per Rich's point a while back, that's an essential assortment of equipment that you would hate to forget. And given that I want that with me bar none, on every ride, I have just settled for *small* saddle bag, so it's one less thing to think about. (that counts as streamlining, right? less thought??)
But I have taken to carrying everything else in them jersey pockets. You are right, it's not so bad.
Check - no aero bars, no ironman stuff. (no tri related apparel whatsoever, actually). I miss the aero position, especially into headwinds, but I'll survive.
And sometimes for bricks I will do a clothes change too. But if not, I am sure to wear shorts that are a bit longer and at a super fast glance might be able to pass as real cycling shorts. Because work works I do have the ability to do super fast (at least to people who are standing still).
Bibs? I get you on the concept, but hells no am I going to undress if I ever need to pee. Chicas just can't "hang it over the fance."
Thanks for weighing in!!!
sorry, but there were various offenses mentioned to the yet to be published running code & the tri dork...
lycra shorts on a run are only allowed on the track AND you better be going very fast or jumping over hurdles.
brick runs in lycra shorts out in public (i.e. not on the track) is just wrong...
, put some shorts over those that are as long as your lycra bike shorts.
the only exception to this is for female runners, but the lycra shorts have to be super short on the run (i.e. not on the bike), NO long lycra shorts on the run
In an extra pro move, I upgraded the Ziploc bag to the Rapha essentials case. Genius. I've taken to using it as my regular purse, too. I just steal the detachable wrist strap from another clutch, and I am real world fashionable -- with bonus C02 and tire levers, because you never know when you'll need them.
Totally recommend.
@Julia: Was out on a ride yesterday wearing my bibs and a cycling jersey and hit a local "bike friendly" stop and used the out house. Didn't want to take off my jersey in the confined out house in case the stuff in my jersey fell out and into the toilet (or even on the floor). So took it off before I entered. Needless to say, I now "get it" why, as a female, you don't wanna wear bibs.
Also, I will be in SoCal in a couple of week. Let's hook up and ride. And please post a pic of your new ride.
@Beth - That is a very cool item. I have been looking for a non-ziplock holder myself. But $55 is a bit outta my price range.
I bet you look quite stylish when you break out your stuff to change your flat.
@ John: Yes! I have been meaning to take photos. There is actually one that I kind of like but it was taken by a pro at my last race, so I might see if I can post that too.
When will you be here? yes! Let's ride!
I'm guessing he's going to insist that all the items are just crammed in the jersey, ad hoc, as if to say, hey, I don't really care, I'm a novelist and organization is beneath me. It's simply not cool and my mom's family is from France and my grandfather rode the Tour. Smoking.
I argue for the pro-ness of the Rapha case, becase carrying cycling levers and C02 when I go out for dinner is just pro -- I can rescue poor roadies distress -- in a cocktail dress and heels.
Small saddle bag with: spare tube, multi-tool (I claim I can fix just about any mechanical except a broken crank...which if I ever did it would be framed and put on my wall), levers, patch kit (I'll explain in a minute), and $1 to use as an emergency tire boot
Jersey pockets: phone, credit card, $$, and map on post it if I don't know where I'm going in baggie, food (powder or bar), and mini-pump. If it's a long ride, I will usually carry a second tube as well
As you can tell, I've got a bit of a tire repair fetish. My experience is that flats often come in 3s, and when they do, you're screwed if you've only got a couple of CO2s. On group rides this is particularly problematic, because someone invariably gets a huge blowout which requires a new tube, doesn't bring any CO2, or just forgets to bring anything. In those cases, I'm ready to pitch in and feel smug about having the ability to fix and inflate at least 8 or more flats on any ride. Any more than 8 and I'll just ride the dang rim home.
I break most of the other roadie rules. I'm too cheap to match up my kit all the time, and cycling clothes are just too expensive IMHO. I've got 2-3 wool jersies that I love to wear in the spring/fall, though. White shoes get too dirty and I don't want to spend my spare time cleaning up shoes. I lose sunglasses like crazy too, so I stick with the $10 Ironman brand ones (oopsy...there's another broken rule) they have at Wal Mart. My helmet isn't very fancy either since I got it free when I bought my tri bike.
Oh, this is GREAT!!! I am going to start my hunt pronto.
And Crown Royal is gluten free! 
I found this nice, faux-leather wallet from Genuine Innovation at a LBS for $24.99. Will hold a tube, two O2, tire iron, a couple of allen wrenchs and an inflator (just the top - don't need the lower part for threaded cartridges), no problem.
Well, as a chica... have to offer a divergent opinion... Once I went to bibs, it's amazing how irritated I get when I have to ride in shorts. Yes, annoying in the middle of winter when I have to take off a bunch of layers to pee, but well worth it.
So any of you that are thinking you can't wear bibs because you're a girl.. not necessarily true. And while I absolutely can't speak for anyone who is.. um... well-endowed, at least for us A-cups I swear there's no fit issue there either.
I am intrigued.
You make it sound like it's only annoying in the middle of winter with all the layers. You still have to take stuff off if you have even one layer, and with all the stuff I am now toting around in my jersey pockets because I am becoming a roadie and not a tri geek, I then have to make sure none of it drops on the revolting floor of wherever I am making my pit stop. (and HEAVEN forbid if it's in the bushes!).
So even in summer - you take your jersey on and off and its not a problem?
...and all of this is ANOTHER reason why you ALWAYS wear a full zip jersey, cuz it makes wardrobe gyrations like this so much easier...
I've been trying to hold me tougne mainly because Beth has a great sense of style and the ladies get a pass on most everything. Now if it was a Soigneur branded bag (bento purse?) I would be encouraging everyone to buy one but since it's Rapha then I can't approve.
Best to stick with a ziplock to avoid ridicule and humilation from your riding partners. Crown Royal bag would be bad @ss though. Totally approve.
I am sensing a group buy of Crown Royal bags. Maybe we can get EN logo sewn in on the other side?
This really is a great thread, BTW!
ok. Since my birthday is in August I am going to have to make a note to ask for a cycling bib, as well as a bag, I mean bottle, of crown royal.
I'm not convinced I am going to like the bib, but I am willing to give it a shot.
I guess I can put everything in my bag of crown and then hold that in my teeth. I only have one cap on my teeth so far...
John, I didn't see this!! You are fantastic!!!! I'm in!! For two!
That Crown Royal bag find is a riot! And I agree; a group buy and we'd all be badass!